Keeping Track of UDAs/UOAs
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Keeping Track of UDAs/UOAs

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It is the responsibility of every practice to check regularly to ensure they are complying with the number of UDAs and/or UOAs required by their contracts with NHS Dental Services. It is recommended that this be reviewed at least monthly to coincide with schedules received from NHS Dental Services.

EXACT provides the following means for doing this:

  • The NHS Contracts screen, which lists every contract, and provides detail on results versus targets, broken down by assigned provider.

  • The Provider’s NHS details tab, which lists all the contracts the provider is involved with, and where they stand against their particular subset of those contracts.

  • The UDA or UOA Report which summarises or details progress to date on complying with each contract, grouped by Provider or Contract Number.

  • The UDA tab on the Patient Chart, which shows the current situation for the logged-in provider.

  • The UDA or UOA Breakdown Report, that shows UDAs/UOAs earned by contracts over a period of time, broken down by provider (if required).

  • The Overpaid UDAs Report, which lists Courses of Treatment where the amount paid was more than that claimed.

  • The schedule reconciliation screens - the ‘Payment Schedule List’, and ‘Payment Schedule Detail’ windows.


Units of Dental Activity or UDAs (also referred to as weighted courses of treatment) were introduced by the NHS from April 2006 to establish a common currency that can be used to relate investment to level of service provided.

The basis of the system is that a contractor will provide a set number of UDAs in return for set monthly payments.

In the transition from the current GDS system, the UDA requirement and equivalent contract value will be based on 95% of the level of item of service activity and earnings under the current GDS system (i.e. the same level of income for 95% of the previous workload).

Tracking UDAs

The UDA Manager displays a graphical representation of past, present and predicted performance against targets.

From EXACT v11.9 the UDA and UOA Report includes a % Target field for each Performer.

From EXACT v11.10 UDA Prediction has been improved.

Prediction Measures

For NHS practices in England and Wales predicting how many UDAs your practice will have generated at the end of the contract period is vitally important.

Produce too many UDAs and you won't get paid, produce too few and you might face clawback.

Experience has shown that the single biggest factor involved in UDA outcomes is the number of hours allocated for UDA generation.

EXACT has always provided tools to predict UDA outcomes, but these have been revamped from v11.10 to prevent some common mistakes and give better predictions.

v11.10 also adds more statistics to the UDA Manager graph so that it is more useful, results in more accurate UDA calculations, has better prediction of when the UDA target will be reached, and provides more accessible and visible information on what to do to get back on track.

The graph is also now more accessible from places where you happen to be working, and with some simple configuration can be displayed with a single click.

See these sub-topics for improved prediction measures:

Time Off is Buffered for the Year

Ideally, holiday bookings and other periods for "time off" need to be managed in a predictable way so that they affect smoothly, UDAs without causing sudden unattainable target shifts.

However, at the start of the year when you plan the delivery of your contracted UDAs, you don't necessarily know the precise periods that associates will be taking off.

If you don't add these periods to the diary from the start, it leads to an over assessment of how many hours are available to deliver UDAs. This initially results in a lower UDA per hour target than is required. Then, when you add the time off, the UDAs per hour required suddenly ramp up, requiring increased performance:

Compare the slope (rate of work) required to get to the target in FIG A before a holiday is added to that in FIG B after a holiday is added.

From v11.10 you can enter an estimate of the amount of time across the year that a Provider will be out of the surgery as a buffer against surprise steepening of the rate of work.

When you enter this time, EXACT deducts the estimates from the time available, and on the target graph displays this as an unavailable buffer period at the end of the year.

Then, as the year progresses and you add the precise time off periods to the diary, EXACT moves this buffered time to the correct place on the graph.

Now compare the slope (rate of work) required to get to the target in FIG C before the holiday is added and in FIG D after the holiday is added.

You can see that with this approach the rate of work is unaffected and there are no rate of work surprises.

The way this works in practice...

To enter the annual estimated time away from the surgery for each Provider

1. Open a Provider record and select the Appointments tab.

2. Fill in the number of hours annually where that Provider would normally be working but won't be in the surgery:

The Practice Manager records for each Provider their holiday entitlement, the amount of time they are allowed off for training, the amount of time they will be in meetings, and any other time they will be away from the surgery, such as estimated sick days for the year

For example if you have a practice meeting every two weeks for one hour, you could enter 26 under Meeting Hours.

If you are normally in the surgery for 35 hours per week, but expect to take 4 weeks holiday over the year then you would put 140 under Holiday Hours.

NOTE: For contracts of less than a one year, or for providers starting part way through a contract, reduce the estimated times in proportion to the amount of the year that they will be active. Remember to adjust this the following year to reflect the full year.

To actually use the estimated (buffered) time

During the year, add blocks to the diary as you normally would to prevent appointments being booked into that time period.

Benefits of this strategy:

  • The slope of the graph is relatively unaffected, and Providers don't find out too late that they were working too slow before their holiday, and that they now have to rush to catch up.

  • Aside from the initial entry of expected absences the reception and administrative staff will not have to change their behaviour to capture time off, as they will already be adding adhoc blocks for this purpose.

Affected by this strategy:

  • The Progress indicator on the bar charts shown against the contracts and individual providers uses this calculation to deduct the remaining unused block time from the total time left for the contract.

  • On the UDA chart tab this calculation is reflected in the Time Passed %.

Quick Access to the UDA Manager Display

From v11.10 access to the UDA Manager has been extended from the initial buttons on the NHS contracts screen and the Provider NHS tab, to include the following:

  • The NHS sub menu on the Administration menu

  • A dropdown menu on the NHS workspace bar icon

To access the UDA Manager with one click:

Associates in a hurry can access the graph with just one click to stay in touch with their UDA commitments.

