Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The "Images on Chart" feature gives a dentist close integration between the chart and any images stored in EXAMINE Pro. You will instantly be able to see whether there are any images stored for a tooth, and to access them with one click.


The "Images on Chart" feature works only with 2D mode - it is not operational in 3D mode.

If two monitors are connected to the computer, the Image Viewer and Cascade Viewer features (details below) will not launch unless EXACT is running on the primary monitor.

EXAMINE Pro Show Hidden checkbox

This applies from EXACT v12.1.


When the software has the setting Hide images instead of delete checked, then when an image is "deleted" in EXACT it is actually hidden.


Show Hidden checkbox:

From EXACT v12.1 the Images tab now includes a Show Hidden checkbox that is unchecked by default (hidden images do not display).

Check this checkbox to display the "deleted" images, together with the active images.


EXAMINE Pro chart images

When you click the Chart tab for a patient, EXAMINE Prostarts and any images for that patient load.

Any teeth that have images associated with them will have a bar next to their graphic on the tooth chart.

Hover your mouse cursor over the tooth to display a tool tip listing the images:


To view the images


  • Hover the mouse over the bar next to the tooth - the most recent image will appear. It will disappear once the mouse cursor is moved off the bar.

  • Right-click the the bar next to the tooth; the Image menu will be displayed, offering you the choice of launching EXAMINE Pro, the Image Viewer or the Cascade Viewer:

  • In the Images window, select the appropriate tooth, then click either the Image Viewer buttonor the Cascade Viewer button


Configuring Images on Chart

Images to be used for viewing on the chart are classified into four types:

  • X-rays

  • Panoral (OPG)

  • Photos

  • Other

The Configure EXAMINE-Pro configuration screen allows you to set up and classify the sites image types into these groups.

To configure images on the chart

Access the screen from the Configure menu.


The above example has some entries deliberately left blank as they do not relate to teeth, being extra-oral or other x-ray types. You may override these default settings or add more if you wish.


The list of types defaults to include all the types available in EXAMINE Pro when the software is first run. After that it is up to the user to keep track of any changes.

This is a simple list window where you can create and edit text entries. For each text entry you can choose one of the four types.

If no type is chosen, then the image type will not be shown on the chart representation.

Adding or Editing images

  1. To add items to the list, click the +1 button, and then browse your computer to find the image file(s) you wish to add.

  2. To edit list items, either double-click the item in the list, or highlight it and click thebutton to display an Edit window:Images Type - Each type has up to three subcategories, separated by a semicolon, including:(Intra-oral), EO (Extra-oral), NA (Not Applicable).XRAY, PAN (Panoral), CEPH (Cephalometric ), TWN (Twain aquisition).


IO - Bitewing, Periapical, StillCam (still camera image), StreamCam (streaming camera image), Other.

As above. Click the down button to select from the drop-down list:


Click the OK button to save the changes made, or the Cancel button to close the window without saving any changes.

De functie "Afbeeldingen op kaart" geeft de tandarts een nauwe integratie tussen de kaart en alle afbeeldingen die zijn opgeslagen in EXAMINE Pro. U kunt direct zien of er afbeeldingen voor een tand zijn opgeslagen en deze met één klik openen

Let op: De functie 'Afbeeldingen op kaart' werkt alleen in de 2D-modus - deze werkt niet in de 3D-modus.

Als er twee monitoren op de computer zijn aangesloten, worden de functies Image Viewer en Cascade Viewer (details hieronder) pas gestart als Evolution op de primaire monitor wordt uitgevoerd.

EXAMINE Pro Verborgen selectievakje weergeven. Dit geldt vanaf Evolution v12.1.


Als de software de instelling Afbeeldingen verbergen in plaats van verwijderen heeft aangevinkt, dan is een afbeelding die in EXACT wordt "verwijderd" eigenlijk verborgen.


Verborgen selectievakje weergeven:

Vanaf EXACT v12.1 bevat het tabblad Afbeeldingen nu een selectievakje verborgen weergeven dat standaard is uitgeschakeld (verborgen afbeeldingen worden niet weergegeven).

Schakel dit selectievakje in om de "verwijderde" afbeeldingen weer te geven, samen met de actieve afbeeldingen.


EXAMINE Pro-kaartafbeeldingen

Wanneer u op het tabblad behandelkaart voor een patiënt klikt, wordt Examine Pro en eventuele afbeeldingen voor die patiënt geladen.

Beweeg uw muiscursor over de tand om een ​​tooltip weer te geven met de afbeeldingen: EXAMINE Pro afbeeldingen:


Om de afbeeldingen te bekijken kunt u een van de volgende stappen volgen:

  • Beweeg de muis over de balk naast de tand - de meest recente afbeelding verschijnt. Het zal verdwijnen zodra de muiscursor van de balk wordt verplaatst.

