OASiS Release Notes

To arrange an Install/Upgrade to the latest release of OASIS, please contact our National Support Centre:

  • Phone: 1300 889 668 - Standard Support Hours (AET): Monday - Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm
    After Hours Support (AET): Monday - Friday 6:00pm - 8:00pm (Emergency Support Only).
    *WA Extended Hours.
    Saturday 8:00am - 2:00pm (Emergency Support Only)


[OAS-55955/55940] - If a database connectivity issue occurred while using the Perio-Charting screen, the chart data was unlikely to be saved and the screen would often close, removing any chance of saving the data again.  This has been resolved.

The Perio-Charting screen has been modified to better handle database connectivity errors. If a database connectivity error occurs when attempting to save the chart, the user will be notified and advised to resolve the issue. If the database can be started again or the network can be re-connected, the user should then elect to retry, and the data should be saved successfully. If the subsequent save attempt fails, the user will still have the option to cancel the save attempt, but the prompting message box indicates this clearly.

Furthermore, there is now an AutoSave feature for the Perio-Charting screen that will ensure any changes are saved after 1-5 minutes of inactivity, and hopefully before any database issues occur! By default, this is not enabled.
It can be set in Preferences > My Work > (DentalTreatment) > Treatment Options 2 > 25. AutoSave Perio chart. Set to 0 to disable, or a number of minutes specifying how often to AutoSave.

[OAS-56024] - An issue that prevented the SortCode field from being populated when creating an appointment has now been resolved.

[OAS-56049] - In versions 12.06 through 12.12 when claiming using HICAPS, there was an issue that caused multiple claim payments to be posted.  This would occur if one doctor in a claim assigned invoices to another doctor also in the claim.
This issue has now been fixed, so for HICAPS claims there should now be only a single claim payment shown in the transaction history.

[OAS-55457] - Between versions 11.12 and 12.12 there was an issue that caused the wrong patient history to be displayed after posting progressive invoices. This has now been addressed.

[OAS-56087] - By default SMS messaging will now be routed via Mercury to enhance security and reliability.


[OAS-56007] - An issue in version 12.10 led to the eEstimate function failing to update third party column within the treatment plan window.

[OAS-56008] - An issue arose in 12.11 that prevented clinical notes from being displayed if particular icons were missing from the Oasis\Icons folder.


[OAS-55984] – Clinical Notes Flickering - When creating a new clinical note and saving, the last note at the bottom is flickering non-stop. Other symptoms include Clinical Notes screen being unresponsive or high CPU utilisation by Oasis. Issue fixed

[OAS-55980] – In some circumstances, a blank page was being printed after processing a HICAPS claim.  This would occur if user-defined statements were used, the claim was set to only print on the terminal, and various other settings were present. Issue fixed.

[OAS-55897] – A bug that prevented the patient's Last Visit Date from being updated when they “entered” the waiting room has been fixed.

[OAS-55763] – When configured to synchronise Restorative Charts with treatment Plans, Oasis was limiting the number of charts possible to nine. This limit has now been increased to 99.


[OAS-55924] – There was a bug where, under specific circumstances, HICAP’s payments would be duplicated upon completion. This has now been fixed so that HICAP’s payments are now recorded correctly.

[OAS-55959] – Previously, first Eclaim performed on the day couldn’t get recorded in the patient history. This bug was fixed.

[OAS-55976] – Oasis is now able to process Eclaim cancellation correctly based on the result from SoEConnect.

[OAS-55931] – Along with the cancellation bug fix, the window with “untested” wording on it was removed.

[OAS-55964] and [OAS-55966] were also verified to be fixed and closed. According to the developer, the fixes already went into previous versions.


Ref: 55961 – HICAP’s Auto Adjustment changes. Support for new functionality following terminal only updates, so that OASiS can appropriately process Code 57’ Auto Adjustment responses, which are received back from certain Health Funds when a Practice is a Preferred Provider and they have charged the wrong fee. Note: An Invoice Adjustment within OASiS is required to be entered by users, in order to correct the incorrectly charged fees.

Ref: 55924 – There was a bug when one Providers invoice lines were ‘Held’ when processing another Providers HiCAPS Claim. The Patients HICAP’s payments would be duplicated.
This has now been addressed so that HICAP’s payments are recorded correctly.


Ref: 55635 When perio charting and recording measurements, the cursor is supposed to move from the front of the teeth to the back of the teeth in a circular motion. In some instances, this is not the case and the cursor moves back on itself as measurements are recorded. This has now been fixed.

Ref: 55590 An issue was found where a patient’s document library when read in was the correspondence for another patient rather than the current patient that is selected. This has now been fixed and the patient context is now respected.

* Ref: 55587 A button that opens a hyperlink to ZenDesk chat has been added to Oasis. This can be found next to the Henry Schein One logo in Oasis.

* Ref: 55940/55955 In some cases when periodontal charting, if the connection is left open for too long and the user experiences connectivity issues during charting, Oasis will try to save the chart on a dead database connection which may cause periodontal charting data loss. This should no longer be the case if the user only makes periodontal changes during this time and the data is retained.

12.7 PF1

Ref: 55907 Online booking recall links not working for practices

Causal Analysis: Legacy Code - Synching with Redirection Server and expecting the specific (old) URL's which would then invoke the 'short url' into action, along with the correct parameters for the Recall URL - meaning OASiS was not actually respecting what Redirection Server was reporting - Or rather it was, but it was not shortening, and was producing a mal-formed recall booking link. This has now been fixed.

This fix has been applied on top of the current working versions of 12.5, 12.6 and 12.7. Please see the associated Jira ticket for the test notes covered on this item.


Ref: 55858 If the Stats/List flag is enabled (Preferences -> My Time -> Scheduler Options 3) then online bookings through the 3PD website will now preserve the Stats/List doctor as the doctor for the appointment, rather than that of the entity doctor (Preferences -> My Time -> Scheduler View Lines) – however the booking time slots will retain those of the entity doctor’s.

Due to the inherent flexibility of OASiS, a few restrictions will need to be enforced.
-Only the Entity to Stats/List doctor mappings in ‘View Column Number’ 01 (Preferences -> My Time -
Select Appointment View) are considered for this change.
- The Entity/Stats List doctor numbers in Appointment View Lines must match a doctor Id with the correct padding (e.g. 0001 and not 01). The Wizard will not complete if this is not the case.
- Standalone doctors in the ‘Main View’ cannot have a blank Stats/List doctor number. They must reference themselves (Entity 0001 -> Stats/List 0001). The Online Booking Wizard will continue to run but that provider will not appear on the booking website.
- Replacement doctors (doctors referenced as a Stats/List Dr in Appointment View Lines) are assumed to not have a schedule view line themselves. In the case that they do, their own Stats/List doctor number must be empty.

Additionally, cyclical and transitive entity/stats list mappings will not cause the wizard to fail. In the cyclical case, 0001 -> 0002 and 0002 -> 0001, both are uploaded to the booking website using their respective entity’s timeslots.
Transitive mappings will use their direct parent entities’ timeslots.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (or earlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to 11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 or 12.4, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55801
Changes to allow multiple practitioners to be included on the one claim request when using
WhiteCoat. Multi-practitioner-claiming: When submitting an eClaim for a patient via HS1Pay, it is now
possible to include claim items for multiple doctors. These will be sent as separate claims, one for
each doctor. The transaction history will show one Claim Payment from the Health Fund after each
doctor's claim items. Where WhiteCoat is used as the payment partner and the patient uses their
MyWhiteCoat app to pay the gap, the transaction history will show one Gap Payment after each
doctor's claim items.

Ref: 55680/55807
When a claim submitted to a payment partner failed, Oasis would sometimes show "Reason:
Approved" in the failure message. This was incorrect, and has been fixed.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (or earlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to 11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 or 12.4, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55815
An issue with SOELink's handling of online booking requests meant that it sometimes attempted to
process some appointments twice. While this caused no major problem, it could have resulted in two
workstation messages being sent to the nominated workstation per appointment instead of just one;
the second message may have indicated that the booking was unsuccessful even though it was
processed okay. This issue may also have delayed processing of some appointments by one cycle (5-
10 sec). This issue has been fixed, so only one workstation message should be received per online
booking, and subsequent appointment requests should be processed sooner.
The information recorded in the Windows Event Log has been changed. When Information level
logging was enabled - in the Oasis\SOELink\logging.json file – two entries would be recorded every
OLB timer cycle (typically every 5 sec).

  • The entry “Pending appointment polling interval: 5000” will now only appear every cycle if Debug level
    logging is enabled.

  • When no pending appointments are received, the entry “CheckPendingAppointmentsAsync returned
    data:[]” – with no data inside the square brackets – will only appear every cycle if Debug level logging
    is enabled.
    If any pending appointments are received, the same message – with the received data inside the
    square brackets – will appear if Information level logging is enabled. Note that Debug level logging
    includes all Information level entries.
    This change means that when Information level logging is on, the event log will not be saturated with
    repetitive SOELink entries, making it easier to find events.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.0, 12.1, 12.2 or 12.3, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55805
When making health fund claims using HS1Pay, the name, mobile number and email address of the
account-holder are now provided to HS1Pay. The mobile number is required if using the patient
wishes to pay using the MyWhiteCoat app.

Ref: 55709
If a Scheduler View Name existed but had no Scheduler View Lines in it, when attempting to use it in
the Scheduler, the message "No View Lines found for view ##" would be displayed and Oasis would
then close completely.
This behaviour has been modified to instead close only the Scheduler window. The issue that causes
the message to be displayed can be fixed by going to Preferences > My Time > Scheduler View Lines,
selecting the relevant View Name, and adding at least one doctor to it.

