Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

To arrange an Install/Upgrade to the latest release of OASIS, please contact our National Support Centre:

  • Phone: 1300 889 668 - Standard Support Hours (AET): Monday - Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm
    After Hours Support (AET): Monday - Friday 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Emergency Support Only).
    *WA Extended Hours.
    Saturday 8:00am - 2:00pm (Emergency Support Only)




[OAS-5600755955/55940] - An issue in version 12.10 led to the eEstimate function failing to update third party column within the treatment plan window.

[OAS-56008] - An issue arose in 12.11 that prevented clinical notes from being displayed if particular icons were missing from the Oasis\Icons folder.

Note: Regression of both general OASiS functionality as well as HS1Connect features was carried out prior to the release of this versionIf a database connectivity issue occurred while using the Perio-Charting screen, the chart data was unlikely to be saved and the screen would often close, removing any chance of saving the data again.  This has been resolved.

The Perio-Charting screen has been modified to better handle database connectivity errors. If a database connectivity error occurs when attempting to save the chart, the user will be notified and advised to resolve the issue. If the database can be started again or the network can be re-connected, the user should then elect to retry, and the data should be saved successfully. If the subsequent save attempt fails, the user will still have the option to cancel the save attempt, but the prompting message box indicates this clearly.

Furthermore, there is now an AutoSave feature for the Perio-Charting screen that will ensure any changes are saved after 1-5 minutes of inactivity, and hopefully before any database issues occur! By default, this is not enabled.
It can be set in Preferences > My Work > (DentalTreatment) > Treatment Options 2 > 25. AutoSave Perio chart. Set to 0 to disable, or a number of minutes specifying how often to AutoSave.

[OAS-56024] - An issue that prevented the SortCode field from being populated when creating an appointment has now been resolved.

[OAS-56049] - In versions 12.06 through 12.12 when claiming using HICAPS, there was an issue that caused multiple claim payments to be posted.  This would occur if one doctor in a claim assigned invoices to another doctor also in the claim.
This issue has now been fixed, so for HICAPS claims there should now be only a single claim payment shown in the transaction history.

[OAS-55457] - Between versions 11.12 and 12.12 there was an issue that caused the wrong patient history to be displayed after posting progressive invoices. This has now been addressed.

[OAS-56087] - By default SMS messaging will now be routed via Mercury to enhance security and reliability.


[OAS-56007] - An issue in version 12.10 led to the eEstimate function failing to update third party column within the treatment plan window.

[OAS-56008] - An issue arose in 12.11 that prevented clinical notes from being displayed if particular icons were missing from the Oasis\Icons folder.


[OAS-55984] – Clinical Notes Flickering - When creating a new clinical note and saving, the last note at the bottom is flickering non-stop. Other symptoms include Clinical Notes screen being unresponsive or high CPU utilisation by Oasis. Issue fixed


Causal Analysis: Legacy Code - Synching with Redirection Server and expecting the specific (old) URL's which would then invoke the 'short url' into action, along with the correct parameters for the Recall URL - meaning OASiS was not actually respecting what Redirection Server was reporting - Or rather it was, but it was not shortening, and was producing a mal-formed recall booking link. This has now been fixed.

This fix has been applied on top of the current working versions of 12.5, 12.6 and 12.7. Please see the associated Jira ticket for the test notes covered on this item.


Ref: 55858 If the Stats/List flag is enabled (Preferences -> My Time -> Scheduler Options 3) then online bookings through the 3PD website will now preserve the Stats/List doctor as the doctor for the appointment, rather than that of the entity doctor (Preferences -> My Time -> Scheduler View Lines) – however the booking time slots will retain those of the entity doctor’s.

Due to the inherent flexibility of OASiS, a few restrictions will need to be enforced.
-Only the Entity to Stats/List doctor mappings in ‘View Column Number’ 01 (Preferences -> My Time -
Select Appointment View) are considered for this change.
- The Entity/Stats List doctor numbers in Appointment View Lines must match a doctor Id with the correct padding (e.g. 0001 and not 01). The Wizard will not complete if this is not the case.
- Standalone doctors in the ‘Main View’ cannot have a blank Stats/List doctor number. They must reference themselves (Entity 0001 -> Stats/List 0001). The Online Booking Wizard will continue to run but that provider will not appear on the booking website.
- Replacement doctors (doctors referenced as a Stats/List Dr in Appointment View Lines) are assumed to not have a schedule view line themselves. In the case that they do, their own Stats/List doctor number must be empty.

Additionally, cyclical and transitive entity/stats list mappings will not cause the wizard to fail. In the cyclical case, 0001 -> 0002 and 0002 -> 0001, both are uploaded to the booking website using their respective entity’s timeslots.
Transitive mappings will use their direct parent entities’ timeslots.


*Ref: 55256
SOE Pay functionality has been implemented in Oasis and SOE Link to enable payments to be made.
See the items below for specific details. Functionality to claim from Health Funds via SOE Pay will be
implemented in a later release.
*Ref: 55438
New settings to enable & configure SOEPay functionality: Preferences > My Money > Billing >
Payments > SOE Pay.

  1. Enable SOEPay (Y/N)

  2. SOEPay Tenant Id

  3. SOEPay Username

  4. SOEPay Password

*Refs: 55441, 55447, 55446
The Payments screen now shows an “SOE Pay” button if one of the transactions has a non-zero
amount in the “SOE Pay” amount field. This is in the same position as the Ok or “Hicaps” buttons, as
these never appear at the same time.
When the SOE Pay button is clicked, a modal window is shown that prevents interaction with Oasis
while the transaction is being processed. The amount in the “SOE Pay” field will be sent to SOE Pay
for processing. This should open the web browser on the SOEPay Status page for that transaction.
Any information required by SOEPay – such as Payment Partner, Terminal, etc – will be requested via
this web browser page. It may also prompt you to swipe a card, ask the patient to enter a PIN, etc.
When processing is complete, close the transaction’s Status tab in the web browser, return to Oasis,
and click the Ok button on the modal window to indicate that the transaction is complete.
If the transaction is processed successfully in SOEPay, it and any listed transactions containing
cheque, cash, D/Debit, and EClaim amounts will also be posted.
If an error occurs during the SOEPay processing, none of the listed transactions will be posted – they
will remain on the Payments screen.
It is not possible to post Hicaps Eftpos amounts at the same time as SoePay amounts, nor is it
possible to post multiple SOEPay transactions in the one posting. These must be posted (processed)
separately by going back to the Payments screen and entering separate transactions for each posting.
The default web browser will be used to display the SOEPay Status window, unless specifically
configured to use another. If this is required, please contact Oasis Support.
*Ref: 55483
After successfully posting an SOEPay transaction, the payment provider that was used is stored in the
Bank Name field. The payment provider name will also be added to the Bank Names table (if it isn't
already there). This enables the "Daily Transactions - List (2)" report to break the Eftpos summary
down by payment provider.
*Ref: 55439
Changes to allow SOE Pay amounts to be entered and processed on the Payments screen.

Database schema changes:
These database changes will be made automatically when Oasis is upgraded on the server.


