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The EXDOCe Email module enables Email to be sent and received by the practice.


IMAP Option for Incoming Email

EXACT historically used the POP protocol for Email, but from v12.7 the IMAP protocol is optional for incoming Email.


The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a more feature-rich mail protocol used for accessing email on a remote web server from a local client. It stores email messages on the mail server, but allows the end user to view and manipulate the messages as though they were stored locally on the end user's computing devices. Copies of messages and attachments are transferred to an email client only on request, but the originals always reside on the mail server.


  • EXACT v12.7 or later

To configure IMAP Email in EXACT

  1. Select Configure > Email Parameters to open the Email Setup wizard.
  2. Select Next>, then Next> again.
  3. In the Account Details page of the wizard, do the following:
    • Replace pop with imap
    • Accept the default IMAP port 993, or assign a different port number if required
    • Tick the checkbox,grey-checked Use IMAP checkbox Incoming
      (if you leave this unchecked EXACT will continue to use pop3)


  4. Select Next> until the last screen of the wizard displays, then select Finish.


Email Service Enhancements

From EXACT v12.8 the Email Service is located only on the dental practice server. It runs automatically for server and all workstations, even if your practice previously had manual-start settings, so your practice requires software and hardware that enables automatic connection to the Internet.


  • Email transmission is more reliable.
  • Any practitioner can monitor the email service status (functioning or not functioning) within EXACT:
    • EXACT notifies practitioners if emails are not being sent.
    • Any practitioner can restart the email service from within EXACT.

      - This restart applies to all workstations.

  • The Email Setup Wizard is simpler and includes more intuitive settings for controlling the rate of emails being sent from the practice (to mitigate against Internet Service Providers identifying bulk emails as automated spam).


  • The email service installation files are no longer included in the EXACT workstation installer.
  • The email service is set to automatically launch on the server, even if your practice previously manually ran the service.

    The Configure > Email Parameters... Email Setup Wizard has a server connection statement:

    "You should ensure that the server has the necessary hardware and software to connect to the internet."



It writes to the database(s) that it services each time that it passes this test. If the test fails (but the service is still running) it also writes the diagnostic log information back to the database.

Each EXACT workstation silently checks that these regular check-ins are occurring. So long as the email service is functioning correctly, the workstation displays a non-flashing status indicator whose tooltip states that the service is operating normally:


  • No dial up Internet options.
  • The Test button tests the currently running email service, rather than just the ISP credentials. This provides an improved indication of whether the current configuration is correct at setup time.
  • To reduce the chances of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) flagging an EXACT account as sending spam, the Email Setup Wizard includes a constraint on the rate of emails being sent per minute. By default this is 40 emails per minute, but you can change this interval up or down as required.


  1. Look at the status icons in the top right corner of the EXACT window, and locate the icon on the lower line:


  2. Hover your cursor over the cursor for a tooltip message.

    You will see one of these statuses:

    EmailServerRunning icon_EmailFailure-02

    NOTE: From change of status to the display of that status change may take up to 15 minuites.

  3. If the Email Server is not running, click the indicator to display the Email Server not responding window:


  4. Read the message and then click the Restart Email Service button.
  5. Check the status indicator again within a few minutes to ensure that it is running. If not, refer to your IT technician or the EXACT Support Desk.

Email Configuration


Email configuration changed in EXACT v12.8, from when Email is only configured on the practice server (not on workstations) - see Email Service Enhancements in v12.8 .
A patient's Email address is stored within the Details Tab of the Patient file.
Similarly, the Email addresses for providers are entered/stored in the provider file, and those for specialists in the Specialist file.
Email can be sent from anywhere the button is available on the Toolbar, including the patient file and various locations in the appointment book, including the Follow Up Tab, Cancels Tab, Contact Lists and Arrivals Tab.

IMPORTANT: Some areas of Email configuration require a reasonable level of computer knowledge and expertise. Please contact SOEI Support if you are uncertain about any of the instructions in the following sections.

Email Parameters

IMPORTANT! IT information required: Before you begin the procedure below, check through the settings and ask your IT Systems Administrator or your ISP for any details that you may require.


Practice Email Address

This is the full practice email address.

User Name

This is usually the user name used to access the internet connection.


This is usually the password used to access the internet connection.

If you have a domain registered with a company other than your internet provider, the user names and passwords for internet access and for email may be different. Check with SOE Support or your domain/internet provider(s) if you are unsure.