Ref: 55751
If a user was configured with an initial Appointment View Number - DOCLOGOX F6 (Appointment
View Number) - that was not valid, opening the Scheduler prompted to select a valid view from a list.

  • If closing the list, Oasis would close completely.

  • If a view is selected from the list, an error "Unable to display doctor details. Step=4. Error 91: Object
    variable or With Block variable not set" would displayed repeatedly until Oasis was closed via
    Windows Task Manager.
    This issue has now been fixed, so that after being prompted for a valid View, if one is selecting, it is
    shown, and if the View list is closed, only the Scheduler window will close (not Oasis itself).

Ref 55811
An issue in SOELink that prevented any online bookings from being processed has been fixed.
If a pending online booking was received from 3PD one or more days after the requested appointment
date (because SOELink was not running at the time), SOELink would record an error in the event log:
"System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object". If this
happened, SOELink would not be able to process other pending appointments because each time it
checked pending appointments, the old appointment would still be in the list. SOELink has been
modified to correctly reject past pending appointments and to continue processing others in the list.
Details of the rejected past appointment will be recorded in Oasis's Online Log, as a workstation
message sent to the nominated Oasis user, and (if Information level logging is enabled) in the
Windows Event Log.

Ref 55832
An issue occurred in 12.3.4151 and 12.4.4175 with some SMS responses potentially being recorded
against the wrong mobile number. When two or more SMS responses were received within the one
CXServer cycle, all would be processed using the mobile number of the response that happened to be
first. This issue has been fixed in 12.4 versions later than 12.4.4175.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.0, 12.1 or 12.2, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55382
The behaviour of the Doctor/Balance grid and the Batch grid on the Third Party Payments screen has

  • When clicking a row in the Balance grid, the batches shown in the Batches grid will now only
    relate to the doctor in the row that was clicked.

  • When clicking a row in the Batch grid, the transactions shown in the Transactions grid will now
    only relate to the batch in the row that was clicked.

  • If the first row in the Balance grid is clicked, the Batch grid shows batches for all doctors (and the
    Transactions grid shows transactions for all batches).

  • If the first row in the Batch grid is clicked, the Transactions grid shows transactions for all batches
    relating to the currently selected doctor.

  • The currently selected row in each grid is now highlighted.
    The behaviour of the Doctor/Balance grid, the Batch grid and the Statement grid on the Allocations
    screen has changed.
    For third party accounts:

  • When clicking a row in the Balance grid, the batches shown in the Batches grid will now only
    relate to the doctor in the row that was clicked.

  • When clicking a row in the Batch grid, the transactions shown in the Transactions grid will now
    only relate to the batch in the row that was clicked.

  • If the first row in the Balance grid is clicked, the Batch grid shows batches for all doctors (and the
    Transactions grid shows transactions for all batches).

  • If the first row in the Batch grid is clicked, the Transactions grid shows transactions for all batches
    relating to the currently selected doctor.

  • The currently selected row in each grid is now highlighted.
    For patient accounts:

  • When clicking a row in the Balance grid, the statements shown in the Statement grid do not
    change (as per previous behaviour), but the Transactions grid will show only transactions relating
    to the selected doctor.

  • When clicking a row in the Statement grid, the transactions shown in the Transactions grid will
    now only relate to the statement in the row that was clicked.

  • If the first row in the Batch grid is clicked, the Transactions grid shows transactions for all batches
    relating to the selected doctor.

  • The currently selected row in each grid is now highlighted.

Ref: 55137
When entering the amount for a Discount, Write-off, or Rebate on the payments screen and clicking
the Apply button, Oasis would incorrectly display a message "Transaction value is zero. Do you wish
to save this record?" This issue has been fixed. Also, after clicking the Apply button, the amount in
the entry box is reset to "0.00".

Ref: 55777
Changes have been made to Oasis, CXServer, and Utils to improve compatibility with Windows 10.
This relates to communication over the internet using HTTP and XML - when sending SMSs and
EasyPost documents, and when processing online bookings. This also affects XML files created
when opening third party imaging applications, specifically RayScan, EZDent, EZDent-I, QVision and

Ref: 55769
Changes made in release 11.20 (ref 55635) to improve the responsiveness of the Perio Charting
screen caused an issue that prevented teeth marked as missing in the restorative chart from being
shown as missing in the perio chart. Teeth marked as missing or absent in the restorative chart
should now be automatically shown as missing when opening a perio chart. Note that there is still a
known issue that teeth marked as missing via the perio chart are not reflected in the restorative chart.

Ref: 55796
Issues arise with the Online Booking system if the branch's All Doctors record contains initials in the
F42 column, particularly if they are the same initials as an actual practitioner. This typically means
that when a booking is made online, the patient gets no response. To fix this issue, the OLB Wizard
now clears initials from the All Doctors record.

Ref: 49710
Several issues with the Merge Patients function in Utils have been fixed. This includes fixes for the
following errors:

  • Primary key constraint violation, attempt to insert duplicate value.

  • Update of primary key columns for a table located in a databank, with NULL option is not allowed.

  • Query-based update failed because the row to update could not be found.

  • ODBC driver does not support the requested properties.
    These changes were made to the following functions: MergePBSTLIST, MergePBLETTER and
    Note that the correspondence screen in Oasis now sorts documents by date rather than by Document
    Number. This is necessary because after merging patient records, some document numbers will not
    reflect the order in which they were created. In other words, document numbers for patients that were
    merged will not necessarily appear in order. This is not a bug, and the documents will actually be
    listed in order of date.

Ref: 55410
The SOELink executable (SOELink.Api.WinService.exe) and most SOELink DLL files now include the
Oasis release number and other details in their metadata.

Ref: 55795
An issue in Oasis 12.2 that prevented appointments being made for family members has been fixed in
this release. When changing the current patient on the "Edit Appointment" screen using the Family
Member list, the message "One or more windows relating to the current patient are still open. Please
close these windows before selecting another patient" would appear. It should now be possible to
change patients on this screen via both the Family Member list and the Last Patient Selection without
seeing this error message.

Ref: 55783
If SOELink encounters an error when interacting with 3pd for online bookings, where 3pd provides
details of the error, these are now included in the Windows Event Log.

Ref: 55674
Changes to registration-check logic:

  • Oasis & CXServer were not checking the EasyPost module registration correctly, allowing some
    EasyPost functions to be still usable after a practice’s EasyPost registration was removed. Oasis
    now checks EasyPost registration when sending Letter type recalls from the List Recalls screen,
    when running the automated recall process, and when attempting to edit EasyPost Template
    documents from the Document Templates screen.
    Note that in order to identify registration issues - or other errors that occur during the automated
    recall process - the RecallExtract log files should be regularly checked for errors. These are in the
    Oasis\temp\9000\logs folder on the workstation that runs the automated recall process

  • Improvements have also been made to further ensure that Online Booking and CXServer cannot
    be run without the correct registration.

  • When editing the practice registration, if OLB is removed from the registration, warning messages
    will now appear if OLB slots still exist in the scheduler or in scheduler templates. These will need
    to be removed by clearing slots using Utils and/or by editing the templates in the scheduler.

  • If OLB is not registered, new OLB slots cannot be created in the scheduler, and existing OLB slots
    cannot be edited (but can be deleted).

  • When editing the practice registration, if CXServer is removed from the registration but OLB is still
    registered, a warning message appears, as SOELink currently still needs CXServer to send emails
    and SMSs.

  • When editing the practice registration, if CXServer is removed from the registration but Email or
    SMS are still configured as "Send to communications server", a warning message is displayed.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20, 12.0 or 12.1, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55698
Practices using Online Bookings are now able to utilise auto-extending OLB Doctor Templates.
These allow a doctor's typical work times - on a weekly basis - to be specified and automatically
applied to create Online Booking timeslots in the appointment book.
A new step in the Online Booking Wizard allows templates to be set up for each doctor. Each doctor's
template can be applied as far ahead as required (eg. 2 weeks, 26 weeks, etc), and after initial setup,
each doctor's Online Booking slots will be automatically created by the template so that the doctor's
online availability is maintained as far ahead as specified.
The Tools menu on the Scheduler now has an "OLB Doctor Templates" option. This can be used to
roll-back OLB Doctor Templates, or to apply them manually.
When starting Oasis, you may see a progress panel appear as OLB Doctor Templates update the
appointment book and OLB provider website. This also occurs just after midnight if Oasis is still
Some preference settings relating to practice operating times are now validated after editing to ensure
the changes are in-line with doctor availability in the OLB templates.
Some preference settings relating to doctor records are now validated after editing to ensure a
doctor’s online presence is removed before disabling/deleting a doctor.
Changes have also been made to the “Clear Online Slots” function in Utils to allow easier selection of
doctors and to allow inactive doctors to be seen so that their OLB slots can be removed.

Ref: 55757
If creating an appointment in space reserved for online bookings - by un-ticking the Comment Only
box - the changes to online booking availability were not reflected on the Online Booking website.
This would have allowed patients to attempt to book an appointment online for times that were no
longer available, resulting in a failure message. This issue has now been fixed, and assuming there is
no issue communicating with the OLB provider, the changes should be reflected on the OLB website
within a few seconds.
Also, when performing the Merge Online function from the scheduler, if an error occurs when
communicating with the OLB provider, the correct message is now shown in the message box.

