Clinipad Consent Forms

Clinipad Consent Forms


Clinipad consent forms are available for use from the chart tab of a patient file. They can be used for a variety of things and allow you a really quick and easy way to get signed consent from your patients without using paper. Scroll down to find out how this works.

Adding Your Consents Tab;

To begin using this feature you need to go onto your chart tab (this is done per user) and add on the new Consents tab. This can be done by going to…

Service List → Configure Spanner (bottom right) → tick ‘Select which tabs..’ Option (second from bottom) → move consents from left to right with the arrows → click finish.

Follow the GIF below for visual demonstration:


Adding New Consent Forms;

Next you need to add on some templates to use going forward. These are held across EXact so only need to be added once and then everyone will be able to see and send them to the clinipads from the consents tab. This can be done by going to ;

Consents Tab → Configure Spanner (bottom Right) +1 (bottom right) → adding a Template Name and some Content → and then click 'Save'

The content of the consent forms can only be text this means no pictures or tick boxes etc…

Follow the GIF below for a visual demonstration:


Sending Consent Forms to the Clinipad;

Once you've created your consent forms you wish to sign on the clinipad the next thing to know is how to send them to the clinipad for the patient to sign. To do this you need to;

go to the consents tab on the chart screen → Click the sign consents button → Tick which consents you would like the patient to sign (you can choose more then 1 form if the patient has multiple forms they to sign in one go) → then choose which clinipad device you want to send these to → and click send.

Follow the GIF below for a visual demonstration:


Signing The Consent Form;

Once you have sent the form to a clinipad device this is an example of what the patient would see and do on the device itself.

Once in the Clinipad soei app you can see they have got the consent form in the top right → once read they click the Sign button in the bottom left → once signed they click the green submit button → they then get the option to review this before clicking finish.

Follow the GIF below for a visual demonstration:



Returning The Consent Form;

After the patient has signed the consent form on the clinipad device. You can return it into exact y doing the following;

Click the arrow next to the clinipad workspace icon (if you don't know how to add the workspace icons Click Here) → You will then see the signed form appear in the consents tab → highlight this blue by left clicking on it → then Click the View button (bottom right) → this will open the consent form in your default program for PDF documents.

Follow the GIF below for a visual demonstration:


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