Ref: 55398
An issue with Short URLs for Recalls has been fixed. Previously, these may not have worked if recalls
were not generated on the CXServer machine. Changes have been made so that any Oasis
workstation can reliably register long & short recall URLs.
Note that if upgrading from 11.9 or earlier, the name of the machine that last ran CXServer will not be
present for the upgrade to identify where CXServer has been running. Our expectation is that most
OLB sites will be on a recent version and will not be affected by this.
A workaround for sites which are affected is to upgrade to an interim version of Oasis (i.e. 11.12,
11.13 or 11.14) and run CXServer before then upgrading to 11.16. This will populate the required
fields and allow the upgrade to correctly identify and copy the API key.
If problems are encountered, it may be necessary to register the new Online Booking APIKey.
If this is not done, Short Recall URLs will not work (and Online Booking will also not
To register a new APIKey, please contact the Oasis National Support Centre on 1300 889 668

Ref: 55336
Changes to Oasis for Online Bookings via SOELink – The IANA TimeZone is now set by the OLB
Wizard. It was previously set by CXServer; SOELink should not need to set it.


Ref: 52642
Changes have been made to the recall process to provide better handling of recalls for patients with
missing contact details, including more accurate messages in Clinical Notes when a recall is
attempted but no mobile number / email address / postal address is available.
Automated recall processing has been modified to ensure that if a 2nd or 3rd preference for a contact
attempt is (None), the patient's status code is moved to the first preference of the next contact attempt.
This will ensure that the recall sequence for a patient does not end if some contact preferences are not
Automated recall processing has also been modified to ensure that if a recall can't be sent because a
patient has no email address, no mobile number and no recall postal address, the patient's status
code is moved to the first preference of the next contact attempt. This will ensure that the recall
sequence for a patient does not end if they don't have any contact details defined - the recall process
will continue once the missing details are added.
The manual recall process has been modified so that it does not change the patient's existing status
code & recall date, as this was sometimes occurring, incorrectly, for Email & SMS recalls.
If a patient record did not include a recall postal address / email address / mobile number, and a recall
was attempted but failed due to the missing details, an entry was still recorded in the clinical notes
saying that the recall was sent. There was also no indication that the recall status code had been
changed to the next contact method preference (when processing automated recalls).
The recall process has now been modified to show in the Clinical Notes entry that the recall attempt
failed, which field was missing, and - for automated recalls - what the recall status code was changed

Please note that in order for this change to be effective, sites using automated recalls and upgrading from an earlier version of Oasis must run-through the recall wizard again to update the recall matrix.

Ref: 52605
In the standby screen, when an entry was edited, and the Standby Details changed, and OK'ed, these
changes were lost when the entry was edited again. This fault has been repaired.


Items with Asterisks (*) refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.
*01. Ref: 48623
In version 8.x, the facility was provided to save a new clinical note using the Ctrl-O(kay) key sequence.
This has been added back into version 11.

  1. Ref: 46582
    The treatment imaging program was not correctly displaying the default printer number. This has been
    *03. Ref: 46711
    A modification has been made to the appointment edit screen. The system now checks whether the
    patient has incomplete treatment records, and if any, shows the words “Incomplete Treatment” below
    any health warnings. Both warnings are shown as yellow on black, with font size changing every
    second. Note that the Incomplete Treatment flag on the patient card is not used for this purpose - the
    status of individual treatment records is used instead!
    *04. Ref: 47602
    The financial notes list procedure now shows entries in reverse date order. (ie last notes at top of list).
    *05. Ref: 48063
    The payment system now supports the ability to automatically create a credit card/eftpos surcharge at
    time of entry. Use My Money, Preferences and configure as follows:
    Use the Discount table to create a new entry to hold the surcharge. Eg
    Discount No. 10
    Description Credit Surcharge
    % or $ %
    Ratio -2.50 (Note use of negative symbol)
    Round to Cents 5
    Payment Options
    Use the Payment options, prompt #4 “Surcharge Number” to point to this discount table entry.
    Now whenever an amount is detected for credit card/eftpos, the system will prompt “Add surcharge to
    this payment Y/N”. If confirmed the program will calculate the surcharge, add it to the payment line
    and create a subsequent negative discount line for the surcharge itself.
    Eg, using the above example of a 2.5% surcharge, with a patient owing $100, the system would
    Payment Eftpos 102.50
    Discount Credit Surcharge -2.50

  2. Ref: 49231
    If you minimize the scheduler to read in a patient from the patient history list, scheduler reopens in
    front of Oasis and you have to minimize or close it to read the patient card. This has been corrected.

  3. Ref: 49117
    A warning has been set up in OASISServerUpgrade to help users when they run this program instead
    of Setup11.exe. Furthermore, OASISServerUpgrade has been enhanced so that the OASIS share is
    verified (recreated if necessary) and the server WORKSTATE is record is checked and made intact, if
    necessary. This should ensure that Workstations are never in a position where they cannot locate
    upgrade resources.
    *08. Ref: 47457
    A utility is now available to repair the appointments cancellation table (PAAPPCAN) if it was created
    by an early 8-10 or 8-11 AutoUpgrade version, where two fields were left off. Further, the new fields
    are populated from existing data where possible. Access this new utility via Utils then Data
    Conversions/General/Repair PAAPPCAN.

  4. Ref: 49126
    The error causing Utils to crash after Logins were cleared has been rectified.

  5. Ref: 49187
    The Exit Workflow screen was displaying incorrect information upon ok. It is believed the problem is
    being caused by a call somewhere to read a different patient. The modified version forces a reread of
    the patient prior to processing the ok message.

  6. Ref: 48613
    The Back, Forward, Start and End buttons are missing from the clinical notes window in the restorative
    charting screen. They disappeared when the screen options were introduced to turn off side-by-side
    charting. This has been corrected.

  7. Ref: 49142
    Ready message processing would not close the invoice screen. This has been corrected.
    *13. Ref: 49059
    When listing treatment plan items from the appointment edit screen, the relevant tooth number now
    appears (in brackets), at the end of the item description.

  8. Ref: 48333
    The charting system allows you to create treatment groups and then call them from the charting
    system using "Expand as group when selected". This expands the treatment group using the time
    assigned to the individual item codes. However, when using the drop-down menu to expand a group,
    the time allocated is read from the visit header. Logic says that if you are applying a time to a visit
    header then it should take precedence over the individual item times. The behaviour should be the
    same whether sourced from the chart or the treatment plan screen. Corrected.

  9. Ref: 47090
    When running the Appointment Usage Summary report for a specific date range, the Total New
    Patients with Future Appointments is zero if you choose the "Print Patients in Detail" option. The report
    gives different results if the check box is ticked / un-ticked. Problem corrected.

  10. Ref: 48918
    Screen print of financial history now contains the heading: 'Financial History: Surname, Title
    Firstname' (i.e Financial History: Smith, Mr John) instead of just the word ‘History’.

*17. Ref: 49092
Abbreviation codes were not working as expected when entering comments into tasks in Task
Manager. This has been resolved.
*18. Ref: 48624
In treatment plan main window, all line entry functions including resequencing force the system to
display the cursor back to the original place on the grid.

*19. Ref: 49019
New switch in my time scheduler options table 3.6 “Add cancellations and noshows to notes
regardless y/n”. When enabled forces the cancellation/no show system to write the details to the
clinical notes even when the main scheduler notes setting is turned off. (Scheduler options 2.1).

  1. Ref: 48591
    Even though users have not been given access to branches and cannot log into them from the Oasis
    login screen, once they log into a branch they do have access to there is no restrictions on them
    switching sessions to the other branch/es. This has been corrected by removing the "Switch Branch"
    and modifying the function "Switch User/Branch" to achieve the same thing.

