OASiS version 12 AU |
My Time Menu
Menu Options
Date and Time
Display Modes
New/Edit Window
Booking an Appointment
Existing Patient
New Patient
Temporary Patient
Family Appointments
Quick Appointments
Multiple Appointments
Deleting Appointments
Listing Patient Appointments
Rescheduling Appointments
Appointment Confirmation
Processing Batch Appointment Reminders
SMS Appointment Reminders
Email Appointment Reminders
Appointment Cancellations
Patient Cancellations
Patient No Shows
Cancellation List
Search Vacant and Used Time
Vacant Time
Used Time
Printing Day-sheets and Reports
Template Processing
Creating/Editing a Template
Applying & Reversing the Template
Adding Patients to Standby
Booking an appointment from Standby
Waiting Room
Enable Waiting Room Statistics
Read Patients into Waiting Room
Waiting Room Notification
Waiting Room Window
Task Manager
Adding a New Task
Self CheckIn
Additional Notes:
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About My Time
The "My Time" module in OASiS 12 is a series of programs aimed at streamlining the management of appointment book time. This module contains the following;
- Appointment Scheduler
- Patient Standby List
- Waiting Room
- Task Management
- Patient Self CheckIn
- Appointment Cancellations
Opening OASiS
You open OASiS 11 in one of two ways:
Double click on the OASiS 12 Daily Work icon on the Windows desktop
Click on the Windows START menu, select "All Programs", "OASiS System 12", "Daily Work"
Session Login Anchor _GoBack _GoBack
Upon opening OASiS 12, a splash screen may pop up. Depending on what has been setup, users may be required to validate their login with a username and password. If usernames and passwords have not been setup, then just click on OK to login, or the main OASiS screen will be displayed.
Menu Panel
You select different menu options by clicking on the individual module icons: My Money, My Time, My Work, Component Tools and System Manager
The only time the Menu Bar is not visible is when the Patient Card screen is in "edit" mode or when the Scheduler (Appointment Book) screen is in full screen display mode.
There are five menu items common to all of the main menu options:
Clear – Clears all open OASiS windows
Find – Opens the Find Patient Record window
Records – Places the main OASiS screen along with the Patients Card at the front of the screen
Reports – Opens the Reports window, where different reports can be generated and printed
Preferences – Opens the Preferences window, where configurations are made
Clear – Clears all open OASiS windows.
Find – Opens the Find Patient Record window, where you can search for existing patients.
Records – Places the main OASiS screen along with the Patients Card at the front of the screen.
Scheduler – Opens the Scheduler window, where you can view, edit, add and delete patient appointments.
Standby – Opens the Standby window, where you can add patient's into the standby list.
Waiting – Opens the Waiting window, where you can view all patients listed as being in the waiting room.
Tasks – Opens Task window, where you can view, edit, add and delete tasks. Tasks are little reminder alerts that can be setup to be sent to any user within the practice.
Self CheckIn – Opens the Self CheckIn window, which allows patients to check themselves into the waiting room. Used in busier practices, where there is a secured computer available in reception for patients to use.
Cancellations – Opens the Cancellation window, where you can view and delete patients from the cancellation list, who have cancelled their appointment. This page gives you the opportunity to contact the patient if the patient does not have any existing appointments or recalls.
Reports – Opens the Reports window, where different reports can be generated and printed
Preferences – Opens the Preferences window, where configurations are made
My Time Favourites bar Options
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The Appointment Scheduler window allows you to view, add, edit and delete appointments. Depending on how the scheduler was setup to begin with, it can cater for multi-branch practices and multiple column views.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
The current "read in" patient displays on the top left hand corner, next to the current time picked up from the Microsoft Windows computer clock.
The current branch and currently selected practitioner's name displays on the top right hand corner of the Scheduler window. The currently selected practitioner changes automatically on making an appointment for a different doctor/column. The name will also change when you select a different doctor from the doctor selection panel.
The Current selected date appears under the <Month/<Week/<Day/Today/Day>/Week>/Month> buttons. When you click on the current date, the scheduler grid will expand to show five-minute increments (you can switch off this feature if required).
Enlarging the Screen
You can enlarge the Scheduler window by pressing the "Esc" key on your keyboard. Tapped once OASiS maximises the Scheduler window, tapped again the screen will restore to its original size.
NOTE: This function is only available in non-full screen display mode
Scheduler View Selection
The default scheduler view is the "Main" view, which usually displays all columns in the scheduler window. You can change the scheduler view by clicking on one of the nine buttons to the left of the current selected date.
EXAMPLE: Front desk is defaulted to show all columns, however in the surgeries the doctor may only want to see his or her appointments along with any of the hygienist's appointments.
