What is MPC?

  • MPC is a Cloud based reporting tool that allows in depth practice analysis by provider and Practice level.

  • You can build trend analysis over time to notice patterns in the data and what impacts the practice performance.

What is the Impact of MPC?

  • Practices who monitor KPI’s are more inclined to work upon improving those areas of the business

  • Practices can set growth goals and targets, monitoring can help to motivate the team to achieve this

  • Insight into particular provider performance can highlight areas for improvement

  • Find opportunities for the practice, for example, patients who are lapsing & treatments not taken up

Why should a practice use MPC?  

  • Generate an understanding of how the practice is performing in the key areas

  • Gain insight into what is impacting on your performance

  • Find missed and available opportunities within the practice

  • Look into individual provider performance

  • Target system setting for revenue targets

How does MPC work?

  • MPC allows reporting into key performance areas such as:

  • Recall Effectiveness

  • Utilisation

  • FTAs

  • Cancellations

  • Revenue performance

  • Treatment blend

  • Workflow analysis

  • Active patients/lapsed/new patient analysis

  • Treatment acceptance

Are you interested in using your data from MPC, to set benchmarks and obtainable targets, so that you can grow your business?

 Please visit: then click on “Sign Me Up”

The “Customer Success Programme” includes 12 monthly pre booked calls to analyse Key Performance Indicators such as, chair time utilisation, patient retention, FTA/DNA percentages and many more of these vital components to running a successful dental practice.

More specifically, the Customer Success journey will focus on helping customers:

  • Grow their revenues & profitability

  • Attract more new patients

  • Keep the patients they already have

  • Improve efficiency in Practice

  • Optimise processes in Practice

  • Upskill your team

  • Feel 100% satisfied that you have chosen SOE