Ref: 55743
An issue in the Invoicing screen that caused Held transactions to be incorrectly treated as processed
has been fixed. If you placed some invoice items on hold in the invoice screen and submitted the
'non-held' ones to HS1 Pay for claiming/payment, when the ‘held’ transactions were subsequently
released and submitted for processing, Oasis treated them as already processed, so did not submit a

Ref: 50098
In multi-branch sites, appointment reminder batches being started from batch files were failing with no
view lines found. This issue has been fixed.

Ref: 55590
An issue was found when changing patients using the Recent Patient drop-down list on the main
Oasis screen and the Recent Patient List, Family Member list and the Find button on the Edit
Appointment screen. If the Edit/Review Notes window was open, the patient on the main screen could
be changed using one of these methods, but the Edit/Review Notes screen still showed clinical notes
for the old patient. Oasis has been modified to prevent the patient being changed using any of these
methods if the “Edit/Review Notes” window - or certain other windows - are open. In most cases, the
following message will now be shown if this is attempted: "One or more windows relating to the current
patient are still open. Please close these windows before selecting another patient."

Ref: 55792
An issue in release 12.2.4115 that prevented the Find button on the Edit Appointment window from
working has been fixed.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to11.17, 11.18, 11.19, 11.20 or 12.0, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55142
When emailing statements, the email subject was showing the description of last line item from the
invoice. It has now been changed to show “Financial Statement No. ##” instead.

Ref: 55261
When switching branches or Scheduler Views to a Scheduler View that had a single doctor column,
the doctor column was not visible and both the left and right time columns appeared on the left. This
issue has been fixed. A related issue with the right hand time column not being wide enough to show
the complete time has also been fixed.
*Ref: 55313
When an online booking fails, an entry will be added to the Online Appointments activity log, with all
fields populated except Code and PatNo (and Type will show "Failed" instead of "Booked").
A message will also be sent to the practice via the "Message Details" panel.
This message will be in the following format:
[First Name] [Last Name] Online Appointment FAILED, requested: [Date] [Time] ([Duration]) [Mobile Phone] [Email] eg. John Smith Online Appointment FAILED, requested: 15-08-2019 02:00 (00h:15m)
+61421234567 john.smith@gmail.com
The message will show on a user-definable background colour called "Online Booking Failure", which
will initially be configured as red when the Online Booking Wizard is run. If the OLB wizard is not run
through following the upgrade, these messages will appear on a white background.
As part of this change, we will also introduce a light grey background colour for successful online
bookings and a yellow background for online bookings that come with a warning (eg. booked online as
a new patient but existing patient found in OASIS and used). These colours can be modified in the
Colour Schemes table.
Note that this logging of failed bookings will only occur if the booking makes it as far as SOELink.
If the booking fails, then SOELink will not be able to log this or send a message because it
will not have any information about the failure.

Ref: 55247
When reading a Scheduler template, any "Online Booking" slot encountered that is for a doctor that is
not enabled for online booking was being read into OASIS but not appearing in downstream systems.
Such slots will now be skipped, so will not appear in the scheduler.

Ref: 53689
The Delete and Edit popup menu options on the Online Appointments Activity Logs screen now work
as expected. By default, the columns should now be wide enough to show most details.

Ref: 55719
Emails and SMSs were not being sent correctly if a form number between 00 and 09 was specified,
this has now been fixed.

Ref: 48053
If there are adjacent online booking slots in the OASIS scheduler, then SOE Link will treat these as
one contiguous slot instead of separate slots, the same way that 3PD and other upstream systems
treat them. That way, if there are two adjacent 30-minute slots, and a patient books an hour long
appointment online, then this booking will succeed, whereas before this would have been rejected by
SOE Link.

Ref: 55552
SOE Link now supports SQL Server databases. The database.json file in the Oasis\SOELink folder
needs to be modified as follows:

  • Database must be set to “SqlServer”.

  • If the database credentials differ from the standard credentials, they also need to be specified,
    using Database-Username and Database-Password.
    "Database": "SqlServer"
    "Database": "SqlServer",
    "Database-Username": "sa",
    "Database-Password": "YourPassword"
    Please be aware that missing quotes and/or missing commas will prevent SOELink from working.
    If the SOELink service is running when this change is made, it must be restarted for the change to
    take effect. Please check the Windows Event Log for errors after restarting SOELink.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have already done this after upgrading to11.17, 11.18, 11.19 or 11.20, there is no need to do it again!

*Ref. 55697 & 55661
Oasis is now version 12.0. The Oasis installation packages and the Oasis Login screen have been
updated to include the Henry Schein One logo. The logo on these screens no longer shows the major
version number. The full version number is still shown in the title bar and various other places.
*Ref: 55374
When running the Online Booking Wizard, the default processing method will now be SOELink rather
than CXServer. In other words, the "Use SOELink for Online Bookings instead of CXServer" box will
be ticked every time the wizard is run. SOELink is now a much more reliable processing method for
online bookings than CXServer.
If a practice still has a good reason to use CXServer for online bookings, the box can be un-ticked.
Note that in order for SOELink to work, any firewall software running on the Oasis server machine
must allow incoming connections to port 5050 from the local network; it should NOT, however, allow
connections to this port from the internet!
Ref: 55404
The Online Booking polling interval shown in the OLB Wizard is not used by SOELink. This setting is
now disabled if the option to use SOELink for online bookings is selected.
Ref: 55621 & 55598
Various reference to Hicaps have been modified to be ‘generic’ as we are adding the alternative
claiming partners.
Ref: 55599
The switch to disable terminal printout of Hicaps claims in favour of local printing has been modified to
allow claims from other partners to be printed locally. Note that we don’t have the ability to stop
terminal printing on all providers but if this switch is set to ‘N’, you will get a terminal printout as well as
a local printout of the claim.
Ref: 53202
The scheduler template system has been modified to allow importing of templated slots around
existing comments and bookings in the scheduler.
Ref: 55647
SOELink has been modified to accept OLB recall bookings for patients without a date of birth.
Ref: 55687
If an Oasis workstation is configured to check the Hicaps terminal on start-up, some workstations may
have been receiving multiple prompts asking "Would you like to check your Hicaps terminal before
proceeding further?" This prompt should now occur only after startup or after viewing/editing the
EClaim (Workstation) settings. The message displayed following the test now indicates whether or not
it was successful.
*Ref: 54116
A new Contact Code of ‘NOL’ (New Online) has been included in Oasis for Online Booking sites. This
will be added the first time the OLB wizard is run after upgrading to this version. Any new patients
making bookings online will automatically have this contact code inserted into their patient card.
Ref: 55336
If an appointment duration of 0 (or 00) is specified in the online booking wizard for a doctor enabled for
online booking, a message will be shown that this is invalid and the user will be unable to proceed.
*Ref: 55692
A new "Enable Appointment Stacking" checkbox has been added to the online booking wizard, which
will turn on this feature. If Appointment Stacking is enabled, then 3PD will open up all times in an
Online Booking slot to the patient, in 30 minute increments. If not enabled, then only the first time in
each slot will be available to book.
This functionality is only available when using SOE Link (not CXServer).
Ref: 55602
The ‘modality’ setting for RAYSCAN has now been implemented in the Xray Users Index settings to
allow practices with a multi-XRay setup to use it.
*Ref: 51616
The Manage Reasons button in the Online Booking Wizard has been enhanced. Now, as well as
specifying custom reasons, the user can also specify custom New / Existing patient durations for each
reason, and also custom durations for each provider.
This allows you greater control over which providers your patients can make appointments with based
on their selection of appointment reason. I.e. you can stop a patient making an appointment with a
hygienist if they have selected ‘Lost Filling’. Alternatively, you can restrict ‘Scale and Clean’
appointments to Hygienists only.
It also allows you to set different appointment durations for a provider based on the selected reason.
I.e. An existing patient may be allocated a 20 minute appointment if they are booking for a regular
check-up but a 40 minute appointment if they have selected toothache.
*Ref: 55688
The Customer Portal for Oasis (accessed via the Help menu) has been changed. Users must now log
in manually to view most information on the portal.
*Ref: 55711
The Online Help for Oasis version 12 now has a new home and a new format - located at
– this can be accessed from Oasis via the Help menu.
Ref: 55739
An issue in 11.20 (and the initial 12.0 release) was stopping the time a patient was placed in the
waiting room from displaying in the small ‘Waiting Room’ panel in the Oasis main page. This has been
addressed in version 12.0.4066 as a point fix.
Ref: 55750
In 11.20, if an icon number was associated with an appointment, and the icon file itself did not exist,
that appointment was not shown in the Column View correctly and subsequent appointments in the
same column were not shown at all. This issue has been fixed so that the appointment is still shown
without an icon, and subsequent appointments are still shown (with icons if the related file is present).


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have done this after upgrading to 11.17, 11.18or 11.19, there is no need to do it again!

