com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'html' is unknown.


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Reports are a primary tool in managing an efficient and effective practice

To access Reports Select Administration > Reports:

What report would you like help with?

Activity Summary Report

Allocated Payments

Appointment Analysis

Appointment Summary

Appointment Workflow

Cashing Up

Chair Time Analysis

Clinical Audit

Clinical Effectiveness

Daily Activity

Deleted Transactions

Invoice Summary

Invoiced Treatment

Invoice and Receipt Summary

Invoiced Work by Owning Dentist

KPI Report

Lab Work Done

Lab  Work Due

List Outstanding Treatment

New Patients by Referral

Patient List

Payments Summary

Payor Fee Schedule

Payor Membership List

Receipt Analysis

Stock Sales

Top Debtor

Top Referral Sources by Receipts

Treatment Service Costs

Unseen Payor Membership

Work In Progress

X-Ray Audit

Associates Report

EasyPost Summary

GST Summary

User Activity Audit

Contact Preferences Audit

Using the Favourites Tab

How to Filter Reports

Click in the Filter by Group field at the bottom of the screen, and choose a group from the menu:

See also: Reports List.

To add Reports to the Favourites tab

  1. Click to select the Report in the List.
  2. Click the Favourites button at bottom right and then complete the windows prompts that appear.
  3. Click the Favourites tab to open the Favourites, and then check that your report has been added

Run statement runs and Batch Invoices:

Additionally, Statements and Batch Invoices are printed directly from the Administration menu, and additional reports are available on the ‘Administration’ menu under ‘List Items’.

Printing Reports

Reports may have options specific to the data being selected and printed, but generally the print dialog windows have the following common features. Note that some of these options may not be available unless you have appropriate user security.

Number of copies

If you require more than one copy of the report, either enter the number in the box, or click in the box and use the button to change the number.


If you require a printer (such as a colour printer) other than the one defaulted, click in the box and use the or button to select one.


Once you have configured the report details, click this button to print it to the default (or currently selected) printer.


Click this button to view the report before/instead of printing it.

The preview option is useful to view the results of report settings before printing out your final copy.


Click this button to export the report details to an external file. This will then be available for use by another application, such as a spreadsheet program (Excel, or similar), or a word processor.


Click this button to email a copy of the report; this will open the 'Contact by Email' window to enable you to set the recipient and other details.


Click this button to exit the print dialog without printing the report.

Many reports can also be scheduled to run at specific time using the EXACT Scheduler. This enables you for example to set up lengthy reports to run at times when the clinic is not busy and the printer is available.

Emailing Reports

Many reports have the option to send the report by email to another person, by clicking the Email button Email at the bottom of the report dialog.

Use of this email button is governed by a user group security option - Configure > Security > Administration > Reports > "Email Reports".

To send a report by email:

  1. Set up the report parameters to produce the appropriate report output.



  2. Use the Preview button to verify the output is as required, then close the Preview window.
  3. Click the Email button to open the Contact by Email dialog, to enable you to enter the email address and other parameters:


    Depending on the Report you can have options on whom to send it to. In the above example the options are Provider and Specialist. Select the appropriate person(s) in these fields in order for the Email Template merge fields to be populated.

    Select them by either typing the correct codes in each field or by using the selector buttons .

    To send a copy of the email to the patient and/or specialist, select the appropriate person(s) and click the checkbox below - in the above example, Email the selected Specialist checkbox (other reports may have Email the selected Patient).

    If you are sending a form email, you can use a template by selecting one in the Email Template field.

    If you are likely to email reports on a regular basis, it would be useful to set up an email template for this purpose. You can also use the Scheduler for automatic creation and emailing of reports.

    If a template is used, the Description field will be defaulted to one from the template, but you can overwrite it if required.

    The Category field will default to the report name, but you can change it if required.

    If you have an email signature set up, you can add it to the email by clicking the checkbox.

    You have two (mutually exclusive) options for the report format: it can be emailed in a Read Only PDF format (the same as the printed version), or in the same format as when the report is exported (to a spreadsheet or word processor application).

  4. When the email parameters are set as required, click the OK button to send the Email.

    Depending on the size of the report, it may take some time to create the report before the email message is added to the Outbox to be queued for sending.

Software of Excellence Portal Videos

Below are some videos hosted on the Software of Excellence Portal that covers contact lists:

Portal Video: Mini-masterclass: How to utilise reports to boost practice performance 

Portal Video: Revolutionise your practice reporting with Mypractice Cloud 

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