Overview - integrated card processing
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This module enables credit and debit card payments in your practice.
Integrated Card Payments is sold independently of the EXACT system by Henry Schein.
Default terminal:
To speed payments each workstation can be configured with a default terminal so that practitioners do not need to manually select a terminal for patient payment.
Card transactions cannot be adjusted or deleted:
General benefits of card payments:
Quick, convenient, and digital.
More reliable than cheque payments, which are planned to be phased out in the near future (some retailers already refuse cheques as a payment method).
Integration with EXACT system increases practice efficiency.
Facilitates an integrated accounting solution and consolidates financial reporting.
Reduces the risk of errors made by practice staff when keying in fees.
Simple, understandable payment workflow.
Advantages of this integrated system over a non-integrated system:
Single data entry (with a non-integrated system practitioners would need to enter data in both the leased hardware and the EXACT Payment Management System, which exposes two points of possible human error).
Fewer mistakes in entering an amount, a card or a number.
Fewer costs incurred from backing out of erroneous transactions.
No need to run duplicate reconciliation reports (with a non-integrated system transactions and reconciliations are time-consuming, and multiple end-of-day reports need to be printed and compared so that mistakes can be fixed).
Faster transactions authorisation (5 seconds compared to the non-integrated 30 seconds).
Practitioners can process payments from any computer on the network.
For Card Not Present transactions, practitioners can type in card numbers from any computer on the network.
Process transactions over the Internet rather than via the dedicated phone line that would be required for a terminal.
Reduced support calls on reconciliations.
Improved customer service through reduction of errors, faster service and the convenience of efficient card payments.
EXACT version 12.4 or later.
The module must be purchased in order to obtain a registration number.
Administrator security access is required for configuration.
Installation, support, maintenance and replacement of the network PED device is the responsibility of the PED supplier.
The module must first be registered in EXACT to enable the setup options (remember to restart after registration).
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