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Types of NHS Alerts
Re-attendance Alert
Urgent treatment is not included and neither are patients who attended a different contract within 28 days.
In EXACT the default is 28 days, but the alert can be configured for any period from1 to 99 days.
Implementation of the Alert in EXACT:
Re-Attendance Alerting has been implemented in EXACT, together with an accompanying Re-attendance Report to help NHS EXACT users monitor their performance against NHS Attendance KPIs.
NOTE: Although the NHS monitors compliance with the 28-day re-attendance guideline, the Re-attendance Alert is independent of the NHS - it is an optional tool for practice purposes only and is not monitored by the NHS.
From EXACT v12.3, when a Provider creates a Course Of Treatment that breaches the configured parameters for Re-attendance alerting, EXACT displays a non-intrusive red-dot alert icon in the COT header. Mouseover this icon to see a tooltip explanation for the Alert. |
Example procedure with the default 28-Day alerting:
A 28 Day Re-attendance Alert triggers at the point when a Provider creates a Treatment Plan.
EXACT then looks back through the patient's history to check whether the patient has had an NHS COT within the last 28 days (default is 28 days) - if YES, EXACT pops an alert for the Provider.
Practices are therefore motivated to monitor any actions that can lead to high levels of re-attendance within 28 days.
EXACT DAF Alerting capabilities
Trigger conditions for the alerts are based on NHS requirement specifications and are approved by the NHS.
NHS Practices using EXACT can optionally configure EXACT to
- Report on their DAF KPIs in order to be responsive to their continuous performance.
The NHS DAF KPI Report is also available through MyPractice Cloud (MPC).
- Collate evidence of practice performance against KPIs
- KPI-related actions are logged and auditable
- Associated notes are shown on the NHS DAF Alert Report
- Alert Providers to any possible actions that could contribute to these KPIs.
- Default messages advise that the current Provider activity is being NHS DAF KPI monitored.
- Messages instruct the Provider to input supporting notes or evidence.
- DAF Alerts are configured in the NHS Alert Manager.
Specific DAF alerts implemented in EXACT v12.3
- The Band 3 to Band 3 KPI
- Fluoride varnish check when first opening a COT for a child
- Fissure Sealant check when first opening a COT for a child
These are activated by default on upgrade to v12.3 but the Alert Notes Required field must be manually checked for a practice.
Responding to NHS Alerts
When a Provider creates a Course Of Treatment, if it breaches the configured parameters for NHS alerting, EXACT displays a non-intrusive red-dot alert icon in the COT header. |
Hover your mouse cursor over the icon to read the alert in the form of a tooltip.
Alert Notes are NHS-required justifications for Providers breaching configured NHS parameters. Providers create them in the NHS Alert Notes window that EXACT automatically makes available when a parameter is breached.
- Directly from within the Chart tab, in response to the Alert icon in the COT header:
When a Provider creates a Course Of Treatment, if it breaches the configured parameters for NHS alerting, EXACT displays a non-intrusive red-dot alert icon in the COT header. |
Click the red Alert icon to open the window:
See NHS Alert Notes window for details on creating Alert Notes.window:
- When you attempt to send a Claim:
If you attempt to Send Claim without adding a required Alert Note, EXACTwill automatically pop up the Alert Notes window:
See NHS Alert Notes window for details on creating Alert Notes.
- At the point of TCing a COT:
TC the COT, then in the NHS FP17 window that pops up, select the Alert Notes tab.
From this Alert Notes tab select the [+1] button to open the Add Alert Notes window:
See NHS Alert Notes window for details on creating Alert Notes.
Resubmit button only displays for COT creator:
- Providers who are not the initial COT creator can only Create a COT or Cancel the Treatment Plan.
- Providers who are the initial COT creator are able to Create a COT, Resubmit the previous COT or Cancel the Treatment Plan.
Resubmitting the previous COT
Option to Create a COT:
NHS Alert Notes Window
Auto-generated instructions to the Provider based on the NHS Alert configuration. | |
Alert Notes fields only display if a justification is required, where you need to justify why you're breaching the NHS guideline. The example above shows the full range of Alert Notes, but this window would display even a single Alert Note requirement. Simply type your justification into each textbox. To speed Note creation you can set up and use Quick Notes - see . | |
Quick Notes have standard text content that can be quickly inserted into the Alert Note at the cursor location. Select the Quick Note and click the << button to insert it. To create a Quick Note, select the [+1] button and complete the Add Quick Note window: If you have many Quick Notes you can arrange them in Types to speed and simplify locating them - see (Quick Notes are also used in creating Clinical Notes |
) | |
Types are categories of Quick Notes, where you choose a Type to list just its that Type's associated Quick Notes. Types are only necessary if you have a large number of Quick Notes and it becomes awkward to locate the ones that you want. Use Types to speed and simplify locating appropriate Quick Notes to insert into your NHS Alert Note. To create Types
NOTE: From v12.4 editing of Note Types is removed from the View Note Types window, resulting in a subtle change in behaviour... |
NHS Alerts Reporting
The NHS Re-attendance report is accessible within EXACT.
The NHS DAF KPI Report is only available through MyPractice Cloud (MPC).
Schedule: This report can be scheduled to be sent by eMail attachment (.CSV Export/PDF format) or printed automatically.
See also: Re-attendance Alert
To run the NHS Re-attendance Report
NHS DAF Alerting Report
The NHS Alert Manager provides a means for practices to setup alerts on NHS policy or service breaches, and to track the data around practice conformance.
In response to a DAF trigger condition a configurable message (unique to to each KPI) displays as a warning. The user who triggered the alert is able to add supporting notes/evidence as to why the action is occurring. The DAF breach action is logged in the database along with the user's supporting notes.
NHS Practices using EXACT can optionally configure EXACT to
- Report on their DAF KPIs in order to be responsive to their continuous performance.
- Collate evidence of practice performance against KPIs
- Alert Providers to any possible actions that could contribute to these KPIs.
Trigger conditions for the alerts are based on NHS requirement specifications and are approved by the NHS.
NHS Practices using EXACT can optionally configure EXACT to
- Report on their DAF KPIs in order to be responsive to their continuous performance.
The NHS DAF Report is also available through MyPractice Cloud (MPC).
- Collate evidence of practice performance against KPIs
- KPI-related actions are logged and auditable
- Associated notes are shown on the NHS DAF Alert Report
- Alert Providers to any possible actions that could contribute to these KPIs.
- Default messages advise that the current Provider activity is being NHS DAF KPI monitored.
- Messages instruct the Provider to input supporting notes or evidence.
- DAF Alerts are configured in the NHS Alert Manager.
See also:
To run the NHS DAF Alerting Report