Manage the Fee Update Delay
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Manage the Fee Update Delay


Monday 13th July – After an initial delay, the Ministry of Health (MoH) has released the new fee schedule for 1st July 2020/2021.

This topic confirms how to manage the claiming process from 1st July until the day you update the fees in your EXACT database.   You need to follow this process if you continued to book MoH patients for appointments from 1st July.

A gap in the claiming process

There will be a different approach to the MoH claiming process until the 2020 MoH fees have been added to your EXACT database.

For the purpose of this topic, we will refer to the time between the 1st July (when the new fees are due to take effect) and when the fees can be updated in EXACT as the 'gap'.

For patient visits in the ‘Gap’

Providers should be advised not to tick and charge MoH item codes for a patient seen during the gap (from 1st July until the 2020 fees have been updated in EXACT).

EXACT selects the fees for the claim form based on the date a Payor invoice was created.

Dos and Dont's for the 'Gap'

  • Yes – continue to create MoH Treatment Plans for MoH Patients

  • Yes - add MoH item codes to confirm what has been completed in the appointment

  • Yes - add MoH item codes to confirm planned treatment for the MoH patient


IMPORTANT – Do Not tick and charge the MoH item codes until the fees have been updated

After the fees have been updated

We recommend you keep a list of the names of each MoH Patient with a completed appointment between 1st June and the date when the fees have been updated in your EXACT database.

After the 2020 fees have been imported into your EXACT database, you need to back-date completed MoH item codes to match the date of the patient's appointment.

This needs to be done before the MoH item codes are charged for each patient.

How to backdate item codes

  1. Open the Chart tab for the relevant patient

  2. Tick to confirm which MoH item codes have been completed

  3. While holding the shift key on your keyboard, click to select all of the completed MoH item code

  4. While hovering the mouse on the selected item codes, right-click

  5. Click to select Edit from the menu

  6. Confirm the Completed Date to match the date of the patient's recent appointment

  7. Click the OK button to confirm the update

Summary – Update # 4

Because of the delay in receiving the fee update from the MoH, there will be a gap in your normal claiming process.

Before the fees are updated:

  1. Continue to chart for MoH patients

  2. Do not tick and charge completed MoH Item codes

  3. Keep a list of the patients seen in the gap

After the fees are updated:

  1. Open the Treatment Plan for gap patients

  2. Tick the completed MoH item codes

  3. Backdate the completed MoH item codes

  4. Charge the item codes to create the Payor invoice

  5. When ready, create a claim bundle for July 2020

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