Oasis Reports Summary

Oasis Reports Summary

Oasis Version 12 - Reports Summary


Oasis Version 12 - Reports Summary
Report Panels – Grouped Reports and Alpha/Other Reports
Daily Transactions - List 1
Daily Transactions - List 2
Daily Transactions - List 3
Daily Transactions – Doctor Summary
Daily Transactions – Branch Summary
Daily Eclaims Settlement
Daily Un-Invoiced Appointments
Daily Retail Sales Analysis (1)
Daily Retail Sales Analysis (2)
Weekly Unposted Invoices
Weekly Unposted Payments
Monthly Financial Summary
Monthly Item Analysis
Monthly Progressive Contracts
Monthly Payment Exceptions
Monthly Hygienist Split
Monthly Rebate Analysis
Yearly Financial Summary
Aged debtors – Standard
Aged Debtors – Undefined Branch
Aged Debtors – Doctor Summary
Aged Debtors – Branch Summary
Aged Debtors – On Hold
Progressive Cashflows
Progressive Invoices
Invoices by Patient Classification
Invoices by Patient Contact
Invoices by Referring Doctor
Invoices by Direct Referral
Invoices by Item Group
Invoices by Patient Age
Invoices by Top Patient Accounts
Invoices by Patient Age / Postcode
Invoices by Time / Item Group
Invoices by Time / Patient Classification
Invoices by Time / Date
Invoices by Item Group / Patient Classification
Invoices by Item Code – Detailed
Invoices by Item Code / GST
Invoices by Item Code / Discounts
Production – Detailed
Prime KPIs
Production – Doctor Summary (1)
Production – Doctor Summary (2)
Production – Branch Summary
Production – Doctor / Hygienist Summary 1
Production – Doctor / Hygienist Summary 2
Patients by Age / Postcode
Patients by Age / Classification
Patients by Age / Ethnicity
Patients by Age / Contact
Patients by Age / Health Fund
Patients by Direct Referral
Patients by Referring Doctor
Patients Active Count
Treatment Acceptance
Waiting Room Summary
Appointment Usage Summary
Appointment Entry Summary
Appointment Cashflows
Patient / Health Fund Analysis
Marketing – Standard
Marketing – Fee Variations
Marketing – Discounts
Marketing – Financial Summary
Letters by Appointment Code
Letters by Item Code
Patient Birthday Letters
Patient Birthday Labels
Patient Birthday List
Patient Birthday SMS
Patient Incomplete Treatment Letters
Patient Incomplete Treatment Labels
Patient Incomplete Treatment List
Patient Incomplete Treatment SMS
New Patient Letters
New Patient Labels
New Patient List
Patient Newsletters
Patient Newsletter Labels
Patients with No Recalls
Direct Referral Patient Letters
Patient Direct Referral Labels
Patient Master Lists
Item Master List
Appointment Entry List
Appointment Patients – No Contract
Marked Payment Analysis
Unpaid Invoices – Standard
Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (1)
Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (2)
Balances Check


This document sets out the standard reporting suite that comes with every Oasis Version 12 installation.
For every standard report, the window that allows the entry of parameters is shown. There is sample output for most reports. The data used to generate the sample reports is not actual patient data so may appear skewed and irrelevant.
Some of the reports are actually output for letters or labels and these do not have sample data. It is expected that the user will have access to Microsoft Word for the production of letters and some labels. Other labels are produced directly by Oasis. Likewise, some of the reports are actually processes for the output of SMS messages and again there is no sample output.

Report Panels – Grouped Reports and Alpha/Other Reports

There are four report panels. This document deals with the first 2 where the standard reports are available.


Most reports have parameters of Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Branch / End Branch.
Setting a Start Doctor of 0000 and End Doctor of 0000 will give a consolidated total for all doctors. If you want separate reports for each doctor, enter Start Doctor 0001 and End Doctor 9999. Similarly, in a multi-branch practice, setting a Strat Branch of 0000 and End Branch of 0000 will give a consolidated report for all branches.
The majority of reports are based on a requested date range. There is no "end period" processing in Oasis Version 11. This means that it is possible to run a report for a date range which will return totals for that date range. However, if you run the same report for the same date range at a later date, the totals may be different as users can reverse or delete transactions in the system.
Some reports offer the use of "Consult date". By default, all reports are based on "Entry Date" but you can choose to use the consultation date if required. Oasis allows you to back-date entries in the system so that they print as the back-dated (Consult) date. However, all entries also have a computer entry date which is the default date used.

Daily Transactions - List 1

Daily Transaction List 1 simply lists all transactions entered into Oasis for the date range specified.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Account / End Account, Start Reference Number / End Reference Number, Print using Consult Date, Print using Sequence Number Order and then selection of the five transaction types.

The report lists all transactions for the date range with a summary at the bottom.

Daily Transactions - List 2

Daily Transaction List 2 lists all transactions entered into Oasis for the date range specified.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Print using Consult Date.

The report groups entries by account showing if clinical notes have been written and with both a Banking Summary and Transaction Summary at the bottom.

Daily Transactions - List 3

Daily Transaction List 3 lists all transactions entered into Oasis for the date range specified.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Print using Consult Date, Print Classification Summary.

The report groups entries based on Patient and then based on Account (Family Head).
It optionally can show a summary of entries by Patient Classification at the bottom.

Daily Transactions – Doctor Summary

This report will show summary information about the five transaction types for the date range specified by specific doctor.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Account / End Account, Start Reference Number / End Reference Number, Print using Consult Dates, Print in Sequence Number Order.

