This topic describes how to set up consumables and items sold to patients (toothbrushes, Tepes, whiteners, etc.) as services so they can be used when either charting patient treatment or to add on (invoice) via the Patient Transactions screen.
Select Configure > Services.
Click on the [+1] button at the bottom of the screen and enter a code and a description for the stock item.
Select the Pricing Method required (usually ‘Per Item’).
Place a tick in the Ask For Quantity box to prompt for that information, so that if a patient wants to buy 3 toothbrushes, fees will be automatically calculated.
In the Graphic field, select None if not already selected.
To set up an Invoice Summary for stock items, click in the invoice summary box and then on the lined/selector button which appears to the side.
From within this next screen click on the [+1] button and type a description, e.g., "STOCK", then click the OK button.
Optionally re-use this for all stock items as required.
To list stock items within a category in the Patient File, as opposed to stock items being sold through reception, create a Watch Type.
This will display any stock items the patient has purchased in the Watch sub-tab of the Chart tab. (Optional)
To display stock items in the Patient File, place a tick in the box List in Chart Tab.
Tick the List as Stock Item box.
Enter the Number in stock if required. Each time an item is sold this number will decrease. To check stock levels, from the service file locate the item and double click on it to open the Edit Service Item screen. Within that screen, stock levels can be checked and amended when new stock arrives.
To display stock items in the Patient chart, select which categories the item will appear in. Enter Stock Item as the first Category and then any further Categories in which it should be displayed, e.g. Hygiene Treatments.
Unless using the various price codes, enter the fee in the Price Code 2 column. If using the other price codes, enter fees in those accordingly.