*Ref: 55579
Workstation records can no longer be deleted from within Oasis (the Activity Logs >Workstation
Details screen). When deleting workstation records in Utils, if the record is the Server record, a
warning prompt will be displayed. If the Server record is deleted, Oasis will not work.
Ref: 55631
A problem that allowed Oasis to open on a workstation even if there was no ‘server’ record in the
database has been resolved. If there is no ‘server’ record when you try to open Oasis on a
workstation, it will now close down as intended.
Ref: 55632
An issue that prevented online booking messages being sent from SOELink to users with an
underscore in their name (i.e. E_**) has been resolved. Previously it was trimming the underscore and
sending a message to user E.
Ref: 55550 & 55575
Changes have been made to Oasis to reduce the occurrences of it "hanging” (becoming
unresponsive). This was a problem particularly when the database went down for backup, or if
SOELink was not configured correctly, causing multiple database connections to be consumed. (The
latter issue itself was resolved in 11.19 – see ref 55427). Error handling has also been improved in
various other areas of Oasis to prevent hangs and other issues.
Ref: 55648
If an error occurred when attempting to process a payment via a payment partner using Oasis 11.18 or
11.19, the first and last characters of the error message were sometimes missing. eg. “ayment not
foun”. This has been fixed.
Ref 55250
In the Doctors in the Network preferences screen, the “Online Mins (New Patient)”, “Online Mins
(Recall Patient)”, “Enable Online Booking”, “Online Mins (New/Recall)”, and “Headshot URL” fields
have not been used since 11.10 (they are now stored under Doctors in Branches). As such, the labels
and ability to edit these have been removed from the Doctors in the Network preferences screen.
Note that the first character of any previously set value may still be visible.
Ref: 55589
If you had Oasis set to view an image on the ‘screen’ instead of the patient card and were also
displaying the message panel, there was an issue which caused a minimized scheduler window to
open up if they tried to open a message from the message panel. This has been fixed.
Ref: 55638
Split cash/Eftpos payments can now be reversed in Oasis when originally done via a Payment Partner.
Ref 55645
Changes to settings under Preferences > My Money > Billing > Miscellaneous > EClaim (Workstation):
The “07 Disable Hicaps” setting that appeared is now labelled “07 Disable EClaims”. If set to Y for a
particular workstation, it will prevent both (direct) Hicaps and any Payment Partner processing from
being used on that workstation. Generally, this should be set to Y on workstations that don’t have
practical access to a Hicaps / Payment Partner Claims terminal.
The “17 Check Settings on Startup” setting has now been labelled “17 Check Hicaps Settings on
Startup”. This applies only to a directly connected Hicaps terminal, and has no effect when Payment
Partners are being used via SOEPay/HS1Pay.
Ref 55655
Payments made via HS1Pay will now retain their ‘transactionreference’ number if they fail so that a
resubmit will recheck the status of the last attempt in case it has been updated.
Ref 55469
The EQuote button has been renamed to eEstimate, and if Enable Claims in the EClaim Partner
settings window has been set to Y, the estimate request will go to the Payment Partner instead of to
Ref 55628 & 55639
EClaims via a TYRO terminal are now possible and display correctly within Oasis.
Ref 55471
The EClaim button has been renamed to eClaim, and if Enable Claims in the EClaim Partner settings
window has been set to Y, a Medicare Bulk Bill claim will go to the Payment Partner instead of to
Ref 55613
When EClaim Partner claims are enabled, the eEstimate button now only shows if the health fund
supports it, same as it always has done for Hicaps.
Ref 55635
Improvements have been made to the Periodontal Charting screen. Issues with the cursor moving in
the wrong direction or stalling have been fixed. The "flickering" that appeared in the black gap
between the buccal and lingual areas has been fixed; some flickering in other areas of the screen may
still occur, but this is less obvious.
The responsiveness of the chart has been greatly improved. The Charts list is now slightly larger,
allowing two whole charts to be visible. The balance alert message box that is shown immediately
after opening the form now plays the Windows "Information" sound.
After deleting a chart, the number allocated to the new chart may have been higher than it needed to
be; this has now been fixed. Note, however, that the chart selected may not be the most recent (this is
a known issue).
When comparing charts, the headings of some columns did not show the date; this issue has been
fixed. When comparing charts, the Print button at the top of the screen is now disabled. When
comparing charts, the patient's current chart number is now not changed. When comparing charts in
reverse order, the two extra columns for non-existent charts no longer appear.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have done this after upgrading to 11.17 or11.18, there is no need to do it again!

Ref: 55540
The SOELink component of Oasis now records events in the Event Viewer with the Source name of
"SOELink" rather than just "Application".
Ref: 55558
Changes to the settings that enable SOEPay functions. In Preferences > My Money, what was
previously grouped under “Payments” and labelled “SOEPay”, is now under “Miscellaneous” and
labelled “EClaim Partner”. The previously existing “EClaim” item has been renamed to “EClaim
(Workstation)”. Within the “EClaim Partner” settings, references to “SOEPay” have been removed.
To enable electronic payment processing via payment partners, “01 Enable payment & claiming
partner” should be set to Y. To enable electronic claims processing via a payment partner, both that
setting and “05 Enable Claims” must be set to Y. Note that in both cases, Tenant Id, Username and
Password must also be set correctly!
If “Enable payment & claiming partner” is not Y, direct Hicaps can be used for both payments and
claims (if configured), and payment partners cannot be used.
If “Enable payment & claiming partner” is set to Y “Enable Claims” is not, the Payments screen allows
payments either via direct Hicaps or via a payment partner – through the use of either the “Hicaps
Eftpos” box or the “Payment Partner” box. On the Invoices screen, Claims must still be done via
direct* Hicaps.
If “Enable payment & claiming partner” is set to Y and “Enable Claims” is set to Y, the Payments
screen only allows payments via payment partners, and the Invoices screen only allows claims via a
payment partner. In this instance, Direct* Hicaps is not available for both payments and claims,
even if configured. Direct Hicaps refers to a Hicaps terminal connected directly to an Oasis workstation via the serial port. Sometime in the future, it is possible Hicaps will be available as a payment partner via SOEPay.
Ref: 55582
Changes have been made that affect the Payments screen if SOEPay is being used:
 When SOEPay is used for Payments but not for Claims, the "Credit Card" box and column are
replaced by a "Payment Partner" box and column, the "Eftpos" box and column will be labelled
"Hicaps Eftpos".
The Payment Partner box should be used to take payments via a payment partner (eg. AfterPay),
and the Hicaps Eftpos box should be used to take Eftpos payments via the Hicaps terminal.
As the "Credit Card" box is not present, it will not be possible to enter manually processed credit
card payments, although practices should no longer be using this feature anyway!
 When SoePay is used for both Payments and for Claims, the "Credit Card" box and column will be
present, although practices should no longer be using this feature anyway!
The "Eftpos" box and column will be present, and should be should be used to take payments via a
payment partner (eg. AfterPay, or - once configured in SOEPay and set-up for the practice - ANZ
HealthPay, WhiteCoat, Tyro, etc.).
 When SOEPay is not used, the screen will show a "credit card" box and column, and an "Eftpos"
box and column. The "Eftpos" box should be used to take payments via the Hicaps terminal.

Ref: 55609
When updating or on-boarding a practice to Online Booking using SOELink, Oasis was only allowing
10 seconds for the process to complete, and would occasionally fail to complete the update. It now
allows 20 seconds, so should be successful much more often!

Ref: 55570
We have implemented the ability to electronically refund ZIP payments through Oasis. Afterpay
refunds are done via the practices Afterpay account and manually entered into Oasis.

Ref: 55602
The ‘modality’ setting for RAYSCAN has been re-instated in the settings.

Ref: 55611
If a ZIP payment is cancelled by the customer on their confirmation prompt, this will be properly
communicated to Oasis.

Ref: 55427
An issue with SOELink that occurred when the SOELINKC record was missing, and which caused
multiple database connections to be consumed and the allowed number of Mimer licences to be
exceeded has been resolved.


Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (orearlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting witha prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to theprompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > MimerSQL > Create Mimer File Verification.) If you have done this after upgrading to 11.17, thereis no need to do it again!

*Ref: 55256
SOE Pay functionality has been implemented in Oasis and SOE Link to enable payments to be made.
See the items below for specific details. Functionality to claim from Health Funds via SOE Pay will be
implemented in a later release.
*Ref: 55438
New settings to enable & configure SOEPay functionality: Preferences > My Money > Billing >
Payments > SOE Pay.

  1. Enable SOEPay (Y/N)

  2. SOEPay Tenant Id

  3. SOEPay Username

  4. SOEPay Password

*Refs: 55441, 55447, 55446
The Payments screen now shows an “SOE Pay” button if one of the transactions has a non-zero
amount in the “SOE Pay” amount field. This is in the same position as the Ok or “Hicaps” buttons, as
these never appear at the same time.
When the SOE Pay button is clicked, a modal window is shown that prevents interaction with Oasis
while the transaction is being processed. The amount in the “SOE Pay” field will be sent to SOE Pay
for processing. This should open the web browser on the SOEPay Status page for that transaction.
Any information required by SOEPay – such as Payment Partner, Terminal, etc – will be requested via
this web browser page. It may also prompt you to swipe a card, ask the patient to enter a PIN, etc.
When processing is complete, close the transaction’s Status tab in the web browser, return to Oasis,
and click the Ok button on the modal window to indicate that the transaction is complete.
If the transaction is processed successfully in SOEPay, it and any listed transactions containing
cheque, cash, D/Debit, and EClaim amounts will also be posted.
If an error occurs during the SOEPay processing, none of the listed transactions will be posted – they
will remain on the Payments screen.
It is not possible to post Hicaps Eftpos amounts at the same time as SoePay amounts, nor is it
possible to post multiple SOEPay transactions in the one posting. These must be posted (processed)
separately by going back to the Payments screen and entering separate transactions for each posting.
The default web browser will be used to display the SOEPay Status window, unless specifically
configured to use another. If this is required, please contact Oasis Support.
*Ref: 55483
After successfully posting an SOEPay transaction, the payment provider that was used is stored in the
Bank Name field. The payment provider name will also be added to the Bank Names table (if it isn't
already there). This enables the "Daily Transactions - List (2)" report to break the Eftpos summary
down by payment provider.
*Ref: 55439
Changes to allow SOE Pay amounts to be entered and processed on the Payments screen.