  2. Ref: 49047
    When running a multi-branch appointment book with Branch Buttons enabled, they disappear in
    screen mode 11 and require a re-load of the appointment book to get them back. This has been
    *22. Ref: 48830
    Made a change to allow the creation date of treatment plans to be changed so they can be re-used
    rather than users having to create a new one.

  3. Ref: 47308
    Some practices have reported a problem with the automated HiCaps payment line not showing patient
    name. Believe this may be caused by long names not fitting into the database field length. Software
    has been modified to trim the name to the maximum length of 35 bytes.

  4. Ref: 46333
    The new Vistadent version 11.5 requires the patient's date of birth and gender to be passed through
    on the command line to the Vistadent program. This has been implemented.
    *25. Ref: 49492
    As each workstation can now warn the user if there has been no recent backup, the backup path set in
    the database must be a UNC path. The help text on the Backup and Log locations has been changed
    to reflect this, and there is now some entry validation to make sure the network path exists - a
    message will appear, and the field will be shown with red text.

  5. Ref: 49221
    In certain situations, automated reporting would produce a “user number exceeded” error when run.
    This has now been corrected.
    *27. Ref: 47947
    Major new feature – Reputation.Com
    Patient Exit Workflow can now be configured to send an email to the patient asking them to complete
    an online review of their visit via popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Places, etc.
    This feature requires the purchase of the Oasis "RC" module for Reputation.Com and requires an
    account with Reputation.Com. Includes changes to CXServer.
    *28. Ref: 46819
    Many of the previously unprotected functions/Processes in Utils have now been password protected.
    Specifically: File Conversion routines (Blobs <--> non- Blobs, etc; Dexis <--> Non dexis, etc) Convert
    Pending Documents Rebuild Patient Balances OASIS8x conversion routines General Conversion
    routines Merge routines (Databases and Patients)
    *29. Ref: 48781
    The 'Convert from Blobs' utility in the Utils program was not working, producing an error when run.
    This has been fixed in this version. Also, a new screen has been introduced to allow appropriate
    selection of options before the function runs, rather than sequentially/interactively as the function
    progresses. Also the process can now be cancelled and there is feedback as to how the conversion

  6. Ref: 48142
    When changing text in the search field on the Find Patient screen, the cursor no longer jumps to the
    end of the field.
    *31. Ref: 49045
    When EasyPost was implemented, there was no way for the user to view records in the EP Job
    Details table. An "EasyPost Job Details" item has now been added to the Activity Logs menu to allow

  7. Ref: 49354
    The ability to create Appointment Status Codes starting with the letters OL has been restored.

  8. Ref: 49451
    When CXServer shuts down a record is written into the database to educate the system that it has
    shut down. If it shuts down unexpectedly, this record is not written and the system warns, when
    restarted, that CXServer may still be running on that machine. We have introduced a user option to fix
    this at a button click, rather than having to go into Utils to do it. This should save time for the end user.

  9. Ref: 49243
    Patient Exit Workflow has been modified to include a prompt for the user to ask the patient to
    complete an online review if the practice is set up for Refer Change reference 47947.

  10. Ref: 49522
    An error in the layout for diagnosis sheet lines, affecting the first two columns, has been repaired.

  11. Ref: 49334
    Online Booking Wizard had a small bug where the Doctor's headshot URL was not being saved. This
    has been repaired.

  12. Ref: 46539
    A bug has been repaired where patients whose online booking failed would not receive notification via
    SMS. Now, failures will be contacted by both email and SMS.

  13. Ref: 48593
    It has been reported that it was possible to open more than one instance of the Clinical Notes window
    simultaneously. Extra code has been added to doubly prevent this happening.
    *39. Ref: 49192
    Despite being limited to 160 characters for outbound SMS messages, we can now receive, display
    and edit much longer responses (Up to around 1000 characters) in the SMS Activity Log. Up to 99
    characters of SMS messages are shown in the Patient Correspondence form. Double clicking on the
    message will allow the message to be viewed more fully. In a future version, we will expand the
    Patient Correspondence to show the full message if it is longer than 99 characters.

  14. Ref: 48334
    When sending an individual SMS recall via the patient recalls panel, the recall date was being updated
    before the SMS was sent. This is not normally an issue, but if an ONLINE recall was used, the new
    recall date was erroneously being embedded into the URL sent in the SMS/EMAIL. This has been
    corrected so that the recall date is now updated after the SMS or Email is sent.

  15. Ref: 48825
    Problems with CXServer crashing and receiving ‘type mismatch’ errors. Changes made to CXServer
    to improve the error handling and increase stability.

  16. Ref: 48972
    A problem where the ZIP folder specified in the Backup preferences was not being honoured when
    VerifyFiles was run, has been repaired. NOTE: the zip folder must be a folder for this to work correctly,
    i.e.e G:\Backup rather than G:.

  17. Ref: 49140
    The EasyPost wizard now adds a RCALLPAR record for the basic postcard and letter designs that it
    creates. This eliminates the need to click the template editing button in the Recall Automation Wizard
    for the purpose of registering the template.

  18. Ref: 49048
    OASIS Workstation machine MUST know the identity of their server. Occasionally, the database
    records which contain this information become corrupted and no Server can be identified. If this
    happens, the server record can be restored by running OASIS on the machine which is to be the
    server (OASIS knows this through the entry in the .ini file). Until this time, OASIS will not open on the
    *45. Ref: 49802
    Practices are reminded that if Healthengine is nominated as a supplier for Online bookings, then they
    need to be notified of all changes to a Practitioner's details. This includes the default appointment
    *46. Ref: 49810
    The utility to convert blobs to files has been improved. After it is run, and the new files are created, the
    database space is reclaimed.

  19. Ref: 50037
    A small bug in the Online booking Wizard was modifying some suburbs when the Practice Address
    was populated. This has been rectified.
    Items with Asterisks (*) refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
    refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

  20. Ref: 48568
    In online booking, if there are no BookingReasons, we now push up an empty array to 3pd (and
    others). Prior to this, we simply did not include the BookingReasons node. This has been
    recommended by 3pd. Health Engine use their own Reasons List.

  21. Ref: 47884
    The URL embedded in online recalls has been shortened to allow for more characters to be included
    in SMS messages. This applies to 3pd online booking recalls only.

  22. Ref: 48110
    *Client would like the ability to add date ranges to the "Save Settings" option in Appointment Merge
    and Recall Merge as they run the process manually and would like the "This day" option as the system
    saves the dates as the range specified when the save occurs. Has been added.

  23. Ref: 47942
    Drag drop imaging selection was not working. This is due to a screen order process and has been
    resolved by asking the operator to confirm the drag drop request forcing a correct sequence of
    windows to display.

  24. Ref: 47325
    If a patient has preferred appointment date and times, these are meant to be brought into the
    appointment book search panel. Sometimes they do and sometimes only the days are coming across.
    This has been corrected. Note that only the hour part of the preferred time is utilised and no minutes
    can be calculated.

  25. Ref: 47780
    When you have a template setup to prompt for referring dr on the fly, it works perfectly fine and
    prompts from the patient correspondence window. When trying to do the same thing from the clinical
    notes, it doesn’t work. This has been corrected.

  26. Ref: 48153
    In version 8, an entry in the clinical notes with [xx] at the beginning would be listed in clinical notes
    when the List (xx) Tooth was selected. In version 11, this does not occur. This has been corrected.

  27. Ref: 48611
    If you minimize the scheduler to do a patient find, after you select a patient from the search list the
    scheduler always opens over Oasis (gaining primary focus). This has been corrected.