Incoming Mail Server Port

This is the address of the mail server used to receive incoming mail. It can be specified by name (e.g. for a dialup setting, or server name for a LAN setting), or by numeric IP address (e.g.

For a LAN you will also need to specify the port number in the appropriate field.

IMAP option:

If you opt to use IMAP, edit the address to read imap where it otherwise reads pop3, and change the default port. Also tick the Use IMAP checkbox, as described below...

checkbox,grey-unchecked Use IMAP

EXACT historically used the POP protocol for Email, but from v12.7 the IMAP protocol is optional for incoming Email.

POP is a simple protocol that generally allows the downloading of original messages (not copies) from an Inbox to a local computer, and has few other features.

The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a more feature-rich mail protocol used for accessing email on a remote web server from a local client. It stores email messages on the mail server, but allows the end user to view and manipulate the messages as though they were stored locally on the end user's computing devices. Copies of messages and attachments are transferred to an email client only on request, but the originals always reside on the mail server.

If you check this box you also need to change the above Incoming Mail Server Port.

See also: IMAP option for Incoming Email

Outgoing Mail Server Port

This is the address of the mail server used to send outgoing mail. It can be specified by name (e.g. for a dialup setting, or server name for a LAN setting), or by numeric IP address (e.g.

For a LAN you will also need to specify the port number in the appropriate field.

Specify if checkbox,grey-unchecked STARTTLS.

The STARTTLS checkbox is only enabled if it is on port 25, otherwise its status will be determined automatically, whether needed or not. When the wizard is being configured, the STARTTLS tick-box is enabled or disabled according to the outgoing port being used. Some ports (such as 587, which is a common port) specifically use STARTTLS, causing the tick-box to be greyed out (disabled)).

checkbox,grey-unchecked Use authentication for outgoing Email

Tick this checkbox if your ISP requires authentication for outgoing email.

checkbox,grey-unchecked Allow Email setup without account details

By default this is un-checked, and you are required to complete all fields in the Account Details screen, and then successfully Test Credentials before the Wizard Next> button is enabled.

You can check this Allow Email setup without account details to entirely bypass the Account Details screen setup. In this case all screen fields are greyed out and the Next> button is enabled.

Test Credentials

Click this button to check your connection and details.

The Test is only compulsory on the initial setup.
Once the Test is passed you can come back into the wizard to edit without being forced to re-Test.

You will see a progress indicator, and the test may take up to 5 minutes to complete.


EXACT will immediately display an error message if there is a test failure. For example:

TestFailed-01 TestFailed-02

In this test EXACT runs a series of checks:

If any check fails you will see an immediate failure message with instructions.

No email will be sent during this check.

  1. Checks that workstations can access the Internet through the server.
  2. Checks that the Email Server is running.
  3. Checks that it can connect to the incoming Mail Server.
  4. If Incoming Mail Server check is successful, it then connects again to the Email Server to check user credentials and password.
  5. Checks that it can connect to the Outgoing Mail Server.
  6. If Outgoing Mail Server check is successful, it then connects again to the Outgoing Mail Server to check user credentials and password.
  7. Disconnects.

You cannot continue to the Next screen until either

- The Test is completed successfully, or

- You check the checkbox to checkbox,grey-checkedAllow email setup without account details.



checkbox,grey-unchecked Send all mail immediately

With this checkbox un-checked checkbox,grey-unchecked your practice requires manual user action to send email.


  • Click the Send/Receive Email button in the main Inbox, or
  • Right-click the email server icon and select Send/Receive Now from the drop-down menu, or
  • For Draft-status emails, send them individually by clicking the Send button within each email window.

With this checkbox checked checkbox,grey-checked the mail server will check regularly for new mail and send it immediately, but only during the periods specified in the screen:


IMPORTANT: Ensure that scheduled network backup times don't coincide with these specified periods.

Within these periods your email server can check every __ minutes, and / or it can check at specific configured times:


checkbox,grey-unchecked Add a delay between sending each email

By default this setting is OFF (un-checked).

Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have automated ways of identifying clients who are spamming via their service. This includes measuring the volume and rate of client outgoing emails.

So if your ISP red-flags your practice for "spamming", you have the option to choke the rate of your email passing through the ISP facility.

This is by adding a delay between each outgoing email - tick the checkbox and then specify the maximum number of outgoing emails per minute, with the default being 40.

Minimum figure is 1. If you specify a very large number the software will send as many emails as it can within each minute.

