Appointment Workflow Compliance Report
Generate and interpret this report to track statistics on how well your practice has kept to the configured Appointment Workflow.
Set as a favourite for quick access.
Previewed on the screen.
Exported to .CSV format, which can then be viewed in spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel.
Run per Location (if the practice uses Locations).
To generate the Appointment Workflow Compliance Report
Select Administration > Reports
Select Appointment Workflow Compliance from the list of reports:
After a few seconds the report configuration screen displays:
(If the practice uses Locations)
(If the practice uses Locations) Specify a Location.
This will cause the report to be run just for that Location.
You can repeat the reporting procedure for each Location.
Configure the fields, then select either Print, Preview, Email or Export.
Report format:
Report logic
Compliance is shown by the number and percentage of patients that unsuccessfully completed the actions in their departure list, split by each action line.