  28. Ref: 48000
    The description relating to the default diagnosis sheet number was not being displayed on first
    opening the diagnosis sheet system. This has been corrected.

  29. Ref: 47499
    *New table option. Preferences, My Time, Scheduler Options 3 Field #5 Enable ask for standby on
    cancellations y/n. When enabled and a patient cancels or no shows, the system will check the
    patient's current standby status and request a standby where no record exists.

  30. Ref: 48630
    When a recall email was sent to a patient who did not have the 'Receives Own Recall' flag set, the
    email arrived without a subject. This has been rectified.

  31. Ref: 48405
    When slots were uploaded to online sites, sometimes the number of slots was less than expected
    (Some slots missing). This has been rectified.

  32. Ref: 48563
    The utility (see note for 0048470) to remove inactive Doctor's time slots from Online Booking has been
    extended to remove also their allocated timeslots from the OASIS appointment book.

  33. Ref: 48378
    When Comment Only appointments were made, certain fields are hidden. Some were not being
    completely hidden. This issue has been resolved.

  34. Ref: 47402
    *Processing of Incomplete Treatment correspondence now writes an entry into the patient's clinical
    notes file for easier identification.

  35. Ref: 47037
    *Workstations using the higher res screen mode 11 now see a larger version of reports when printed
    to screen.

  36. Ref: 45541

  • The Appointment cancellation screen now provides the ability to send an SMS or Email to the patient
    regarding the cancellation. This can be activated as follows
    a) Use Preferences, My Time, Merge Forms and create the form(s) to be used for email/sms.
    Note the new fields available on the list for showing appointment date, time, patient salutation
    b) Use Preferences, My Time, Scheduler Options 3 and define the forms you wish to use for both
    email and sms. Note if these fields are left “00” then Oasis will prompt for selection of the form
    within the application.
    c) Run Appointment Cancellations program, click on the record concerned and choose sms or

  1. Ref: 48357
    *The merging of practice details in a variety of applications has been modified to cater for “@” symbol
    being part of the practice details. In previous versions Oasis would treat this as a possible variable.
    This change keeps the “@” symbol after variable merging occurs. Two additional fields have also been
    added to the branch details table including email address and web address.
    Please note in order for this to work correctly, the merging workstation settings must be altered in
    Preferences, My Money, Document (Workstation) and configure field #8. Merge Symbol = “@” and
    field #9 Demerge Symbol=”~” (where ~=tilde symbol). This symbol can be any keyboard character that
    will not be used in any branch details merge field content.

  2. Ref: 46088
    *Link to Panda perio modified to include gender and address details.
    *20. Ref: 48046
    When making Online Booking appointments, the number of minutes allocated by default was always

  3. Now the default time allocation depends on a) the doctor and b) the appointment type.

  4. Ref: 48605
    When an online booking appointment failed with Healthengine, a situation arose where failures
    SMS/Emails were being sent every CXServer cycle to the patient. This has been resolved by flagging
    that a failure email has been sent, and checking this flag before sending again.

  5. Ref: 47841
    The clinical notes system allowed you to Review/Edit a clinical note. This placed the edit window on
    the screen but allowed the user to click into the category list and choose "All Categories". This caused
    problems with screen flicking. Problem has been corrected.

  6. Ref: 48455
    A cancellation or no show on an existing appointment now removes the contact code from the record if
    that appointment is not deleted. This is to cater for situations where a further merge may occur on
    records and a deleted appointment is picked up and processed.

  7. Ref: 48595
    A common scenario in a dental practice will be a surgery completing clinical notes and a reception PC
    updating patient information at the same time. At the moment, the surgery user loses focus on the
    clinical notes they are working on when the patient card is saved at reception. This has been corrected
    by redisplaying the modified patient details and then checking for and displaying the clinical note entry
    screen if open.

  8. Ref: 48735
    User defined date settings for scheduled reports were not being written and reread correctly. This has
    been fixed.

  9. Ref: 48570
    The SMS Activity log for CXServer should now show the SMS responses for multi-branch practices.

  10. Ref: 48707
    Doctors with the same name can now be set up correctly using the Online Booking Wizard. Previously,
    only the first instance could be set up and saved correctly.

  11. Ref: 48547
    Appointments booked online through the Healthengine interface were not reflecting the New/Existing
    status of the patient, irrespective of what option was chosen when the booking was made. This has
    been resolved.

  12. Ref: 48861
    Clinical Notes view in charting modified so that individual date entries are shown against each record
    when a valid tooth number is specified. This is to overcome a listing problem when switching been all
    notes and an individual tooth number.

  13. Ref: 48741
    From OASIS version 11.4 onwards, CXServer handles 4 processes:

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Online Booking

  • Easypost
    This means that 4 panels are required to display the processes.
    The screen has been redesigned so that, depending upon how many of these processes have been
    set up, the panel layout will follow the schema below:
    Panels visible Layout
    1 Single panel
    2 2 panels, side by side
    3 3 panels, side by side
    4 4 panels in 2 rows of 2
    Hopefully this should improve screen readability.

  1. Ref: 42631
    Opt-out functionality for recalls - There is a new checkbox on the patient card to allow the patient to
    opt-out of receiving recalls. If ticked, this indicates that the patient does not wish to receive recall
    notifications from the practice. If a patient replies STOP to a recall SMS, this should automatically optthe-patient-out of recalls. If the patient rings or emails the practice requesting not to receive recall
    messages, the practice will need to tick this box on the patient's card.
    At the moment this affects all recall methods (SMS/email/letter) but additional boxes may be added in
    future to specify restrictions based on individual communication methods (SMS, email, phone and
    letter). Opt-out functionality for reminders, marketing and other contact purposes will be added in a
    future release.
    Stop messages are appropriately displayed in the Message log and the Patients Comms log.

  2. Ref: 48875
    A problem arising where the SMS messages sent out to patients after a successful online booking had
    been made did not have their merge fields populated correctly has been fixed.

  3. Ref: 48141
    A modified search routine for item codes was introduced in 11.2. This has caused problems in other
    search related routines and has been removed. The table search functions now revert to standard
    Oasis as per earlier editions.

  4. Ref: 48883
    Changes have been made to the Task Manager system to speed up the recognition of changes made
    on one workstation to another. This works for both winsocket and non winsocket configurations. A
    change on any workstation semaphores all other workstations advising of a change of task manager
    records. If the task manager main window is open, the system forces a relisting to occur.
    A change has also been made to the selection of the task manager user id from the listing screen.
    Previously this was linked to the waiting room id but this has been altered so that separate listings can
    occur for both task manager and waiting room

  5. Ref: 48899
    The EasyPost template name variable is now cleared from Presentation manager when unloading the
    form so that subsequent use of the form as a basic presentation does not result in EasyPost artefacts

  6. Ref: 48915
    VPD files that are configured as EasyPost documents can no longer be opened as ordinary templates
    in Presentation Manager. This is necessary because EasyPost recall merge fields are different to
    those used by a normal presentation document. To edit EasyPost template files, use Preferences >
    My Money > Document Templates > Edit Document.
    Please note that EasyPost template files are typically located in: {OasisRoot}\Templates
    while Presentation templates are typically located in: {OasisRoot}\Present\Templates

  7. Ref: 48877
    The Recall Automation Wizard no longer requires a form to be defined for a particular recall attempt if
    none of the contact preferences for that contact attempt use that method. Also fixed an issue where
    the incorrect form numbers were being read by the recall wizard and it was swapping SMS forms with
    email forms, and vice versa. The file type of the letter template is now validated, so a VPD file must
    exist if using EasyPost, and a DOC file must exist if EasyPost is not selected. Note that if copying and
    pasting template names between fields on the Recall Forms panel of the wizard, it is advisable to click
    the Edit Template button (beside each field), select the required style template, and then click OK.
    This will ensure the template is configured correctly.