Doctor Selection
You can change the currently selected doctor or room column by clicking on one of the nine buttons to the right of the current selected date. You use these buttons to switch columns when you are in week or monthly display view, or when you are printing day sheets.
Viewing Tooltips
Where enabled, hovering the mouse cursor over the appointment for a second or so displays a summary of the appointment record. The information will display in a small white tool tip box. Moving the mouse away from the appointment will hide the tool tip box. (You can enable/disable this feature as required).
Normal View Tool Tip Box View
Quick Access
If you right click on an existing appointment in the Scheduler window, this will open up the appointment new/edit window, rather than left clicking the appointment and then selecting New/Edit from the menu.
Menu Bar
Exit – Closes out of the Scheduler window
List – View a list of the patient's appointments
Letter – Merge an appointment reminder letter to the currently selected patient
Label – Print appointment details on a label. NOTE: Must have a separate label printer to use this.
Standby – Opens the Standby window
<Month/<Week/<Day/Today/Day>/Week>/Month> – Go back or forward a month, a week, a day
Calendar – Opens a calendar so you can search, type in a date as required
Display – View the scheduler in a number of different views by column (default view each time you open the scheduler), day, week or month
Search – Opens a Search Vacant Time window, where you can enter in a specific criteria and then search for available time.
Print – Allows you to print a range of different appointment lists. NOTE: Best to print each one and see which one suits the doctors or practice.
Tools – From within this menu, a few functions are available:
Switch View – Same function as these buttons
Switch Doctor/Room – Same function as these buttons
Template Mode – Flick the Scheduler view to Template mode
Normal Mode – Flick the Scheduler back to regular view
Read Templates – Allows the application of templates created in template mode to the scheduler based on selection criteria.
Merge Letters – Merge Appointment Reminder letters
Merge Email – Merge Appointment Reminder emails
Merge SMS – Merge Appointment Reminder SMS
Merge Online – Merge Appointment Reminders Online
Search Used Time – Same function as
List Doctor/Entities – Mainly used by the support desk, if you have accidently deleted one of more of the columns and do not know what the doctor entity numbers were
Hide Column Goals – Hides any column goals that may have been set
Settings – You can resize the columns and save the sizes or reset the columns here.
Undo Last Cut/Delete – You can only undo the last cut or delete
When clicking on a time slot, a menu will appear with the following functions:
New/Edit – Opens the appointment new/edit window so you can either enter in a new appointment booking or view an existing appointment.
New Patient – This will minimize the Scheduler window, and bring up the patient record card ready for new patient entry
Waiting – This will read the patient into the waiting room, changing the picture icon to the left of the appointment to a clock and alert the surgery with a notification in the Waiting Room panel on the main OASiS screen and a sound notification if you have speakers setup.
Task – An Add to Task Manager prompt will appear, when you click on YES the new task window will appear, where you can fill in the details to add a task. This will also change the icon to the left of the appointment to a pencil and notepad.
Standby – If the patient is already in the standby list, this option allows you to book an appointment using the Standby details. The standby window appears where you can select the patient in the standby list to create a new appointment.
Read Patient – This will read in the patient as the current patient.
Confirm – This will open up a confirmation window that gives you all the contact details and allows you to select the update status for the appointment, whether they have confirmed, could not contact, cancelled etc. Depending on which option you choose, the icon to the left of the appointment will change accordingly.
CheckIn – Only used if you need to remove the SC that is placed to the right of the appointment, displayed when a patient checking themselves into the practice.
Invoice – Allows you to process the invoice for the patient, without having to search or read the patient in as the current patient. Once an invoice issues, the icon to the left of the appointment will change to a blue invoice.
Complete – Once the patient left the practice, you can indicate this by selecting complete, which will change the icon to the left of the appointment to a blue smiley face.
Copy/Cut/Paste – You can copy, cut and paste an appointment into another time slot. When cutting an appointment, this will prompt with a confirmation to cut before it removes it from the scheduler.
Delete – Allows you to delete the selected appointment, OASiS will prompt you to confirm deletion.
Cancel – Allows you to cancel an appointment and records a reason into the patient's general notes.
No Show – Registers a "No Show" entry in the patient's general notes.
Colours – You can change appointment colours using the options from the list.
Pictures – You can change appointment picture icons using the options from the list.
Tracking – You can allocate different colours, icons or text to the left or right of the appointment.
Label – Prints out an appointment label if you have a label printer installed.
Message – Opens up the Message window allowing you to send the appointment details to another user via a message, stickynote or email.