Lists each doctor's activity for the date range in summary only. Note the parameters of Start Doctor 0001 / End Doctor 9999. This report will not show activity for Doctor 0000.

Daily Transactions – Branch Summary

This report will show summary information about the five transaction types for the date range specified by specific branch.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Account / End Account, Start Reference Number / End Reference Number, Print using Consult Dates, Print in Sequence Number Order.

Lists each branch's activity for the date range in summary only. Probably not very useful in a single branch practice.

Daily Eclaims Settlement

This report is used to list all "EClaim" transactions for the specified date range.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Account / End Account, Start Reference Number / End Reference Number, Print using Consult Dates, Print in Sequence Number Order, Print Summary Only, Print Medicare, Print HICAPS.

This report is designed to list all transactions that are processed through the Payment Partner terminal – both Health Fund claims and Medicare Easyclaims (if the boxes are ticked). It has a mechanism for highlighting discrepancies between claim items submitted and those returned from the terminal. The theory is that this report could be used in conjunction with the settlement report from the Payment partner terminal.

Daily Un-Invoiced Appointments

This report simply lists all appointed patients within the date range specified that have not had an invoice raised as a result of their appointment.
The parameters are Start Date /End date.

This is a check report so the practice can review the day and check to see that all attendees have been invoiced for their treatment. It may not be so relevant in an orthodontic practice where patients are not necessarily billed for each attendance.

Daily Retail Sales Analysis (1)

This report lists in summary the value of "retail" items as opposed to "non-retail" items and shows GST for retail items. There is a flag against each item code that sets it as a retail item and this report will only be effective if the flag is set against appropriate items. The GST component will only take effect if the practice is set to report on GST.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date and Print using Consult Dates.

The report shows dollar value of Retail as opposed to Non-retail items. It also shows a split between Doctors and Hygienists. This will only be effective if you use Hygienists and they are flagged as such against the Doctors in Branches table.

Daily Retail Sales Analysis (2)

This report lists in summary the value of GST on retail items.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date and Print using Consult Dates.

This report segregates retail GST from non-retail GST. The Production GST would be for things like Denture Relines and Provision of Mouthguards whereas the retail GST would be for dental consumables sold at the practice.

Weekly Unposted Invoices

The Weekly Un-Posted Invoice report shows all transaction lines that are still in the invoice entry screen.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor.

In Oasis, if you don't OK an invoice, the transactions that make up the invoice are stored in the PBTRNENT file waiting for the OK button to be pressed. If the practice forgets that there are unposted invoices, this report will list all such transactions.

Weekly Unposted Payments

The Weekly Un-Posted Payment report shows all transaction lines that are still in the payment entry screen.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor.

In Oasis, if you don't OK a payment, the transactions that make up the payment are stored in the PBTRNENT file waiting for the OK button to be pressed. If the practice forgets that there are unposted payments, this report will list all such transactions.
As entries in the payment screen go directly to the Banking system (if enabled) the report also indicates where there are possible banking discrepancies.

Monthly Financial Summary

The monthly financial summary report summarises the transactions for each day of the requested date range. It also shows a patient count and average dollars per patient.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Print using consult dates, Print Banking Summary, Print using Consulting Doctors, Summarise Only.

When printing the Banking summary, a list of all the banking types (eftpos, direct debit, cash, cheque etc) is shown for the entire period. Likewise, if the Summarise only is selected, you only get one row for the entire period.
In Oasis a Doctor can assign their invoices to a different doctor. It is therefore possible to have a "Consulting" doctor (that actually does the work) but assigns the transactions to a "Billing" doctor. If a doctor is assigning invoices to another doctor, this option will show the consulting doctor rather than the billing doctor. NOTE: When a doctor assigns their invoices to a billing doctor, payments can only be made to the billing doctor.

Monthly Item Analysis

This report will give an overview of what procedures have been done for the defined period and the dollar value of those procedures.
Parameters are Start Doctor /End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Item / End Item, Print using consult dates.

This report will list all item codes billed within the requested date range showing a count and dollar value.

Monthly Progressive Contracts

The Monthly Progressive Contract report lists all new contracts created in the requested date range
Parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Contract date / End Contract Date.

Progressive contracts are mainly used in orthodontic practices where a single item code can be progressively billed over a number of years. Patients enter into a contract to pay the provider in instalments. This report simply shows the value of contracts created during the date range.

Monthly Payment Exceptions

The Monthly Payment Exception report lists payments received that have not been banked through the Oasis Banking system.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Account / End Account, Start Reference Number / End Reference Number, Print using Consult dates, Print in sequence number order.

The report will show all posted payments in the system that have not been included in a "closed off" banking.

Monthly Hygienist Split

The Monthly Hygienist Split report will show dollar values for the Oasis transaction types split between those practitioners that are Hygienists and those that are not.
Parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Print using Consult dates, Print Banking Summary, Print using Consulting Doctors, Summarise only.

This report will summarise the main Oasis Transaction types for all practitioners doing work in the practice. It does however split out the figures for practitioners flagged as Hygienists. As a number of Hygienists assign their invoices to other practitioners, it may be prudent to run this report with the Consulting Doctors option selected.

Monthly Rebate Analysis

The Monthly Rebate analysis report is used where the Payment Options switch "Finance Company Rebates" is turned on.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Item / End Item, Print using Consult dates, Subtotal by Patient, Print using Additional Patient details.