This setting is deliberately presented as a per-minute figure because this way it is easier to comprehend the rate of sending than it would be with a seconds-delay figure.



Manual sending overrides the delay - if you create 10 emails and click the Send button, EXACT sends them all immediately, with no staggered delay.

DRAFT status emails are not sent automatically - when ready to send, click the Send button within that email's window.


  • You understand it.
  • You can confirm that your anti-virus program has the capability to scan email attachments before they are opened.
  • Your practice will regularly update the anti-virus program.

Important notes to avoid virus infection of your practice:

  • If your anti-virus program cannot scan emails before saving, you risk virus infection by selecting this option.
  • Keep your anti-virus program updated, or it may fail to recognise and deal with new viruses.


SMS Provider

radiobutton,grey-unchecked Software of Excellence

Select Software of Excellence to use SMS reminder messages.

radiobutton,grey-unchecked None

Select None if reminder text messages are not going to be sent.

The Finish button will then immediately become available:


Practice ID [ ]

With Software of Excellence selected above, enter the appropriate Practice ID (if not already defaulted from the Practice Information screen) as supplied by Software of Excellence.

Once entered and your settings successfully tested (see below), the Practice ID will be "greyed out" and cannot be changed, as it is used in several places in EXACT for various functions.

Practice ID Password [ ]

Enter the password that is associated with your Practice ID.


The Test button becomes available once the two fields above have been completed. It will test the SMS settings and functionality and if successful will display a message like the example below, which will tell you how many SMS credits you have left.

SMS Test message

If the Test button fails, check that you have entered your details correctly. If you have, and your practice uses a proxy server for connection to the internet, then you may need to check the configuration of your SMS services.


NOTE: The following is applicable ONLY if EXDOCe is registered.

The full Credentials Test is part of the Configuring Email Parameters (Email Parameters, Configure Email and SMS Parameters):


  1. Look at the status icons in the top right corner of the EXACT window, and locate the icon on the lower line:


  2. Hover your cursor over the cursor for a tooltip message.

    You will see one of these statuses:

    EmailServerRunning icon_EmailFailure-02

    NOTE: From change of status to the display of that status change may take up to 15 minuites.

  3. If the Email Server is not running, click the indicator to display the Email Server not responding window:


  4. Read the message and then click the Restart Email Service button.
  5. Check the status indicator again within a few minutes to ensure that it is running. If not, refer to your IT technician or the EXACT Support Desk.

To troubleshoot Email errors


  1. Run the email setup wizard, and run the email server Test Credentials to report any problems

    See Configuring Email and SMS Parameters (Email Parameters, Configure Email and SMS Parameters)


    EXACT will immediately display an error message if there is a test failure. For example:

    TestFailed-01 TestFailed-02

  2. Check that the email server addresses in the wizard are correct:
    • Open a command line (ms-dos prompt), by clicking on the ‘Start’ menu, choosing ‘Run’, typing ‘CMD’ and clicking .
    • Type in ‘ping IncomingMailServer’; where IncomingMailServer is the name that appears in the email parameters dialog box.
    • Press Enter key and the server will either reply or display an error message.
    • Repeat this step for the Outgoing Mail Server. Press Enter key and the server will either reply or display an error message.
  3. If the server fails to reply, there is a problem with the ISP or you do not have the correct name/address for the server.
  4. Other email clients may take incoming mail that is intended for EXACT Dental. Make sure all other clients are closed.
  5. Verify that the service for the Email Server is running. If it is, shutdown and restart it using the Email Server Administrator application on the desktop.
  6. Verify that the ‘Check for new mail between’ times specified in the Email Parameters window are valid and allow mail at this time.
  7. Force the Email Server application to send and receive mail by right-clicking on the email server icon in the System Tray (lower right corner of the Task Bar) and selecting ‘Send\Receive Now’:

    Email Admin options

  8. Try using another email client (i.e. Microsoft Outlook) to verify that Windows is correctly configured to receive mail, as there could be problems with the Internet connection or Internet provider.
  9. For further information, contact the ISP or the facility’s hardware technician.


Most Dutch practices don't use incoming Email, but before v12.9 didn't have a way to disable it, causing EXACT to report incoming Email errors and display a blinking red cross.

EXACT v12.9 (and later) has an option to disable it in Configure > Email Parameters > Email Setup Wizard > Account Details screen.


