Adding Service Categories
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Adding Service Categories

Services can be grouped into Categories to enable smaller, more manageable subsets of the complete Service list. e.g. crown and bridgework, cosmetic work, hygiene treatments, frequently used private Services/Favourites. You can see this in the Chart tab where it helps dentists to quickly locate and use categorised services:

Creating Service Categories

  1. Right-click and “edit” any service from the patient’s Chart Tab or double click a service in Configure, Services to open the edit service window.

  2. Click the Add/Assign category button to reveal the service category list

  3. Now click “+1” to add a new Service Category

  4. Type in the name of the category and whether the service category and the services within it are to be used for Base charting, Regular treatment or both.

  5. Click “ok” and this new category will now be available for selection


The other way to do this is:

  1. Click the spanner icon under the Service List on the patient’s Chart Tab and choose “Create new service categories or edit existing ones and decide which services they display” and click “Next” which will take you to

2. Click “+1” on the next screen and carry on from step 4 above


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