EXACT automatically adds the time required to complete each Service into an overall appointment length.
The estimated time to complete each Service is defined within each Service’s parameters.
To assist Reception Staff to accurately schedule the patient’s future appointments, it is possible to change the estimated time for each appointment in the Current Course of Treatment area.
To assist the provider, notes can be added to an appointment, for example a reminder to check a tooth that had been causing the patient discomfort.
To edit the Appointment Length
Double-click on the appointment in the Treatment Area. This is displayed on the Appointment line in bold black text:
An Edit Appointment window will display:
Click in the Expected Time field and type in a time, or use the up/down arrow buttons to enter the new required appointment length. The first two digits indicate hours and the next two digits indicate minutes.
00:25 represents 0 hour and 25 minutes
01:30 represents 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Evolution doet automatisch de geschatte tijd van elke behandelcode bij elkaar optellen om de afspraakduur te berekenen. U kunt de afspraakduur aanpassen door te dubbelklikken op een afspraak in het behandelplan. Op het ‘Afspraak bewerken’ scherm kunt u nu de verwachte lengte aanpassen.