Database schema changes:
These database changes will be made automatically when Oasis is upgraded on the server.

  • New columns in PBTRNENT table: TransactionReference, SOEPayFlag

  • New columns in PBARCMAS table: TransactionReference, SOEPayFlag
    These are used as follows:

  • When the SOEPayFlag is false (0), the value in the Eftpos column is the Hicaps Eftpos amount.

  • When the SOEPayFlag is true (-1), the value in the Eftpos column is the SOEPay amount, and
    the TransactionReference column identifies the transaction for SOEPay.

Payment screen changes:
If SOEPay is enabled, the C/Card column in the grid and the Credit Card field on the editing panel are
replaced with the SOEPay field. The Eftpos field is renamed “Hicaps Eftpos”. When clicking the
Doctors grid, the popup menu will now display “SOE Pay” instead of the “Credit Card” option.
In limited cases where an existing transaction contains a value in the Credit Card field, both the
CreditCard column and the SoePay column will be shown in the grid; editing a transaction that
contains a CreditCard amount will show the CreditCard field, and editing a transaction that does not
contain a CreditCard amount will show the SOEPay field. It is no longer possible to create a new
transaction with an amount in the CreditCard field, as manual processing of credit card payments is no
longer permitted.
*Ref: 55473
Indexes added to the new TransactionReference columns in the PBTRNENT and PBARCMAS tables.
These will be added automatically when upgrading Oasis on the server.
*Ref: 55440
If an SOEPay amount is entered on the transaction line, a Hicaps Eftpos amount is not allowed on the
same line. Furthermore, SOEPay transactions and Hicaps Eftpos transactions cannot be posted
together – one must be entered and posted successfully before going back into the Payments screen
to enter and post the other.
*Ref: 55499
When processing an SOE Pay payment, if SOELink is not running or is not accessible, an appropriate
error message is displayed, and the transaction is not processed.

Ref: 53691
Initially reported as an issue when processing Patient Birthday SMS’s, an issue where some report
windows would re-appear after completion of the report and cause automated reporting processes to
stall - has been fixed.
*Ref: 55477
The Hospital field on the Billing Details panel of the Billing/Referral Details tab is now shown for all
patients, not just the family head. Also, if the hospital name contains an ampersand (&) it will now be
shown correctly.

Ref: 55217
RayScan XRay link: The Modality must now be specified in the XRay workstation settings.
In Preferences > My Work > Xray (Workstation) > {WS number} > 13 Modality, specify either CR or

Ref: 55496
In the Online Booking Wizard, the presence of values in mandatory fields is now checked correctly.

Ref: 55487
If a patient making a booking via the Online Booking website entered an apostrophe (ie. single quote
character) in their name, it would be stored in Oasis with duplicated apostrophes. This issue has been
fixed. Note however that some patient records created as a result of an online booking may still have
duplicate apostrophes in their name, and some of these may be duplicate records of existing patients.

Ref: 55513
On the preferences screens for Diagnosis Sheet Lines, the missing Seq Number column heading has
been restored, so that the Description and other fields now appear in the correct columns.
*Ref: 55492
Oasis will notify the user if SOEPay detects a transaction as a duplicate: If an SOEPay transaction is
submitted within 24 hours of another for the same patient and the same amount, SOEPay will notify
the user that there is a similar transaction. If the user then reconciles these two transactions in
SOEPay, Oasis will advise the user to delete the second transaction from Oasis.
*Ref: 55529
When using standard statements, payments made with an SOEPay transaction will show a breakdown
of payments types and amounts in the description.
eg. Payment (Cash $25 Afterpay $50)
If the 04 "Print Pay Methods" option is set in Preferences > Forms > Form Names 2, this format will
also be used for all payments, irrespective whether it's an SOEPay transaction.
The Procedure/Description column on the History screen will now always show the payment type,
irrespective of the "Print Pay Methods" option and irrespective whether it's an SOEPay transaction.
*Ref: 55537
Practices wanting to use SOE Pay with a custom form for patient statements/receipts will need to
contact Oasis Support to arrange for necessary modifications to their statement format files. These
changes cannot be implemented programmatically as all custom forms are unique in their design. To
find out what type of form your practice is using, select Preferences, Form Names #1 and locate form
#99. In the Form Type field, if there is an “S”, you are using a custom form, and it will need
modification. If it is A4/A5, you are using a standard form and no change is required.
Ref: 55557
In 11.17, if using SOELink for Online Bookings, all Clinical Notes would become locked immediately
when an Online Booking was made. This has been fixed in 11.18.

Ref 55577 & 55587 (point-fix)
When using SOEPay for payments, the RRN number / Order Id is retrieved from the payment partner
and printed on the statement / receipt.


Ref: 55478
An issue with the Offline version of VerifyFiles.bat has been fixed so that the SOELink service is now
always stopped prior to the database backup. It will be started again at the end of the VerifyFiles.bat
Important: You must re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file after upgrading from 11.16 (or
earlier) to 11.17 (or later). Failure to do so will result in the VerifyFiles process halting with
a prompt to stop SOELink. Overnight backups will fail without a positive response to the
prompt. Use the Oasis Utility program to re-create the VerifyFiles.bat file (Server > Mimer
SQL > Create Mimer File Verification.)

Ref: 55216
It is now not possible to delete Scheduler Options 1/2/3 records via the Preferences, as these records
must always exist in order for the Scheduler to work! When deleting other records from Preferences
screens, the confirmation box now has the No button as the default rather than the Yes button. This
also applies when deleting all waiting room records, clinical notes records (where allowed), and
Activity Log records. These changes should reduce the likelihood of records being deleted

Ref: 55376
For system administrators and support staff: A dependency between SOELink and the Oasis database
has been created. This means that prior to stopping the Oasis database service, it is now necessary
to stop the SOELink service.
Important: If SOELink is being used for Online Booking, you must remember to start the SOELink
service again when the database is up.

Ref: 55355
The Doctors' Balance summary grid on the History and other screens now allows more than 99
doctors to be shown.

Ref: 55093
Changes to the form used to edit the practice's Online Booking Reasons in the OLB Wizard: Moving
an item past the top or the bottom of the list no longer causes Oasis to close. Also, changes are now
not saved until the OLB WIzard is completed - This improves responsiveness when moving items, and
does not cause unexpected changes if the wizard is cancelled. When editing an item, Esc and Enter
can now be used to exit edit mode. While editing booking reasons, the Wizard form is now temporarily

Ref: 55200
After viewing the GST Reporting screen and then attempting to edit the patient details on the patient
card, a warning would be shown indicating that the currently selected patient does not match the
patient card. This issue has been fixed.

Ref: 55426
In 11.16 the message alert sound was played when starting Oasis even if there were no messages.
This issue has been fixed.

Ref: 55356
An issue with the RetainMessages setting in Preferences > Main Settings has been fixed and this
setting should now be honoured. ie. If this switch is set to Y, actioning a workstation message (such as
reading the patient or clicking a "patient ready for invoice completion" message, the message will not
be deleted.
Note: This assumes the Preferences > Workstations in the network > {workstation number} > 21
Retain Messages setting for the workstation is not set to N, as this overrides the one in Main Settings.
Ref: 55390
In the 11.16 SOELink settings for Online Bookings, selecting ‘All’ as the message recipient for new
bookings did not send a message to all users in that branch or practice. This has been fixed.

Ref: 55459
On the final screen of the Online Booking Wizard, if a new APIKey needs to be registered, it now
refers to the Oasis National Support helpdesk and displays the phone number.

Ref: 55472
When running the OLB Wizard and the practice is not registered for CXServer, the warning message
no longer suggests using SOELink, as CXServer is still required for SMSs and Emails when using

Ref: 55399
Changes have been made to SOELink to reduce the number of database connections it consumes.
For some practices with a large number of users, there may sometimes still be a shortage of database
connections. If this occurs, the following configuration change is recommended: In the ODBC Data
Source Administrator, on the Connection Pooling tab, double-click the entry for MIMER and select the
“Don't pool connections for this driver” option.


*Ref: 54454
Program passwords are now available to restrict access to the Online Booking Wizard (710) and the
DVA Import Fees Wizard (720).
*Ref: 55252
Processing of Online Bookings is now available via a new Oasis component called SOELink. This
replaces the functionality provided by CXServer for Online Bookings and is expected to provide a
much more robust mechanism for processing of Online Bookings. SOELink runs as a service on the
Oasis server; unlike CXServer, there is no user interface for SOELink and errors are logged in the
Windows Event Log.
OasisServerUpgrade must be run in order to install SOELink (even for a new site that has used
Setup11 to install Oasis). Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 (or later) is required on the server;
OasisServerUpgrade will attempt to install .NET Framework 4.7.1 if this or a later version is not
present, and a reboot of the server machine may be required.
Switching Online Booking processing over to SOELink is optional at this stage, but highly
recommended. Note that CXServer is still required for SMS, Email, EasyPost, Reputation.Com, and
Telephony if those functions are currently using CXServer. Switching Online Booking processing over
to SOELink can be achieved by running the Online Booking Wizard and selecting the box “Use
SOELink for Online Bookings instead of CXServer” on the fourth panel of the wizard.
Note that depending on the existing configuration, some manual steps may be required after the
upgrade, even if not using Online Bookings.