I don't have any data to show for this report. However, you must be set up for Finance Company Rebates for this to work.
Click on doctor in balance box and choose "Rebate (balance" or manually choose "Rebate" transaction type in lower data entry panel. Oasis displays item code entry box with "/FINGE" as default. Operator can key in alternate item code or table search click. Enter in positive value amount.
On posting,
Oasis creates negative invoice transactions for rebates (required to enable correct GST and commission calculations). Data can be analysed via the standard Item Analysis reports or the new Monthly Rebate Analysis report.

Yearly Financial Summary

This report is similar to the Monthly Financial Summary except it only shows the months summary and not each day for the date range.
Parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Print using Consult dates, Print Banking Summary, Print using Consulting Doctors, Summarise only

When printing using the Banking summary, a list of all the banking types (eftpos, direct debit, cash, cheque etc.) is shown for the entire period. Likewise, if the Summarise only is selected, you only get one row for the entire period.
In Oasis a Doctor can assign their invoices to a different doctor. It is therefore possible to have a "Consulting" doctor (that actually does the work) but assigns the transactions to a "Billing" doctor. If a doctor is assigning invoices to another doctor, this option will show the consulting doctor rather than the billing doctor.

Aged debtors – Standard

The Aged Debtors report shows patients that have a non-zero balance in the system – typically looking for debtors – showing the age of the debt in Current, 30, 60 90+ days increments.
Parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Print Consolidated Totals, Print Summary Only, Print Warnings, Print Detail Lines, Print Line Divider, Print Quick Report, Print Alphabetical order, Print using Consult Dates, Skip Accounts on Hold, Skip Accounts not on hold, Skip Accounts in credit, skip accounts in debit, Skip bad Debt Accounts, Skip Current, Skip Current + 30 Days, Skip Current 30 60 Days.

Many options for this report as follows:
By default, the report will list any account that has a non-zero balance. This means accounts that are in debit and also accounts that are in credit. Typically, a credit account will have unallocated credit in the Unallocated column.
Consolidated Totals:Will add a consolidated total page to individual doctor reporting
Print Summary Only:Will print only the "bottom line" – not list debtors
Print Warning: Will add a line to each entry with the account financial warning
Print Line Divider:Will print a separator line between each entry
Print Quick Report:Prints debits, credits and balance – not current, 30, 60, 90 days
Print Alpha Order:Prints the report in alphabetical order rather than account number order
Print Using Consult Dates:Default is on. Aging is calculated on consult date – not entry date
Skip Accounts on hold:Will not print accounts that are marked as "On-Hold"
Skip Accounts not on hold:Will only print accounts that are flagged as "On-Hold"
Skip Accounts in credit:Will skip printing any accounts that are in credit
Skip Accounts in debit:Will skip printing any accounts that are in debit
Skip Bad Debt Accounts:Will not print any accounts flagged as "Bad Debt"
Skip Non Bad Debt Accounts:Will not print any accounts that are not flagged as "Bad Debt"
Skip Current: Will not print accounts that have a current debt amount
Skip Current and 30 Days:Will not print accounts that have current or 30 day amounts
Skip Current, 30, 60 Days:Will not print accounts that have current, 30 or 60 day amounts

Aged Debtors – Undefined Branch

The Aged Debtors Report shows patients that have a non-zero balance. This particular report shows debtors that are in an undefined branch.
Parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor and all the switches as defined in the Aged Debtors – Standard report.

In a multi-branch practice, this report will show all debtors that are assigned to an undefined branch.

Aged Debtors – Doctor Summary

The Aged Debtors – Doctor Summary shows non-zero balances in summary only – it does not list the accounts that make up the report.
The parameters are the same as for the Aged Debtors – Standard with the exception of Bad Debt accounts.

The report gives totals for each doctor in the practice.

Aged Debtors – Branch Summary

The Aged Debtors – Branch Summary shows non-zero balances in summary only – it does not list the accounts that make up the report.
The parameters are the same as for the Aged Debtors – Standard with the exception of Bad Debt accounts.

The report gives totals for each branch in the (multi-branch) practice.

Aged Debtors – On Hold

The Aged Debtors – On Hold report shows patients that are "On Hold". This means they are flagged as "On-Hold" and do not get overdue reminders from the system overdue reminder process.
In terms of parameters, they are the same as for the Aged Debtors – Standard, except that the "Skip Accounts Not On Hold" is already ticked by default.

This report lists those accounts on the system flagged as "On Hold".

Progressive Cashflows

The Progressive Cashflow Report aims to present a report of potential income based on the processing of progressive invoices over the next 6 months with future amounts shown in the last column.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor.

The report prints the value of progressive payments over the next 6 months with any further amounts in a final column.

Progressive Invoices

The Progressive Invoices Report shows all Progressive Contracts and their status in the system. It shows Contract Price, what has been invoiced so far, what is left to invoice and the contract balance. It also shows the next progressive invoice date for the account and flags accounts where there is a discrepancy between the contract value, invoiced to date, yet to be invoiced figures.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor.

The report lists all Progressive Contracts based on the Contract value entered in the progressive invoice screen. This means that a patient that has completed their contract will still be listed in this report as long as they have a contract value. The ST column will display an asterisk if there is a discrepancy between the contract value, the billed to date and yet to be billed figures.

Invoices by Patient Classification

The Invoices by Classification report lists dollar values for invoices raised based on the patient's classification code. Because you can potentially have more than 9 classification codes, it is important that the Statistics columns be defined correctly. The report uses the Statistics Columns to display the data.
The parameters for the report are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date with tick boxes for summary only, details report down the page and print using consultation dates.

The report shows the value of invoices by statistics column with a total at the right.
(The statistics columns are set up under Preferences, My Money, Statistics, Classification columns).

Invoices by Patient Contact

The Invoices by Patient Contact report lists dollar values for invoices raised based on the patient's contact code. Because you can potentially have more than 9 contact codes, it is important that the Statistics columns be defined correctly. The report uses the Statistics Columns to display the data.
The parameters for the report are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date with tick boxes for summary only, details report down the page and print using consultation dates.

The report shows the value of invoices by statistics column with a total at the right.
(The statistics columns are set up under Preferences, My Money, Statistics, Contact columns).

Invoices by Referring Doctor

The Invoices by Referring Doctor Report shows the dollar value of invoices raised for patients based on their referring doctor.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date and Include Opening Balances/adjustments.

The report shows the dollar value of invoices raised based on a patient's referring doctor. Normally, opening balances and adjustments would not be included in this report but can be if the option is ticked. This report will show the most prolific referral doctor to your practice.

Invoices by Direct Referral

The Invoices by Direct Referral report shows the dollar value of invoices raised for patients that have been referred by other patients. The objective of the report is to show those patients that have generated the greatest revenue for the practice by their referrals.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date and Include Opening Balances/Adjustments in Report.

The report lists the dollar value associated to patients that have made referrals to the practice.

Invoices by Item Group

The Invoices by Item Group report will show the dollar value associated with the Item Groups in accordance with the ADA Schedule.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date.

This report lists the dollar values associated to each treatment group from the ADA Schedule.

Invoices by Patient Age

The Invoices by Patient Age report will show the dollar value of invoices for each day of the date range based on the patient's age bracket.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Summary only and use Consult dates.

The report shows each date requested with dollar values broken into age groups with a total column at the right. The summary only consolidates the date range into a single total for the range.

Invoices by Top Patient Accounts

The Invoices by Top Patient Accounts report shows the dollar values associated to the top nominated number of account records. This report is designed to show the top revenue raising patients in the practice.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, number of records to display, include opening balances / adjustments and exclude third-party accounts.

The report lists the names and dollar values of the top money-earning patients within the defined date range. You can nominate how many you want to display.

Invoices by Patient Age / Postcode

The Invoices by Patient Age / Postcode report shows the dollar value of invoices raised by age bracket and postcode. The report will show the most lucrative age bracket and postcode possibly for marketing purposes.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End date.

This report shows dollar values for age bracket and postcode. In the sample above, the 40-49 age group from postcode 3185 have generated the highest income for the practice.

Invoices by Time / Item Group

The Invoiced by Time / Item Group report is used to ascertain which item groups generate the greatest income using $Rate per hour as a basis. The report will only be of use if the item codes have a time associated with them in the Item Code table. The report does not use actual times from the appointment book or treatment modules.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date and print using consult dates.

The report uses the time associated with item codes to calculate a dollar rate per hour for each item group.

Invoices by Time / Patient Classification

The Invoiced by Time / Patient Classification report is used to ascertain which Patient Classifications generate the greatest income using $Rate per hour as a basis. The report will only be of use if the item codes have a time associated with them in the Item Code table and patients are classified correctly. The report does not use actual times from the appointment book or treatment modules.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date and print using consult dates.

The report uses the time associated with item codes to calculate a dollar rate per hour for each classification code.

Invoices by Time / Date

The Invoices by Time / Date report is used to ascertain which days generate the greatest income using $Rate per hour as a basis. The report will only be of use if the item codes have a time associated with them in the Item Code table. The report does not use actual times from the appointment book or treatment modules.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date and print using consult dates.

The report uses the time associated with item codes to calculate a dollar rate per hour for each day in the requested date range.

Invoices by Item Group / Patient Classification

The Invoices by Item Group / Patient Classification combines the two previous reports Invoices by Patient Classification and Invoices by Item Group into a single report that shows the date, the item group and the classification statistics column. It then consolidates the item groups at the bottom of the report.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Summary only, Detail down the page and print using consult dates.

The output is by date, item group and then statistical column with a consolidated view at the bottom of the report.

Invoices by Item Code – Detailed

The Invoices by Item Code – detailed shows which patients have had specific item codes.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date Start Item/End Item, print using consult dates, subtotal by patient, print using patient additional details.

This report lists all patients that have had specific treatment items. If the extra patient data is ticked, it will show the time of treatment, patient's date of birth, age and gender.

Invoices by Item Code / GST

The Invoices by Item Code / GST report shows all items that attract a GST that have been invoiced during the requested date range.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Start Item/End Item, Print using consult dates,

This report lists the GST component of all GST items billed within the requested date range. NOTE: GST is only reported based on the GST Rates and Options table – i.e. P for Payment means the report will not show GST unless the item has been paid for within the requested date period.

Invoices by Item Code / Discounts

The Invoices by Item Code / Discounts report shows all discount items and their value that have been invoiced during the requested date range. It does not show what items have been discounted – just the discounts themselves.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Start Item/End Item, Print using consult dates, Sub Total by Patient and Print using additional patient details.

This report lists the value of all discounts offered in the Invoice entry screen. It does not show discounts provided at payment.

Production – Detailed

The Production – Detailed report shows the performance of the practice against goals set within the software. As there is a requirement for the software to be configured correctly to provide relevant data, running the report without goal data will only show actual performance without variance information from practice goals.

