Recording a BPE
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Recording a BPE

The Basic Periodontic Examination (BPE) is a standard rapid screening tool for indicating the level of examination and treatment required. The BPE data can be accessed via the Perio TAB on the patient file which will show all historical BPEs recorded. However for viewing the last BPE taken and recording a new BPE entry you can use the Perio button.

  • The button displays the highest BPE score

  • The button flashes when BPE is overdue

  • Allow the user to see a summary by hovering over the mouse

  • Click the button to open the BPE scoring window and record a new BPE.

Configuring BPE icon

You can configure when the BPE icon will flash (for overdue) by going to Configure > Patient File.

Locate the field Alert if ___ months since last BPE. Set the desired value with 0 meaning it is disabled and will not flash

Viewing the highest recorded BPE assessment score

  1. Open the patient file at any tab.

  2. View the BPE icon in the toolbar to see the highest recorded score:

Viewing the last recorded BPE assessment scores


  • Mouseover the BPE icon and view the BPE tooltip summary:



    - or - Click the BPE icon to open the BPE window with the last recorded scores:

Recording a new BPE assessment score

New Periodontal classification changes came into effect in the UK in 2019. As per screenshots, new stage, grade and stability options have been added to the BPE screen. These values are optional, but if all are entered, EXACT will display them on the Patient toolbar BPE icon. Stage and grade data will be shown, with stability specifying the colour of the icon.

Users will also be able to include their diagnosis statement in the notes section with the new italic hint showing them the correct format. The relevant data is also displayed under Perio tab.

  1. Click the BPE icon to open the BPE window.

  2. Fill in the fields to record the BPE:

  3. Click OK to save and close the BPE window.

NOTE: If you have already recorded a BPE earlier that day it will display those recorded values instead and allow you to edit them.

You can also add/edit BPE by means of the Perio tab on a patients file. The recorded scores are the same.

BPE scoring and colour progression

Scoring and colour progression

Colour examples:

Reporting on the most recent BPE scoring

EXACT V13.795 saw the introduction of a new patient list condition BPE - most recent score. This allows you the option to view a list of patients most recent BPE score, after a selected date, the option to select a minimum BPE sextant score, including number of sextants.

To create a list of patients using this condition you will need to create a patient list using the conditions pictured below.
For more information on creating these lists, read our help article: Creating a Patient List (Contact List).

The condition BPE - most recent score will provide you with the following patient selection options.


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