  • If CXServer was previously run on a workstation (rather than on the server), a new APIKey will be
    generated. This will be shown on the final panel of the Online Booking Wizard, and must be
    (manually) registered with ThreePointData, replacing the previous APIKey that was used by the
    CXServer machine.

  • If upgrading from Oasis 11.9 or earlier, OasisServerUpgrade may not be able to correctly identify
    the machine that was used for CXServer. If switching to SOELink for OLB processing at the same
    time, CXServer should not be run prior to running and completing the Online Booking Wizard,
    otherwise the new APIKey will need to be manually registered with ThreePointData.
    To register a new APIKey, please contact the Oasis National Support Centre on 1300 889 668.

Ref: 55359
SOE Link will not work if the Oasis server is running Windows 8.0, as .NET 4.7.1 is not compatible with
this version of Windows. If after setting up OLB with SOELink, Oasis indicates that the on-boarding
process could not be triggered in SOELink, it could be caused by this issue.

Ref: 55268
Changes to Oasis for Online Bookings via SOELink – Whereas the OLB Wizard generated a .ONB file
in the CXServer folder to trigger the ThreePointData on-boarding process when using CXServer, the
on-boarding process is now triggered automatically at the end of the wizard when using SOELink, and
the wizard will provide feedback as to whether this was successful.
*05. Ref: 55360
Sites that switch OLB from CXServer to SOELink will now have confirmation emails sent out via
CXServer. If there are any issues with them not being received, or being delayed, normal processes
for investigating CXServer SMS/email issues need to be followed first.

Ref: 55328
Changes to Oasis for Online Bookings via SOELink – When using Online Bookings via CXServer,
adding individual OLB reservation slots to the calendar, reading templates containing OLB reservation
slots, or using the Merge Online function, no feedback was/is provided.

When using Online Bookings via SOELink:

  • Adding individual OLB reservation slots to the calendar will provide confirmation as to whether the
    slot was uploaded successfully - as a workstation message to the workstation that created the
    slot. These messages are typically shown with a green or red background colour.
    Note that these messages are automatically removed from the message panel upon receipt of a
    new message after a short period of time.

  • Reading templates containing OLB reservation slots will provide confirmation as to whether the
    upload was successful - before the Read Templates window is closed.

  • Using the Merge Online function to refresh OLB reservation slots will provide confirmation as to
    whether the upload was successful - before the Appointment Merge Online window is closed.

Ref: 55319
Online Booking API Key changes for SOELink.
When CXServer communicates with 3PD, it uses a number called the API Key to identify itself to 3PD.
This value is currently generated by CXServer and is tied to the machine on which CXServer is run.
SOELink also uses an API Key, but because SOELink potentially runs on a different machine to
CXServer, the API Key could be different.
When switching from using OLB via CXServer to using OLB via SOELink, if CXServer was previously
run on the server machine, SOELink will automatically use the existing API Key value. If, however,
CXServer was previously run on a machine that was not the server, SOELink will use a new API Key
value; in this case, the new value must be manually registered with the online booking provider.
To do this, please contact the Oasis National Support Centre on 1300 889 668.
Note that if switching back to CXServer for any reason, the manual registration may also be required.

Ref: 55388
When switching Online Booking processing from CXServer to SOELink (or vice versa), the Online
Booking Wizard will now advise the user that CXServer must be stopped before completing the
wizard. In these circumstances, it will not be possible to complete the OLB Wizard if CXServer is
running. CXServer can (and should) be run again immediately after completing the wizard.

Ref: 55299
Changes to VeriffyFiles.bat as generated by Utils. If an Offline or Online+Offline version of
VerifyFiles.bat is being used, it will need to be regenerated (Utils > Server > Mimer SQL > Create
Mimer File Verification) in order to work with SOELink.
This is irrespective of whether Online Bookings are handled by SOELink or CXServer, and irrespective
of whether Online Booking is used at all! SOELink may be accessing the database, so must be
stopped before other steps in the VerifyFiles.bat file attempt to stop the database.
A correctly generated VerifyFiles.bat will contain the lines:
sc stop SOELink near the beginning
and sc start SOELink near the end.

Ref: 55398
An issue with Short URLs for Recalls has been fixed. Previously, these may not have worked if recalls
were not generated on the CXServer machine. Changes have been made so that any Oasis
workstation can reliably register long & short recall URLs.
Note that if upgrading from 11.9 or earlier, the name of the machine that last ran CXServer will not be
present for the upgrade to identify where CXServer has been running. Our expectation is that most
OLB sites will be on a recent version and will not be affected by this.
A workaround for sites which are affected is to upgrade to an interim version of Oasis (i.e. 11.12,
11.13 or 11.14) and run CXServer before then upgrading to 11.16. This will populate the required
fields and allow the upgrade to correctly identify and copy the API key.
If problems are encountered, it may be necessary to register the new Online Booking APIKey.
If this is not done, Short Recall URLs will not work (and Online Booking will also not
To register a new APIKey, please contact the Oasis National Support Centre on 1300 889 668

Ref: 55336
Changes to Oasis for Online Bookings via SOELink – The IANA TimeZone is now set by the OLB
Wizard. It was previously set by CXServer; SOELink should not need to set it.

Ref: 55349
The default/minimum size of the OLB Wizard has been changed to ensure that all fields are visible.
Known issues: OAS-55363
Online Bookings will not work via SOELink if the OLB Provider is Health Engine. Practices in this
situation should continue to use CXServer for processing of Online Bookings.
OAS-55321 SOELink does not currently work with MSSQL databases. Practices that use MSSQL for Oasis should continue to use CXServer for processing Online Bookings.


Ref: 54946
For sites using BLOBs to store documents and images, the Import Table function in UTILS has been
modified to import BLOBS from .EX3 files.

Ref: 55148
When displaying the Appointment List from the Scheduler screen and then attempting to edit the
patient details on the patient card, a message box would appear, stating that the patient on the patient
card and the currently selected patient are not the same. This issue has been fixed.

Ref: 55143
When new patients were created as part of the online booking process, the default recall settings were
not being created for the new patient record. A change has been made to CXServer to ensure this


Ref: 55155
When accessing the Patient Master List, the TotalPaid field was always zero, and the TotalBilled field
was inconsistent in that it did not always show the total of invoices raised against an account. The
issue that caused this problem has been fixed, but existing values will first need to be corrected. This
can be achieved using a new function in the Utils program - from the menu, select Other > Rebuild
Files/Indexes > Rebuild TotalBilled/TotalPaid. After this, the values in these fields should be correct
for all accounts.

Ref: 55170
Because many patients were forgetting to change the New/Existing patient option when they booked
online, and as this caused new patient records to be created when the patient was actually an existing
patient, changes have been made to the way the OASIS recognises existing patients. The
New/Existing selection on the Online Booking website is now ignored. If the online patient matches on
First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth, and only one matching record is found in OASIS, that Oasis
patient is used. If more than one match is found, the search is narrowed-down by Mobile Number or
by Email address. If this results in a single match, that Oasis patient is used. If there are still multiple
matches, a new patient is created.

Ref: 52257
Fixed an issue where the EzDent-i link was failing bring up the patient details in EzDent-i. OASIS was
passing a single file to EzDent-i for both input and output, which caused this failure.

Ref: 53910
When printing Recall Letters via Microsoft Word, Oasis now records in the Patient Notes that a recall
letter has been prepared for printing.

Ref: 55280
Changes have been made to the Merge Duplicate Patients function of Utils to allow more flexible
matching. Matching on the Sex column is no longer mandatory, and matching of names and other
columns is now not case sensitive. This should result in a higher number of potentially duplicate
patients being identified.

Ref: 55262 & 55204
Several issues with StickyNotes have been fixed.
 Oasis no longer checks for new sticky note replies every 10 seconds; instead when a workstation
replies to a sticky note, it now notifies the receiving workstation to check. This avoids the issue in
which the hourglass/busy mouse pointer would appear and the workstation would be unresponsive
for a few seconds. It should also prevent notes from re-appearing after selecting the "Retain Note
and Exit" option.
 Sticky notes are now closed when changing user or branch.
 Changes have been made to speed up the display of each sticky note.
 An issue with notes appearing exactly on top of others has been fixed.
 The format of the log files has been changed to include additional information (message sequence
number, patient number, and sticky not reference number), and the message is recorded on the
same line.
 To allow better trouble-shooting, information about the sticky note (filename, sequence number and
reference number) is available by Ctrl-clicking some areas of the sticky note.

Ref: 52416
Some workstations have an issue with launching SCANORA from Oasis, due to a failure to register
the SCANORA PMS interface. This build fixes the issue in the Oasis installation package. Once a user
upgrades, the SCANORA link should work as normal.

Ref: 55285
To comply with audit requirements associated with the development of SOE Pay (a multi-provider
payment system to be introduced in coming releases), we have removed the "Delete Absolutely"
option from the Oasis PMS. The "Delete" option is still available. While the description of F15 on the
Practice Registration screen has been removed, the field may still show a Y, but this will be ignored.

