Het paro tabblad toont de tandgrafiek en stelt de gebruiker in staat om alle paro-gegevens op 1 scherm in te vullen, waaronder:
Met behulp van de zakdiepte pocketdiepte en recessie zal het automatisch de bijlagescore uitwerken en markeren als boven een bepaald cijferaanhechtingsscore worden uitgewerkt en worden gemarkeerd als deze boven een bepaalde waarde is (zie ook Paro tabblad configureren). Ten slotte kan de arts behandelaar diagnose- en behandelplaninformatie behandelplan informatie toevoegen voor een gedetailleerd perioderapport.
Using the Pocket Depth and recession it will automatically work out the attachment score and highlight if over a certain figure. Finally, the clinician can add diagnosis and treatment plan information for a detailed perio report.
Colour coding
Some Status fields are coloured to represent different values.
For example, attachment over a certain value can trigger colouring the field red. Note how different values have associated colours in these fields.
Element comment field
Each Element has an optional comment field of up to 10 characters.
(Note that depending on the character chosen not all may be visible.
Diagnosis and Treatment comment fields
The Perio Chart has comments fields for diagnosis and treatment plan:
Configuring Single Screen Perio
This can be customised per provider login, or providers can simply use the default settings.
Parameters that can be customised:
Attachment level threshold
How recession data is entered (either after each pocket depth, after each quadrant, or after all pocket depths)
Whether or not to include the eights in the progression around the mouth
The order of progression through all pieces of the dental arch: four quadrants, each with outside and inside
The direction of progression for each piece of the dental arch.
in either the background (read-only) chart, or in the Add/Edit Perio Chart window:
The Configure Perio Chart screen (default values shown)
The chart includes instructions:
Enter recession data This refers to the point at which EXACT automatically tabs over to recession.
Default is after each pocket depth is recorded.
Tab Order selectors
Set the dropdown selectors to specify the order in which you want to proceed around the mouth.
As you select a position for a quadrant, the quadrant that already has that position will swap over with the one you that chose.
Click the blue arrows to toggle their direction.
Skip the 8s
EXACT offers an option to remove the 8s from the tab order.
If you do not routinely take the data for 8s, check the box to Skip the 8s. When the cursor comes to the 8, whether the tooth is present or not, the cursor will move to the next tooth.
You can manually click on an 8 to record data if you wish, even with this option in the field. If the Skip the 8s check box is selected, the blue arrows will shorten to indicate that the 8's are not included.
To view a Single Screen Perio Chart
On the patient desktop, select a patient and click on the Perio tab:
The main screen of Perio is displayed. The most recent perio chart is automatically displayed. The grid will be blank if the patient does not yet have any charts recorded. The view is read-only.
You can view older charts by clicking on their date in the left-hand panel. From the Perio workplace you can also add a new chart, or edit, print, email, or delete existing charts.
Note: Charts captured in the older multi-tab format will be shown in the new single screen format. The multi tab format can also show charts captured in single screen format. You can change back and forth at will by ticking an unticking the ‘Use single screen perio’ option. The only thing to remember is that the single screen perio can capture more data than the multi-tab version, so not all data will be shown.
Click the Add button in the Perio workspace area:
The Add Perio Chart window will display, overlaid on the Perio tab area:
Type a name for the chart.
Press the Tab key to tab to the 1st section, as defined in the tab order in the Configure Perio Chart Screen
Complete it as required and click OK to save.
The chart name will then be listed in the Perio workspace area:
Select it to view the read only chart at right
Edit, Print or Delete it
Perio data entry
Press the Tab key to tab to the pocket depth of the 1st section (section order is as defined in the tab order in the Configure Perio Chart Screen).
Enter the data with procedures indicated below:
To enter a number on the Perio chart and move the cursor to the next box
Press a number key to enter a value (from 0-9) in the current box. This also moves the cursor on to the next box.
For Pocket depth holding the number down will cycle between the number and the number +10. Release the number key when the correct value is shown
For Recession holding the number down will cycle between the number, the number +10 and – the number then back to the number again. Eg 6, 16 , -6. Release the number key when the correct value is shown
Left-click in the Plaque field to cycle: plaque on > plaque off at that position. OR - Press '-' to cycle: plaque on > plaque off.
Left-click in the Mobility field to cycle: blank > 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 and then back to blank
OR NMLK+5 cycles the Mobility field at the current position: blank > 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 and then back to blank.
NOTE: Blank is unrecorded, zero is 'No Mobility'
Left-click in the Furcation field to cycle: blank > I > II > III
OR Press '+' to cycle the Furcation field at the current position: blank > I > II > III.
NOTE: On teeth where there are two furcation positions, if the cursor is in a 'middle' position, the key will cycle the leftmost field.
To Edit or delete a Perio Chart
To Edit Perio charting select a chart in the Perio workspace area and then click the Edit button or double click the entry. This opens the existing chart with data, Complete it as required and click OK to save it.
Print or e-mail a completed Perio Chart
Use the Print button to print or email a perio chart:
The print dialog appears allowing you to optionally Edit the Layout, Preview, Email or Print the chart.
Note: you can still print the old style graphical perio printout for patients by choosing the ‘Basic’ print button.paro verslag.
Sommige hokken zijn gekleurd om verschillende waarden weer te geven. Als u bijvoorbeeld een aanhechting boven een bepaalde waarde heeft, kan het veld rood worden gekleurd.
Commentaarveld element
Elk element heeft een optioneel commentaarveld van maximaal 10 tekens. (Afhankelijk van het gekozen teken, is mogelijk niet alles zichtbaar.)
Diagnose en behandeling commentaarvelden
De paro kaart heeft commentaarvelden voor diagnose en behandelplan.
Paro tabblad hoofdscherm
Open de patiëntenkaart van de desbetreffende patiënt en klik op het Paro tabblad.
Het hoofdscherm van paro is nu zichtbaar en het meest recente parodiagram wordt automatisch getoond. Het diagram is leeg als er voor de patiënt nog geen gegevens zijn genoteerd. Het scherm is alleen-lezen.
Parodiagram inzien
U kunt oudere diagrammen bekijken door op de desbetreffende datum in het linkervenster te klikken.
Vanuit het linkerdeel kunt u ook een nieuwe diagram toevoegen (Parodiagram toevoegen) of bestaande diagrammen bewerken, afdrukken, e-mailen of verwijderen.
Parodiagram bewerken
Doe in het linkervenster dubbelklikken op het diagram dat u wilt bewerken of selecteer het diagram en klik vervolgens op ‘e│d’.
Dit opent het bestaande diagram. Doe de gewenste wijzigingen en klik vervolgens op ‘OK’.
Parodiagram verwijderen
Selecteer het parodiagram dat u wilt verwijderen in het linkervenster en klik op de prullenbak.
Klik op het volgende scherm op ‘Ja’ om het diagram te verwijderen.
Parodiagram afdrukken of e-mailen
Selecteer het parodiagram in het linkervenster en klik op de knop afdrukken.
In het volgende scherm heeft u de optie om het diagram af te drukken of te e-mailen: