Oasis Multi File Import

Oasis Multi File Import

Multiple File Import

OASiS version 12 AU

About Multi File Import
View Document
Add to Patient Library
Add File(s) to Patient Library
Additional Notes:


About Multi File Import

Earlier versions of Oasis provided a "Drag and Drop" feature, allowing users to open a purpose built window, then "drag" files to the window and "drop" them. This facility worked with Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. However, the third-party control used to provide this feature no longer works with Windows 8 or Windows 10 and therefore Oasis has replaced it with an alternative.
The alternative is Multi File Import. It works a little differently to Drag and Drop but provides the same functionality/flexibility, allowing users to import multiple files into either the patient's Correspondence or Treatment Imaging components.
This brief manual explains the operation of multi file import in both.


The Patient Correspondence screen has a file import section.

The Incoming Document Selection section allows you to add a single file, or multiple files to the patient's correspondence record. Using a Windows Explorer-like view of your computer and any of its connected network drives, you can select one or more files.

In this example, the user has navigated to the local c:\oasis8\manuals folder, and can now view a range of files that can be imported. At this point, if you click a file, a menu displays.

In this example, the user has navigated to a mapped network drive - s:\development\development documentation\manuals folder. The user can select a file and the menu displays.

View Document

The View Document option allows you to use the document's application to open and view the contents of the document. Note: you must have the documents extension defined in Preferences, My Money, Document Extension Index for Oasis to be able to open the document using the correct application.

Add to Patient Library

The Add to Patient Library option allows you to add a single file to the Patient's library.

When selected, a dialog window will display with the name and location of the file in the header bar and a list of pre-defined descriptions (Preferences, My Money, Document Incoming Text) for you to choose to describe the document. The user can select from the list or alternatively type a description in the description field.

In this example, the user has chosen to enter their own description.

Once you enter a description (or select a pre-defined description) click the OK button to add the record.

Oasis will add the record to the patient's correspondence listing and will then prompt the user to either delete or retain the original file. Oasis will have already created its own copy of the file in the patient's correspondence, so the user can elect to remove the original by clicking OK or retaining the original by clicking Cancel.

Add File(s) to Patient Library

The Add File(s) to Patient Library allows the user to invoke a multiple file import facility.

In this example, the user has navigated to the e:\oasis\files folder and clicked one of the files listed. Selecting the Add File(s) to the Patient Library and the "Open" window displays.
In this window, the user can now use the Windows Control key (Ctrl) to select multiple files. Click a file, then hold down the Control key and click other files in the directory.

NOTE: If you choose to have the Windows Preview Pane facility, you will be able to see a preview of the selected documents at the right of the window. The preview pane updates with each selected document.
When you have selected all appropriate files, click the Open option.
Oasis will display a prompt nominating how many files you have selected. Click OK to proceed, or Cancel to abort the process.

The system prompts the user to delete the original files. (Oasis will have already created copies of the files in the patient's files folder, so you can choose to either retain or discard the original documents at this point).

On completion of the process, all imported files display in the patient's correspondence library as "Multi-file import (original file name)".

The user can now either re-name the documents, or leave them as they are.

To change the description, click the document to be changed, and select the Change Document Description option.

Either select one of the pre-defined descriptions or type your own description into the description field and click OK.


Oasis has two menu options that allows the addition of images (or documents) to a patient's Treatment Images Library. Selecting either the Intraoral or Imaging options will load the patient's Treatment Images Library window. It is expected that when using the Intraoral option, you will have an intraoral camera available to capture images, but you could also select the Images option to do the same thing.
Selecting the Intraoral or Imaging options will load the following screen.

Clicking the Import option displays a menu. Click the "Load from File" option to open a Windows Explorer view of your computers available drives. (You can set a default directory by selecting Preferences, My Work, Third-Party Imaging, Imaging Workstation, then select your user number (highlighted in blue) and enter the full path to the default directory in Field 1 "File Load Path").

Note: you can set your Windows Explorer to have the preview pane enabled and this will display previews of the selected files you want to add to the patient's imaging library.
The Load from File option in the Treatment Imaging screen behaves a little differently to the Correspondence screen in that you use the same process for single and multiple files. Once you have navigated to the desired directory, you can click a single file and click Open, or you can select multiple files using the Windows Control (Ctrl) key to select each file.

You can use normal Windows Explorer functions to change directory if required.

If you select a single file, you are prompted to enter a description (and an associated tooth number if applicable) and you can then click the Apply button to add the image.

If multiple files are required, click each file in turn using the Windows Control (Ctrl) key, then click the Open button to proceed.

A prompt asking if you want to delete the original files will appear. (Oasis will have already created copies of the files in the patient's files folder, so you can choose to either retain or discard the original documents at this point).

The selected images(s) will be added to the patient's Treatment Images library with a description of "Imported Image x" where "x" is the sequential number of the image in the patient's library. You can rename the images if required.

If you add multiple images, you can rename the image files if required using the menu displayed on selection.

This window allows you to modify the date, tooth number and description of the image.

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