To add goals and booked value to the production report, you need to do the following:

  1. From the Appointment Book, select the header of a column and choose "Edit Comments/Goals".
  2. Enter the Goal Hours and Goal Dollars for the practitioner in this column. (Note: You can set default hours and dollars in the Doctors in Branches Preference table).
  3. Enter cashflow amounts into the scheduler pre-defined codes.

The report will show each day for the requested date range with a count of patients and average dollar value per patient in the first column. The remainder of the report shows actual versus goal values.

By ticking the Prime KPIs option, the Production Report will have the Prime Key Performance Indicators at the bottom of the report. ( these are explained in the next section )

By ticking the Banking/Transaction Summary option, a summary of Banking types and transaction types will be displayed at the bottom of the report.

Prime KPIs

Production per Hour
Formula = Production + Hours
Production = the fee for all items performed in date range. Not related to discounts or invoices.
Hours = the total length of appointments attended in date range.
Collections Percentage
Formula = (Collections + Production) x 100
Collections = The total of all receipts for practitioner entered in the date range.
Production = the fee for all items in the date range. Not related to discounts or invoices.
Clinician Hours Scheduled
Formula = Scheduled hours + Extra Hours
Scheduled Hours = All the hours not blocked out for the date range in the scheduler.
Extra Hours = Appointments that were done in blocked out time.
New Patients Seen
Formula = count of all appointments in date range for patients that the practitioner had not seen for the previous 18 months.
Percentage of Patients Re-appointed
Formula = (Patients with future bookings + Patients Seen) x 100
Patients Seen = All patients with appointments for this practitioner in the date range.
Patients with future bookings = Patients seen that have an appointment after the date range.
Amount paid per Patient (last six months)
Formula = Collections + Appointments
Appointments = Number of unique patients seen within the last six months (from date range).
Collections = Amount collected for practitioner for the last six months from date range.
Average Appointment Time
Formula = Appointment Lengths + Number of Appointments
Appointment Lengths = The total length of appointments in the date range.
Number of Appointments = Total number of appointments in the date range.
Number of Active Patients
Formula = The number of unique patients seen by the practitioner for the last 18 months (from the date range).

Number of Key Items Done
Formula = Count of direct items done on the last 100 patients
Direct Items = Items with a code of 541,542, 543, 544, 545, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 583, 611, 613, 615, 618, 661, 664, 671, 672, 673.
Last 100 Patients seen = Last 100 unique patients to have appointments in the date range and earlier.
Attrition Rate
Formula = Number of patients seen by practitioner 18 months ago with no appointment since.

Production – Doctor Summary (1)

The Production Doctor Summary provides the information from the normal Production report in doctor summary format.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End Date.

This report gives the same information as the production report but summarises it by doctor.

Production – Doctor Summary (2)

The Production – Doctor Summary (2) report provides the information in a slightly different format to the normal production report.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date.

This report lists hours worked, nett production, receipts with an hourly rate for each practitioner.

Production – Branch Summary

The Production Branch Summary provides the information from the normal Production report in branch summary format.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End Date.

This report gives the same information as the production report but summarises it by branch. In a single branch practice, it will be at branch zero.

Production – Doctor / Hygienist Summary 1

The Production Doctor / Hygienist Summary (1) provides the information from the normal Production report in doctor summary format with a break-down of Doctor / Hygienist values.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End Date.

This report shows production dollars with days and hours worked and averages for both. It then gives a break-down of Doctor / Hygienist. It bases this on the Hygienist flag in the Doctors in Branches table.

Production – Doctor / Hygienist Summary 2

The Production Doctor / Hygienist Summary (2) provides the information from the normal Production report in doctor summary format with a break-down of Doctor / Hygienist values, showing a banking / transaction summary at the bottom of the report.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End Date.

Patients by Age / Postcode

The Patients by Age / Postcode report counts all active patients in the database and presents them by age-group and postcode.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient Date/End New Patient date.

The report shows a count of patients by age-group and postcode. You could use this for marketing to specific age-groups and geographic locations.

Patients by Age / Classification

The Patients by Age / Classification report counts all active patients in the database and presents them by age-group and classification.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient Date/End New Patient date.

The report shows a count of patients by age-group and classification code. Note: Patients linked to a health fund or other third-party are shown against the third-party (number) rather than their specific classification code.

Patients by Age / Ethnicity

The Patients by Age / Ethnicity report counts all active patients in the database and presents them by age-group and ethnicity code.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient Date/End New Patient date.

In this report example, there are no patients that have been assigned an ethnicity code in their patient record.

Patients by Age / Contact

The Patients by Age / Contact report counts all active patients in the database and presents them by age-group and contact code.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient Date/End New Patient date.

The report shows a count of patients by age-group and contact code.

Patients by Age / Health Fund

The Patients by Age /Health Fund report counts all active patients in the database and presents them by age-group and the Health Fund they are linked to.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient Date/End New Patient date.

This report counts patients linked to Health Funds (and other Third-Parties) broken down into age groups with percentages at the bottom.

Patients by Direct Referral

The Patients by Direct Referral lists all patients that have referred other patients to the practice with the name/s of the patients they have referred.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient date/End New Patient Date and active patients only.

The report lists patients that have made referrals to the practice and the names of those referred together with a count. The links are built using the Direct Referral option on the Patient Card.

Patients by Referring Doctor

The Patients by Referring Doctor lists all patients that have been referred by referring practitioners. The referring practitioners must be defined in the referring doctor's table.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Referring Doctor/End Referring Doctor, Start New Patient Date/End New Patient Date, active patients only, summary only and use referral date.