Simply set the UDA Manager as the default action for the NHS workspace icon (you'll need the NHS icon on the workspace bar):

  1. Select the dropdown menu alongside the NHS icon on the workspace bar, and choose Set default...

  2. In the Set Default NHS item window, select UDA Manager from the dropdown menu and then select OK:

Situation Today Display

The Situation Today box in the UDA manager display has been simplified so that you can see your status at a glance:

The bold coloured percentage is how you are tracking against your target today.

It is coloured in the same way as the progress bars that you can already see in other areas of EXACT.

If the claimed UDAs are

... then the % is displayed in this colour:

Within 1% of the target

More than 1% ahead of the target or between 1-4% behind

More than 4% behind the target or over the total contract target

Providers Joining or Leaving

Historically when a new Provider joined an active contract, EXACT didn't offset the UDA calculation for the Provider having joined late; EXACT simply calculated from the start of the contract period. So for example, when a Provider joined a contract two months in, EXACT calculated that Provider's available time as including the initial two months, causing the estimate of time available to be too high. The same went for a Provider leaving - EXACT didn't subtract that Provider's remaining estimated time on the contract.

As a result the UDA calculations throughout the software were inaccurate on the amount of time the Provider either had available to get to their current UDA total, or the amount of time they had left to reach their target.

From v11.10 the calculations are more accurate. The New Provider Wizard prompts for the Provider's first work day then fully blocks out that Provider's appointment time, back to the previous 1st of April.

Confirmation of a Provider's first day in the job:

In the Edit Provider Wizard, when it is in Add mode, on the Rotas page, there is a mandatory field for the Provider's first working day. Practitioners who set up the Provider in EXACT must enter this date before they can choose either the Single or Multi Week Rota buttons. Thereafter an additional process adds rota blocks from 00:00 to 23:59 from the previous 1st of April to the day before the chosen start date.

When a Provider leaves a practice you can use the search and Change function to swap their appointments over to a new provider, and the process will automatically block out all of their remaining time until the next 31st of March.

Automated 24 hour rota blocks:

EXACT now automatically adds 24 hour rota blocks to block out any free time as follows:

  • From the start of the contract period to the day before a Provider joined, and

  • From the day after the Provider left to the end of the contract period.

For example:

If the Provider is leaving with no replacement to take over their patient list, the practice should have already blocked out their diary to prevent further appointments being created.

When a Provider takes leave from the practice and their book is temporarily being run by another Provider, the search and change process that moves the appointments will automatically block out the time that they are away.

If the Provider is taking leave and no one is taking over their patient list while they are away, the practice should have already blocked out their diary to prevent further appointments being created.

Search and Change Wizard for leaving Providers:

When a Provider leaves a practice, the standard procedure is to leave their diary open and then swap appointments over to the incoming Provider by means of the Search and Change Wizard.
To ensure that the diary is blocked out after the provider has left, this process has been extended so that not only are appointments moved across to the new Provider, but a 24 hour rota block is also added to the outgoing Provider's diary from the day after they chose to the next 31st of March.

A note on the Search and Change Wizard page states that the outgoing provider's diary will be blocked from the chosen date:

Over-allocated or Un-allocated UDAs

  • It may not be possible allocate all of the UDAs in the contract at the start of the year, or you may wish to allocate more than you need so that you can ease off at the end of the year instead of having a scramble to catch up.

  • You have always been able to do this, but having done it, there was nothing to remind you that the allocation of UDAs does not match the contract amount.

  • From v11.10 onwards, the contract setup window will always show how much over or under the contract target you have allocated. When exiting the contract window EXACT will popup a warning if the provider UDA targets do not match the contract amount.

  • In the UDA Manager display there is also a line representing the provisioned amount

Reduced Chance of Accidentally Opening 24-Hour Days

When a dentist decides to work an extra day they open up the time in the diary by either using the delete block function or the open time function. Both of these often result in the accidental opening of 24hrs, which leads to EXACT's UDA predictions and reporting performing poorly.

From v11.10, when a site uses the open time function, the dialogue will no longer suggest opening from Midnight to Midnight (24hrs), but will now default to the Start and End times for the current diary. This makes it far less likely that the user will open the whole 24-hour day.

From v11.10, if the user selects a Rota block to delete, they are redirected to the open time function. This serves two purposes

  • If it is the block is for the whole day it is no longer be deleted, but will just have a hole opened up within it.

  • It is less likely that the site will accidentally remove a rota block and replace it with an adhoc block, which would mess up the leave calculations.


UDA Targets Based on Hours Available

When this version was installed on your computer, an upgrade process ran through the appointment book for all records for each provider from 1/4/06 onwards, calculating the number of hours that each performer has available for work each day.

Whenever blocks are added or removed from the appointment book, or a performer’s schedule is amended, the number of hours is then updated.

The UDA targets are calculated on a UDAs per hour basis, using the calculated hours.

From v11.10 onwards there are multiple improved measures for UDA calculation

UDA Target Setup

To add a Performer

EXACT performs a check on the hours to be worked by that performer during each day of the contract period, initially using the information generated in the upgrade process, and then using information entered in the Provider file > Appointments tab 

If this check finds a value of 20 hours or more on a single day, it will assume that the performer’s diary is not set up correctly, and will display the following message:

This performer has an incomplete block rota configured for the contract period. This information is essential to calculate accurate targets. Please update this performers appointment times from DATE onwards before adding them to this contract. Choosing to continue without completing this process will cause your target values to be incorrect.