  8. Ref: 48941
    Updated structures for CXSERVER to allow 4 digits in the EasyPost Check Interval (F44). This should
    allow processing every 2 or more hours to be configured.


  1. Ref: 48669
    The Item Codes and Fees table has been updated to align with the ADA 10th Schedule. Further
    modifications have been made to update the ITEMNUMB table to comply with the ADA 11th Schedule
    (to be released April 2106). In addition, the current DVA fees have been updated into Fee No.3 and
    the Medicare Rebate amounts have been entered into Fee No. 9 for CDBS item codes only.

  2. Ref: 48968
    When an appointment made through Health Engine failed, one of the outcomes was the creation of
    multiple patient records for the same person. This has been resolved by referring to the
    ApptProcessed flag in the database.
    Note: As the patient card has to be created before the appointment can try to be made, if the
    appointment was unsuccessful and the patient card deleted, the next patient number in the audit table
    will have moved ahead one.

  3. Ref: 49018
    The clinical notes marker (blue at the left of the appointment) used to update dynamically in the
    appointment book. It now no longer does so. Believed that the problem has occurred because of the
    way we are refreshing the appointment book in a recent version. Corrected by forcing a refresh of the
    appointment book for the workstation that enters the note.

  4. Ref: 48879
    The process used by Oasis to generate PDF files (for EasyPost and other functions) has been
    modified to disable PDFCreator's check for updates, and to disable opening of the PDF document
    after processing.
    Note that this may not work correctly in Win8/10 64-bit. In this instance, PDFCreator should be
    manually configured to never check for updates and to not open the document after automatic

  5. Ref: 48017
    A new XRAY definition (EZDENT-I) has been created to cater for the new EzDent-i product. When
    processing, this will create an Easydent4 folder on the Local drive, which will contain the link file. To
    set up the definition, install the EzDent-I program first. On the X-Ray (Workstation) preferences
    screen, select XRAY Type Code = EZDENT-I. The program name to provide for OASIS (F2) is
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VATECH\EzDent-\Bin\VTEzBridge32.exe. No other setup is required.

  6. Ref: 48047
    Issue encountered where more than one user was accessing a PC or Server (i.e. Terminal Services
    environment) where CXServer was starting up multiple times. The routines employed to check a
    network for multiple instances of CXServer have been expanded to prevent multiple instances running
    on the same machine.

  7. Ref: 48198
    When generating recalls, if the "Exclude Future Appointments" box was ticked, the process would still
    send a recall to patients that had an appointment today. This has now been fixed. Patients with an
    appointment today are treated the same as patients with future appointments and recalls will only be
    sent of you untick the “Exclude Future Appointments” options in List Recalls.

  8. Ref: 48711
    A specific test for active CXServer sessions has been introduced. The Upgrade process has been
    modified to use this test, and warn users if CXServer is running anywhere on the network.

  9. Ref: 48105
    The correct refreshing on waiting rooms did not occur in a multiple branch practice when an operator
    switched branch in the appointment book only. This has been corrected.

  10. Ref: 48982
    An OASIS installation from scratch requires that an OASIS share be created on the server machine.
    When Setup11.exe is run, we have no way of telling in advance whether the machine on which it runs
    will be a server, or a workstation. Consequently, the share creation mentioned must be handled
    manually, after installation. To deal with this, we have removed the OASIS auto-run functionality which
    kicked in after the installation, and refreshed the final information screen of the install process to
    prompt the user to create the share.
    *49. Ref: 49138
    The Backup and Log paths specified in Preferences/Verify/Backup Details are now correctly used in
    the utility to create a verify files batch (Utils/Server/Mimer SQL/Create Mimer File Verification). A
    change was introduced in 11.3.025 to force these paths to being on the server, but we have now
    reverted to allowing the user to specify these locations.
    *50. Ref: 49266
    CXServer and CXMonitor are responsible for each other running constantly. CXServer now has a
    small heart symbol in the bottom left corner when CXMonitor is running.
    51. Ref: 48822
    Some clients have experienced a situation where patients who have booked appointment online have
    received multiple SMS notifications of their appointment (sometimes many hundreds). This has now
    been rectified.
    Items with Asterisks () refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
    refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

  11. Ref: 47748
    When using a stats/list doctor in the appointment book, a switch was added to the software to allow
    the user to nominate the stats/list doctor as the invoice doctor when invoicing directly from the
    appointment book. This switch no longer seemed to work. The problem has been diagnosed and

*02. Ref: 47446
With changes to restorative charting in screen mode 11, it has been suggested that having the
existing/proposed teeth layouts above/below each other makes it easier to mark the correct tooth
rather than side by side layouts. This has been implemented by a new switch – Treatment Options 2,
#19 General Restorative Chart Format No. This is only used for screen mode 11. When left blank or
set to 00, the earlier above/below chart system is enabled. When set to “01”, then the new side by side
format is used.

  1. Ref: 47181
    When an appointment is edited and the code changed, the contact code picture is lost. This has been

  2. Ref: 47124
    The print screen report from the Cancellation list was printing unneeded columns. This has been

  3. Ref: 47185
    A request to have the next barcode number displayed on the window for creating barcodes has been
    implemented. This will assist the user by not having to go to Tools all the time to see what the next
    barcode value is.

  4. Ref: 47960
    The auto recall and scheduled appointment reminder processes would hang if a backup had not been
    performed for 3 days or more. This issue has been fixed.
    *07. Ref: 47807
    Online Bookings slots appear only as 'Online Booking', but more details about the appointment block
    are available when the user hovers over the block. When the slot/block is edited, a full description
    appears next to the Search Code field.

  5. Ref: 47881
    A small issue where the incorrect form was being displayed in Preferences after another action had
    been cancelled has been repaired.
    *09. Ref: 43649
    A new switch in Doctors in the Network (F11) may be set to indicate that a Doctor is not available for
    appointments. This might be because the doctor has left the practice, or is currently on leave or
    sabbatical. We recommend that this switch be set whenever the doctor cannot book appointments,
    especially if the doctor is 'online-enabled'. Patients with this doctor as their regular doctor will then
    have an option if an online recall is sent to them.

  6. Ref: 48101
    If the scheduler has been moved or minimized to go into the patient find screen and you simply exit out
    of patient find without selecting a patient, the scheduler is not opened back to its normal state. It is
    opened in a panel the size of the patient find screen with the bottom and right hand sides cut off. This
    is a training issue and operators are now advised to ESC on the scheduler and the minimise button
    has been removed.

  7. Ref: 47855
    The C:\ drive folder list in the Incoming Document Selection area is slightly too large for the Patient
    Correspondence window meaning that the bottom border is not being displayed in the window. This
    has been corrected.

  8. Ref: 47705
    Modifications to the Item Rule table to remove references to WP documents; this feature is targeted
    for a later version of the software.

