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This document will talk you through how to set up Flexible Commissioning and all the relevant configuration steps to complete this in the correct way. If you have issues configuring this please contact our support desk on 01634 266 800 (Option 2, and then 1)or email us at support@soeuk.com.

Before you start

Before you start configuring the Flexible Commissioning on your system ensure you have downloaded the 4 .csv files which you would have been provided (or see above files) saved on your computer for the import of the Custom Screens which are required.

Flexible Commissioning Service Codes

For the flexible commissioning to work correctly there are a set of required codes that will need to be added into EXACT. Below is a list of the required flexible commission service codes which are required. These were used when trialling the flexible commissioning guidelines at a live practice.
When you add the service codes to EXACT ensure there are no spaces in the code.


Payor Code



‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Adult High Caries Pathway (Stage1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Adult High Caries Pathway (Stage2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Adult (Visit 3)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme 0-3 Years (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme 0-3 Years (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme 3-6 Years (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme 3-6 Years (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme 7-18 Years (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme 7-18 Years (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Amber Risk (Stage 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Amber Caries Risk (Stage 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health and Bisphosphonates


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Child Caries / GA (Visit 3)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Dementia (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Dementia (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Diabetes (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Diabetes (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Dry Mouth (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Dry Mouth (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme GA 3-6 Years (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme GA 3-6 Years (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme GA 7-18 Years (Visit 1)

PAPGA7-18 V2

‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme GA 7-18 Years (Visit 2)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Additional Medical Questions


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Osteonecrosis (Visit 1)


‘BLANK’ (Private)

Prevention and Access Programme Oral Health With Osteonecrosis (Visit 2)


To add the service codes under the ‘Flexible Commissioning Service Codes’ section of this document please follow the steps below;

  1. Go to Configure, Services then click +1 in the bottom right corner

2. From here you can start adding the required service codes. You will need to input the following information under the ‘Details Tab’

  1. Code – This is where you would input the Code from the Flexible Commissioning Service Codes section within this document.

  2. Description – This is where you would input the Description from the Flexible Commissioning Service Codes section within this document.

  3. Categories – This is where you can assign a service code category to your services as you create them. We advise setting up a category for the Flexible Commissioning service codes and assign all of the service codes to this category for easier referencing. Please see How to add a Service Code Category section within this document.

  4. DMF Category – This needs to be set to ‘None’. It is blank by default and will prevent you from saving if not filled

  5. Custom Screen – This is where you can assign the relevant Custom Screens to the services as you create them. Please see the ‘How to add the Custom Screens to a Service Code’ section,

  6. Notes Tab - You may have been sent some Notes from the NHS to add some extra clinical notes and these can be added by clicking the ‘Notes’ tab and adding these into the ‘Clinical Notes – Will not print on the patient’s stationery’ section.

Once you have added all the relevant information for the first service code click OK at the bottom of the ‘Add Service Item’ window to save the service code. Once this has been saved, it will be necessary to repeat the steps starting from [+1] to create all other service codes.

How to add a Service Code Category

While in the edit service window click the “Add category” button.

Select the Category and click “OK” or click +1 to create a new category then click ok to save the changes.

4 Flexible Commissioning Custom Screens

To find out how to add a Custom Screen to a service code please view ‘How to add the Custom Screens to a Service Code’ section of this document. 

Caries Risk Assessment 0 -3 Years

Below is the Caries Risk Assessment 0 -3 Years Custom Screen

This Custom Screen will need to be applied to the following service codes.

Service Code

Custom Screen Name


PAP 0-3


PAP 0-3

Caries Risk Assessment 3 – 6 Years

Below is the Caries Risk Assessment 3 - 6 Years Custom Screen

This Custom Screen will need to be applied to the following service codes.

Service Code

Custom Screen Name


PAP 3-6


PAP 3-6


PAP 3-6


PAP 3-6


Caries Risk Assessment 7 – 18 Years

Below is the Caries Risk Assessment 7 - 18 Years Custom Screen

This Custom Screen will need to be applied to the following service codes.