  • Once the Incoming Email is disabled the option to modify their Incoming Email Server details will be disabled / greyed out, but the previous values that were there are retained.
  • After the wizard has completed successfully with the setting change the practice will no longer receive Emails into their Inbox.
  • The practice will not see a flashing error notification when the Incoming Email details are incorrect.
  • Outgoing Emails will still send out correctly.
  • The restriction will apply to both pop3 and IMAP Email configurations.
  • On subsequent upgrades EXACT will respect this disabled setting.


  • Emails will start appearing in the practice Inbox as normal.
  • The Inbox will retroactively fill with Emails that were missed during the disabled period.
  • On subsequent upgrades EXACT will respect this enabled setting.


Configure this in the email parameters (Email Parameters, Configure Email and SMS ParametersConfiguring Automatic Appointment Reminders) to be used when practitioners create an email message without using an email template - in this case the signature will be automatically appended to the message as a signature or footer containing the practice's registered details.


You may wish to add a standard legal disclaimer to the signature template. For example:

"This email contains confidential information for the addressee only. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this communication if received in error."

Creating a Standard Email Template

  1. Select Configure > Email Templates to open the Email Template File.
  2. Click the +1 button to open the Add Email Template window:


  3. Type a unique Code for this template (e.g. APPTREM)
  4. Type a description of the Template (e.g. Appointment Reminder)
  5. Click in the body of the window and type the text message, including the Dental fields using the correct format.
  6. To add merge fields (for auto-replaceable text), click the View Merge Fields button at the bottom of the screen. Tthis will display the Letter Merge Fields window:

    Letter Merge Fields example

    Note that you can filter this list for related merge fields by selecting from the drop-down filter list at the bottom of the window:

    Merge Fields groups

  7. To get the merge field into the document, use the clipboard as follows:
    1. Highlight the merge field(s) that you require (you can use CTRL-Click or SHIFT-Click for multiple selection)
    2. Press CTRL-C on the keyboard, or click the Copy Field(s) to Clipboard button to copy the field(s) to the clipboard
    3. Position the mouse cursor in the document or template at the point where you want the merge field(s) to be inserted.
    4. Press CTRL-V or RightClick>Paste to insert the clipboard content.
  8. Close the Letter Merge Fields window by means of the X button 'Close' button (red X).
  9. When finished creating the template, select OK to save it.

To Create a Signature Template

A signature template can be used in situations where you do not wish to use a template for an email message, but need to have a standard signature.

Although the signature template is set up in the same way as an ordinary template, once configured in the Email Parameters (Email Parameters, Configure Email and SMS Parameters) screen it does not need to be selected, but can be applied whenever an email message is created, by clicking the Include Email Signature button.


  1. Select Configure > Email Templates to open the Email Templates file.

    You can also create a template using the Presentation Manager.

  2. In the Email Templates file, click the +1 button to create a new template:


    1. Code - Type a unique code for this template.
    2. Description - Type a description of the Template so that others can see what it is.
    3. Body - Click in the body of the window and begin typing the text including the Dental fields using the correct format. You might want to add a standard disclaimer statement similar to the following example:

      "This e-mail contains confidential information for the addressee only. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this communication if received in error."

    4. Merge Fields - To add merge fields (for replaceable text), click the View Merge Fields button at the bottom of the screen; this will display the Letter Merge Fields window:

    Letter Merge Fields example

    Shorten this list by selecting a filter (a subset) of related merge fields using the drop-down list at the bottom of the window:

    Merge Fields groups

    1. You can copy fields from the Letter Merge Fields window into the destination document (Word, Presentation Manager, the Template window) by means of the clipboard, as follows:

      - Highlight the merge field(s) you require: Use Ctrl-Click to select individual fields or use Shift-Click to select a range of fields.

      - Copy the selected fields: Press Ctrl-C on the keyboard or click the Copy Field(s) to Clipboard button.

      - Position the mouse cursor in the document or template at the point where you want the merge field(s) to be inserted.

      - Paste the merge fields by means of Ctrl-V, or right-click > Paste.

  3. When the Letter Merge Fields window is no longer required, close it by means of the X button 'Close' button (red X) .
  4. When you have finished creating the template, click the OK button to save.
  5. Go into the Email Parameters (Email Parameters, Configure Email and SMS Parameters) window in the Configure menu, and select your new signature template in the Email Signature field.