Theatre List – Allows you to create a theatre list for the appointment you have selected.
Reminder Messages
You can attach a reminder message to a doctor or room column for any date in the scheduler. Each doctor can have a separate reminder message attached to his or her name.
You can change the current date in a number of ways:
You can use the seven main buttons at the top of the screen navigate back or forward by month, week and day, while Today will flick you back to today's date.
Time blocks display on both sides of the Scheduler window. You can scroll up and down with your mouse scroll wheel, or use the up and down scroll bar arrows on the left. Depending on configuration, the time increments may be in five, ten, fifteen or thirty minute blocks.
Where enabled, clicking on the current date will cause the scheduler grid to expand to show five-minute increments.
When you click on the Calendar window will appear
From within this window, you can select, search, type in the date that you want and the scheduler main window will jump to that date.
You can customise the Calendar buttons on the right 2 Weeks->, 6 Weeks->, 3 Months-> and 6 Months-> if required.
- Click on a time slot within the scheduler
- Select New/Edit
Menu Bar
Exit – Closes out of the Edit Appointment window
Clear – This will clear the current read in patient's details from the Edit Appointment window
Plan – This will open the Treatment Plan window, so you can create an appointment for a treatment plan entry.
Reminder – Where the patient has treatment reminder notes in the patient record screen, by clicking on this button, the treatment reminder notes will populate the appointment details field.
Temporary – This is usually used for new patients, by clicking on the Temp button, OASiS will create a temporary patient file, removing the currently selected patient's details from the Appointment Details panel, and create a temporary OASiS Patient Number.
Tools – This button (only available for existing appointments) allows you to display or delink the theatre list.
Find – Allows the user to search for a different patient without having to exist the Edit screen.
Standby – This will open the Standby window, where you can select patient's from the standby list and book the appointment. This will only be an available option if the patient has
OK – Saves all details on the Edit Appointment window.
Appointment Details Panel
You fill in the Appointment Details panel, as this determines the properties, preferences and details of the appointment booked.
Patient Number, Patient Name and Telephone No. – The currently selected patient details automatically populate in these fields.
Details – When you select an appointment type from the Appointment Options panel, the system automatically inserts the appointment details. You can alter the details if needed. This field can also be populated by clicking on and selecting a treatment plan entry or clicking on , which will populate the details with any Treatment Reminder Notes that have been specified in the patient's record card screen.
Doctor Number – The doctor number assigned to the appointment column or the patient's usual doctor number (depending on the settings) automatically allocated when making the appointment. It can be changed by clicking on .
Foreground and Background colour – When you select an appointment type from the Appointment Options panel, the appointment foreground and background colours automatically insert. You can change the colours by clicking on and selecting the colour from the list. NOTE: When you select a comment-type appointment, the system ignores the background colour setting.
Picture Number – The initial picture number allocated to an appointment normally used to indicate how the patient preferred contact method for an appointment reminder. This picture number can default by one of two ways, depending on your setup.
Entered by UserID – The logged on user code is automatically assigned to the new appointment record. If you would like to track who has created the appointment, you will need to create individual UserID's for each staff member, and the UserID can then be changed by clicking on
Contact Code – The appointment contact code defines the preferred method of contact, automatically populated from the patient's record card screen. It can be changed by clicking on .
Appointment Notes – You can enter additional notes in this text box. If there are entries in this text box, the appointment displays with a yellow indicator to the right of the appointment record in the scheduler window.
Item Code – Entered automatically based on pre-defined code, or entered manually.
Appointment Value – The monetary value of an appointment (if defined). The system uses this for statistical reports such as Appointment "Cashflows".
Search Code – The system will automatically populate this field based on the pre-defined appointment selected from the Appointment Options panel. The system uses this for statistical analysis and for vacant and used time search.
Comment 1 and Comment 2 – These two user definable fields are available for additional information you may wish to record. They do not appear on any printed reports.
Online Mins or Healthfund Code – Depending on configuration, this field may be Online Minutes or Healthfund Code. The Online Mins field is reserved for practices using Online Bookings. The Healthfund Code links the appointment to a hospital (used by the optional Theatre List).
Appointment Options Panel
The Appointment Options panel allows you to select the appointment type, change the appointment duration and change between patients and family members.
When and are left un-ticked, this will create a patient related appointment.
When there is a tick on comment only, this will remove all details of the current patient from the Appointment Details panel EXAMPLE: Time blocking – where you allocate time in blocks for "Exams", "Emergencies" etc.
When has been ticked, this will clear all details of the current patient from the Appointment Details panel. EXAMPLE: Used to block out lunchtime, holidays etc.