Service Code

Custom Screen Name


PAP 7-18


PAP 7-18


PAP 7-18


PAP 7-18

Additional Medical Questions

Below is the IPP Additional Medical Questions Custom Screen

This Custom Screen will need to be applied to the following service codes.

Service Code

Custom Screen Name




How to add Custom Screens into EXACT

In order to use the new Custom Screens they will need to be imported into your EXACT system. You can do this by following the instructions below;

  1. Go to ‘Configure’, ‘Custom Screens'.

  2. From here click “import”

  3. Locate and select the custom screen/s saved onto your computer, then click on ‘Open’.

  4. You can now follow the same steps to add the other required Custom Screens.

How to add the Custom Screens to a service code

Once you have imported your Custom Screens you will need to apply these to your service codes which are listed under the ‘4 New Custom Screens’ section of this document. To do this please follow the steps below;

Login to EXACT as an Admin user to access the relevant areas to add the service codes. Once you are logged in you need to navigate to ‘Configure’ in the top bar of EXACT.


When you click on ‘Configure’ you will get a drop down of options which you can select. You need to click on the ‘Services’ option.

This will then load up the ‘List Service Items’ window where we can view, edit and add service codes within EXACT.


Located the service codes you need to add a Custom Screen to. You can do this by using the search box in the bottom left hand side of the window.

Once you have found the service code you want to add the Custom Screen to, double click that service code and it will load up the details for that service code.

To add the Custom Screen to the service click in the box next to the text ‘Custom Screen’.

This will then display a lined icon which you can select


Once you have clicked on this it will load up a list of Custom Screens you have on your EXACT system.


Find the Custom Screen you want to apply to that service code and single click on it followed by clicking ‘OK’. You will now see that there is a Custom Screen name within the Custom Screen field of the service code.

Once you are happy with this you click on OK and it will save the changes and you can move onto the other service codes which need the Custom Screens adding.









Quick Plans

Quick plans are used in EXACT to help increase the speed at which users can create complex Courses of Treatment. A Quick Plan is essentially a template of a Course of Treatment, and allows the user to quickly add services, appointments and clinical notes.


When setup, the Quick Plan section will look like this:


How to add a Quick Plan into EXACT

Firstly create a Course of Treatment on a dummy patient and add the required services and appointments. When we create the Quick Plan it will take a snapshot of the currently open COT and save that as the Quickplan.





Once you have clicked on the ‘Quick Plans’ tab you will get a [+1] icon in the bottom right hand corner.

Please note that this will only be selectable if you have a course of treatment made on the patient’s chart tab.


Once you click on this it will load up the following window.


You then want to enter the following information;


  1. Type a Quick Plan name that clearly describes the plan. For example: 

PAP 0-2 Years

  1. Set ‘The Quick Plan Will’ to ‘Create a New Course of Treatment’

  2. Set the Payor to Blank which will set the payor to Private

  3. Set the type of the quick plan so it is easier to locate and manage












Click ‘OK’ and it will save the plan. The new Quick Plan will be listed in the ‘Quick Plans’ tab.



To use the Quick Plan, double-click on it to create a course or add it to an existing course, depending on the type. If required, you can also add or remove Service Items and/or appointment from the quick plan.

How to Report on Flexible Commissioning

To report on the Flexible Commission within EXACT various Contact lists and Schedulers are required to be configured. Once they have been configured you won’t need to amend these. You will need a total of 21 Contact Lists and 21 Scheduled reports which will get automatically sent out once you have configured this. Below will explain how to create the required Contact Lists and set up automatic scheduling.

How to Create a Contact List

To create the required reports please follow the steps below.

Login to EXACT as an Admin user to access the relevant areas to add a contact list. Once you are logged in you need to navigate to ‘Administration’ in the top bar of EXACT.

