NHS Northern Ireland Payment Schedules
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NHS Northern Ireland Payment Schedules

This information is for Northern Ireland only.

To reconcile your electronic NHS schedules through EXACT

  1. Select Administration > NHS > Payment Schedules.

    EXACT will ask you to select dates and providers:

  2. Enter the Date range and Dentist required (leave the Dentist box blank if you wish to see schedules for all Dentists within your selected date range).

  3. Select OK to display the Payment Schedule List with a list of schedules, with dates and schedule numbers that will relate to the paper version.

  4. In the Payment Schedule List, double-click on a schedule to show any differences between what you have claimed and what the Dental Board have paid you.

    If it is blank, there are no differences. 

    If it has entries:

    1. If you agree with the difference, click the Adjust button to auto fill the information, then click OK.

    2. If you wish to re-send the claims,

      i) Resubmit,

      ii) Make any amendments,

      iii) TC and transmit again.

      If the Board pay the full amount, the difference will be paid on the next schedule.

  5. Once you have dealt with the differences, click the second X down in the top right hand corner of the screen to return to the main Payment Schedule List screen.

  6. Click Process Payments to automatically allocate the Payor payments to each of the patients to show that you have been paid by the dental Board

  7. Repeat this process for each Provider's schedule.

    ASSISTANCE: If you require any assistance, please contact Support on 0845 345 5767, where a member of the team will be happy to assist.

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