    By default, the View as HTML format option for email is turned off for all users apart from those with super user security privileges. This is because if your anti-virus software is not configured or not adequate to screen email messages it can be a potential security vulnerability.
    The implications of this are that if your signature template contains special formatting and/or graphics, they are potentially available anywhere on the system, but if View as HTML is not enabled, you will not be able to view them in EXACT, nor will you be able to see how your template will appear to recipients.

Merge Fields in Email Templates

(See also Creating a standard Email Template)


If selected as a template for a patient email, the email content could look like this for a specific patient:


Using Merge Fields for Patient Preferred Locations

The patient's preferred location has been added as a merge field, enabling sites with multiple locations to auto-generate patient recalls per Location.


Patient Preferred Location merge fields:

(From EXACT v12.10)



Email example:


SMS example:


SMS Templates

See also: Selecting or creating an SMS template | SMS messages | Configuring SMS Replies


  1. Select "SMS Templates" from the Configure menu.
  2. Click on the template you wish to delete.
  3. Click on the button to delete the selected template.
  4. Click the button to confirm that you wish to permanently delete the template.

Email Server

The EXACT Email Server runs as a Windows service, rather than as a separate program.
It is not necessary to log on (or remained logged on to) to a separate server in order to start the email server.


  • The email service installation files are not included in the EXACT workstation installer.
  • The email service is set to automatically launch on the server, even if your practice previously manually ran the service.

    The Configure > Email Parameters... Email Setup Wizard has a server connection statement:

    "You should ensure that the server has the necessary hardware and software to connect to the internet."



It writes to the database(s) that it services each time that it passes this test. If the test fails (but the service is still running) it also writes the diagnostic log information back to the database.

Each EXACT workstation silently checks that these regular check-ins are occurring. So long as the email service is functioning correctly, the workstation displays a non-flashing status indicator whose tooltip states that the service is operating normally:


  1. Look at the status icons in the top right corner of the EXACT window, and locate the icon on the lower line:


  2. Hover your cursor over the cursor for a tooltip message.

    You will see one of these statuses:

    EmailServerRunning icon_EmailFailure-02

    NOTE: From change of status to the display of that status change may take up to 15 minuites.

  3. If the Email Server is not running, click the indicator to display the Email Server not responding window:


  4. Read the message and then click the Restart Email Service button.
  5. Check the status indicator again within a few minutes to ensure that it is running. If not, refer to your IT technician or the EXACT Support Desk.

To Use the Email Server Administrator in Windows


Email addresses are usually entered in the appropriate screen (the Patient File, Provider File, specialist File, etc.) but for convenience EXACT has an email address book, accessed via the button on the 'Create Email' window:


Please contact Software of Excellence support if you are at all unsure about this, and require help to set it up correctly.

Set up the EXACT Proxy for all communication to work:

  • Leave Windows Proxy settings default (i.e. do not direct Windows Proxy to point at the same Proxy as EXACT)
  • (Administrator access required) Configure EXACT Proxy settings in Configure > Settings:
    • proxy.address
    • proxy.port
    • proxy.user
    • proxy.password
    • if using Proxy for email, then should be set to 1



Select Help > Email Support...

Email Support option

EXACT automatically emails Support and you will see a reply in your Inbox:


  1. Look at the status icons in the top right corner of the EXACT window, and locate the icon on the lower line:


  2. Hover your cursor over the cursor for a tooltip message.

    You will see one of these statuses:

    EmailServerRunning icon_EmailFailure-02

    NOTE: From change of status to the display of that status change may take up to 15 minuites.

  3. If the Email Server is not running, click the indicator to display the Email Server not responding window:


  4. Read the message and then click the Restart Email Service button.
  5. Check the status indicator again within a few minutes to ensure that it is running. If not, refer to your IT technician or the EXACT Support Desk.

Replying Directly to Email from a Patient


Creating Automated Appointment Reminder Email

This is an option in Configuring Automatic Appointment Reminders, and includes New Patient Email, iCalendar attachments, and Email Signature.

(This is part of the Configuring Automatic Appointment Reminders Wizard)


New Patient Email

This is typically a Welcome email format, used as the initial email contact with a new patient. It can include useful information such as surgery hours, road map and available parking.

Select a template for automatically sending an email to each new patient.

Appointment Confirmation

An email template for confirming a booking by means of an email from EXACT to the patient.

Note that if you include iCal appointment information you can also configure an iCal Appointment Alarm (default 60 mins), which is a calendar-based alarm generated in the patient calendar.

