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Image Manipulation

The features below describe various ways you can manipulate the image(s) displayed. None of these permanently alter the stored image (changes are lost once another image is selected).

Number of Images

If there is more than one image available, you can scroll the images by using thebutton to scroll the images left, and thebutton to scroll right. Each click will move the images one position, and shift the highlight to the image in the centre of the pane. Alternatively, you can click on a scroll button, and hold it down, and the images will scroll continuously until you release the mouse button.The three buttons on the middle sectioncontrol whether the lower pane displays one, two or four image viewports:Click the appropriate button; this will display 1, 2 or 4 viewports.Click the viewport the image is to be displayed in.Select the image in the upper pane that is to be displayed in the currently selected lower viewport.


There is a slider control in the bottom right-hand corner of the viewport for the currently selected image:This shows a thumbnail picture of the current image, and what size the image is set to, relative to the original image (in this example, 19%).To change the displayed size of the image in the viewport, drag the slider with your mouse, or place the mouse pointer on the slider bar and click: the slider will move to where the mouse cursor is.You can also use the middle scroll wheel of your mouse (if it has one) to increase or decrease the image size.


If the image size is larger than will fit in the viewport, scroll bars are displayed to enable you to move the image vertically and/or horizontally. You can also drag the image with your mouse, or click with the middle mouse button or wheel: this will display a four-headed arrow - move your mouse around this and the image will move in that direction.


Right-click anywhere on the image and while holding the right button down, move the mouse to the right to make the image brighter, or to the left to make it darker.


Right-click anywhere on the image and while holding the right button down, move the mouse up to increase contrast, or down to decrease contrast.

Image Toolbox

Select an image and click thebutton, or right-click an image, and the following menu is displayed, to enable you to manipulate the selected image:

Show Normal: Shows the selected image at original size.

Fit: Resizes the image to fit the current viewport size.

False Colour: Applies a preset false colour to the image.

Click the button again to return the image to normal colouration.

Invert Colours: Inverts the current display colour.

Click the button again to undo the colour inversion.

Rotate left/right: Each click of one of these buttons will rotate the image through 90 degrees anticlockwise/clockwise as appropriate.

Mirror Vertical/Horizontal: Shows a mirror image of the original, as if reflected in the horizontal or vertical axis.

Sharpen: Makes the image appear sharper by emphasising the difference between adjacent spots on the image.

Soften: Makes the image appear softer by blurring the distinction between adjacent spots on the image.

Despeckle: Makes an image look less 'speckled' by merging small dots on the image with adjacent (background) parts of the image.

Optimise Greyscale: Click this button once to optimise the contrast and brightness for black and white images such as x-rays.



The Cascade Viewer is available to EXACT users who have EXAMINE Pro registered, and have configured it to be used.

To invoke the Cascade Viewer


  • Right-click an image indicator bar on the tooth chart, and select Cascade Viewer from the drop-down menu.
    This will show only those images for the tooth or teeth with which the bar is associated.

  • Click the Cascade buttonon the Images tab of the Chart window to display all images for the current patient.Due to potential image quality problems where two monitors are connected to one computer, the Cascade Viewer feature (details below) will not launch unless EXACT is running on the primary monitor. The images will appear only on the primary monitor.


Using the Cascade Viewer

Once invoked, the Cascade Viewer 'floats' on top of all other open windows, and will be displayed until you close it.

The images are displayed in an arc and flip forward toward you, just like the cards in a flip-card file:


While you are viewing the images in this fashion, the background is inactive and the resolution reduced in favour of the images you are viewing.


Scrolling: You can scroll the images forward or backwards using the up/down arrows on the keyboard, or the scroll button on your mouse (if so equipped).

Choose an Image: Hover your mouse cursor over an image - it will 'pop up' out of the other images, like the second green-tabbed image below, so you can read the details on the tab:


Close Cascade: Press the ESC button on your keyboard or click anywhere on the screen away from the Cascade images.