If you have the appropriate security (as set up in the Configure > User Settings > ‘Security Group’), one of the following will happen:

  • The

    button will be displayed (if the rota is not set up at all, or if the rota has gaps in it).
    Select the Create Block Rota button to launch the ‘Restrict Appointment Times’ window.

  • The

    button will be available (if the rota does not extend to the end of the contract period).
    Select the Extend Block Rota button to extend the provider’s current appointment hours to a future (specified) date.

To Roll Over a Contract

If a contract is ‘rolled over’ then a check is performed on hours to be worked, for all the performers in the contract. This is the same as the check done when adding a performer (see above). As before if it finds any missing days or any values of 20 hours or greater for a day, then a message will be displayed:

This contract contains performers with incomplete block rota information for the new contract period. It is essential that this information is correct so that accurate targets can be calculated. Please update [PROVIDER NAME]'s appointment times from [DATE] onwards, before rolling over this contract. Choosing to continue without completing this process will cause your target values to be incorrect.

The Continue, Extend Block Rota, Create Block Rota and Cancel buttons will be displayed as mentioned above. In this case however, this message will appear for each of the performers that do not have the correct information set. This will allow you to review each incomplete performer and correct their details one at a time.

How UDA Targets are Calculated

The UDA/UOA targets are now calculated on appointment book times that the provider works during the contract period, so this information has to be set up correctly and recorded accurately in order to receive accurate target data. Accordingly, any changes to blocks, rosters, or the providers schedule result in EXACT recalculating the stored target figures.

The figure for the number of UDAs claimed for the contract is divided by the number of available hours from the appointment book, to give a target UDA per hour figure.
For each workday the target is calculated as the number of hours available to work, multiplied by the UDAs per hour target rate. The achieved UDAs are determined by TCed COTs.
These daily values are added up for each performer on a contract, and for the contract as a whole, to give the overall position against target at any given time.

Courses of Treatment are given explicit statuses to help track performance.
The totals (for each provider and for the contract) are adjusted as follows:

  • If a course is resubmitted its UDAs are deducted from the Achieved UDAs total.

  • When a COT is received on a schedule the values on the schedule are added to (or deducted from, in the case of a withdrawal) the Confirmed UDAs total.

  • If an adjustment is created by the schedule process then this amount is amended in the Achieved UDAs total.

As the contract period proceeds, a cumulative value is calculated for each of the unconfirmed, confirmed and target measures. The target is calculated by multiplying the number of hours due to be worked during the selected period against the hourly UDA target rate calculated for the provider or contract.

The means of calculating and predicting UDAs changed significantly with EXACT v11.10

NHS Contract Nmumbers

After April 1st 2006, all NHS Practices require one or more 10-digit NHS Contract numbers against which to record and report UDAs and/or UOAs to the NHS Dental Services.

If not known they can be obtained by calling NHS Dental Services on (01323) 433560.

IMPORTANT: For users in England & Wales there are changes to newly provided NHS contract numbers from EXACT v11.7. The numbers will no longer be created from the first 6 digits of a provider number followed by a 4 digit tag number. Instead they can be any 10 digit number. Rather than selecting a provider and entering the 4 digit tag, you now just enter the 10 digit number, making it easier to set up contracts.

To Enter a NHS Contract Number:

  1. Select File > NHS Contracts to display the list of NHS Contract Numbers:

  2. Click the +1 button

    to add a contract number. The Add NHS Contract Number window appears:

  3. Enter the following details:

  4. Click the +1 button

    to assign Performers to the NHS contract. An entry screen will appear:

    Performer is a VT checkbox:
    If the performer you are assigning to the NHS contract is a Vocational Trainee, check (tick) the checkbox so that UDAs for that performer are not counted towards the contract total.

  5. Click the selector button

    to select the Performer from a list:

  6. Select the Performer and then enter their share of the total UDAs or UOAs for the NHS Contract in the Target field and click OK to save.
    The details will appear in the Add NHS Contract Number similar to the following example:

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 until all the correct Performers have been assigned to the NHS contract.

    NOTE: The total number of UDAs or UOAs for all Performers does not have to match the total number entered in the Target field in the Add NHS Contract Number window. You can even leave the individual performer targets blank and decide later how many they need to do.

  8. Once all data entry for this particular NHS Contract is complete, repeat steps 2-6 to create additional contracts if required, or click in the Add NHS Contract Number screen to save changes and exit.

UDA Target Setup

When a performer is added to a contract, EXACT will perform a check on the hours to be worked by that performer during the contract period.

If this check finds a a value of 20 hours or more on a single day, EXACT will assume the performer’s diary is not set up correctly and will present you with the following message:

If the Performer already has part of a block rota set up, an Extend Block Rota button will when clicked allow you to extend the performer's current appointment hours to the end of the contract. If - as in the example shown - the performer has no block rota set up, or the existing rota has gaps in it, the Create Block Rota button will be displayed instead, allowing you to set new appointment hours for this performer via the “Create Blocks” window.

The Continue button simply removes the warning message from the screen, and allows you to proceed with setting up the contract details.

NOTE: you will be warned each time you view the contract that the performer hours are still incorrect, until such time they are amended.

To Roll Over a NHS Contract:

  1. Highlight the contract you wish to roll over.

  2. Click the Roll over Contract button

    at the bottom right-hand corner of the NHS Contract screen.

    This will create a new copy of the highlighted contract with the dates advanced by one year. It will not do this if a contract with the same numbers already exists with dates that would overlap.

    All the contract details are carried through including providers and sub-targets.