  9. Ref: 46807
    When exporting documents from the patient correspondence menu, if renaming the file after saving,
    the document extension is not automatically defined. Therefore when trying to re open the document
    after saving, the program that you want to open it with needs to be manually selected. This has been
    corrected by testing for and adding the file extension where required.
    *14. Ref: 47162
    To make the setup of merge forms easier, it has been requested that the practice name and phone
    number be added to the Recall Merge Field listing so they can be embedded into merge forms. This
    would alleviate the necessity for users to have to hard-code these values into merge forms and that a
    generic set of forms could be distributed without the need for change for specific practices. The branch
    names table has been modified to allow entry of up to 5 address lines and these are referenced in
    variables 051-055, the branch name is 050 and the telephone number is variable 056..
    *15. Ref: 45803
    A new View Correspondence option has been added to the pull down list when the mouse is clicked
    over a patient related record in the message grid.
    *16. Ref: 47072
    Currently when importing a document into the correspondence window in Oasis, a selection box is
    presented to the user to allow them to select an appropriate pre-defined document description. If they
    have not defined any pre-defined descriptions, a blank table selection box is shown with little (or no)
    indication of what the box is for. It would be better to allow the user to select from the table from the
    description entry window. This has been enhanced by providing the user with a screen listing of
    predefined descriptions and the ability to select/edit or add a new description at the bottom of the

  10. Ref: 46300
    When viewing some document types in patient correspondence, after closing the highlighted
    document will be the bottom document in the list rather than the one you have just opened. This has
    been corrected.

  11. Ref: 47958
    When some reports are run for doctors 0001 to 9999, it does not produce output for any doctor
    numbered 100+ (only works for doctors between 1 and 99). This is due to the use of the Doctor/Report
    index as a default. A new switch has been added in My Money ->Miscellaneous Options -> Enable
    Doctor/Report Index y/n (Field #11).
    By default this feature is turned off, disabling the Doctor/Report index functionality and allowing all
    reports to be run on all doctors. Setting this switch to Y turns the functionality on but will restrict the
    reports controlled by the Doctor/Report index to only be run on doctor numbers under 100. Reports
    outside of these will still function on doctor numbers over 99.

  12. Ref: 46227
    OASiSWP program does not honour the number of copies when selected for printing.
    The OASiS 8 clinical notes option of “Rebuild Notes Log” by procedure date is no longer available.
    Both functions corrected and added as required.

  13. Ref: 48083
    A minor problem discovered in refreshing screens after a find patient. Corrected

  14. Ref: 42697
    When the practice selects 'Base appointment time on View Name', the view name records need to
    have default values for Start Hour, Hours in the Day and Appointment Duration. The software has
    been modified to ensure that if no defaults have been set in the views, then the practice defaults are
    used instead. Existing values are left alone - values are only updated if they evaluate to zero.
    *22. Ref: 48177
    When an SMS sent to CXServer fails, it is now removed from the process queue, and an email is sent
    to the practice informing them of this action, and prompting them to fix the error (which is usually a bad
    phone number). The email address to which the email is sent is the one described in CXServer
    *23. Ref: 46372
    To make the setup of merge forms easier, it has been requested that the practice name and phone
    number be added to the Appointment Merge Field listing so they can be embedded into merge forms.
    This would alleviate the necessity for users to have to hard-code these values into merge forms and
    that a generic set of forms could be distributed without the need for change for specific practices. The
    branch names table has been modified to allow entry of up to 5 address lines and these are
    referenced in variables 351-355 and the branch name as 350.
    24: Ref: 48054
    When there was a problem confirming an appointment that someone was trying to book online, the
    online website would alert the patient, but no email was being sent as a backup notification. This has
    been rectified.
    25: Ref: 45888
    Request to have Usual Hygienist name to be available in the recall merge file. The hygienist name has
    been added as merge field #039.
    26: Ref: 48163
    The structures file has been updated to correctly pair the column headings with the data in
    TDIAGGRE02 (Diagnosis Sheet Lines).
    *27: Ref: 48228
    In the Workstation\View Workstation Records screen in Utils, there is a new 'Delete' column, which
    allows specific workstation records to be selected for deletion. When one or more records are
    checked, the 'Remove Selected Workstation Records' button appears which does as it says when
    28: Ref: 48165
    The issue where the registration string was not being updated when an OASIS upgrade occurred from
    v10 to v11 has been resolved. The registration string is updated in the checkRegistrationString

  15. Ref: 46519
    CX Server could stop responding if an error occurs during the transmission of the email. Specifically, if
    an image required for an HTML email is not present when CXServer attempts to send the email, it will
    stop responding. Checks have been added to ensure that attached images exist, and if they don't
    exist, the email is not sent and an error is recorded.
    *30. Ref: 47663
    The content of ad-hoc messages and responses are now recorded in Family Communications History.

  16. Ref: 48358
    The HTML Editor has been fixed so it no longer removes commas.

  17. Ref: 48270
    When the template system was used to create an online booking, a 'UOL' file was being created.
    These files are used as flags to indicate that the online booking schedule for a particular day needs
    updating. As the templates are stored with '9999' as their first 4 characters (normally the characters
    reserved for 'Year'), an out-of-range error was being generated. Now, no UOL file is created when a
    template for an online booking is created, but appropriate UOL files ARE created when the template is
    applied across a range of dates.
    *33. Ref: 47573
    If the recall automation wizard is used to schedule automated recalls, running the wizard again and
    ticking the "Don't Schedule" box, the wizard did not un-schedule the existing task from Windows Task
    Scheduler. The wizard has been modified to now delete the previously scheduled task in this
    situation. Issues with scheduling in 64-bit environments have also been fixed.
    *34. Ref: 47880
    A generally accessible feature has been added to the Export function for SYTBLENT records. The
    user is now prompted to select between OASIS native export (which results in a .tbl file), and a CSV
    option, which can usually be opened directly in Excel.

  18. Ref: 48174
    The patient find screen was not closing correctly and would reappear in a number of circumstances
    such as changing message and waiting room grid heights. This has been corrected.

  19. Ref: 48175
    When opening patient find from the appointment editor while using screen mode 11 (Scheduler not
    maximized), the patient find screen - and all other - become unresponsive. This has been corrected
    37: Ref: 47761
    The error produced by CXServer when sending an SMS from a branch with a higher branch number
    than 9 has been resolved by changing thee SMS id construction to BBBBBBnnnnnn (instead of
    BBBBnnnnnnnn). This will not help branches which have an ID > 2146, and limits the number of
    unique SMS ids per branch to 1,000,000 instead of 100,000,000.
    38: Ref: 48407
    If any doctor in the network had an apostrophe in their name, the Online Booking wizard would not
    save, and produce an error. This has been resolved.

  20. Ref: 47687
    The Recall Automation Wizard previously ignored changes made to the recall codes manually via
    Preferences. The wizard has been changed to correctly read the previously saved recall settings from
    the database, and should now read most changes made manually, although it is still advisable to rerun the wizard rather than changing recall settings in Preferences. Also, error messages that occur
    while modifying the recall matrix are no longer displayed as message boxes, and instead are shown in
    red to the right of each contact attempt.