Patients Active Count

The Active Patient Count report gives a number of "active" patients per practitioner. This is based on patients with invoice activity between the requested date range.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Invoice date/End Invoice Date and print using consult dates.

The report lists the practitioners and the count of active patients.

Treatment Acceptance

The treatment Acceptance report works in conjunction with the "Change Plan Dates" option in the Treatment Plan Tools menu. This feature allows you to set a recommended date and accepted date for treatment plans. The report is based on acceptance dates entered.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Recommended Date/End Recommended Date.

The report will list all patients that have accepted treatment plan recommendations within the recommended date range with a count at the foot of the report.

Waiting Room Summary

The Waiting Room Summary report will show arrival, waiting room and treatment times when the system is used as intended. That is, patients are marked as "In the waiting room" when they arrive for their appointment, selected from the appropriate waiting room for surgery treatment and then invoiced following treatment. This report will not provide valid data unless patients are taken through this workflow in Oasis.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date.

The report shows for each day the count of patients seen, late or early arrival time, waiting time and treatment time expressed as number of minutes.

Appointment Usage Summary

The Appointment Usage Summary report shows the number of each of the pre-defined appointment types entered in the appointment book.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Appointment Code/End Appointment Code, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date, Print patients in detail, Suppress patient details.

The report shows patients booked in the range and a code summary for the range. It also shows counts of patients/new patients with future appointments.

Appointment Entry Summary

The Appointment Entry Summary lists all appointment entries for the requested date range.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date.

The report lists appointment entries with a count of Patient Appointments, Non-patient Appointments and Comment-type appointments with total hours and dollar value (where cashflow values are declared against the pre-defined appointment codes).

Appointment Cashflows

The Appointment Cashflows report will show expected revenue for each day in the requested period based on a dollar value entered for each pre-defined appointment type.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date.

The report lists each day for the requested period together with an estimated amount based on pre-defined appointment cashflow amounts.

Patient / Health Fund Analysis

The Patient / Health Fund Analysis Report lists each of the Third Parties in Oasis with a count of new patients, existing patients and Total patients with percentages and dollar values for each.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start at Patient Visit Date/End at Patient Visit date.

The report shows by third-party, new patient and existing patient count with a total, together with percentages and New/Existing dollar values (for the requested date range).

Marketing – Standard

The Marketing Standard report shows dollar values related to patient contact codes. If the practice is not entering valid data for contact codes, then the report will be of limited use.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Invoice Date/End Invoice Date and Print using consult dates.

The report lists dollar values for each contact code for the requested date range.

Marketing – Fee Variations

The Marketing Fee Variations Report lists totals for "normal Fees" (as declared in the Item Codes and Fees table) and actual invoiced fees with a variation by contact code. Again, if the Contact Code is not being entered against the patient records correctly then the report will be of limited benefit.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Invoice Date/End Invoice Date and Print using consult dates.

The report lists expected fee value and actual fee value with a variation total by Contact Code.

Marketing – Discounts

The Marketing Discounts Report lists invoice totals and discounts offered with a net value by contact code. Again, if the Contact Code is not being entered against the patient records correctly then the report will be of limited benefit.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Invoice Date/End Invoice Date and Print using consult dates.

The report lists Invoice $, Discount $ and net value by Contact Code.

Marketing – Financial Summary

The Marketing Financial Summary report mimics the Monthly Financial Summary Report but by Contact Code.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Invoice Date/End Invoice Date and Print using consult dates.

The report lists Invoices, Adjustments, Payments, Write Offs and Discounts by Contact Code.

Letters by Appointment Code

The Letters by Appointment Code is not a report as such. It is a mechanism for sending a pre-defined word processing template to a group of patients based on their appointment code. It could be used to send a consent letter to all patients attending for extractions in a future date range, or for sending letters to all patients that attended for a procedure in the past.
The merge letter process is dependent on an appropriate template being created that links to the "apps.txt" file created by the process.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Appointment Code/End Appointment Code, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date and Template name.

When run, this process will output the details of all patients that match the selected criteria to a file "apps.txt" which is then merged with the template letter for mail merge.

Letters by Item Code

The Letters by Item Code process is not a report as such. It is a mechanism for producing a letter for all patients that have had a specific procedure invoiced within a defined date range. This allows practices not using the appointment book to still send correspondence to patients that have had specific procedures.
The merge letter process is dependent on an appropriate template being created that links to the "merge.txt" file created by the process.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Start Item/End Item, WP Template Code, Start Newsletter Code/End Newsletter Code and Print using consult dates.

When run, this process will output the details of all patients that match the selected criteria to a file "merge.txt" which is then merged with the template letter for mail merge.

Patient Birthday Letters

The Patient Birthday Letters process is not a report as such. It is designed to allow a letter to be generated to coincide with a patient's birthday. It is dependent on a template document being created for the purpose of communicating birthday greetings to a patient.
When run, it will create a file "merge.txt" which will contain the details of all patients that match the selection criteria. This file is then merged to a letter template.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Minimum Age/Maximum Age, Start Anniversary Date/End Anniversary Date, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date, WP Template Name, Skip Incomplete Treatment, Skip Completed Treatment, Skip Inactive, Skip Active, Skip Appointment Check.

This process should allow the user to generate birthday letters for patients based on their age and date of birth.

