Managing EXACT Licenses
A license is required for every computer you access your EXACT database from. Accessing computers remotely also count as an additional license. Whether you need to see what licenses you have, delicense and unused machine or relicense a previously deactivated computer then you will need to use License Manager in EXACT
To access License Manager go to Configure->License Manager
How many licenses do I have?
In the top left you can see the number of licenses purchased and how many are using. When the number used is the same as purchased you will be unable to access EXACT via any machine not listed in the License Manager area. If you need to purchase a new license please contact Software of Excellence.
What computers are currently licensed?
The licensed computers section will show you which machines currently have a license. It will also show you the date they were last accessed and whether they are currently accessing the EXACT database.
Delicensing an unused machine
If you have a computer on your list of licensed computers that you are no longer using highlight the computer and click on delicense.
Click on Yes to confirm.
Relicense a previously delicensed computer
To relicense computers that have been previously delicensed you will need to contact the Support Team as only SOE have access to this function.
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