Patient File Configuration / Setup
Patient File Configuration
Set Patient Triggers
Default Patient Details
Mandatory fields
Perio Options
Configure Family Addressees
This button displays the window to allow you to set preferences for letters sent to patients who have been set up in EXACT as family members. You can specify rules for the practice which determine who is to be the recipient of any correspondence regarding patients who are dependants (children, elderly or infirm relatives, etc.). This can avoid mistakes where for example a child is sent an appointment reminder or other information that their parent or guardian is unaware of.
View Transaction Options
These radio buttons determine the default display of the Debit and Credits for the patient in the Patient Transactions window when the
button is clicked, and whether a running balance of the patient's account is displayed, or only the latest unpaid transaction.
Chart options
Display codes
These radio buttons set the default display order of the Service List in the Chart Tab:
Select Service to display the Service list using the Service Codes.
Select Payor to display the Service list using the Payor Codes.
Number Teeth
These settings control how the teeth are displayed on the Chart. Select the required numbering system.
Default chart - adult / deciduous / mixed
These settings control which Tooth Chart displays by default in the Chart tab.
This is only the default setting, and can be overridden at any time by clicking on the Permanent/Deciduous switch on the patient chart.
Default Perm Teeth Unerupted
Check (tick) this to automatically default all patient permanent dentition as un-erupted
Colour COT Tabs
These settings determine how Treatment Plan Tabs will be colour coded in the Chart tab, to easily distinguish them from one another.
The recommended option is the last one: colour treatment plans by Provider if they are private, otherwise use policy colour.
Use the Set Colour button to select the colour used for Private Treatment Plans.
Create new Payment Plans with
(If the EXTEND option is enabled in Practice Details)
Review in [ ] months
Sets a default for the time period between review of payment plans. After the specified period, a message is displayed to remind you to review the payment plan settings.
Estimate Adjustment
Allows the default adjustment code to be selected from a predefined list. If required, click in the field and use the selector button to select from the list of codes.
Optional Elements
If required, tick the checkbox of a field to add that field to the Patient File.
Occupation is a free text field used to record a patient's job.
Price Code allows you to select a schedule of fees to be used for the patient instead of the provider's fees.
Paying Patient allows for instances where the payor is a person other than the patient. Options will be available in a drop-down menu, and include the patient's spouse, parent, guardian, child, or Other. For each of these, the name of the paying patient is then selected in the other drop-down field.
The default for this field is 'NA' (Not Applicable) which is used for the majority of patients who will pay their own invoices.
If any of these fields are changed after patient details have already been entered, you will need to then edit the patient records to update them.
To set up a custom questionnaire
In the Patient File Configuration screen, you can specify that you wish to use a custom screen of predefined questions for the patient's Medical Tab.
To set up predefined questions for a custom Medical Questionnaire:
Use the Custom Screens window in the Configure menu, to create a new questionnaire or modify an existing one.
Go to the Patient File Configuration screen, and ensure that the checkbox in the Enable preset medical questionnaire field is not ticked.
At the Enable Custom Medical Questionnaire field, enter (or select from the drop-down menu) the custom screen to use.
In the field for Alert if medical notes [ ] months overdue, set the number of months; this is used to keep the medical questionnaire information current (see below).
Click the OK button in the Patient File Configuration screen to save the changes.
Now the Medical Tab in the Patient File will have a Med Questions button
, which when clicked will open the custom screen of medical questions you have created. Each time the patient medical questions are saved, the current date is recorded. If this date is not set, or is older than the value in the "Alert if medical notes x months overdue" field, an alert appears at the top of the Patient File as a reminder to have the patient fill in a new questionnaire.
Medical Questions
Enable Preset Medical Questionnaire
This checkbox determines whether the preset (checkbox ticked) or custom questionnaire (checkbox empty) is used in the ‘Medical’ tab.
Enable Custom Medical Questionnaire
If the above check box is not checked, this area allows a custom questionnaire to be selected.
Alert if Med Notes [ ] months overdue
This field sets the number of months after which an alert will be displayed, if medical notes are not responded to. If required, click in the field and enter an appropriate number to change the interval
Setting up a Custom Medical Questionaire
Use the 'Custom Screens' window in the Configure menu, to create a new questionnaire or modify an existing one.
Go to the Patient File Configuration screen, and make sure the checkbox in the "Enable preset medical questionnaire" field is not ticked.
At the "Enable Custom Medical Questionnaire" field, enter (or select from the drop-down menu) the custom screen to use.
In the field for Alert if [ ] months overdue, set the number of months; this is used to keep the medical questionnaire information current (see below).
Click the OK button in the Patient File Configuration screen to save the changes.
Now the Medical Tab in the Patient File will have a button, which when clicked will open the custom screen of medical questions you have created. Each time the patient medical questions are saved, the current date is recorded. If this date is not set, or is older than the value in the "Alert if medical notes x months overdue" field, an alert appears at the top of the Patient File as a reminder to have the patient fill in a new questionnaire.
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