When you click on ‘Administration’ you will get a drop down of options which you can select. You need to click on the ‘Contact Lists’ option.

Once you have clicked on here the ‘List Contact Lists’ window will open.

From here click the ‘Create List’ button in the bottom right hand side of the window.

This will open the ‘Create Contact List’ window;






Click on the lined icon next to the ‘Select Patients’ section. This will then load up a list of already created contact lists within your EXACT system.

Next click the [+1] to create a new query for a contact list. Once you have clicked on the [+1] the following window will appear.

In the description area enter a description for your list. Please see the Contact Lists Needed section of this document to see what the various descriptions are. You will then need to click the arrow document letter in the bottom right hand side to insert a new patient list.

This will then allow you to choose which condition you would like to apply.













Scroll down the list until you find ‘Treatment Codes’ and click ‘OK’. This will then load up the parameters you can set for the treatment codes.

The only areas you will need to amend are as follows;

·         Treatment Codes – Set these to the service code required for this one list (Same will need to be done for each service code you added)

·         From Date – this needs to be set to 1 week ago

·         To Date – This needs to be set to yesterday

·         Exclude – tick Inactive, Misc and Base Charting

Once you have set this click OK and this will be added as an item within the ‘Add Query Template’ windows. You can then click ‘OK’ and then ‘OK’ again. Once you have done this you can follow the steps again to create the other 20 Contact Lists that are required.







Contact Lists Needed

Below is a list of the contact lists that are required to report on flexible commissioning. All of these will need to be added in your Contact List area. All of the contact lists that need to be created are set up in the same way, with a different name, Description and the Service code used. Below are images of how they need to be configured.

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1

Name: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1
Description: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;











PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2

Name: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2
Description: PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1

Name: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1
Description: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;


PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2

Name: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2
Description: PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1

Name: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1
Description: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2

Name: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2
Description: PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1

Name: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1
Description: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2

Name: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2
Description: PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1

Name: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1
Description: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2

Name: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2
Description: PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Adult Visit 3

Name: PAP Adult Visit 3
Description: PAP Adult Visit 3
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Child Visit 3

Name: PAP Child Visit 3
Description: PAP Child Visit 3
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;


PAP Dementia Visit 1

Name: PAP Dementia Visit 1
Description: PAP Dementia Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;


PAP Dementia Visit 2

Name: PAP Dementia Visit 2
Description: PAP Dementia Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Diabetes Visit 1

Name: PAP Diabetes Visit 1
Description: PAP Diabetes Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Diabetes Visit 2

Name: PAP Diabetes Visit 2
Description: PAP Diabetes Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1

Name: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1
Description: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2

Name: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2
Description: PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Opened

Name: PAP Opened
Description: PAP Opened
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1

Name: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1
Description: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2

Name: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2
Description: PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2
Patient Condition: Treatment Codes
Treatment Code Parameters;


How to setup an automatic Schedule for your reporting on Flexible Commissioning

To have the Flexible Commissioning contact lists sent to one email address on a weekly basis you will need to setup scheduled reports with EXACT. For each ‘Contact List’ you have created you will need to create a scheduled report for this. To do this you follow the steps below;

How to Create a Scheduled Event

First you want to login to EXACT as an admin and click on along the top bar ‘File’.

Once you have clicked ‘File’ you will get a drop down of options and you want to click on ‘Scheduler’.











This will then load up the following window;

This will show any scheduled reports that are currently set and in the bottom right hand corner you have a ‘Create New Event’ button which allows you to setup a new Scheduled report.

Once you have clicked on this the following window will be displayed.


Firstly set the ‘Event Type’ to Email and scroll down the ’Available Events’ and find ‘Contact List’ and single click this to ensure it is highlighted. Using the Creating a new event - Window 1 section of this document as a reference, enter the names and details as required. You would then click ‘Next’ to move onto the next stage. This will then load up the following window.

You would set all the parameters in here as per the ‘Creating a new event window 2’ and when setting the select patients you would click in the box and get a lined icon which you can click on and it will open the following window.