The Time selection column shows the time based on the selection of appointment type. You can change the time by clicking the start time you want and dragging the mouse down to the new time.
Alternate Patient Selection
When you create a new appointment, the system displays the details of the currently selected patient automatically in the appointment details panel. You can change the patient using the Menu panel (Find) or the Favourites bar, however as a quick alternative you can also select from the Last Patient Selection of 20 patients or Family Member List.
Patient Information Panel
The Patient Information Panel includes the patient's personal details such as OASiS number, full name, address, date of birth and age.
Underneath the patient's personal details, the patient's health warnings will flash in yellow with a black background.
Underneath the health warning, if there are any treatment and appointment notes filled in the patients file, they will appear here.
If the patient has a standby list entry, the system will display a standby Date.
This table includes all appointment related activity details such as entering a new appointment, deleting, cancelling, cutting and pasting, late arrivals and no shows. The system derives these details from the patient's General Notes under My Work.
The recall table lists whether the patient has any recalls.
The next section includes the patient's last payment and any balances along with any financial warnings that flashes in white with a red background.
If there is a patient referral by another patient linked via the patient's record card as a direct referral, the referring patient's details will appear here.
NOTE: When you click on one of the appointment lines in the list, the scheduler will open to that date. This will allow you to edit, reschedule or cancel etc. if required.
NOTE: You can flick through different family members from the Family Member panel on the right, to view their appointments.
Print Appointment List
- Click on
- Choose from one of two options
- Screen List – This will print in a report format
- Custom List – This will print in a presentable format that you can pass onto the patient
There are multiple ways you can confirm a patient in the OASiS Scheduler window.
Menu Selection
Within the default column mode;
The appointment picture icon on the left of the appointment will update to the selected response.
Menu Bar
Exit – Closes out of the Confirm Appointment window.
Email – Send an E-mail appointment reminder to this one patient.
SMS – Send an SMS appointment reminder to this one patient.
Message – Send a message to a user within the practice with the appointment details.
Tools – Another way to flag the patient as confirmed, confirmed (not attending), unconfirmed, checked in and not checked in.
Task Manager – Create a task with the appointment details.
Day Mode
An alternative to the menu selection method of confirming, you can switch to the Day Mode from the display mode.
The appointment picture icon on the left of the appointment will update to the selected response.
NOTE: Clicking back on the blue box for that appointment will remove the Confirmed Y marker.
List Appointments
You can also confirm appointments through the List Appointment window. This may be convenient when the patient has multiple appointments on the same day, or multiple family members are coming in on the same day.
Menu Bar
Exit – Closes out of the Cancellation window.
View – Toggles the cancellation list to view the current read in patient's cancellation entries or all patient's entries.
Print – Choose from three different reports to print for the cancellation list.
Delete – Deletes all entries within the list. NOTE: You can delete individual entries by clicking on the entry and choosing Delete.
You can identify vacant appointment times in one of two ways.
Scheduler Calendar View
- Within the default mode when you first open the OASiS scheduler, click on
- Click on
- Select the required report from the menu selection.
Day Sheets
You can preview the first six day-sheet options by printing to the screen before printing to the physical printer.
Screen List (1) and Screen List (2) are printed visual representations of what you currently see in the scheduler window itself.
Screen List (1) works in all display modes.
Screen List (2) works best in column display mode and uses settings taken from the Preferences tables to print out the additional information.
Cashflow Report – This report prints out the detailed list of appointments for the current selected doctor subtotalling all the values of each appointment and is used for projecting daily cash flows.
Consultation Report – This report prints out a Client History/Treatment sheet for all patients for the selected doctor or column, which outlines the practitioner seeing the patient, date, along with the patients personal details, today's treatment, history of billed items and clinical notes.
Contact Report – This report prints out a list of patients based on the patients preferred appointment contact method.
Code Summary Report – This report is a printed version of the Code Summary display mode, which used to identify and subtotal appointments by the type of appointment for the week.
The Standby window allows you to record patients who require treatment, but are unable to book an immediate appointment due to the scheduler being booked out.
EXAMPLE: Patient requires immediate treatment for a sore tooth or tooth infection, your scheduler has been completely booked out for the next month. You would enter the patient on the standby list so that when another patient cancels their appointment you can then call the patient on the standby list to book an appointment to fill in that vacant time.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar or from the Scheduler Window
Menu Panel
Exit – Closes out of the Standby window.
New – Add in a new standby for the current patient read in.
Sort – You can sort the list of standby patients in date, surname, details, standby code, appointment code or duration order.
Print – You can print the list of standby patients in a report format or a list format of what you physically see on the screen.
