The Concept
When teams rely on text-based lists, spreadsheets, and emails to keep track of their work, all too often things "fall between the cracks." Regardless of the type of work you do, if it involves multiple steps and a team of people to get it done, then you're probably familiar with the misunderstandings, oversights, and hand-off delays that can easily occur.
Using a Kanban Anchor
Cards are used to represent each of the practices on the board. Cards can be moved across the board easily using drag and drop to reflect the current status of each work item.
You can look at all of the boards by clicking the logo in the top left. There are multiple per team.
Customer Success tend to use:
APAC CSC – Track our own clientsAPAC clients
APAC Installs Board – Track the implementations installs
Title is used to specify location and practice name