  21. Ref: 46089
    If CXServer was started while the database was unavailable, it would display a warning message but
    do nothing after the message was dismissed. It has now been modified to display the warning
    message for one minute only, and then try again to connect to the database. Once the database
    becomes available, CXServer should start normally. In order to ensure CXServer does not become
    stalled due to other message boxes being displayed, some messages are now displayed using timedmessage-boxes, which will automatically close after several seconds.
    *41. Ref: 48463
    HealthEngine is now integrated with OASIS. HealthEngine will handle online bookings, as well as
    3PointData, to allow practices to have greater online exposure to potential clients.
    *42. Ref: 48470
    A utility has been included to allow practices to remove online slots from the 3pd online booking
    interface for one or more named practitioners. We will expand this utility to service other online
    providers in future versions. Slots may be removed from today onwards, or all slots may be removed.
    The utility is accessible through Utils/Other/Clear Online Slots (3pd only).

  22. Ref: 48196
    When a surgery user is completing their notes in the surgery and the reception PC updates an
    address or phone number, the system closes the chart/Tx/Notes window. This has been corrected.

  23. Ref: 48403
    If you have the scheduler open in front of Oasis and you minimize the scheduler before minimizing
    Oasis, both Oasis and the scheduler reopen on the screen instead of staying minimized. This has
    been corrected.

  24. Ref: 48401
    The issue where the SMS response log was not working correctly has been resolved. Previously,
    responses were not being read from the .sms response files in the CXServer folder, resulting in
    appointment data not being updated properly.

  25. Ref: 48599
    For online booking clients using Healthengine, their online widget is now stored in the registry oif the
    CXServer machine under HKCU\Software\VB and VBA program settings\OASIS\ProviderWidgets

  26. Ref: 47571
    When sending a patient document using Presentation Manager, the VPD file was not being attached
    to the email if PDFCreator had been installed as a Server installation. This has been resolved so that it
    works with both the Server install and Standard install of PDFCreator.
    Some versions of PDFCreator on 64bit versions of Windows will still not produce the correct file. In
    these cases, Oasis can be told to use an alternate method to specify the filename by setting:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\OASIS\OASIS\RenamePDF="Y"

  27. Ref: 48684
    A small bug which prevented to SMS log being read for multi-branch sites has been rectified.

  28. Ref: 48649
    Fixed an issue where patient details would disappear if two people were editing an existing patient or
    entering a new patient at the same time.
    *50. Ref: 48724
    The system now modifies the CXServer path in three places to ensure all Oasis users have their
    cxserver folder on the OASIS share on the server. End users are now no longer able to modify these
    paths in the relevant workstation settings. The server path is now dictated by the MAINUSER section
    of the oasis.ini file.
    51. Ref: 48863
    A bug in the global function used in the previous entry, which resulted in all network workstations
    polling CXServer (sometimes simultaneously) has been repaired. This bug resulted in unpredictable
    reporting of SMS responses. This may have manifested itself with multiple responses being recorded,
    or multiple question marks in the confirmation slot for appointments.
    Items with Asterisks () refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
    refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

    1. Ref: 47377
      The Detailed Commission Invoice Listing report available in V8.x was not appearing in in later
      versions. This has been re-added in 11.1.

  1. Ref: 47241
    The Utilities menu option “Create Mimer Procedures” has been removed. It was a legacy from V8.X
    code and no longer needed in newer versions.

  2. Ref: 47164
    The recall merge process was ignoring the manual selection of an alternate SMS or email form. This
    has now been corrected.

  3. Ref: 47001
    The tabbing order in the Treatment Plan window was not correctly moving to the next logical field. This
    has been corrected.

  4. Ref: 47161
    When you use the "save Settings" option in Tools, Merge SMS (or Email) from the appointment book,
    it did not save the doctor selection that you have made. This has been corrected.

  5. Ref: 47183
    If Family List is left open and patient is read-in from the appointment book, the family list remains with
    the wrong family. The program has been modified to force operators to close down the patient listing
    screen before anything else can be processed.

  6. Ref: 46723
    When invoicing from the treatment plan window, the system was not reading the correct doctor initials.
    This has been corrected.

  7. Ref: 47269
    Patient birthday SMS functionality was not displaying correct day of week on messages, this has been

  8. Ref: 47184
    After editing patient details on one machine, if the same patient was open on another machine, it was
    not being updated on the second machine. This now works properly for both Winsock messaging and
    database messaging notification methods.

  9. Ref: 47166
    With the introduction of "intelligent" recalls, the status assigned to the patient has been updated to a
    valid status rather than being left as an invalid status. For example, if a patient is given a status of "S"
    for SMS but has no mobile phone number, the intelligent recall process will change his/her status for
    the next recall but change the default recall status on the patient card accordingly.

  10. Ref: 47427
    In screen mode 11 if in clinical notes and you select view/All Notes, the actual notes display window
    reduces in size. Problem diagnosed and corrected.

    1. Ref: 47163
      The Recall Automation Wizard now includes a Subject field for email templates, and this is used by
      the automated recall process when sending emails.

  1. Ref: 47447
    If the logged-in user is changed while task manager is open, clicking on a different user in the Task
    List or refreshing the task manager caused Task Manager to continuously increment the record count,
    which eventually leads to an SQL Error, crashing Oasis. This issue has been fixed.

  2. Ref: 47440
    New fields in 'Doctors in the Network' allow Title and Qualification information to be stored against a
    doctor/hygienist. The Professional Title field (30 characters) and the Qualifications field (100
    characters) have been added. These fields are used in Online Booking..

  3. Ref: 47121
    Right clicking on an invoice line is now functional for more than the first click. Right clicking allows
    different lines on the invoice grid to be selected. A bug was allowing this to happen only on the first
    click. This has been fixed

  4. Ref: 47240
    The bug where Utilities “Maintain Recall Names” was generating a runtime error has been fixed,
    correct menu now appears.

  5. Ref: 46225
    Fixed an issue whereby the workstation polling for SMS updates did not update the confirmation in its
    own appointment book.

  6. Ref: 46545
    The Save Reports option was ambiguous and has been changed to "Save Process" to make it clearer
    for both reports and predefined processes such as printing statements and posting progressive

    1. Ref: 47506
      Added an extra step to the recall automation wizard to display the Exclusion filters, so as to allow
      recalls to be sent to patients with existing appointments and with incomplete treatment. While a
      checkbox is shown for inactive patients, these currently cannot be included.

  1. Ref: 47481
    The recall reactivation tool in the Utilities program was timing out if the practice had a large number of
    patients or a large number of patients without recalls. The wizard has been modified to cater for this.
    Records now load in the background, and if the user attempts to create recalls before records have
    finished loading, they will see a warning message. The Refresh button changes to an Abort button
    while records are being loaded, allowing the user to cancel long-running queries.
    The table can now be sorted on any of the columns, although the recommended option is to create
    recalls in order of LastVisitDate. The format of the LastVisitDate has been changed from dd/mm/yyyy
    to yyyy/mm/dd.

  2. Ref: 47473
    The Reactivate Recalls tool in the Utilities program was allowing recalls to be created using only the
    codes S, E and L, which are incompatible with Automated Recalls. The tool has been updated to
    allow the option of creating recalls with either standard codes or the same codes used by the recall
    automation wizard, ie. S1A, E1A, and L1A.

  3. Ref: 47480
    The Recall Automation Wizard now updates the preferred recall status code in PBPATRCL for each
    patient that has a preferred recall method. This is based on the codes selected in the Map Codes
    step, but the code used is the one corresponding to the first contact attempt of the selected code.

  4. Ref: 47472
    The structures file for F07 in DOCNAMES has been altered to show this value as alphanumeric rather
    than Time based.

  5. Ref: 47570
    The IANATimeZone file has been updated to resolve some issues in Online-Booking.

  6. Ref: 46230
    The issue where OASIS would shut down if an empty CD drive was selected in
    Patient Correspondence - and other windows - has been resolved. An error message will now appear
    and the system will recover.