Patient Birthday Labels

The Patient Birthday Labels process is not a report as such. It is designed to allow labels to be generated to coincide with a patient's birthday. It is dependent on a label template document being created for the purpose of printing labels to go on cards or envelopes with birthday greetings for a patient.
When run, it will create a file "merge.txt" which will contain the details of all patients that match the selection criteria. This file is then merged to a label template.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Minimum Age/Maximum Age, Start Anniversary Date/End Anniversary Date, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date, WP Template Name, Skip Incomplete Treatment, Skip Completed Treatment, Skip Inactive, Skip Active, Skip Appointment Check.

Patient Birthday List

The Patient Birthday List provides a listing of patients with a birthday due in the defined date range. It is designed to allow the user to contact the patient manually with a greeting.
When run it will generate a list of patients with their Home and Work Telephone numbers.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Minimum Age/Maximum Age, Start Anniversary Date/End Anniversary Date, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date, WP Template Name, Skip Incomplete Treatment, Skip Completed Treatment, Skip Inactive, Skip Active, Skip Appointment Check.

Patient Birthday SMS

The patient birthday SMS process sends a pre-defined birthday greeting via SMS to patients that match the criteria set in the process.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Minimum Age/Maximum Age, Start Anniversary Date/End Anniversary Date, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date, SMS Form Number, Skip Incomplete Treatment, Skip Completed Treatment, Skip Inactive, Skip Active, Skip Appointment Check.

This process will send an SMS message to all patients matching the criteria set in the process screen.

Patient Incomplete Treatment Letters

The Patient Incomplete Treatment Letters process is not a report as such. It is designed to allow letters to be generated for patients that are flagged as "Incomplete Treatment". It is dependent on a template document being created for the purpose of advising patients to return for continuing treatment.
When run, it will create a file "merge.txt" which will contain the details of all patients that match the selection criteria. This file is then merged to a letter template.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Plan Value/End Plan Value, Start last Visit Date/End Last Visit Date, WP Template Code, Skip Patients with Appointments, Skip Inactive Patients, Check all patients regardless of status.

This process should allow the user to generate Incomplete Treatment letters for patients based on their Incomplete Treatment flag.

Patient Incomplete Treatment Labels

The Patient Incomplete Treatment Labels process is not a report as such. It is designed to allow labels to be generated for patients that are flagged as "Incomplete Treatment". It is dependent on a template document being created for the purpose of printing labels to use with letters advising patients to return for continuing treatment.
When run, it will create a file "merge.txt" which will contain the details of all patients that match the selection criteria. This file is then merged to a label template.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Plan Value/End Plan Value, Start last Visit Date/End Last Visit Date, WP Template Code, Skip Patients with Appointments, Skip Inactive Patients, Check all patients regardless of status.

This process should allow the user to generate Incomplete Treatment labels to attach to letters for patients based on their Incomplete Treatment flag.

Patient Incomplete Treatment List

The Patient Incomplete Treatment List is a report that lists all patients flagged as Incomplete Treatment – based on their usual doctor number.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Plan Value/End Plan Value, Start last Visit Date/End Last Visit Date, WP Template Code, Skip Patients with Appointments, Skip Inactive Patients, Check all patients regardless of status.

This report lists all Incomplete Treatment patients with their telephone numbers, plan values and last visit/next appointment information.

Patient Incomplete Treatment SMS

The patient incomplete treatment SMS process sends a pre-defined message via SMS to patients that match the criteria set in the process.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Plan Value/End Plan Value, Start Last Visit Date/End Last Visit Date, WP Template Code, Skip Patients with Appointments, Skip Inactive Patients, Check all patients regardless of status.

This process will send a pre-defined SMS text message to all patients that meet the selection criteria.

New Patient Letters

The New Patient Letters process will allow the practice to send a pre-defined new patient template letter to all patients that meet the criteria for the process.
The process will create a file "merge.txt" which has the details of all patients meeting the selection criteria. This file is then linked to the pre-defined template letter and sent to the patients.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start at New Patient date/End at New Patient Date, Start Classification/End Classification, Start Contact/End Contact, WP Template Code, Use classification exclusions, Use contact exclusions.

New Patient Labels

The New Patient Labels process will allow the practice to create labels to attached to cards or letters that can be sent to all new patients that meet the criteria for the process.
The process will create a file "merge.txt" which has the details of all patients meeting the selection criteria. This file is then linked to the pre-defined label template and attached to correspondence to be sent to the patients.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start at New Patient date/End at New Patient Date, Start Classification/End Classification, Start Contact/End Contact, WP Template Code, Use classification exclusions, Use contact exclusions.

New Patient List

The new patient list is a report that lists all new patients based on a selection criteria outlined below.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start at New Patient date/End at New Patient Date, Start Classification/End Classification, Start Contact/End Contact, WP Template Code, Use classification exclusions, Use contact exclusions, Print Summary Only.

This report lists all new patients together with their classification code, contact code, home and work telephone numbers and whether they have on-going appointments.

Patient Newsletters

The Patient Newsletters process is not a report as such. It allows the practice to send newsletters to patients based on their newsletter code. If they don't have a code, the process will be somewhat limited.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Newsletter Code/End Newsletter Code, Start Postcode/End Postcode, WP Template Code, Output family heads only, Skip Inactive Records, Sort Numerical Order and Skip Third-Party Records.

When run, this process will output all patients within the selection criteria to a file "merge.txt" which can be merged with the requested template document.

