Going it alone


Giving you all you need to venture your online booking journey forward and continue your success.

Expanding your Online Booking presence

To make the most out of Online Booking we can’t stress enough how important it is to ensure your Online Booking functionality is visible on all online platforms you use.

Many online platforms have the ability to implement your Online Booking widget for your patients to book; as well as your website. We have posted links below which explain how to add the Online Booking link to Facebook & Instagram for instance:

Please note these are external links that will take you to the relevant instructions around how to add your Online Booking widget to your social media platforms.

Using Care Manager to send links for planned treatment

Did you know you can use Care Manager to send Online Booking links to patients for outstanding unbooked treatment? The above shows an example of this. This method is one of the most effective ways of sending planned Online Booking links to chase up on booking appointments for any outstanding work.

If you haven’t used Care Manager before or need some extra guidance on it then click here.

Bespoke Links for Campaign Plus

If you are a user of Campaign Plus you can create bespoke Online Booking links for the campaigns you’re running. It works similar to the widget link in terms of configuration and how it looks when a patient books however it will only be for the purpose of the campaign and run for the length of it.

Please note this is only available if you have the Campaign Plus module

If you need information on how to use Marketing Manager in Exact for campaigns then click here.

General Troubleshooting

From time to time you may experience issues with the Online Booking System. If this is the case we have come up with some documentation around the most commonly reported ones and the ways to resolve them. Click here for the link regarding general Online Booking troubleshooting.

If you have tried the fixes yet there is still a problem feel free to give our support team a call on 01634 266 800 and we will be happy to help and get this up and running for you.