  7. Ref: 46417
    The registration screen now saves new details to allow the 'Maximum Users exceeded' problem to be

  8. Ref: 47552
    Fixed an issue where notifications of online bookings were only sent to the first user when the "Send
    Message UserId" setting is "ALL".

  9. Ref: 47554
    When configuring CX Server using the Recall Automation Wizard, the "From line display on emails"
    setting is now mandatory.
    *29. Ref: 46268
    Online bookings can now process the 'Call Me' flag, set in the online booking wizard. When set to 'true'
    in the wizard, a checkbox appears on the online booking widget, allowing the patient to request a
    confirmation call for the appointment they are making. When a patient ticks this box, the new message
    appearing alerting users of the new appointment will have a coloured background.
    *30. Ref: 47613
    The OASISServerUpgrade will no longer run if there are any active connection to Mimer. The reason
    for this is that the structures files may not upgrade properly if there are open connections. A warning
    will appear telling the user that there are (n) open connections. Details can be found in
    *31. Ref: 47809
    An error in the structures file was preventing users from creating calendar buttons. This has been
    *32. Ref: 46509
    Oasis will now display a warning if the VerifyFiles backup process has not been run for 3 days or
    more. The check occurs immediately after starting Oasis, or when the patient patient is changed, but
    the message will only be shown once per day on each workstation.

  10. Ref: 47591
    An issue where the patient correspondence screen was hanging has been resolved.

  11. Ref: 47514
    The Recall Automation wizard now ensures that after the 7th contact attempt the patient's status code
    is set to an asterisk.

  12. Ref: 47485
    Fixed an issue where items on the View button menu on the Process Lab Fees screen caused an
    error that closed Oasis.

  13. Ref: 47387
    When running the Online booking Wizard, the 'From Name' field on the email screen is now
    mandatory. The Next button will not be enabled until a value has been entered.

  14. Ref: 47321
    Fixed an issue with task scheduling of the recall automation wizard in some versions of Windows
    where it said the task could not be created even though it had been.

  15. Ref: 47234
    An upgrade notification email is now sent to the support server after either a server upgrade or a
    workstation upgrade.

  16. Ref: 47692
    Fixed an issue in the automated recall wizard where it was not updating the CXServer configuration
    *40. Ref: 43650
    A new, simpler system now exists for online booking. Each appointment book slot can be used to
    store multiple online booking appointment slots. The user is presented with a series of tick-boxes to
    specify the usage type (New Patients, Recalls and Existing Patients) Note that Existing Patients is
    now an option, which will allow appointments to be booked online for that group of a practice's

  17. Ref: 47702
    An issue with Presentation Manger has been fixed to correctly show the scroll bars.
    *42. Ref: 47352
    Some modifications have been made to the lookup list screen so that the search function will now
    work on both the Item Code and the Description fields. A limitation of this functionality is that repeat
    searches are not supported. Once a match is found, the search will stop.

  18. Ref: 47728
    The Recall/OLB/EP wizards now consistently update only the default user email & SMS settings.

  19. Ref: 47695
    The Schedule step of the Recall Automation Wizard now contains boxes to enter a user id and
    password to allow the recall processing task to be run under a particular user id.

  20. Ref: 47674
    The “Check Version Upgrade” switch on the SQLCONFIG preference screen has been removed, as it
    is redundant.

  21. Ref: 47808
    A bug where the ACCPAC was disappearing from the title screen after saving a preference option has
    been repaired.

  22. Ref: 43650 (pt 2)
    Small bug in processing routine for ‘*.uol’ files which resulted in online appointment times being
    overwritten with zeroes has been rectified.

  23. Ref: 47255
    The default recall templates and table entries for RCALLPAR are now installed through the Update
    process into C:\OASIS\AutorecallDefaults, and processed when the AutoRecall wizard is run.

  24. Ref: 47882
    Online presence has been established for each of the new automated recall statuses. The default
    status is 'D' for online precedence (rather than 'H'), and 0 for Onlinegap - the minutes between Doctor
    and hygienist appointments, when booked online.
    The Online recall times for Doctors and Hygienist now come from the doctors in the Network table -
    based on the patient's usual doctor (and hygienist).

  25. Ref: 47874
    Some adjustments have been made to the Online Booking Wizard so that the Online Confirmation
    checkbox position changes when the form is sized, and the default size of the form shows all standard

  26. Ref: 47889
    An error in the CXServer SMS processing which caused an endless loop has been rectified.

  27. Ref: 47912
    The Glb_CreateTimeKey function has been modified by using the GetSystemTime API, which can
    return the current time in milliseconds. The millisecond part of the time (mmm) is used to create as
    time related key as follows: YYMMDDHHNNSSmmmUUUU. This still results in an 18 character value
    being returned. As blobnumber fields are 18 characters wide, width parity is important.

  28. Ref: 47915
    A new form is available in Utils which allows WORKSTAT records to be viewed. This will help to
    resolve problems where it is suspected that more than one instance of CXServer is running, but not
    being reported.

  29. Ref: 47921
    When CXServer detected other running instances and asked the user whether or not to continue
    running the new instance of CXServer, clicking No still ran CXServer. This issue has been fixed.

  30. Ref: 47864
    When Running Workstation upgrades, the message box appearing at the top left of the screen saying
    "Please Wait" has been removed. This message was originally included to deal with a loading wait at
    the start of the process. As the wait has been minimised, the form is no longer appropriate.

  31. Ref: 47862
    A problem where the automated workstation upgrade was not triggering OASIS to start after
    completion has been resolved.

  32. Ref: 47866
    The messages in OASIS referring to a possible conflict when an appointment is booked online have
    been improved for readability.

  33. Ref: 47937
    The CXServer path is being correctly set to \{Server}\OASIS\CXSERVER in each of the wizards.

  34. Ref: 48010
    The changed functionality of the CODE search in the Referring Doctors screen has been restored and
    improved. Now the search only looks at the left hand characters, rather than using the equivalent of a
    'Contains' clause.

  35. Ref: 48009
    A new patient was not being created when there was exactly one match in the database. This has
    been repaired.

  36. Ref: 48008
    A small bug on the 'Link Direct Referral Patient' popup occurred where the pop-up menu could not call
    another pop-up. This has been repaired.

  37. Ref: 48059
    Minimizing the scheduler before accessing the patient find screen will lead to the patient find screen
    becoming responsive. This problem has been fixed; ‘patient find’ must be closed before proceeding.
    An additional change has been made also in the Find function for a new appointment. This is to force
    the find screen into modal so that the form must be exited properly or a find patient selection made
    before further edits occur in the appointment book.

  38. Ref: 48060
    A small bug relating to the way in which some forms are displayed was preventing the Transfer Family
    function from working correctly. This has been corrected.

  39. Ref: 48078
    Treatment Options #1, Switch #26 (Show patients treatment reminder in main clinical notes window)
    was no longer working when set to Y. Problem found in initialise section of clinical notes and
    Items with Asterisks (*) refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally refer to
    bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

  • 01 Ref: 46452
    The version numbering scheme used by Oasis has changed slightly. Whereas we referred to the
    previous release as 10.1-012.042 using four numbers, the new version numbering scheme uses three
    numbers (and thus the previous release would have been labelled 10.12.043 (or simply 10.12 where
    the build number is not shown). This change is effective from version 11.
