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Oasis Version 12 - Reports Summary


Oasis Version 12 - Reports Summary
Report Panels – Grouped Reports and Alpha/Other Reports
Daily Transactions - List 1
Daily Transactions - List 2
Daily Transactions - List 3
Daily Transactions – Doctor Summary
Daily Transactions – Branch Summary
Daily Eclaims Settlement
Daily Un-Invoiced Appointments
Daily Retail Sales Analysis (1)
Daily Retail Sales Analysis (2)
Weekly Unposted Invoices
[ |#_Toc17208449]
Weekly Unposted Payments
Monthly Financial Summary
Monthly Item Analysis
Monthly Progressive Contracts
Monthly Payment Exceptions
Monthly Hygienist Split
Monthly Rebate Analysis
Yearly Financial Summary
Aged debtors – Standard
Aged Debtors – Undefined Branch
Aged Debtors – Doctor Summary
Aged Debtors – Branch Summary
Aged Debtors – On Hold
Progressive Cashflows
Progressive Invoices
Invoices by Patient Classification
Invoices by Patient Contact
Invoices by Referring Doctor
Invoices by Direct Referral
Invoices by Item Group
Invoices by Patient Age
Invoices by Top Patient Accounts
Invoices by Patient Age / Postcode
Invoices by Time / Item Group
Invoices by Time / Patient Classification
Invoices by Time / Date
Invoices by Item Group / Patient Classification
Invoices by Item Code – Detailed
Invoices by Item Code / GST
Invoices by Item Code / Discounts
Production – Detailed
Prime KPIs
Production – Doctor Summary (1)
Production – Doctor Summary (2)
Production – Branch Summary
Production – Doctor / Hygienist Summary 1
Production – Doctor / Hygienist Summary 2
Patients by Age / Postcode
Patients by Age / Classification
Patients by Age / Ethnicity
Patients by Age / Contact
Patients by Age / Health Fund
Patients by Direct Referral
Patients by Referring Doctor
Patients Active Count
Treatment Acceptance
Waiting Room Summary
Appointment Usage Summary
Appointment Entry Summary
[ Image Removed |#_Toc17208499]
Appointment Cashflows
Patient / Health Fund Analysis
Marketing – Standard
Marketing – Fee Variations
Marketing – Discounts
Marketing – Financial Summary
Letters by Appointment Code
Letters by Item Code
Patient Birthday Letters
Patient Birthday Labels
Patient Birthday List
Patient Birthday SMS
Patient Incomplete Treatment Letters
Patient Incomplete Treatment Labels
Patient Incomplete Treatment List
Patient Incomplete Treatment SMS
New Patient Letters
New Patient Labels
New Patient List
Patient Newsletters
Patient Newsletter Labels
Patients with No Recalls
Direct Referral Patient Letters
Patient Direct Referral Labels
Patient Master Lists
Item Master List
Appointment Entry List
Appointment Patients – No Contract
Marked Payment Analysis
Unpaid Invoices – Standard
Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (1)
Unpaid Invoices – Branch Summary (2)
Balances Check


The Monthly Payment Exception report lists payments received that have not been banked through the Oasis Banking system.
The parameters are Start Doctor / End Doctor, Start Date / End Date, Start Account / End Account, Start Reference Number / End Reference Number, Print using Consult dates, Print in sequence number order.

The report will show all posted payments in the system that have not been included in a "closed off" banking.

Monthly Hygienist Split


The Invoices by Item Code – detailed shows which patients have had specific item codes.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start Date/End Date Start Item/End Item, print using consult dates, subtotal by patient, print using patient additional details.

This report lists all patients that have had specific treatment items. If the extra patient data is ticked, it will show the time of treatment, patient's date of birth, age and gender.

Invoices by Item Code / GST


The Production Doctor / Hygienist Summary (2) provides the information from the normal Production report in doctor summary format with a break-down of Doctor / Hygienist values, showing a banking / transaction summary at the bottom of the report.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start date/End Date.

Patients by Age / Postcode


The Patients by Direct Referral lists all patients that have referred other patients to the practice with the name/s of the patients they have referred.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Start New Patient date/End New Patient Date and active patients only.

The report lists patients that have made referrals to the practice and the names of those referred together with a count. The links are built using the Direct Referral option on the Patient Card.

Patients by Referring Doctor


The Patient Birthday List provides a listing of patients with a birthday due in the defined date range. It is designed to allow the user to contact the patient manually with a greeting.
When run it will generate a list of patients with their Home and Work Telephone numbers.
The parameters are Start Doctor/End Doctor, Minimum Age/Maximum Age, Start Anniversary Date/End Anniversary Date, Start Appointment Date/End Appointment Date, WP Template Name, Skip Incomplete Treatment, Skip Completed Treatment, Skip Inactive, Skip Active, Skip Appointment Check.

Patient Birthday SMS