TIP: With modern security concerns patients may be reluctant to open attachments. Perhaps it is worth explaining the nature of the .ics attachment to patients at the time of booking, and / or modifying the Appointment Confirmation template email message to include an explanation of the attachment.

Delay email delivery

EXACT holds the confirmation email in the EXACT outbox for this period before sending it to the patient.


Receptionist booking of appointments is often a trial-and-error process... "How about this one Mrs Jones, at 3pm on Wednesday? No? OK then what about 2pm on Thursday?"

If EXACT emailed the confirmation immediately there would be many false start confirmation emails that the patient would need to delete from their email inbox. The delay period allows time for a definitive appointment slot to be chosen before EXACT sends the confirmation.

This setting is configurable in minutes, with a default of 10 minutes and a maximum of 99 minutes.

0 minutes will cause emails to be sent within about 10 seconds of creation, depending on your email server speed.

Prompt before sending

Normally this is a prompt to the receptionist where EXACT queries "Can I send this email now?"

If your practice uses the email delivery delay the prompt is likely unnecessary.

Sample prompt:


We recommend that you un-check this option if using iCal because at the time of the prompt receptionists may click Cancel, which would cancel the automated confirmation email with its .ICS attachment.

Include iCal appointment information

Check this option if you wish to attach iCalendar (.ICS) format appointments to confirmation emails.

Patients will see this attachment, and can double-click to insert the appointment slot into their personal calendar.

Outlook example:


Their calendar software will then ask for confirmation:


Online Booking: With a configuration that includes iCal, patients booking online will also receive a confirmation email with .ICS attachment.

TIP: With modern security concerns patients may be reluctant to open attachments. Perhaps it is worth explaining the nature of the .ics attachment to patients at the time of booking, and / or modifying the Appointment Confirmation template email message to include an explanation of the attachment.

Appointment alarm

This is a patient calendar pre-appointment alarm that can be included in the .ICS attachment.

Configurable, with a default of 60 minutes. Leave it blank to have no alarm.

It doesn't apply if the Include iCal checkbox is un-checked:


Note that the Appointment Alarm does not replace the normal appointment Email or SMS reminders in EXACT; it is a calendar-based reminder that works with the calendar appointment.

Appointment cancellation

This is a template email for cancelling an appointment.

Specify an email template or leave blank to use no template (with no specified template you would need to manually create cancellation emails).

Email Signature

If you do not use email templates but manually create emails, this is a means of having a standard footer or signature.

Configure an email signature or footer for automatically adding to any email messages that are not created via email template.

To add a signature or footer, click in the entry box, then select the required template file using the List or up/down buttons.

If the email template file does not already exist, you will have to create one. When you create a template, the footer or signature can simply be written into the template.


Email filter


Filter on tags...


[ ] Include ticked checkbox

Include ticked Emails in the display

[ ] Show Actioned Items checkbox

Normally, when you have actioned email, it is no longer displayed in the Inbox. Tick this checkbox to show all items, actioned or otherwise.


Highlight an email item and click this button to reply to the email.


Highlight an email item and click this button to forward the email to another person. Note that patient information cannot be emailed to another patient who is not a family member.

Select All

Select All button

Click this button to select all items in the Inbox (for example, to delete them).
If you want to select most of the items, you can then deselect items by holding down the key and clicking the items to deselect.
If you want to select some email items, hold down the key and click the items to select. (Note that clicking an item more than once toggles it between selected and not selected.)


File button

When email is received, if only one patient has the same email address as the one that sent the email, it will automatically be filed against this patient and displayed in the Contacts Tab.

If for some reason the "From" address does not match one in the EXACT database, this button allows email to be manually filed against Patient records or to a Specialist's file.

Filed emails are listed in the File to Patient and File to Specialist Inbox columns.


In this window you can also manage Contact Categories:



This button displays all information regarding the selected email including when it was received, filed, read, replied to and actioned, similar to the one shown below:

Info for email item

'Mark email as read' button

Mark the currently selected email(s) as having been read.

The icon next to the email(s) will change from Unread email icon to Read email icon .

'Mark email as unread' button

Mark the currently selected email(s) as not having been read.
It will then be highlighted in bold type. The icon next to the email(s) will change from Read email icon to Unread email icon.

Print a copy of the currently selected email.

Delete the selected email from the Inbox, and move it to the Deleted folder.


When email is received in the Inbox the following icon, will appear at the right hand side of the Workspace Bar. When you hover your mouse cursor over this icon, a tool tip will appear explaining that you have received new email, as shown below:

You can force EXACT to check for new email, via the the Send/Receive Email button .