  3. Double-click on the new contract to edit it if required, to change targets or end dates.

NHS Contracts Screen

  1. Select File > NHS Contracts to open the List NHS Contract Numbers window:

    By default the Show all contracts checkbox is un-checked so that the window shows only contracts that finish on or after the last year, based on the login date. For example, if the current login date is 1/4/2016, all contracts ending on 31/3/2015 and earlier by default will not be shown, but all contracts ending on 1/4/2015 or later will be shown.
    To list NHS Contracts older than a year, check the Show all contracts checkbox.

    Column headings:

  2. To edit a NHS Contract, either double-click the contract or select it and click the Edit


  3. Click the Roll over Contract button if you want to roll over the providers NHS contract - this will create a new copy of the highlighted contract with the dates advanced by one year.

    It will not do this if a contract with the same numbers already exists with dates that would overlap.

    All the contract details are carried through including providers and sub-targets.

    Double-click on the new contract to edit it if required, to change targets or end dates.

  4. Click on the List courses TCed under this contract button to display a list of all courses completed under this contract:

    The window shows for each COT in the NHS Contract, the details of patient, the date the COT was TCed, the UDAs/UOAs claimed and confirmed, the Provider code, and current COT status: Transmitted, Confirmed, Blank (not yet transmitted).

    You can exit from this window by clicking the OK button.

  5. When you have finished with the NHS Contracts screen, click the OK button.

  6. To exit from the List NHS Contract Numbers screen, click the

    button at the top right of the window.

UDA Manager

The UDA Manager displays a graph of UDA performance against targets, for individual Performers and for All Performers.

It summarises the most important statistics for Performers to see at a glance:

  • How they are currently tracking,

  • The predicted tracking given current trends, and

  • What they still need to do to complete the UDAs.

  • The graph has been improved from v11.10:

These numbers give the Practice Manager and Performers a clear indication of either the hourly rate that they now have to hit to reach target, or the number of hours per week they need to dedicate to NHS work at the current rate of work.

  • This is a useful guide for sites to adjust their sessions as the year goes on, and for corporates to decide whether they need to employ more associates.

To access the UDA Manager

  1. Either

    • Select File > NHS Contracts to open the List NHS Contract Numbers screen, and select the UDA Manager button

    - or -

    • Select File > Provider to open the Provider File, select a Provider, select the NHS Details tab, and then select the UDA Manager button.

    The UDA Manager window will open.

  2. Select the Contract from the dropdown menu.

  3. Select the Performer from the dropdown menu.

    The graph and detailed data will display.

The UDA Manager window:


The UDA Manager takes into consideration the Performer leave hours and any ad hoc blocked off periods in the appointment book (such as for days off).

You can use the drop-down arrows to choose a different contract period (including future contract performance predicted from current figures).

You can use the drop-down arrows to choose other Providers, including ALL providers on this contract.

Values are based on Claimed rather than Confirmed amounts.

Where there is a significant gap between Target and Achieved figures, this may be because NHS Dental Services has allocated fewer UDAs than you claimed.

Use the drop-down menus to choose a different contract period (including future contract performance predicted from current figures), and/or other Performers, including ALL Performers on this contract.

The graph has a vertical orange line representing Today.
To the left of today is the past, and to the right is the future.

The two shaded colours extend from the past into the future: Blue is Claimed and green is Confirmed. The future areas are pale blue and pale green respectively to represent predicted data.

A diagonal red line represents the target.

The most important indicator is how successfully the target is being met today - this is measured where the blue Claimed area is highest along the vertical orange Today line.

The degree of success is calculated and displayed in bold as a percentage of target %.
The colour changes depending on how close you are to target:

= within 1% of the target

= more than 1% ahead of the target or between 1-4% behind

= more than 4% behind the target or over the total contract target


The percentage of target is calculated as follows: Claimed for today / Target for today, as a percentage.

Provisioned amount:
This purple line only displays when you've selected All Performers because it is the total value provisioned to the individual performers.
This line runs horizontally across the graph, intersecting with the red target line at the right edge of the graph. If the line is higher than the target, you have provisioned more UDAs than you need, with the expectation that the individual targets will not be met leading to a lower overall outcome.
If the line intersects lower than the target line, you haven't provisioned enough UDAs yet. In this case, maybe a new provider is starting later in the year, or you are waiting to see how individual performance works out before allocating further targets.
Either way, this line adds a reminder that you may need to make provisioning adjustments as the year continues.
This line does not show for a single Performer.


The Current Target is calculated as: UDAs per hour x Hours Progress to date



UDAs - The total contract value, or the amount assigned to single provider

Hours - The total number of hours set aside to meet the target
(if you have more than one concurrent contract, the hours will be same for each contract)

UDAs/Hour - The hourly rate required to hit the contract target from the beginning

Progress to date:

UDAs - The total amount of UDAs claimed so far

Hours - The amount of hours available that have elapsed

Weeks - The number of Weeks that have elapsed, based on days, not total hours.

UDAs/Hour - The hourly rate achieved so far

To Complete:

UDAs - The total amount of UDAs left to achieve

Hours - The total amount of hours available left to work

Weeks - The number of weeks left until the end of the contract

UDAs/Hour - The hourly rate required to hit the target from now

If a contract has been completed this section will show the final values for the contact.
If the contact has not yet started this section will show only zeros.

Change in hours required.
This clearly shows how Performers need to change hours to keep on track and to ultimately meet the requirement.

It looks at the existing UDA run rate, and calculates how many additional hours are required to get the contract to 100%. A negative value means that you are currently on target to achieve more than the required UDAs.

This section also shows this figure as the number of hours per week that need to change based on the number of weeks remaining until the end of the contract.

