How to list patients in colour

How to list patients in colour

Oasis has a way of listing patients using a different foreground colour to the standard black text.

This is done using a Classification Code. For example, if you had a patient with a low pain threshold, you could elect to list them in a red colour.

Select Preferences, My Money, Find Patients. This will show a list of all your workstations. As this feature is workstation-based, you can choose to have all workstations use the feature, or however many you require. Select a workstation record and set Field # 6 “Show Patients using their classification colour y/n” to “Y”.

Select Preferences, My Money, Classification Codes and create a new classification “LOWPAIN”. If you want the new classification to behave the same way as your normal PRIVATE classification, you could click the PRIVATE classification and edit the code and enter “LOWPAIN” and save the change. This would create the new classification based on the PRIVATE classification - leaving the PRIVATE classification intact.

Now edit the LOWPAIN classification and enter a colour number in Field # 13 “When listing records, show these patients in colour number 00-99”. Clicking the down-arrow will show the current colour table. If there is no colour that suits, you can select Preferences, System Manager, Miscellaneous, Colour Schemes and add an appropriate colour to the table.

Now when you select the Find Patient option, patients with the LOWPAIN classification will be listed in your chosen colour.


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