How to report on Flexible Commissioning
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How to report on Flexible Commissioning

Before reporting on Flexible Commissiong make sure you have it configured. See: Flexible Commissioning EXACT Configurationarchived


To report on the Flexible Commission within EXACT various Contact lists and Schedulers are required to be configured. Once they have been configured you won’t need to amend these. You will need a total of 21 Contact Lists and 21 Scheduled reports which will get automatically sent out once you have configured this. Below will explain how to create the required Contact Lists and set up automatic scheduling.

How to Create the Contact Lists

  1. Go to Administration, Contact Lists then click “create list” in the bottom right corner

  2. Click on the lined icon next to the ‘Select Patients’ section. This will then load up a list of already created contact lists within your EXACT system.

  3. Click the “+1” button. In the description area enter a description for your list.
    Please see the Contact Lists Needed section of this document to see what the various descriptions are.

  4. Scroll down the list until you find ‘Treatment Codes’ and click ‘OK’.

  5. Treatment Codes – Set these to the service code required for this one list (Same will need to be done for each service code you added)

    ·         From Date – this needs to be set to 1 week ago
    ·         To Date – This needs to be set to yesterday
    ·         Exclude – tick Inactive, Misc and Base Charting
    Once you have set this click OK and this will be added as an item within the ‘Add Query Template’ windows. You can then click ‘OK’ and then ‘OK’ again. Once you have done this you can follow the steps again to create the other 20 Contact Lists that are required. 


All of the contact lists that need to be created are set up in the same way, with a different name, Description and Service code used. Below are images of how they need to be configured.

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1

Name: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1
Description: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAP0-3YEARS

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2

Name: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2
Description: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAP0-3YEARSV2

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1

Name: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1
Description: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAP3-6YEARS

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2

Name: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2
Description: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAP3-6YEARSV2

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1

Name: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1
Description: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAPGA3-6

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2

Name: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2
Description: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAPGA3-6V2

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1

Name: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1
Description: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAP7-18YEARS

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2

Name: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2
Description: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAP7-18YEARSV2

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1

Name: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1
Description: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAPGA7-18

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2

Name: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2
Description: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAPGA7-18V2

PAP Adult Visit 3

Name: PAP Adult Visit 3
Description: PAP Adult Visit 3
Treatment Codes: PAP+18V3

PAP Child Visit 3

Name: PAP Child Visit 3
Description: PAP Child Visit 3
Treatment Codes: PAPCARIES/GAV3

PAP Dementia Visit 1

Name: PAP Dementia Visit 1
Description: PAP Dementia Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAPDEMENTIA

PAP Dementia Visit 2

Name: PAP Dementia Visit 2
Description: PAP Dementia Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAPDEMENTIAV2

PAP Diabetes Visit 1

Name: PAP Diabetes Visit 1
Description: PAP Diabetes Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAPDIABETES

PAP Diabetes Visit 2

Name: PAP Diabetes Visit 2
Description: PAP Diabetes Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAPDIABETESV2

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1

Name: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1
Description: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAPDRYMOUTH

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2

Name: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2
Description: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAPDRYMOUTHV2

PAP Opened

Name: PAP Opened
Description: PAP Opened
To date for this one only = Today (instead of “yesterday”)
Treatment Codes: PAP+18HRA<TO>PAPONRISKV2

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1

Name: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1
Description: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1
Treatment Codes: PAPONRISK

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2

Name: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2
Description: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2
Treatment Codes: PAPONRISKV2

Flexible Commissioning Scheduled Reports Configuration

Below is a list of a name you can use for each different contact list when running your scheduled report;

Scheduled Event Name

Contact List

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2

PAP 0-3 Visit 1

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1

PAP 0-3 Visit 2

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2

PAP Child Visit 3

PAP Child Visit 3

PAP Adult Visit 3

PAP Adult Visit 3

PAP Dementia Visit 1

PAP Dementia Visit 1

PAP Dementia Visit 2

PAP Dementia Visit 2

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2

PAP Diabetes Visit 1

PAP Diabetes Visit 1

PAP Diabetes Visit 2

PAP Diabetes Visit 2

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1

PAP Created

PAP Opened

How to set up an automatic Schedule for your reporting on Flexible Commissioning

How to Create a Scheduled Event

  1. Go to File, Scheduler then click the ‘Create New Event’ button

  2. Select Email then Contact List

  3. Enter the name of the first contact list. Then click ‘Next’

  4. Provider – this should be left as blank

    Include Completed – Set this to ‘Yes’

    Group by Family – set this to ‘No’

    Title – Set the Title of the scheduled event. ‘Please see the Names of Scheduled Reports for these.’

    Description - Set the description of the scheduled event. ‘Please see the Names of Scheduled Reports for these.’

    Category – Set this to the Category you created for the Flexible Commissioning service codes.

    Use list for appointment booking – Leave this as unticked

    Create a Contact record for each patient – Leave this unticked

    Select Patients – This should be set as the contact list you had created for the title in previous steps.

  5. Select the Contact list you wish to email and click “OK”

  6. Click ‘Next’. Enter the destination email address, We advise using a subject line that is similar to the contact list name you are running it for. Once you have set this you would then click ‘Next’.

  7. We advise having this setting set to ‘The Server’ to limit any slowness when it runs. Once you have selected this you would then click ‘Next’

  8. This is where you would enter the times and occurrence of the scheduled emailing of the contact list. We advise it to be set weekly on a day of your choice and at a time of you choosing.
    ·         Time – This should be set to the time you want the report to be run and sent

    ·         Only Once – Leave this as unticked

    ·         Weekly – Tick this option and select the day you want the report to be run and sent each week

    ·         Monthly – Leave this as unticked

    ·         Expiry Date – This should be left as blank
    Once you are happy with this you would click ‘Finish’ and this would set up the scheduled report ready to be sent out automatically for you.

  9. Repeat steps for the remaining contact lists



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