This can be a handy view to understand whether you need to add or subtract a session or two each week in your diary in order to hit the target.

<+ or -> XXX Hrs @ <Progress UDAs/Hour> - The total number of hours that the practice needs to add or subtract from their book if they are to achieve the contract at the current working rate.

(<+ or -><XXX/Weeks remaining> per week) -The same amount expressed as a weekly figure

Explanations and related actions.

The NHS Schedule button allows you to look at the Disputed UDA/UOA Amounts screen (derived from the NHS Payment Schedule List) to resolve any claims disputed by NHS Dental Services. Next to the button is a figure showing the number of disputed claims, and the total UDAs/UOAs for these claims.

You can also check open courses to see whether there are any sitting there that can be claimed straight away or sent as FTR ('Failed to Return').

Where there is a significant gap between Achieved and Confirmed figures that can't be explained by a schedule that hasn't yet arrived, it may be that some claims have been rejected by NHS Dental Services.

The NHS Responses button displays the List NHS Responses screen, to help you to find and resolve any rejected claims. Next to the button is the number of unresolved responses.

Any claims that have not been transmitted can be sent using the Send Claims button. The number of unsent claims is reported next to the button.

Click the UDAs in Progress button to see a report of all open courses (totalled next to the button) for the selected provider(s).

Click the Print button next to the graph to print the UDA graph and supporting data.

UDA Manager Printout

To obtain a printout of the graph produced in the UDA Manager, click the button. The following dialog window will display:


Leaving the Provider(s) field empty will print a ‘UDA or UOA’ report for a specified NHS Contract; however an individual provider can be selected by clicking in the field and using the or buttons. Alternatively click on the button to produce a report for a combination of Providers.

Contract Start Date

(Defaulted from the NHS Contract - cannot be altered)

Contract End Date

(Defaulted from the NHS Contract - cannot be altered)

Contract Number

The contract number is defaulted from the UDA Manager screen.
To print a report for another contract, you will have to close this dialog, and the UDA manager, and select another contract number.


This field is defaulted from the UDA manager, and will either show "All" (for all dentists in this contract), or the code of the selected provider.

From, To

For both the 'From' and 'To' fields, you can either enter a date, or click on the calendar button to select a date, or click on the drop-down menu and select a pre-set condition:

[ ] Show Detail

Click this button to include the supporting data that the graph is built from on the printout of the UDA graph. The fields below will then be accessible (rather than "greyed out") so you can select which details to include.

Daily Summary

The Daily Summary option prints the cumulative figures for Target, Achieved and Confirmed UDAs, for each day of the contract period to date.

Weekly Summary

The Weekly Summary option prints the cumulative weekly totals for Target, Achieved and Confirmed UDAs, for each week of the contract period to date.

Monthly Summary

The Monthly Summary option prints the cumulative monthly totals for Target, Achieved and Confirmed UDAs, for each month of the contract period to date.

Include Predicted Data

Click this option if you wish to have the cumulative figures (for daily, weekly, or monthly summaries, as selected above) added to the printout. EXACT will then produce the Target, Achieved and Confirmed UDAs figures for the rest of the contract period, based on the current figures to date.

Click this button to send the UDA Manager report to the current printer.

Click this button to view the report before/instead of printing it.

The preview option is useful to view the results of report settings before printing out your final copy.

Click the Cancel button to exit from this dialog window.

Report Example (monthly summary shown)

UDA in Progress Report

The UDAs in Progress report selects all open NHS courses for one or more specified providers, and produces a report with details as follows:

  • NHS Courses with no further planned work

  • NHS courses with no future appointments

  • Other open NHS courses

  • Totals for the above.

For each of these, the patient names, courses of treatment, last appointment date and the UDAs or UOAs are listed.

To run the UDAs in Progress report

  1. Select the Report:

    • Click the UDAs in Progress button in the UDA Manager screen

      - or -

    • Select Administration > Reports > UDAs in Progress Report

      - or-

    • Select Administration > NHS > UDAs in Progress Report

    The Print UDAs in Progress Report window displays:

  2. Select Providers:

    If you've clicked the UDAs in Progress button in the UDA Manager screen, this field will be defaulted from the UDA manager, and will display the code of the selected Provider.

    Otherwise, you can enter the code of a provider, or use the Multiple button to choose more than one provider code, or leave the field blank to include all providers.

  3. Show Detail: Check (tick) this checkbox to include details on the report, otherwise only summary totals will be shown.

  4. Select Print, Preview, Export or Cancel.

Report Example (no Detail option)

Editing an NHS Contract

Double-click on any contract in the List NHS Contract Numbers screen, (or highlight it and click the button)

This opens the Edit NHS Contract:

The example shows a contract with a target of 500 UDAs for the dated period. The position overall for the whole period shows as red, because the Claimed% of 14.6 is too low as 19.54% of the total hours that have passed.
However, the position is better with respect to the SubTarget of 250 UDAs, so the position figure shows orange for that graph.

Buttons on the screen enable you to do the following:

Edit the highlighted performer's NHS Contract details.

Add a new Performer NHS Contract number.

Delete the current Performer NHS Contract number

Edit the current NHS Contract number.

Lists all the UDAs transferred between performers under this NHS Contract, in COT number order, and enables you to add, edit or delete the transfers (provided you have the appropriate security access).

In addition, you can click in the 'PDS Plus' checkbox to control the behaviour when a provider who belongs to a GDS and PDS Plus contract marks an NHS course of treatment as complete. If the checkbox is ticked, the PDS Plus contract number will be defaulted, so when the FP17 TC screen is displayed, if a PDS Plus contract is selected the PDS Plus tab will be displayed.