Patient Newsletter Labels

The Patient Newsletters process is not a report as such. It allows the practice to send newsletters to patients based on their newsletter code by generating labels for attachment to correspondence. If they don't have a code, the process will be somewhat limited.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Newsletter Code/End Newsletter Code, Start Postcode/End Postcode, Output family heads only, Skip Inactive Records, Sort Numerical Order and Skip Third-Party Records.

When run, this process will produce J8160/L8160 labels using the Oasis label printing process. You will need to ensure there are J/L8160 sheet labels available in your printer prior to running.

Patients with No Recalls

The Patients with No Recall report aims to display all patients with a last visit date between two dates ranges that do not have a future recall – based on recall type (Doctor/Hygienist, etc.).
The parameters are Recall Type, Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Last Visit Date/End Last Visit Date, Skip Last Visit Checking, Skip Inactive Patients, Sort Alpha order, Skip Incomplete Treatment Patients and Skip Patients with future appointments.

When run, the report will list those patients meeting the selection criteria that do not have a future recall date set in Oasis.

Direct Referral Patient Letters

The Patient Direct Referral Process allows practices to send pre-defined template documents to patients who have referred other patients to the practice – typically to thank them for the referral. This process is only effective if the "Direct Referral" option on the Patient card is being used by the practice.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient date/End New Patient date, WP Template Code and Active records only.

When run, the process outputs all patients that match the criteria selected for linking with the selected template document. This will then allow a mail merge to produce individual letters for each referring patient.

Patient Direct Referral Labels

The Patient Direct Referral label process allows practices to create labels to attach to correspondence sent to patients who have referred other patients to the practice – typically to thank them for the referral. This process is only effective if the "Direct Referral" option on the Patient card is being used by the practice.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient date/End New Patient date and Active records only.

When run, this process will produce J8160/L8160 labels using the Oasis label printing process. You will need to ensure there are J/L8160 sheet labels available in your printer prior to running.

Patient Master Lists

The Patient Master List is a mechanism whereby the user can interrogate the Patient Demographic file PBPATMAS (Patient Master file).
Briefly, users select the database fields by clicking the column header and then selecting the field they want to view from the drop-down list presented. They can repeat this for as many fields as they want from the list. They can then click the header and apply selection criteria if needed. Once this is done, they select the View All Data option to get a list of all patients that match the selection criteria. This can then be printed, or output as a text file for inclusion in a spreadsheet or mail merge document.
Further information about the Patient Master List can be found in the Patient Master List Manual.

Item Master List

The Item Master List is as the name implies. It is a listing of Item Codes used with Oasis.
The parameters are Start Item/End Item, Fee column selection (x9), Third-Party Sub-group, Print Clinical Descriptions, Print Multiple Descriptions.

When run the report will list all Item Codes used by the practice that match the selection criteria. If fees are selected, they will be shown in columns. If multiple descriptions are selected then all of the possible 4 description lines for each item will be printed.

Appointment Entry List

This report will list all appointments made for the requested date range.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date.

The report shows all appointments made during the requested date range together with their duration and potential revenue based on cashflow values entered against pre-defined appointment codes. It also summarises non-patient and comment-only appointments made.

Appointment Patients – No Contract

The Appointment Patients – No Contract report lists all patients with future appointments that don't have a progressive contact in place. This report is particularly useful in an orthodontic practice where they need to identify those patients attending the practice that do not have a valid treatment contract.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor.

The report lists patients that have a future appointment in Oasis but do not have a contract. The Last Visit Date and Next Appointment date are shown on the report.

Marked Payment Analysis

The Marked Payment Analysis report shows a summary of payment types for payments entered through the Marked Payment screen. Marked Payments are typically used with third-party accounts to match bulk payments to multiple patients – e.g. Veterans Affairs, Medicare Bulk Bill etc.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End Date, Start Account Number/End Account Number and print using consult dates.

When run the report outputs a summary of payment types with a total based on the selection criteria.

Unpaid Invoices – Standard

The Unpaid Invoices report lists all invoices in the system that are either unpaid or partially paid.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Start Account Number/End Account Number, Start Item Code/End Item Code and print using consult dates.

When run, the report lists all unpaid or partially paid invoices for the selected criteria.

Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (1)

The Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (1) Report provides a summary (total) of unpaid or partially paid invoices by branch in a multi branch practice.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Start Account/End Account, Start Item Code/End Item Code and print using consult dates.

The report will show a total amount invoiced, a paid amount and a net outstanding amount by branch. In a single branch practice, this will be a single entry against branch 0000.

Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (2)

The Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (2) Report provides a summary (total) of unpaid or partially paid invoices by branch in a multi branch practice broken down in to the age of the debt.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date, Start Account/End Account, Start Item Code/End Item Code and print using consult dates.

This report shows the total value of the outstanding invoices broken down into current, 30, 60 and 90 days (debt) with a balance by branch. In a single branch practice, there is only one entry against branch 0000.

Balances Check

The Balances Check Report compares the values in two Oasis database files to ensure they are in sync. The two files are PBARCMAS and PBACCBAL. Every time a transaction is entered into Oasis, it will update PBARCMAS and PBACCBAL. If for any reason the two files are not updated correctly, there can be a discrepancy between the two. The Balances Check report notifies the practice if the two files are out of kilter.
There are no parameters.

The report adds up all the debits and credits in PBARCMAS and then compares the result to the values in PBACCBAL. If there is a difference, it will be highlighted on the report. Corrective action would then need to be taken to fix the discrepancy and bring the system back into sync.
Hopefully the report will say "Congratulations – Your system is in balance".

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