  • Klik met de rechtermuisknop op de balk naast de tand; het menu Afbeelding wordt weergegeven en biedt u de keuze om EXAMINE Pro, de Image Viewer of de Cascade Viewer te starten:

  • Selecteer in het venster Afbeeldingen de juiste tand en klik vervolgens op de knop Image Viewer of de knop Cascade Viewer


Afbeeldingen op de kaart configureren

Afbeeldingen die voor weergave op de kaart moeten worden gebruikt, worden in vier typen ingedeeld:

  • röntgenafbeeldingen

  • Panoraal (OPG)

  • Foto's

  • Anders

In het configuratiescherm van EXAMINE-Pro configureren kunt u de afbeeldingstypen van de site in deze groepen instellen en classificeren.

Open het scherm vanuit het menu Configureren.


Toevoegen of wijzigingen van afbeeldingstypen

  1. Als u items aan de lijst wilt toevoegen, klikt u op de knop +1 en bladert u vervolgens op uw computer naar de afbeeldingsbestanden die u wilt toevoegen.

  2. Om lijstitems te bewerken, dubbelklikt u op het item in de lijst of selecteert u het en klikt u op de ED knop: Type afbeeldingen - Elk type heeft maximaal drie subcategorieën, gescheiden door een puntkomma, waaronder: (Intra-oraal) , EO (extra-oraal), NA (niet van toepassing).XRAY, PAN (panoraal), CEPH (cefalometrisch), TWN (dubbele acquisitie). IO - Bitewing, Periapical, StillCam (stilstaand camerabeeld), StreamCam (streaming camerabeeld), Overige.

Klik op ED en selecteer uit de lijst de juiste afbeelding en klik daarna op OK of annuleren.


Image Representation

Colour Coding:


  • Hover the mouse cursor over the edge of the window until it turns into a double-headed arrow:(To move two adjacent sides together, hover the mouse cursor over a corner of the window).

  • While holding the button down, move the mouse up, down and/or sideways as appropriate until the Image Viewer window is the required size.

    Release the mouse button; the window will stay this size until you resize it.

    Note that subsequently opened windows will always initially be the old size, as the default settings of new windows are not reset until the very last window is closed. At this point, that window's size is stored and becomes the new default window size.





Header Bar


Shows the tooth (or teeth) the images are associated with. In the example, this is LL6.


Upper pane


The top part of the window shows small 'thumbnail' representations of the images.When you click on an image, it is given a red border and moved towards the centre to show it is selected.Click on the arrow buttonsto scroll between multiple images.




Below the thumbnail image(s) there are two lines of information about the currently selected image. The first line of information is the file name, and the image details: date and time created and any other information saved against the image, such as tooth number.The second line is any comments about the image that have been entered.To edit the comments, click thebutton.To view the full line of information, enlarge the window or click thebutton.Both the upper and lower panes can have more than one image displayed, and each can have a different image selected (as indicated by being highlighted with a red border). The detail in the information panel always pertains to the image selected in the lower pane.


Lower pane


  • window


  • size


If you wish to, you can display the same image several times in the lower pane, then manipulate each image separately and independently.


Image Manipulation

The features below describe various ways you can manipulate the image(s) displayed. None of these permanently alter the stored image (changes are lost once another image is selected).


Number of Images


  • .




There is a slider control in the bottom right-hand corner of the viewport for the currently selected image:This shows a thumbnail picture of the current image, and what size the image is set to, relative to the original image (in this example, 19%).To change the displayed size of the image in the viewport, drag the slider with your mouse, or place the mouse pointer on the slider bar and click: the slider will move to where the mouse cursor is.You can also use the middle scroll wheel of your mouse (if it has one) to increase or decrease the image size.




If the image size is larger than will fit in the viewport, scroll bars are displayed to enable you to move the image vertically and/or horizontally. You can also drag the image with your mouse, or click with the middle mouse button or wheel: this will display a four-headed arrow - move your mouse around this and the image will move in that direction.




Right-click anywhere on the image and while holding the right button down, move the mouse to the right to make the image brighter, or to the left to make it darker.




Right-click anywhere on the image and while holding the right button down, move the mouse up to increase contrast, or down to decrease contrast.


Image Toolbox


Select an image and click thebutton, or right-click an image, and the following menu is displayed, to enable you to manipulate the selected image:


Show Normal: Shows the selected image at original size.

Fit: Resizes the image to fit the current viewport size.

False Colour: Applies a preset false colour to the image.

Click the button again to return the image to normal colouration.

Invert Colours: Inverts the current display colour.

Click the button again to undo the colour inversion.

Rotate left/right: Each click of one of these buttons will rotate the image through 90 degrees anticlockwise/clockwise as appropriate.

Mirror Vertical/Horizontal: Shows a mirror image of the original, as if reflected in the horizontal or vertical axis.

Sharpen: Makes the image appear sharper by emphasising the difference between adjacent spots on the image.

Soften: Makes the image appear softer by blurring the distinction between adjacent spots on the image.

Despeckle: Makes an image look less 'speckled' by merging small dots on the image with adjacent (background) parts of the image.

Optimise Greyscale: Click this button once to optimise the contrast and brightness for black and white images such as x-rays.

