Versions Compared


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  1. Ga naar Administratie - Verslagen.

  2. Dubbelklik op ‘Gefactureerd werk per behandelaar’.

  3. Indien gewenst gebruik een query sjabloon om patiënten te selecteren (zie ook Contactlijst query sjabloons sjabloon maken of wijzigen).

    Image Added
  4. Indien gewenst selecteer de behandelaars.

    Image Removed
  5. Vul de gewenste datums in.

  6. Vink ‘Alleen overzicht’ aan als u alleen een overzicht per behandelaar wilt ‘Nulwaarden op facturen weergeven’ aan om facturen met een waarde van €0,00 te laten zien.

  7. Vink ‘Toon voorraaditems’ aan als u ook voorraaditems in het verslag wilt opnemen.

  8. Vink ‘Scheiden van factuurregels’ aan om elke behandelcode op een aparte regel te laten zien.

  9. Klik vervolgens op ‘Afdrukken’, ‘Voorbeeld’, ‘E-mail’ of ‘Exporteren’.

To Run the 'Invoiced Work by Owning Dentist' Report

Go to Administration -> Reports and select Invoiced Work By Owning Dentist:


By using the Select Patients field, a query can be selected or created, making it possible to print this report for selected groups of patients as defined in the query. For more information on creating queries see Creating and Editing Queries

Leaving the Provider(s) field empty will print an ‘Invoiced Work by Owning Dentist’ report for the entire practice; however an individual provider can be selected from the list by using the Up/Down arrows.

Clicking the Multiple button will allow printing for a combination of Providers. Alternatively, you can leave the Provider(s) field blank and select all providers belonging to a provider Category by selecting a Category in the Provider Category field.

The ‘From’ and ‘To’ date fields are used to define the date range for the report.

Placing a tick in the check box next to ‘Show zero value invoices’ will include these in the report.

Placing a tick in the check box next to ‘Show Stock Items' will add invoices for stock items sold to patients to the report.

Click ‘Print’ to send the report to the printer, ‘Preview’ to preview on screen and then print from the ‘Preview’ screen, 'Email' to email a copy of the report to an email recipient, 'Export' to produce a file suitable for importing into a spreadsheet, or ‘Cancel’ to return to the previous screen.

The example below shows an ‘Invoiced Work by Owning Dentist’ report for the provider DEMO, with ‘Show Zero Value Invoices’ selected:


Interpreting the Report

The report is divided into several columns and sections. For each provider invoices are divided into columns showing Payor and Private work. The report is also sectioned into areas for work done by a provider on their own patients, and on another Provider’s patients.

The columns are as follows:




Lists the patient’s names, in alphabetical order.




Shows the invoice number. For Payor-covered treatment there are two invoice numbers displayed, one is an invoice to the patient and the other represents the invoice raised to the payor.




The date represents the date that the treatment was invoiced/charged, this may not necessarily be the date that the treatment was actually carried out, for example if the practice charges for treatment at the end of a Course of Treatment this would be the date shown.




Any contributions made by the patient are displayed. A negative amount in this column relates to an invoice that has either been resubmitted (Payor), or adjusted (Private). For patients who are members of schemes such as Denplan, there will be a zero amount displayed, as treatment for these patients does not attract any fees. The patient’s name will be displayed to indicate that treatment has been carried out.


Total Fee


Displays the total amount of the invoice. Negative amounts are invoices that have either been resubmitted or adjusted. Zero amounts represent patients who are members of a payment scheme, e.g. Denplan.


Service Codes


Displays the service codes from which the invoice is compiled.



Voorbeeld van verslag





Datum en geplande afspraaktijd.





Voorbeeld van verslag


Het verslag is onderverdeeld in verschillende kolommen en secties. Voor elke behandelaar zijn de facturen verdeeld in kolommen met polis en restitutie. Het verslag is ook onderverdeeld in secties voor werk dat wordt gedaan door een behandelaar voor hun eigen patiënten en voor patiënten van een andere behandelaar.



Naam van de patiënt (in alfabetische volgorde).




Datum van de factuur.


Soort factuur.

Totaal kost

Totale kosten op de factuur.

Service code

De behandelcodes die op de factuur staan. Deze kunt u splitsen door ‘Scheiden van factuurregels’ aan te vinken.