Highlight a UDA transfer item, then use the button to edit the details, the button to delete the transfer, or the to add a new transfer. You will be prompted to enter a COT number before you are able to add a transfer.

- The number of UDAs transferred cannot exceed the number paid for the course, i.e., you cannot transfer a claim until the course is paid by NHS Dental Services.
- You cannot transfer UDAs that have already been transferred; e.g., if a course is paid 3 UDAs by NHS Dental Services and one UDA has been transferred to another provider, then only 2 UDAs remain that can be transferred for that course.
- UDAs can only be transferred from the dentist who was paid, and cannot then be forwarded on to another dentist once they have been transferred.

Once a transfer is in place the following screens and reports will be affected:

  1. The NHS Contract Details screen and the provider's NHS Details tab. On these screens the Achieved and Paid amounts will both be amended downward on the transferring dentist and upward on the receiving dentist.

  2. The UDA/UOA Report - a section at the end of the report lists transfers affecting the included dentists for the listed contract. The totals are updated to include this section.

  3. The UDA/UOA Breakdown Report. A line called 'Transfers' is added in the UDA section where the report is broken down by provider. The relevant UDA amounts are placed in each column. This will adjust the total UDA amounts list for the course.

  4. On the FP17 View, a 'Transfers' button will be added next to the UDAs Paid amount if one is present. When clicked, this will display the same screens as above and has the same functionality except that this screen is limited to just the COT being looked at.

This button searches for all courses TC'd under this NHS Contract, and lists them in a window like the following example:

Rolling Over an NHS Contract

The NHS Contract may be rolled over for the current year from the List NHS Contract Numbers window.

To roll over a NHS Contract

  1. Select File > NHS Contracts to display the List NHS Contract Numbers window.

  2. Highlight the contract to be rolled over and click the Roll over Contract button:

  3. This will create a new copy of the highlighted contract with the dates advanced by one year. It will not do this if a contract with the same numbers already exists with dates that would overlap.
    All the contract details are carried through including providers and sub-targets.

  4. Double-click on the new contract to edit it if required, to change targets or end dates.

Displaying or Editing UDA Details

  1. To display and/or edit the UDA target and progress details, either double-click on the provider detail line in the NHS Contracts Screen, or click the


  2. The Edit Performer NHS Contract Details screen has the following fields and functions:

  3. Click the

    if you wish to edit the NHS contract number but not the target details:

    This screen is used where a change needs to be made to the NHS Contract number, or its tag, due to some variation in the contract.
    Once the number or tag is changed, SOEL Health will prompt you to confirm this is what you wish to do, and if you do confirm the change, will update all occurrences in SOEL Health of the ‘old’ NHS contract number with the amended one.

The UDA Tab

The UDA tab is an activity tab available on the Patient Chart. When selected it will show the current situation for the logged in provider. If you are not logged in as a performer, or you aren't assigned a target on a NHS contract then nothing will show in the tab.

The tab will show one bar graph for each current contract that the performer has a target against. Each graph shows the contract number above it, and whether the contract is for UDAs or UOAs. At the end of the graph the target for that performer is shown.

The blue line on the graph shows the 'ideal' current position, based on the number of hours worked, against the total number of hours to be worked on the contract. The position of the blue line will gradually shift from left to right as time passes. The number printed on the graph is the number of UDAs that the performer has achieved (including unconfirmed ones) against the contract. This number is split out into confirmed and unconfirmed UDAs/UOAs and displayed in text above each graph.

The coloured bar is drawn from left to right showing the number of UDAs achieved in proportion to the total target for the contract. The colour bar changes colour to indicate how the performer is tracking to their target:

  • If the UDAs are within 1% (of total target) either side of the blue bar tracking target then the bar is drawn in green.

  • Greater than 1% ahead of tracking target or between 1-4% behind the bar is drawn in orange.

  • Greater than 4% behind the tracking target or over the total target the bar is drawn in red.

Open the Provider's NHS Details Tab

  1. Select File > Providers to open the Provider File window:

  2. Use the selectors to specify the provider, and click on the NHS Details tab:

  3. The upper area lists the Provider’s performer number(s), the activation date for each, and whether the provider has a PIN stored (this will show in ****** format):

  4. Additional numbers can be added by clicking on the

    button at the bottom of this area.

  5. The columns in the lower area of the tab have similar column headings to the NHS contracts screen:

    To exit the Provider File, click on the button at the top right .

Show Progress on NHS Contracts

Upgraded UDA/UOA Report, October 2015

The UDA/UOA Report upgrades in EXACT v11.9, October 2015 are described below.

The previous-version UDA/UOA Report is no longer accessible to standard users

From v11.9 this older report is no longer accessible to standard users.

However, if you would ike to continue using it in parallel with the new version, an Administrator-level user can re-enable it, as described here: Enabling the older UDA/UOA Report.

If your previous UDA/UOA Report was scheduled, you will need to re-configure

If your previous-version UDA/UOA Report was scheduled by means of the Scheduler you have these options:

  • Reveal and re-use the previous UDA/UOA Report scheduled events as described in Enabling the older UDA/UOA Report

    - and / or -

  • Schedule the new UDA/UOA Report as an event.

Claimed and Confirmed

The upgraded report shows UDAs on the days that they are claimed and confirmed rather than the TCed.

NHS Contract Number

It is now mandatory to enter a NHS contract number for the report.

% Target

The new report includes a % Target field against all Performers:

% Target totals are not totals of all rows in the column but a calculation using the total Claimed / Target.

If the Target value for any row is 0, the % Target column will show N/A.