  • By default the Inbox shows only untagged emails.
  • Filter the Email list to
    • Show all Emails,
    • Show only Emails with no tags,
    • Custom-filter based on tags (for example, view only Emails with a specified tag, or view only Emails that have two specific tags.
  • Add new Email Tags.
  • From the Email right-click menu, add a tag, add a new tag, remove all tags or remove a specific tag.
  • EXACT automatically assigns Filed to Patient emails to a Patient tag.
  • Automatically assign Filed to Specialist emails a Specialist tag.


  1. Select Configure > Security.
  2. Select a Security Group (Code).
  3. In the checkbox-tree locate [-] File - [-] Email - [ ] Enable Hyperlinks.
  4. Check (tick) the [ ] Enable Hyperlinks checkbox. For example, for the DENTIST security group:


  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Restart EXACT.

Users from that Security Group will then be able to click hyperlinks in their Emails:


  • The first column shows a warning icon if an attempt was made to send the message three times, and failed each time. This can happen if any attachment is too large for the Email service.
  • An icon to show what kind of message is being sent (Email or SMS) and its status.
  • The date and time the Email / SMS was created and ready to send.
  • Whom the Email / SMS is From.
  • Whom the Email / SMS is To.
  • The Subject of the Email / SMS.
  • For an SMS, if staggered recalls are in effect, the Deliver After column Clock icon will have a corresponding icon.
  • Current Status. Options are:
    • Ready to Send
    • Pending online booking synchronisation (EXACT hasn't yet finalised the URL / web address for the patient to use)
    • Online booking synchronisation Failed (EXACT is unable to finalise the URL / web address for the patient to use)

    Delete messages that are never Ready to Send.

Dealing with Online Booking synchronisation failures:

From EXACT v11.10 onwards you can use the Reset Failed Messages button in the Outbox tab to deal with Online booking synchronisation Failed status Email messages.

Select these messages from the list in the Outbox and then click the Reset Failed Messages button. EXACT will attempt to re-synchronise the online booking links and then send the emails.


Sort by Date

This shows the date of the currently selected message. If there are a lot of messages in the Outbox, you can enter a date here to find messages with that date: the first message with the entered date will be highlighted.

Click the Forward button to forward the selected email. The 'Forward Email' window will open, with the current email's text included, to allow you to choose a recipient and edit the details as you require.

Reset Failed Messages button

The Reset Failed Messages button becomes available if there are failed messages in the Outbox, as indicated by an icon in the Warning Failed to Send column column.

If you then click this Reset Failed Messages button, the 'failed count' is reset, enabling you to try to send the messages again.

Online Booking synchronisation failures:

From EXACT v11.10 onwards you can also use this button to deal with Online booking synchronisation Failed status Email messages.

Select these messages and click the Reset Failed Messages button. EXACT will attempt to re-synchronise the online booking links and then send the emails.

Select All button

To Select All the messages in the Outbox, click this button.

Hold down the CTRL key and click any messages you do not wish to be included.

'Mark email as unread' button

Click this button to toggle the selected messages as read or as unread.

Unread emails have bold text highlighting.

Click this button to display summary information for the selected email message:


Click this button to print a copy of the selected message.

Click this button to delete the selected message(s). They will be removed from the Outbox and put in the "Deleted" folder.


Methods of sending Email within EXACT include:

  • Anywhere the button is available on the Toolbar, including
    • the patient file
    • various locations in the appointment book, including the Follow Up Tab, Cancels Tab, Contact Lists and Arrivals Tab.
  • From the Create New Email Now button on the Inbox window.
  • From any report's Print dialog window, by clicking the Email button Email.

    This will allow you to email a copy of the report as an attachment.


  1. Select a patient in the Patient File window.
  2. Click on the Toolbar button to open the Email Details window:


  3. Select a Provider if the email is to contain merge fields relating to that Provider.

    By default this will select the patient's usual Provider, but you can use the Selector buttons to change the selection if required.

  4. Select a Specialist using the Selector buttons if the email is to contain merge fields relating to that Specialist, otherwise leave the Specialist field blank.

    When the Specialist field is populated, the Email the Selected Specialist checkbox is available, so you can check (tick) this if the Specialist is to be copied on the email.

  5. Email template: Select the required Email template using the Selector buttons

    Use the Category and Description fields to help group and identify email messages in the Contacts screen and elsewhere in EXACT.

