Integrated Card Processing needs to be registered as a module before the configuration options are available.
First purchase the module in order to obtain a registration number, then follow the procedure below.
- Requires Administrator security rights.
- Integrated Card Processing needs to be registered as a module before the configuration options are available.
- The hardware terminals must be set up on your network as EXACT needs to search for and locate them.
See the terminal manufacturer instructions if your terminals have not already been installed.
From v12.8 the supported MAC Address range for Spire terminals is configurable.
Notice that the Configuration (spanner) button becomes active.
Notice that the .CARD payment method is deliberately listed first, in anticipation of this being the preferred payment type.
This requires that the hardware terminals are set up on your network. See the terminal manufacturer instructions if your terminals have not already been installed.
From v12.8 the supported MAC Address range for Spire terminals is configurable.
This opens the Card Terminal Setup.
A terminal is the hardware through which to process payments.
You can have multiple terminals in the practice.
Each terminal requires a unique Name, IP Address (obtained locally), Port Number (obtained locally) and Mac Address (assigned by Stripe).
You will see the Searching for Terminals message:
From v12.8 the supported MAC Address range for Spire terminals is configurable - please refer to Support for details.
The software tests the connection, and you will see a success message:
NOTE: You can also add terminals manually, as described in Manually adding Terminals.
A default terminal speeds payments because practitioners at the terminal do not need to manually select a terminal.
See: Setting a default terminal per workstation
Only these fields are editable: Name, IP Address, Port Number (by default this is 22000).
The IP Address may change depending on your Router.
If it changes and is un-checked it displays in the Card Terminal Setup window in red text, and you can select the Edit button to force a check - see Checking a terminal IP Address.
You can also determine the terminal's current IP Address by printing a standard diagnostic report for that terminal and locating the printed IP Address information.
You will see a Confirmation Required message:
This payment method is not editable. If you select the edit button you will see all fields greyed out:
The .CARD payment method can be deleted so long as no payment has yet been made against it.
Once a payment has been made, if you attempt to delete the .CARD payment method you will see an error message, offering to rather set the payment method to inactive:
Use the [+1] button to open the Add Terminal window:
Type a Name for the new terminal. If you have multiple terminals the names would best be understandable to practitioners who take payments.
IP Address:
The IP Addresses sometimes change, depending on the Router, so the best way to determine an IP Address is to print a diagnostic report from the physical terminal and obtain the IP Address from the printout (see the instructions in the window itself).
Port Number:
This is listed by default.
Errors example:
Click OK.
The software runs a connectivity test to check the IP Address:
Success example - MAC Address has been added:
This MAC Address is not editable, which you can see if you select the Edit button:
Failure example - Connectivity is good but the software failed to retrieve the Mac Address - possibly because the terminal is not properly connected:
The first time that you attempt to use a card terminal from a workstation, EXACT will prompt you to Set Default Card Terminal for that workstation.
Simply select from the dropdown menu and then click OK:
EXACT will prompt you to Set Default Card Terminal for your current workstation.
The IP Addresses sometimes change.
When an IP Address is unchecked it displays in red text in the Card Terminal Setup window.
Select the appropriate terminal in the Card Terminal Setup window, and then select the Edit button:
You will see a message "Checking IP Address.
If the check is successful the IP Address will display in green text.
If the check is unsuccessful you will see a Connectivity failure message:
You will see that the .CARD option and the Integrated Card Processing configuration (spanner) button are greyed out:
If you select the Edit button for .CARD you will see that it is marked as inactive: