Why are backups so important?

If your Server encounters an issue that stops you from accessing EXACT an up-to-date backup is essential to get your team working again. Without a backup, it may not be possible to recover EXACT data and patient information.

EXACT Network Backup

EXACT has built-in capabilities to perform a backup each time a user exits the program. We recommend running a backup of your EXACT data at the end of each working day. The in-built backup process makes a copy of the EXACT database on the local workstation (or an external drive).

Each workstation can store one copy of the data, so it could be advisable to cycle through different workstations each day. Also, make sure your offsite backup (i.e Cloud) stores multiple days of data in case of corruption is not discovered for a few days. 

Important Note:

While the built-in backup will provide some protection, the EXACT network backup is only part of a robust backup protocol. We recommend cloud backups to protect your data from catastrophes such as fire, flooding or theft.

Ask your IT provider to configure your cloud backup software to copy the network backup data and not your live data. This is due to ongoing EXACT processes like online bookings/payments and the Patient Portal Forms where the EXACT system needs to be accessible 24 hours a day.

Setting up an EXACT network backup on exit

  1. Go to Configure then Computer Settings. (Security Permissions required)

  2. From the screen below click on the “Prompt for Backup on exit”.

  3. This will prompt you to select a location where the backup will be located.

  4. A folder will be created in the selected location called databackup.  Make sure that the location has enough space to perform the backup otherwise it may affect the performance of your computer. 

  5. You can also select an external backup device which can then be taken away from the practice.

6. We recommend you also tick Backup sub-directories to ensure the backup copies folders that contain X-rays, scanned and imported documents, completed Patient Portal and Clinipad forms, email attachments and letter templates. These additional folders usually make up 75%+ of the EXACT data folders size.

Please Note: Sometimes the X-rays may be stored outside of the EXACT folder due to their combined size. Speak to the Digital Imaging Support team if you’re unsure where your X-rays are stored.

Once enabled:

Whenever a user logs off from EXACT they will be prompted to start a network backup. Backups can be performed as often as you wish but if people are using the system it could cause performance issues as well as making the backup take longer to finish.  We would recommend starting backups doing lunchtime or at the end of the day.

Checking the Network Backups:

Remember: Consult your IT to set the backup in conjunction with any other backup systems you are running in the Practice.

The backup will write to a log file which will be located in the data folder of EXACT e.g; \\server\EXACTData\logfiles\backup.log. This will confirm the computer, user id , back up location and whether the backup was successful or not.  If the backup fails for any reason it will automatically open this log file on screen.

Please note: the location you are backing up to will need windows permissions to write to the folder, if you have any errors regarding this please do the following:

  1. Right-click the backup folder (i.e C:\DataBkup) and go to “properties”

  2. Then on the security tab click “edit”, highlight “users” and tick the full control box to make sure all windows users can read/write to that folder.

Important Disclaimers regarding Backups

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Setting up an EXACT network backup via EXACT scheduler
Setting up an EXACT network backup via Windows Task Scheduler
Logging into a Network Backup

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