List Selection Panel
On the left side of the window, there are five list selection options. When you select certain entries, you filter the standby list to show standby entries that have been associated with the specific selection.
Doctor Selection
You can link each standby entry to a primary and secondary practitioner.
EXAMPLE: In a dental practice, the primary practitioner may be the dentist while the secondary practitioner may be the hygienist.
The system selects "All Doctors" (0000) as a default. Both panels will display entries for all doctors.
Family Member Selection
The current selected patient is highlighted in bold and against that patients standby entry there is a in the last column on the standby list panel. If the selected patient has any family members, this panel will display the other members.
Standby Code Selection
The default standby codes are EXAM and URGENT, more entries can be set up. You use these entries to determine the priority of selecting which patients to book in an appointment when a vacant time becomes available.
Appointment Code Selection
Each standby entry can be associated with an appointment code to provide more details as to what the requirements of standby appointment. This standby code will also automatically populate the appointment details upon booking an appointment using the standby entries.
Menu Selections
When you click on an entry in the standby list panel, a menu appears with the following options:
Select – Selects the record and puts a next to the record, and reads the patient in as the current patient. Edit Standby – Opens the New/Edit window to edit the standby details Make Appointment – Allows you to book an appointment for this standby entry Search Appointment – Opens the Search Vacant Time window Remove from Standby – Deletes the entry from the list
The Waiting Room window allows you to report on waiting room statistics if you have enabled this feature.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
Menu Bar
Exit – Closes out of the Standby window.
New – Allows you to read the current patient into the waiting room and manually add patients into the waiting room if the patient has come in for an emergency and does not have an appointment.
Print – Prints out the list of waiting room entries.
Delete – Clears the list of waiting room entries.
User Panel
Depending on how many surgeries and scheduler columns you have, you can click on a user within this list to view the patients read into the waiting room for each user.
Waiting Room List Panel
When you click on an entry within the waiting room list panel, a menu selection appears with the following options:
Check in Treatment – Manually check the patient into the surgery, if the surgery has not read in the patient by clicking on the patient within the waiting room panel. Changes icon to .
Check out Treatment – Manually check the patient out if they don't pay the bill. Changes icon to .
Remove from List – Deletes the entry you have selected from the list.
Change Color – You can change the color of the waiting room entry from the list of available colours.
The Task Manager window allows you to record, set and maintain tasks or activities that need to be performed.
You can manually enter tasks into the task manager, or other areas of OASiS may enter them automatically. When creating tasks, they can be assigned to a specific user, given a priority rating, change pictures and can be scheduled to create a popup sticky note on a specific date and time.
Click on from the Menu Bar or from the Favourites Bar
The name of the currently selected patient displays in the top left hand corner of the screen.
The view criteria display on the top right hand corner.
Menu Bar
Exit – Closes out of the Task window.
New – Opens up a window to add a new task.
View – Provides a few view options such as All Patient Tasks, Current Patient Tasks, Active Tasks and All Tasks.
Sort – Sorts the Task List panel in number order, priority order, picture order, code order, action date order, patient number order or patient surname order.
Group – Allows you to enter in a group of pre-set tasks that you may use on a frequent basis. These set tasks would not be associated with specific patients, but more to do with reminders for general practice procedures and reminders.
Delete – Gives you the option of just deleting the finalized tasks or all tasks.
Print – You can print a report list or a screen list.
Refresh – Refreshes the task list panel to ensure all entries are present and updated.
From Action Date/To Action Date – You can filter the list of task lists to show only tasks set for a specific date range.
User Selection Panel
The User Selection panel on the left controls the display of the task manager entries. By default, OASiS will show entries linked to the currently logged in userID.
By clicking on a different userID, the changes accordingly to show the task entries associated with that user.
Family List Panel
The Family List panel allows you to change family members, or to create a new task for the selected family member, or if in the "Current patient tasks" view then it would display that specific patient's task list.
Task List Panel
Within the Task List panel, when you click on a task entry a menu appears with the following functions:
Edit Details – Opens up the task details, allowing you to make the necessary changes to the task.
Finalise On/Off – This finalises the task, which will remove the task entry from the active task list.
Add to Notes/Finalise – Adds the task details to the patient's clinical notes and finalises the task.
Create Message – Opens up the Message window, where you send the task details to users within the network a message, SMS or email.
Change Picture – Allows you to change the picture associated with the task.
Change Priority – Allows you to change the priority of the task item.
Change Sort Code – Allows you to change the sort code.
Play Audio – Plays any attached audio files.
Delete Task – Deletes the task from the list.
Read Patient – Reads the selected patient in as the current patient.