Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 in January 2020, since this date Microsoft has not provided security updates or support for any PCs running this version of the software, which means that if you are logging into EXACT using a Windows 7 computer, your sensitive patient data may not be secure. 

To ensure that your PC continues to receive updates and is able to run securely without the risk of a data breach by a third party and to ensure you are able to run the latest version of EXACT, it is now critical that you upgrade hardware (servers and workstations).

From 30th September 2022, EXACT will no longer be supporting Windows 7 as Microsoft is not able to support our programming framework, and so for all future releases including upcoming regulatory changes then you will need to be running our software on a supported operating system such as Windows 10.

If you are using Windows 7, please do regular backups to ensure minimal data loss until you are able to upgrade your operating system to Windows 10.  Remember to run the latest versions of EXACT you must update your operating system before 30th September 2022.

If you have any questions then please do contact the Support Team.