Merge Fields
The fields currently available are:
Field | Contents |
[doctor.address1] | Patient’s Doctor’s address line 1 |
[doctor.address2] | Patient’s Doctor’s address line 2 |
[doctor.address3] | Patient’s Doctor’s address line 3 |
[doctor.address4] | Patient’s Doctor’s address line 4 |
[doctor.emailaddress] | Patient’s Doctor’s email address |
[doctor.firstname] | Patient’s Doctor’s first name |
[doctor.lastname] | Patient’s Doctor’s last name |
[] | Patient’s Doctor’s phone number |
[doctor.postcode] | Patient’s Doctor’s post code |
[doctor.specialty] | Patient’s Doctor’s specialty |
[doctor.title] | Patient’s Doctor’s title |
[family.addressee] | Primary contact for a family |
[family.names] | Family name |
[] | The date the letter is created. |
[lab.address1] [lab.address2] [lab.address3] [lab.address4] | Laboratory address line 1 - 4 |
[lab.emailaddress] | Laboratory email address |
[lab.firstname] | Laboratory first name |
[lab.lastname] | Laboratory last name |
[] | Laboratory phone number |
[lab.postcode] | Laboratory post code |
[lab.specialty] | Laboratory specialty |
[lab.title] | Laboratory title |
[location.regaddress1] [location.regaddress2] [location.regaddress3] | The location's registered address, for compliance with the Companies Act 2006. |
[location.regpostcode] | Registered Postcode |
[location.regnumber] | Registered company number for the location |
[Patient.address1] [Patient.address2] [Patient.address3] [Patient.address4] | Patient address Line 1 - 4 |
[patient.altref] | Patient alternate reference number |
[patient.balance] | Balance owed by the Patient at this time |
[Patient.chartnumber] | Patient’s Chart Number |
[Patient.code] | Patient’s Code |
[Patient.dentistname] | Patient’s Dentist’s Name |
[Patient.dentisttitle] | Patient’s Dentist’s Title |
[patient.dentlastrecallsent] | Date the patient’s last recall was sent |
[patient.dentrecallcode] | Patient’s recall code |
[patient.dentrecalldate] | Date of the patient’s last recall appointment |
[Patient.dentistqualifications] | Patient’s dentist's qualifications |
[patient.dentrecalldesc] | Description of the patient’s last recall |
[patient.dentrecalllen] | Patient’s other recall details |
[Patient.dob] | Patient’s Date of Birth |
[patient.Doctor] | Patient’s doctor |
[patient.emailaddress] | Patient’s email address |
[patient.ethnicity] | Patient’s ethnicity |
[Patient.firstname] | Patient’s First Name |
[patient.PreferredLocationName] | Patient Preferred Location (Pref Location field in patient Details tab) |
[patient.PreferredLocationAddress1] [patient.PreferredLocationAddress2] [patient.PreferredLocationAddress3] | Patient Preferred Location Address Lines 1 - 3 |
[patient.PreferredLocationPostCode] | Patient Preferred Location Postal Code |
[patient.PreferredLocationPhone] | Patient Preferred Location Phone Number |
[patient.otherphcontact] | Patient’s alternative contact name |
[patient.phonealt] | Patient’s alternate phone number |
[patient.postcode] | Patient’s post code |
[patient.referreraddr1] [patient.referreraddr2] [patient.referreraddr3] [patient.referreraddr4] | Patient’s referrer’s address line 1 - 4 |
[patient.referreremail] | Patient’s referrer’s mail address |
[patient.referrerfax] | Patient’s referrer’s fax number |
[patient.referrerfirstname] | Patient’s referrer’s first name |
[patient.referrerlastname] | Patient’s referrer’s last name |
[patient.referrerphone] | Patient’s referrer’s phone number |
[patient.referrerpostcode] | Patient’s referrer’s post code |
[patient.referrertitle] | Patient’s referrer’s title |
[patient.secondname] | Patient’s second name |
[] | Patient’s gender |
[Patient.title] | Patient’s Title |
[patient.type1] | Patient’s type 1 code |
[patient.type2] | Patient’s type 2 code |
[patient.workaddress1] [patient.workaddress2] [patient.workaddress3] [patient.workaddress4] | Patient’s work address line 1 - 4 |
[patient.workphcontact] | Patient’s work contact name |
[patient.firstvisit] | Date of the patient’s first visit to the practice |
[patient.heshe] | Patient’s gender |
[patient.himher] | Patient’s gender |
[patient.hisher] | Patient’s gender |
[patient.homephone] | Patient’s Home Phone Number |
[patient.hygienename] | Patient’s hygienist’s name |
[patient.hygienequalifications] | Patient’s hygienist’s qualifications |
[patient.hygienetitle] | Patient’s hygienist’s title |
[patient.hygnlastrecallsent] | Date of patient’s last hygienist’s appointment |
[patient.hygnrecallcode] | Patient’s hygienist’s recall code |
[patient.hygnrecalldate] | Patient’s last hygienist’s recall date |
[patient.hygnrecalldesc] | Patient’s last hygienist’s recall description |
[patient.hygnrecalllen] | Patient’s other hygienist’s recall details |
[Patient.initials] | Patient’s initials |
[patient.knownas] | Patient’s other name |
[patient.lapsedate] | Patient’s lapse date |
[patient.lastcancapptdate] | Patient’s last cancelled appointment date |
[patient.lastcancapptday] | Patient’s last cancelled appointment day |
[patient.lastcancappttime] | Patient’s last cancelled appointment time |
[patient.lastcancapptlength] | Patient’s last cancelled appointment length |
[patient.lastfailedapptdate] | Patient’s last failed appointment date |
[patient.lastcancapptday] | Patient’s last failed appointment day |
[patient.lastfailedappttime] | Patient’s last failed appointment time |
[patient.lastfailedapptlength] | Patient’s last failed appointment length |
[Patient.lastname] | Patient’s last name |
[patient.lastvisit] | Patient’s last visit date |
[patient.mobilephone] | Patient’s mobile number |
[patient.nextapptdate] | Patient’s next appointment date |
[patient.nextapptday] | Patient’s next appointment day of the week |
[patient.nextappttime] | Patient’s next appointment time |
[patient.NHSlastexam] | Patient’s last NHS examination |
[patient.occupation] | Patient’s occupation |
[Patient.workphone] | Patient’s work phone number |
[patient.workpostcode] | Post code of the patient’s work address |
[practice.address1] [practice.address2] [practice.address3] | Practice physical address Line 1 - 3 |
[practice.fax] | Practice Fax |
[] | Practice Name |
[] | Practice Phone |
[practice.postcode] | Practice Postcode |
[practice.regaddress1] [practice.regaddress2] [practice.regaddress3] | The practice's registered address, for compliance with the Companies Act 2006. |
[practice.regpostcode] | Postcode for the practice's registered address. |
[practice.regcountry] | Country the practice is registered in. |
[practice.regnumber] | Practice's registration number |
[Provider.firstname] | Provider First Name |
[] | Provider Last Name |
[Provider.qualifications] | Provider Qualifications |
[Provider.title] | Provider Title |
[provider.title] | Provider’s title |
[specialist.address1] [specialist.address2] [specialist.address3] [specialist.address4] | Specialist’s address line 1 - 4 |
[specialist.emailaddress] | Specialist’s email address |
[specialist.firstname] | Specialist’s first name |
[specialist.lastname] | Specialist’s last name |
[] | Specialist’s phone number |
[specialist.postcode] | Specialist’s post code |
[specialist.specialty] | Specialist’s specialty |
[specialist.title] | Specialist’s title |
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