Ref: 55294
Preparation for SOE Link. SOE Link is a new interface framework for Oasis that will eventually
replace most of the functions currently handled by CX Server. It is based on Microsoft .NET, and will
provide a robust and flexible interface between Oasis and other systems such as Online Bookings,
SMSs, E-mails, EasyPost, and more. In this Oasis release, the server will be checked to ensure it
meets the minimum requirements. If necessary, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 will be installed. A
preliminary version of SOE Link, with minimal functionality, will be installed.
The server must be running Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 / Windows Server 2008 R2, or later. Windows
XP, Vista, Server 2003, etc, are no longer supported by Microsoft, and/or will not allow Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.7 to be installed. If the server is running one of these older operating systems, a
warning message will be shown, but it will still be possible to install this Oasis - You should ensure
your server (and ideally, workstations) are upgraded before the Oasis 11.15 release. Doing so will
allow any issues to be resolved in a timely manner, and will ensure the 11.15 upgrade runs smoothly
so that SOE Link functionality is available as soon as 11.15 is installed.
Note that if the server is running Windows 7 without SP1, then Service Pack 1 should be installed,
either before installing this Oasis release, or before installing the next Oasis release (11.15). Microsoft
.NET Framework 4.7 cannot be installed without first installing SP1. This can be downloaded from
Note that if the server is running Windows 7 - 64 bit, or Windows Server 2008 R2, then it will be
necessary to have the KB3138612 update for Windows Update. The installation of Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.7 will most likely hang if this update has not been installed. This update can be obtained
from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=51212. To install this update, open a
command prompt with administrator privileges, change to the folder in which the .msu file is located,
and enter the following commands:
sc stop wuauserv
wusa Windows6.1-KB3138612-x64.msu /quiet


Ref: 53970
Fixed an issue which caused GST report to list GST entries in the wrong order after exporting and reimporting of the financial history table. When brought up, the report should now list in account, patient
and date order.

Ref: 54546
Resolved an issue which affected family member selections when one or more member was a CDBS
patient. The setting "Preferences > My Money > Classification Codes > CDBS > 21", when set to ‘Y’
was preventing family members from being listed and selected in Task List and List Appointments.
This setting will still correctly prevent you selecting other family members when invoicing a CDBS
patient, if set to ‘Y’, without restricting the other 2 functions.

Ref: 52772
There was an issue which caused the next appointment date to not be displayed in the ‘Patients with
no recalls report’ if ‘Skip Patient with Future Recalls’ was unticked. This has been corrected and next
appointment date will now be included in the report.

Ref: 54117
Fixed an issue causing patient merging to fail with a PBACCBAL error. The old merging code failed to
deal with the scenario where both primary and secondary patients had a PBACCBAL record with the
same doctor and only primary patient holds a record that with a smaller doctor number. For example,
primary has records with doctor number 2 and 4 but secondary has records with doctor number 4.

Ref: 55189
There was an issue which was causing patient names to be recorded in the patient number field in the
communications log if recall processes were saved using ‘Surname Order’ as the sort method. This
has been fixed to prevent future occurrences but existing data cannot be corrected.

Ref: 54166
Fixed an issue which caused family members to not receive a postal recall if they did not have their
own recall address and "Receives own Recall" was unticked (set as false). The process was still
looking for the family members address instead of the address for the family head.
Whenever this setting is unticked for a family member, all recalls for them will now be sent to the
‘Family Head’ as intended, including Easypost recalls.

Ref: 55238
An issue with the setup wizard for online bookings affecting practitioners' appointment times has been
resolved. The appointment duration times specified in the wizard for existing patients and for recalls
were being transposed. This typically made it seem like changing the duration for existing patients did
not work.
When running through the OLB wizard and allowing CXServer to on-board the practice again, the
correct appointment duration should now be set correctly for existing patients (and recalls).


Ref: 55085, 54342, 54380, 00007
Fixed an issue whereby clinical notes were recording the wrong doctor against appointment records.
This did not affect the scheduler, only the record entered into the patient notes if the appointment
doctor was different to the doctor or name on the scheduler column.

Ref: 53549
Fixed an issue that caused tracking icon/s disappear from an appointment in the scheduler when any
another appointment is made. The icons were disappearing from the scheduler display until it was
next refreshed but now will remain visible.

Ref: 53336
Fixed an issue where cutting and pasting an appointment into comment block in a column only pasted
it to the start of the comment block. Any appointment pasted into a comment block will now go to the
time selected, replacing the comment for the pasted appointment duration only.

Ref: 53278
When using ‘Week’ view in the scheduler, any appointment that you ‘cut’, to paste elsewhere,
displayed the current date, regardless of which day the appointment was made for. This has been
fixed and the original appointment date will now display when ‘cut’ for moving.

Ref: 53155
There was an issue with ‘unexplained’ icons (primary pictures) being set for appointments made from
treatment plan visits. This has been corrected so that if a predefined treatment header has an icon
assigned to it, this will be used in the scheduler. If no icon has been set on the header, no icon will be
placed in the scheduler.

Ref: 53560
Fixed an issue where the primary picture icon does not change for comment only appointments
according to what's set up in predefined codes. If there is a picture/icon assigned to an existing code,
this will now be used. If there is not one assigned, or ‘00’ is assigned, no icon will be used.

Ref: 54883
Fixed an issue where cutting and pasting comment type appointments across columns in appointment
book, it was retaining the original appointment doctor number, regardless of what preferences were
set. Comment type scheduler entries will now behave the same way as patient appointments when cut
and paste across columns, either changing/retaining the Doctor or prompting you, depending on your
NOTE: This change also includes the removal of the Cut, Copy and Paste options for Online Booking
(OLB) availability slots. If an unused OLB slot needs to be ‘switched’ between scheduler columns, a
new one should be created in the required column and the existing one should be deleted. This will
updated the 3PD/HE website/s correctly so that appointments made will be for the correct Doctor.

Ref: 54589
Fixed an issue that led to sticky notes being duplicated every 10 seconds for Oasis users with 8 letter
user names, causing many copies of the same note to be displayed. The sticky not will no longer be
duplicated if left open on the screen.
Note: there is a known issue where selecting ‘Retain note and exit’ on a sticky note will lead to it
coming back in 10 seconds. This will be fixed in a later release.

Ref: 54815
Fixed an issue that caused an incorrect error message to pop up after successfully importing data into
an already populated table using the Utils import/export/verify function.

Ref: 54195
The automated recall process no longer changes a patient's default recall status code. Previously it
did this if there were no contact details of the required type. Any sites where this has been a problem
will have the patients' default recall code set back to the correct one during the 11.12 upgrade

Ref: 55440
After using Utils to create new database tables for Mimer, an 'Action Failed' box was shown stating
that 41 tables were not created, even though they had been created. This has now been rectified.

Ref: 55203
The Oasis installation scripts (OasisServerUpgrade.exe, Setup11.exe and Upgrade11.exe) use a tool
called IsServer.exe to perform various parts of the installation/upgrade. This tool is often blocked or
terminated by some antivirus packages. Changes have been made to OasisServerUpgrade to try to
detect this, so OasisServerUpgrade may now display a message indicating that Antivirus Software
may be causing a problem and that it should be disabled before trying again.
It is recommended that any antivirus software is disabled prior to running the OasisServerUpgrade.exe
package. It should of course be re-enabled when the upgrade is complete.

Ref: 55202
Made a change affecting the sending of ‘bulk’ SMS messages to reduce the risk of timeouts while they
were being sent, which could sometimes lead to the sending of duplicate messages.
The change involves a restriction to the number of SMS messages that will be sent by CXServer each
cycle. The setting is in Preferences -> System Manager -> Practice Registration -> (F36) ‘Maximum
number of SMS…. ‘
If this has not previously been set, the default will be 50, which will limit CXServer to sending 50 SMS
messages per SMS cycle. If you do a bulk message run to 1000 patients and have SMS set to run
every minute, CXServer will send 50 messages every minute until they are all sent.
This setting can be changed at any time without the need to stop and start CXServer. We recommend
that you set the limit at no more than 500 to reduce the risks of timeouts.


Ref: 53019
Fixed a issue that caused two date columns to appear on the 'Daily Transactions - List(1)' report when
the 'Print using Consultation dates' check box was ticked.

Ref: 53433
After editing a task and closing the task list, the task list would sometimes re-appear, and an error
message would be displayed when the task list was closed again. This issue has been fixed.

Ref: 55090
Changes were made to the OasisServeUpgrade.exe, Setup11.exe and Upgrade11.exe installation
packages to assist internal test processes. These changes have resulted in some cosmetic changes
showing more detailed version information on some of the setup screens.

Ref: 55126
When restarting CXServer after it had crashed/died, it would display a message box indicating that
CXServer was already running. This has now been fixed, and a message should not be shown if
CXServer is being run on the correct machine and no other instance of CXServer is running.

Ref: 55118
Some OLB practices were seeing an "Error 13 Type Mismatch" error when CXServer attempted to onboard the practice. This was caused by blank values for the appointment duration minutes, or a by a
doctor being flagged as using online booking without the other details being configured.

Ref: 55131
Improvements have been made to the Online Booking part of CXServer to prevent it from hanging if
unusual characters are entered into the fields on the Online Booking website. Typically this was a
non-standard apostrophe (eg. ’ rather than ' ) in a surname like O'Neil. Other changes have also been
made to reduce errors and provide more detailed information of other errors in the Online.log file. This
should allow better analysis of issues when they occur.

Ref: 54941
CXServer has been modified to restrict the number of EasyPost documents that are transmitted in
each processing cycle. This aims to make CXServer more readily available to handle more important
tasks such as Online Bookings. By default, it will now send only 10 EasyPost documents in one cycle.
The remaining EasyPost documents will be sent in the next cycle. This arrangement makes it
necessary to process EasyPost files more often, and as such, the cycle time will be set to every 5
minutes with this upgrade. The number of EasyPost jobs whose status is checked each cycle has also
been restricted to 20.
These settings can be changed as required, however the currently recommended values are:

  • CXServer: EasyPost Check Interval (F44) - should be in the range 5-10 minutes.

