Our quick fix guide

These are the most commonly reported Online Booking issues with the actions that can be taken to resolve them.

Appointment times are not showing on the Online Booking page

This could be one of two things:

  1. There is a technical issue with your Online Booking. You’ll be able to tell if it’s this from Exact by going to ‘Configure - Online Appointments’ and you see the below in Image A. You’ll get the message “Warning: Online Appointments Client is Unauthorised. Please contact SOE Support.”
    Another indication is when appointments are being booked online an error is showing like in Image B. If this is the case then please reach out to our Support Team from here.

Image A

Image B


2. Something isn’t right with the providers/services configured for Online Booking. So if you’re not seeing any errors like in the above then it’s likely that the current setup of your Online Booking won’t allow for appointment times to show. To check this in Exact go to ‘Configure - Online Appointments’. If you need assistance on the configuration of your Online Booking then click here.


The Online Booking link loops back to the practice website

This is for when the Online Booking link has been implemented on your practice website (or elsewhere also) but clicking it doesn’t direct to the Online Booking page and instead goes back to the practice website. The only reason this would occur is if the link that has been implemented isn’t quite correct.

Please refer back to the original email sent to you with the Online Booking link and forward this onto whoever manages your website and reiterate it should be copied exactly as it is in the original email. If you don’t have the email containing your Online Booking link anymore then please contact Support from here.


A patient’s recall booked with a wrong/different provider to usual