Once you have clicked the required contact list and clicked on this and then clicked ‘OK’ you will be taken back to the parameters page and you want to click ‘Next’ and this will bring up the following window. Use the Creating a new event - Window 3 section

On this window you need to enter an email address and the subject line you want to use for that scheduled event. We advise to use a subject line which is similar to the contact list name you are running it for. Once you have set this you would then click ‘Next’ and it will load up the following window;


Once this window you can set where you want the scheduled event to run from. We advise to have it set to ‘The Server’ to limit any slowness when it runs. Once you have selected this you would then click ‘Next’ and it will load up the following window;

This is where you would enter the times and occurrence of the scheduled report which we advise to be set weekly on a day of your choice and at a time of you choosing. Once you are happy with this you would click ‘Finish’ and this would of setup the scheduled report ready to be sent out automatically for you.













Flexible Commissioning Scheduled Reports Configuration

Within this section you will find the names of the scheduled reports and how we advise you to have these configured.

Names of Scheduled Reports

Below is a list of name you can use for each different contact list when running your scheduled report;

Scheduled Event Name

Contact List

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 2

PAP 0-3 Visit 1

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 1

PAP 0-3 Visit 2

PAP 0-3 Caries Visit 2

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 1

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2

PAP 3-6 Caries Visit 2

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 1

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2

PAP 7-18 Caries Visit 2

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 1

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2

PAP 3-6 GA Visit 2

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 1

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2

PAP 7-18 GA Visit 2

PAP Child Visit 3

PAP Child Visit 3

PAP Adult Visit 3

PAP Adult Visit 3

PAP Dementia Visit 1

PAP Dementia Visit 1

PAP Dementia Visit 2

PAP Dementia Visit 2

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 1

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2

PAP Dry Mouth Visit 2

PAP Diabetes Visit 1

PAP Diabetes Visit 1

PAP Diabetes Visit 2

PAP Diabetes Visit 2

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1

PAP Osteonecrosis Risk Visit 1

PAP Created

PAP Opened

General Configuration per Scheduled Report

Below is each windows of setting up a scheduled event and what options should be applied.

Creating a new event - Window 1 (Event Schedule Select)

Below are the settings that should be used on the first window.

·         Event Type – Set to Email

·         Available Events – Set to Contact List

·         Name – Set the name of the scheduled event. ‘Please see the Names of Scheduled Reports for these.’




Creating a new event - Window 2 (Parameters for the Report)

Below are the settings that should be used on the second window.

·         Provider – this should be left as blank

·         Include Completed – Set this to ‘Yes’

·         Group by Family – set this to ‘No’

·         Title – Set the Title of the scheduled event. ‘Please see the Names of Scheduled Reports for these.’

·         Description - Set the description of the scheduled event. ‘Please see the Names of Scheduled Reports for these.’

·         Category – Set this to the Category you created for the Flexible Commissioning service codes.

·         Use list for appointment booking – Leave this as unticked

·         Create a Contact record for each patient – Leave this unticked

·         Select Patients – This should be set as the contact list you had created for the title in previous steps.

Creating a new event - Window 3 (Details for Email)

Below are the settings that should be used on the third window.

·         Destination Email Address – This should be set to the email address you want the scheduled report to.

·         Subject Line for Email – Set this to the name of the report. ‘Please see the Names of Scheduled Reports for these.’

Creating a new event - Window 4 (Computer for reporting)

Below is the settings that should be used on the forth window.

·         Which computer should process this event? – This should be set to a PC that is left on and logged in to Exact

Creating a new event - Window 5 (Repeat cycle)

Below are the settings that should be used on the fifth window.

·         Time – This should be set to the time you want the report to be run and sent

·         Only Once – Leave this as unticked

·         Weekly – Tick this option and select the day you want the report to be run and sent each week

·         Monthly – Leave this as unticked

·         Expiry Date – This should be left as blank






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