Adding X-ray/Education Images onto a Letter
Presentation Manager gives users the ability to add X-rays and/or education images onto a patient letter. Adding X-rays requires EXAMINE Pro.
When editing or previewing a Presentation Manager document you will see in the top left the editing section. To add charting information click on the Images tab.
In the drop down there are three options, XRays, Education Slides and Practice Image and Photos.
Under Education Slides there will be multiple images in that slide and a an option at the bottom to change the slide to view more images.
Once you have positioned the cursor where you want the image to go you can choose to either add that image or put a placeholder so the user can decide what image to add when previewing the letter.
If editing the template the XRays drop down will only give you the option of a placeholder which you can add to the template so an X-Ray can be added in when creating the letter for a patient.
If previewing the letter then the XRays drop will show all X-Rays taken via EXAMINE Pro, you can highlight the image and add it into the letter. By selecting the placeholder on the letter the Xray will replace the Placeholder.
The Practice Image and Photos will allow you to add the Practice logo as configure in EXACT under Configure->Practice Information or the Patient/Specialist photos entered on their files.
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