    Description: A default description for the template will be shown once you select the template.

    If required enter a detailed Description in this Description field, e.g. ‘Dentures reminder 15th November’.

  6. Include Email Signature: Check (tick) the Include Email Signature checkbox to optionally include the email signature or footnote (if one has been set up in Email Parameters).
  7. Click OK to send the email message. Depending on your email setup, the message will either be sent immediately or added to the queue for outgoing email.


  1. Select File menu > Email to open the Inbox window.
  2. Select the Create New Email Now button to open the Contact by Email window:


    Take note of the instructions at the top of this window - if there is any patient, provider or specialist information you wish to insert in the email, you will need to select the appropriate person(s) in these fields in order for the merge fields to be included.

    To send a copy of the email to the patient and/or specialist, click the Email the Selected Patient and/or the Email the Selected Specialist checkbox.

    If you are sending a Form email such as an appointment reminder or welcome message to a new patient, you can use a template by selecting one in the Email Template field. In this case, the Category and Description fields will be defaulted to those appropriate to the template, but you can overwrite them if required.

    If you have an email signature set up, you can add it to the email by clicking the checkbox (this will otherwise be greyed out).

  3. When all the details and fields are completed, click the OK button.

    If any of the email recipients do not have an email address in EXACT, a dialog is displayed to allow you to manually enter one, which will be used for the email andadded to their file as their email address.

  4. The next step is the creation and editing of the email message itself:


    This example is in HTML format, but the window is the same for other formats apart from the buttons and controls above the body pane. (Select either plain text or HTML format from the View as drop-down).

  5. The To email address is defaulted from the previous steps.

    To change or add additional addressees:

    • Click the To, CC or BCC buttons to open the email address book, or
    • Select the recipient's name in the address book, and click the Edit button to edit the details.

    Due to confidentiality requirements, if you wish to add other recipients, these must be added in the Cc: or Bcc: fields, and must not be other patients unless they are family members.



  6. If there are recipients such as staff or specialists to be copied or blind-copied on the email , click the Cc and/or BCC button to select and add them.



  7. Continue using the Address Book until all the required recipients have been selected.

    Note that if any of the address fields contain more than one entry, you can use the buttons to scroll up/down through the entries.

  8. Enter a subject for the email (this is defaulted if you use a template).

    This makes it easier when searching for particular emails.

  9. Use the Attach... buttonin the Attachment field to add any required attachments:


    Select Next> for the Attachment Picker:


    The Attachment Picker window allows attachment of documents and images relating to the selected patient, and will show those available.

    If you need to, use the Find Other Files button to locate any other documents and images:


    Find the item(s) you wish to attach, and use the 'Move right' button button to select them.

    Note that due to patient confidentiality considerations, you may not attach patient data to an email addressed to multiple patients unless they are members of the same family (as indicated in the 'Family Member' field of the Patient file).

  10. Click the Finish button when you have finished adding attachments.

    The attachment/s display in the attachments window. From here you can further edit them from the right-click menu:


    +1 attach another file

    remove the selected attachment.
    save an attachment to another location.
    Open attachment button open the attachment with the appropriate program.

  11. Click the Send button to complete the email and place the email in the Outbox ready to send:


    To send immediately, click the Send/Receive Email button.

    If EXDOCe is configured to send automatically it will be delivered the next time mail is sent, otherwise it will be sent next time the Send/Receive button is clicked or Send/Receive Now is clicked on the email Server.

    While the Send/Receive process is active, the button is disabled (greyed out) and is only re-enabled when the send/receive process is complete.

  12. Optionally review in the Contacts tab:

    Each time an email is sent or received a record is kept in the Contacts tab of the Patient File using different icons to indicate the various types, as shown below:

    Icons in the Type column:


NOTE: The JPEG image size is defaulted to whatever it was the last time it was selected anywhere in EXACT, but can be changed if required. The chosen size will be 'remembered' by EXACT.
If the image size selected is larger than the DICOM image, the image will not be scaled up, but will retain its original size.
The converted/resized image may lose some detail, and as such may be unsuitable to be used for diagnostic purposes.


SMS messages are useful to contact patients to remind them of appointments or other treatment-related information such as clinic closure. They can be sent in a number of ways within EXACT, including anywhere the SMS button button is available on the Toolbar, including the patient file and various locations in the appointment book, including the Follow Up Tab, Cancels Tab, Contact Lists and Arrivals Tab.