Note that the Claimed and Confirmed columns are no longer adjacent.

The new report is more detailed and more accurate

The main difference between this report and the previous version is that UDA/UOA values are only shown that are relevant to the date range specified (the previous report showed values for the whole NHS contract date range, irrespective of dates specified).

The Sort by reporting parameters have been automated

In the comparison below the pre-v11.9 version had Sort by Performer and Sort by Date as options.

In the new version these options are implicit - they are always applied in the report.

Reporting of Totals has been rationalised

Re-enabling the older UDA/UOA Report

The UDA/UOA report has been upgraded from EXACT v11.9. EXACT by default only uses this upgraded version.

You may notice after updating that 1) you are unable to locate the older version and 2) if you previously used scheduled reporting it is no longer scheduled.

However, there is provision for an Administrator to re-enable the older report and run it in parallel with the upgraded report.

i.e. you then have both old and new available.

If the older version is your preference, you may want to re-enable it for a few months while you consider transitioning to the upgraded report.

To re-enable the pre-11.9 UDA/UOA Report

(Requires Administrator-level permissions)

  1. Select Configure > Settings.

  2. Type the Tools Password and select OK:

  3. In the General tab of the Settings desktop, type UDA into the filter:

    You will see two Key options.

  4. Enable the old option as follows:

    1. Double-click the reports.show old UDA report key.

    2. In the Edit Setting window replace the 0 value with 1.

    3. Click OK.

  5. If you previously scheduled this report, select File > Scheduler and check that it has re-appeared:

  6. Check that both reports are now accessible:

  7. To differentiate between the old and the new report as a scheduled event, select the Create New Event button and search the Available Events as follows:

    • The pre-v11.9 report is called Old UDA/UOA Report

    • The v11.9 and later report is called UDA/UOA Report

Scheduling the UDA/UOA Report

This report changed from v11.9 onwards. If you previously had it scheduled, you will need to re-schedule.

You have two options:

  • Schedule the updated report as described below.

  • Re-enable the pre v11.9 report, thereby also re-enabling it as a scheduled event 

To schedule the UDA/UOA Report

  1. Select File > Scheduler

  2. In the List Scheduled Events window select the Create New Event button.

  3. In the Schedule Event Setup Wizard's Available Events window, scroll down to UDA/UOA Report and select it.

  4. Click Next > and continue with the Event setup as normal.

The UDA or UOA Report

The UDA/UOA Report shows progress on all NHS contracts held by the practice, grouped by contract or by provider, with or without detail.

Upgraded in EXACT v11.9:

For upgrade details see:

Upgraded UDA/UOA Report, October 2015 - explains the changes.

Re-enabling the older UDA/UOA Report - it is optional to run the previous version report in parallel with the current version.

Scheduling the UDA/UOA Report - you can optionally schedule the new version and / or re-schedule the older version

To Run the UDA/UOA Report:

  1. Either

    • Select Administration > Reports and double-click the UDA/UOA Report:

    - or

    • Select UDA/UOA Report from the workspace bar NHS shortcut (if configured):

      The print dialogue displays:

  2. To generate a report for the entire practice, leave the Provider(s) field empty.

    To generate a report for an individual, select by means of the selector button.

    To generate a report for specific individuals, select the Multiple button and then select individuals from the window by means of CTRL-click. This also allows you to choose whether to print individual reports for each provider, or a combined report.

  3. If you enter a Contract Number, the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date fields will be defaulted, otherwise these will be blank.

  4. The previous version of the report had a Group By field for selecting Performer and Date. These parameters are no longer optional but included by default in the report.

  5. Check (tick) the Show Detail checkbox if you want to show all courses provided by each provider under the contract for the selected time period, with the banding information.

    If you leave it unchecked only UDA/UOA totals for each contract or provider will be shown.

  6. You can also select the number of copies to print, or select a printer, if those options are enabled under Configure > Printing Setup.

  7. Click Print to send the report to the printer, Preview to preview on screen and then print from the Preview screen, Export to export to a *.csv file (for use in a document or spreadsheet), or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Report Example:

The summary report lines show the following, also broken out by Contract or Provider:

Date Range / Days

The start and end of the date range being shown, and the number of days that this encompasses.

Only UDA/UOA that are relevant to the date range specified will be shown (the previous version of this report showed values for the whole NHS contract date range, irrespective of dates specified).

Provider- Contract Number

The Provider code and Contract number.

Running the report for a single provider will only print a single provider section with no summary sections.

Running the report for multiple providers will print sections for each provider and a provider summary section.

The contract type UDA or UOA is marked on the end.

It is now mandatory to enter a NHS contract number for the report.


The number of UDA/UOAs totalled by Provider or Contract.


The target number of UDAs/UOAs for the elapsed period of the contract

% Target

The number of UDAs/UOAs achieved so far, as a percentage of the number targeted over the same period.

This is calculated using Claimed amount / Target.

If the Target value for any row is 0, the % Target column will show N/A.

Note that the Claimed and Confirmed columns are no longer adjacent.

The detail lines if present show,

COT Number

The COT number is shown in the column to the left.


The date of the course is shown in the second column.


The name of each Patient treated.


The number of UDA/UOAs for each course is shown in the fourth column, totalled by Provider or Contract at top and bottom.


The banding of the Treatment

Note that if any UDAs have been transferred from another provider, the details will appear at the end of the provider's details, as shown below:

In this example, 4.00 UDAs were transferred, for COT41327.

The UDA or UOA Report (old)

The UDA/UOA Report shows progress on all NHS contracts held by the practice, grouped by contract or by provider, with or without detail.

