Performing a Denplan Assessment will allow you to ensure the patient is on the correct Denplan plan and be charged the appropriate fee.

To perform a Denplan assessment you must set your patients payor to Denplan. You can this by opening the patient file and changing the payor field to Denplan.

Save the file before starting the assessment,

When you add a new Denplan assessment, the data in the form populates automatically with the data captured during the patient charting. Information on how to configure each service to contribute towards the calculations can be found Configuring Denplan Service Items

To create a Denplan assessment for a Denplan patient

  1. In the Patient File, click the Denplan tab, then select the Assessments sub-tab:

    You will see previous assessments listed in this window.

  2. Click the

    button on the tab to create a New assessment..

    EXACT loops through the patient’s treatment items (excluding planned treatment) and calculates the patient's scores based on the Denplan Assessment Scores.

  3. The Add Denplan Assessment window will launch with the Filled Surfaces, Root Filled Teeth and Prostheses Worn sections automatically filled.

    This data is represented not as how many amalgams or composites the patient has had, but the value of the scoring each one represents.

    For example a Composite has a scoring equal to 2, and in the example above the patient has had three Composites, so the data pulled into the form is a value of 6:

    These scores are merely guidelines that you can edit, in which case the subtotal entries will update accordingly.

  4. To manually update a field value in the form:

    1. Click in the field to display a numerical control for that field:

    2. Click the Up or Down arrow to change the value. The will be subtotalled and totalled scores will update accordingly.

  5. The Date defaults to today's date, but may be overwritten if required.

  6. Choose the appropriate Provider.

  7. You will still need to manually set the values for the Gingival Condition, Periodontal Status and Plaque Control sections.
    These items will be set to zero subtotals when the assessment is first opened so you will have to make an appropriate selection from the drop-down down list if the defaulted Conditions are not correct for the patient. The Gingival Condition, Periodontal Status and Plaque Control sections of the DAF can be manually changed to any number you wish.

  8. As you enter the figures EXACT will automatically subtotal and total the scores.
    The Proposed Band field will update to reflect the total assessment.

  9. When you are satisfied that the assessment is complete for the patient, click the OK button.
    The "Add/Edit OHS" dialog window will display:

    The first line indicates the patient's current Denplan band (before the latest assessment).
    The second line indicates what band they will be assigned to, based on the assessment. You can leave this as is, or choose another band if required.

  10. To update the patient's record, click the Update Patient button

    or click the Leave Patient button

    to leave the patient with their original band.

    The assessment appears in the Assessment tab list.
    To view or edit it, double-click the assessment line, or click the

    button when the line is highlighted.

To print the patient information captured on the Denplan Assessment Form onto the Denplan Care Assessment Form (DCAF):

  1. Open the patient file record for the appropriate patient.

  2. Click the Denplan tab, then select the Assessment sub-tab:

  3. Click to highlight the assessment line that you wish to print.

  4. At this point, you can either right-click the line, then select ‘Print’ from the drop-down menu, OR click the

    button at the bottom right-hand corner of the Assessments sub-tab. Either option will display the following dialog:

Goodwill owning Dentist

Choose the Goodwill Owning Dentist from the list of valid providers.

If this selection is left blank, or the selection is the same provider that completed the DAF, nothing will be printed in this field onto the DCAF.

Entitlement to Treatment Date

The Entitlement to Treatment Date will default to the first day of the current month.

If you enter another day EXACT will correct it to read "01" of that month.

Only a date using the current month or a future one will be a valid selection.

If you enter a date that contains a previous month to the current one, the following message will display: Entitlement to treatment cannot be set in a past month. Please select a date in the current month or a future date.

Number of Copies

Use this to set the number of copies of the DCAF to print.

Note that as part of Denplan's procedure, both the dentist and patient should have copies of the DCAF, signed by the patient.

Click this Print button to print the two pages of the DCAF, including the Care Agreement.

All the information that would normally be included on a manually-completed form will be printed in the appropriate places.

Note that in the Contract section of the DCAF, the date is NOT printed in the field next to the box for the patient’s signature: the patient must enter this when they sign the form.

Click this button to preview the DCAF before printing it out.

TIP: Do this so that you can confirm the information is correct before selecting the Print option.

Click this Cancel button to cancel the DCAF process and exit from this window.

Denplan Assessment Scores

The scores on the Denplan Assessment screen are the same as those on the printed Denplan Care Assessment form.

The following tables show the scores for each of the categories in the on-screen Denplan assessment form.

Note that the default for all service items which don't have Denplan category set is "none", which gives a score of 0.

Scores for a service item are changed by selecting a Denplan category for that service. On the final assessment the calculated score can be overridden by simply typing in a new score.




1 point per surface


2 points per surface


4 points


6 points

Bridge Retainer

4 points

Bridge Pontic

6 points


10 points for 1-5 teeth

16 points for 6-10 teeth

24 points for 11+ teeth

Gingival Condition




Mild gingivitis






Periodontal Status


No significant bone loss


Average Bone Loss


Significant Bone Loss


Plaque Control







