com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.


Add Prescriptions

NOTE: This topic is about creating a new record in the database for an item to be prescribed.
For details of how to issue a prescription to a patient, see To Issue Prescriptions.

  1. Select the Chart tab for a patient.

  2. Select the Prescriptions tab in the Activity Bar / Sub-tabs area

  3. Click on the

    spanner button at the bottom of that tab

  4. Click the +1 button to display the Add Prescription window.


    This window has two functions:

    • it enables you to create a record for the item to be prescribed,

    • it allows you to set up the text to be printed on the label of the prescribed item.

  5. In the Code field, enter an appropriate identifier for the item. You can enter only 6 characters, so you need to choose something that will uniquely identify it.

    For example, if you commonly prescribe the same drug in different formulations, you might wish to leave the last three characters for the different strengths. As an example, for Amoxicillin, if you had 250mg tablets, and the suspension in 250mg/5ml and 125mg/5 ml, you could have "AM250T", "AM250S" and "AM125S".

  6. Each of the Details lines is also a line on the label if you are printing labels.

    You can choose to click the checkbox if a line needs to be in bold type to stand out, and you have a label printer capable of bold type. Usually, the name of the drug and any warning or precautions would be in bold, e.g., "Take with Food", "Avoid Alcohol". etc.

  7. The three checkboxes at the bottom of the dialog window allow you to classify the items as Prescription item, Dispensary item, or Antibiotics.

    This has implications for when items are prescribed, as items are listed either under the Prescription category or the Dispensary category, or both - you must tick Prescription or Dispensary or both to have the item appear in either or both lists.

    You can in theory use this to list items but not make them available to issue a prescription, by making sure neither checkbox is ticked.

    The Antibiotics checkbox is informational only and has no implications.

  8. The completed prescription record will appear similar to the following example:


  9. When completed, click to save the prescription

View Prescriptions

  1. Select Transactions > List Items > List Prescriptions:


    The List Prescriptions window will open, displaying all the issued prescriptions contained in the system, sorted by date:


  2. Click on a prescription to select it. The following options are then available:

    • Click the

      button to view the prescription (you can also double-click an item to view it);

    • Click on the

      button to print a hard copy;

    • Click the

      button to delete it permanently from the system.

    • The

      button will open the 'Configure Prescriptions' window - this is the same window as displayed from the Configure > Prescriptions menu item, and lists all the items available. 


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