This report has been upgraded from EXACT v11.9

You can still optionally re-enable and run it in its previous form

To run the old UDA or UOA Report

(This older report must have been re-enabled)

  1. Select Administration > Reports or select the Reports button from your Workspace Bar (if you have it configured).

  2. Scroll down to locate the Old UDA/UOA Report and double-click it to open the Print old UDA/UOA window:

  3. Leaving the Performer(s) field empty will print a UDA or UOA report for a specified NHS Contract.

    Specify an individual provider by means of the selector controls: .

    You can also produce a report for a combination of Providers by means of the Multiple button.

  4. The Contract Start and Contract End date fields are used to define the date range for the report, and are defaulted from the NHS Contract number.

  5. Enter or select a Contract Number. Clicking the button shows the 'View NHS Contract Numbers' window, from where you can select a number and click the OK button:

  6. You can choose to select a date range within the NHS Contract period, if you wish to view details for less than the whole contract period.
    (If you select a date outside the period, EXACT will default the date back to the start or end date of the contract, as appropriate).

  7. Check (tick) the Show Details checkbox to produce a report that is broken down by the Performers belonging to that contract.

  8. The next three buttons are mutually exclusive - you can choose to print either a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Summary of the UDAs/UOAs for the specified contract.

  9. Select the number of copies and the printer if different from the defaults.

  10. Click Print to send the report to the printer, Preview to preview on screen and then print from the Preview screen, Export to export the report output to a file, or Cancel to return to the previous screen.

Detailed Report

This report summary information for the contract period, followed by details of every applicable treated patient’s treatment plan, with the following information:

  • Date of Treatment

  • Course of Treatment number

  • Provider code

  • Patient’s Name

  • Number of claimed and confirmed UDAs per Treatment Plan, shown as a daily, weekly or monthly summary, according to the option selected.

Summary Report

If the ‘Show Details’ checkbox is unticked, the patient and treatment details are not shown, and any UOAs transferred are totaled:

UDA/UOA Breakdown Report

This report can be run from either the NHS or Reports option in the Administration menu.

  1. Select Administration > Reports

  2. Double-click the UDA or UOA Breakdown report to open the Print UDA or UOA Breakdown window:

  3. The date range (inclusive) specified by the Contract Start Date and Contract End Date fields is set by the Contract Number, and determines which COTs are included in the report:

    • All NHS courses with a completion date in the range are included.

    • Patient's ages are determined as at the treatment start date.

    • Incomplete COTs are included based on their start date.

  4. The Contract Number determines which patients and claims are included in the report. To select a Contract Number:

    • Type a known number, or

    • Scroll by means of the Up/Down scroll arrows, or

    • Click the List/Select button

      and choose a Contract from the View NHS Contract Numbers window:

  5. Breakdown by Performer: Check (tick) this checkbox for a detailed breakdown of the figures by Performer in the Contract specified, or leave unchecked for a general breakdown.

  6. Click the OK button.

The report runs through all patients and checks to see if they have a course of treatment that matches the above criteria (in the date range and for the providers on the Contract Number). For patients who do not have a matching course, it checks to see if they have one of the contracted providers as their dentist. If they do they are added to the 'not seen' count, using their age as at the end of the date range.

Where a matching course is found, the UDAs for the course are determined, and added to the UDAs claimed count using the patient's age as at the acceptance date of the course.

If the BreakDown by Performer check box is ticked then the rows starting with '-' are shown (if this checkbox is unchecked, they are skipped). These rows are calculated using the more detailed band information found on the FP17.

Domiciliary and Sedation counts are also determined from the FP17.

The patient charge figure is also calculated from the FP17.

NOTE: It does not matter whether the charge has actually been collected from the patient.

Example Report (Summary option)

For the Treatment Categories where a quantity is recorded, both the number of claims and the quantity will be shown in each column, for example, "4(6)". The number outside the bracket shows how many COTs included the item. The number inside the bracket shows how many of the items were done. For example, 4(6) indicates that 6 items were done across 4 COTs.

Disputed UDA/UOA Amounts

  1. Select Administration > NHS > Disputed UDA/UOA Amounts to display the Disputed UDA/UOA Amounts screen:

    Alternatively, you can click the button on the UDA Manager screen, to access the Disputed UDA/UOA Amounts screen directly.

  2. In the NHS Contract field, you can select the default of All (for all NHS Contracts in the practice), or use the

    button to select an individual contract.

  3. At the Provider field, you can leave the field blank (to include all providers) or select one from the list using the



  4. Click the

    button to select disputed claims for the contract(s) and provider(s) you have chosen.
    EXACT will compile a list, as in the example below, showing details of the courses of treatment, how many UDA/UOAs NHS Dental Services have credited for each COT, how many EXACT has recorded, and the difference.

    The Disputed UDA/UOA Amounts window has the following columns of information:

    The following functions and buttons are available in this window:

  5. When you have finished editing this window, click the


UDAs Overpaid Report

When the “Overpaid UDAs” report is run it will ask for a range of COT numbers:

The default values for the COT numbers are from 0 to the highest on record, but you can overwrite these if required.

Set the appropriate printer details, then click Print, Preview or Email as required.

For each COT the report will check to see whether the Number of UDAs Claimed is less than the the number of UDAs paid, and wherever it finds a course where this is the case it will print it out. This gives a list of all the courses that have been resubmitted back to the chart or deleted, or where you have asked for the UDA amount to be reduced, but NHS Dental Services has not yet sent through the lower payment.

Report example:

Each line will show:

  • Date of Transmission

  • COT number

  • Patient Name

  • Amount Claimed for UDAs/UOAs

  • Paid Amount.

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