  • EasyPost: Max files sent per cycle (F16) - should be in the range 10-20.

  • EasyPost: Max jobs checked per cycle (F17) - should be in the range 10-100.

Ref: 55128
Changes have been made to the PDF generation process to make it work better in a Terminal
Services environment. If other users are generating PDF files, Oasis will wait for them to finish, rather
than displaying an error immediately. The default wait time is 90 seconds, changeable in Preferences

Printer PDF Drivers > "PDF Process Availability wait time". If an error occurs during the PDF
generation process, the progress box is now closed.

Ref: 53693
An issue that caused an error when running the Recall Analysis Report in a multi-branch practice has
been fixed.

Ref: 55136
When a new patient makes a booking online through 3PD, there was no ‘sex’ being entered into the
patient record card. This meant that when running the patient merge utility, to check for and merge
duplicate patients, these new patients would not be listed, because ‘sex’ is a required match when
checking for duplicate patients. This has now been resolved and the ‘sex’ field will be populated if the
patient chooses a title (Mrs, Mr, Miss, Ms or Master).


*Ref: 51781
A password for the Preferences screen can be activated by creating a password for program group
Note: a security group must exist to use program passwords.

Ref: 47505
A cosmetic glitch when selecting an entry from the list of processes in the category description of
Predefined Processes resulted in the list returning always to the top. This has been rectified. The list
now stays on the record selected.

Ref: 52490
When setting up a new installation and checking the preferences for CXServer, the SMS Path, Email
Path and EasyPost path (F20/F34/F43) were being populated with an incorrect default, and as the
field could not be edited, this was causing some confusion. The fields are automatically populated
when Oasis or CXServer are run, so there is no need for a default or for these fields to be edited. The
defaults have been removed, and the fields’ descriptions have been updated to explain this.
*Ref: 52577
Users are reminded that OASIS will generally not allow SMS or email reminder merges to be
performed on appointments which exist in the past. There is a switch in Preferences/Scheduler
Options 2 (F25) which allows this behaviour.
*Ref: 52470
A small bug in the 'Acquire from Twain' photo function on the main Patient Card has been repaired.
When the process was initiated, but cancelled by the user, the original photo of the patient was lost.
Now, the process may be cancelled without fear of losing the original.
*Ref: 50561
Oasis and CXServer have been modify to allow staged credit restrictions on SMSs. In other words,
the maximum number of SMSs that make up a multi-part SMS message can be specified by the
practice manager. This can be any number between 1 and 10, allowing the maximum length of SMSs
to be between 160 and 1520 characters (in multiples of 152 characters where set to more than 1).
This is set via the F35 "Maximum credits per SMS" setting in the Practice Registration settings.
This feature will allow practices to go beyond 160 characters, but define a clear restriction to x number
of credits.
*Ref: 52411
When sending bulk SMSs from the patient master list screen, or ad-hoc SMSs, the number of
characters remaining is now displayed below the text entry box. Note that the practice name will
usually be added to the end of the message, and this consumes some available characters, but this is
considered in the calculation.
As per Mantis 50561, the number of SMS credits allowed for a multi-part SMS can now be set in the
practice registration area of the Oasis settings.

Ref: 51479
Single-line text boxes use for EasyPost documents now work correctly with merge fields. Previously if
a single-line text box contained a field code such as @056, it would show the field code as-entered
rather than replacing it with the correct value.

Ref: 52334
When CXServer encountered an error within one of its activities, it was displaying the error number on
the activity panel, but leaving the detail line blank. It displays the error number in the grid on one line,
and now has the error description on the next line.

Ref: 50274
In CXServer, messages relating to backups running and database availability were shown only in the
Online Booking panel, irrespective of which process was running, and if the site was not configured for
online booking, the message would not be visible. These messages are now shown in the panel of the
process that they relate to.

Ref: 52491
Individual recalls sometimes could not be sent until after multiple recalls of the same type had been
sent. This has been fixed, and it should now be possible to send individual recalls.

Ref: 52025
The HTML Editor was removing commas from the document when opening a file. It now handles
commas correctly.

Ref: 52814
When sites not using CXServer sent SMS recalls to patients, the Sent flag was not set after sending
(the record was not shown in magenta on the List Recalls screen). This has now been fixed.

Ref: 51115
For multi-branch practices, responses to SMS appointment reminders are now processed and
confirmations are read correctly into the appointment book.

Ref: 51648
When attempting to send a single recall to a patient that has the 'no more recalls' box ticked, a
message is now displayed to indicate that the recall will not be sent because the patient does not wish
to receive recalls. A log file is now also created in the \Oasis\Temp{user}\Logs folder to provide more
information about what occurred during the recall process. Note that for automated recalls, the {user}
folder is 9000.

Ref: 52900
When a barcode length was specified as greater than around 15 digits, an overflow error was
generated when the next barcode number was generated. The variable type used could not handle
the extremely large numbers being used. The next barcode number is now handled differently, via
string manipulation, clearing up this error.

Ref: 52268
The charting screen had an issue where, when a new visit was created, the numbering would always
continue on from incomplete visits only, ignoring any completed visits. If all visits had been completed,
it would call it visit 1, if visit 1 and 2 were incomplete but visit 3 was complete, it would call the new
visit number 3 instead of 4. This has been fixed, so that when a new plan is created, the visit number
is the next consecutive number, rather than always one.

Ref: 52953
Logs created and maintained by CXServer all now have date/time stamps on every line. In the past,
some lines had embedded date/time stamp, most did not.

Ref: 52746
The Item Code Quick Entry screen was limited to 5000 records. This limitation has been removed.

Ref: 45351
A long-standing request to be able to import fee tables from third-parties has been implemented in
v11.10. From the Preferences/My Money/Item Fee Quick Entry screen, there is now a new button -
Import. Clicking this button initiates a wizard, which guides the user through the importing of data from
electronic fee tables. The requirements to use this are a fee table either Tab or Comma delimited, with
prefixed item-codes in column 1, and fee amount in column 2.
This file may optionally have a header row, or not.

Ref: 53192
A bug in the VerifySchema routine for MSSQL sites resulted in the 'FixNULLABLE' function failing.
This has been repaired in 11.10. A workaround for 11.9 and earlier is to Export, ZAP then Import the
tables concerned.

Ref: 52299
A bug in the 'Patient by...' statistical reports meant that the patient numbers reported were inconsistent
across the reports when the same parameters were used. This has been repaired. When the Doctor
and Date ranges are set to be the same, each of the reports in this section should now report on the
same number of patients.

Ref: 52510
When shifting an appointment from one column to another, the paste process now checks whether the
new practitioner is active in the My Time module (Preferences/Doctors in Branches/F37). Inactive
status means that the appointment cannot be pasted.

Ref: 52370
The Manual HICAPS Cancellation process creates a situation where the cancellation places a
reversed (or cancelled) entry into the bank slip into which the original transaction was entered. As this
activity may interfere with some accounting requirements, the process has been password protected.
The program number for this is 680 (eClaim Cancellation).

Ref: 51403
When sending emails and SMSs without using CXserver, Oasis was not recording the messages in
the SMS/Email activity logs. Also, when sending SMSs using CXServer, the log entries were created,
but occasionally the patient's name was missing. These issues have now been fixed.

Ref: 52642
Changes have been made to the recall process to provide better handling of recalls for patients with
missing contact details, including more accurate messages in Clinical Notes when a recall is
attempted but no mobile number / email address / postal address is available.
Automated recall processing has been modified to ensure that if a 2nd or 3rd preference for a contact
attempt is (None), the patient's status code is moved to the first preference of the next contact attempt.
This will ensure that the recall sequence for a patient does not end if some contact preferences are not
Automated recall processing has also been modified to ensure that if a recall can't be sent because a
patient has no email address, no mobile number and no recall postal address, the patient's status
code is moved to the first preference of the next contact attempt. This will ensure that the recall
sequence for a patient does not end if they don't have any contact details defined - the recall process
will continue once the missing details are added.
The manual recall process has been modified so that it does not change the patient's existing status
code & recall date, as this was sometimes occurring, incorrectly, for Email & SMS recalls.
If a patient record did not include a recall postal address / email address / mobile number, and a recall
was attempted but failed due to the missing details, an entry was still recorded in the clinical notes
saying that the recall was sent. There was also no indication that the recall status code had been
changed to the next contact method preference (when processing automated recalls).
The recall process has now been modified to show in the Clinical Notes entry that the recall attempt
failed, which field was missing, and - for automated recalls - what the recall status code was changed

Please note that in order for this change to be effective, sites using automated recalls and upgrading from an earlier version of Oasis must run-through the recall wizard again to update the recall matrix.

Ref: 52605
In the standby screen, when an entry was edited, and the Standby Details changed, and OK'ed, these
changes were lost when the entry was edited again. This fault has been repaired.

Ref: 53345
When emailing appointment lists to patients, if the form configured for the Patient's Appointment List
was Type S, the attachment was not included in the email. This has now been fixed.

Ref: 48061
Sometimes, the periodontic charting screen would freeze when the user was in the middle of entering
data. Specifically, this would happen when the scheduler was open in the background and refreshed
due to an appointment update on another workstation.
A change has been made to reduce the likelihood of this occurring but the full cause has not been
identified. To reduce the risk further users can close the scheduler. It has been noted that the faster
keys are being entered, the more likely it it is to get stuck.

Ref: 50827
Patients can be tagged as having their own recall, or not. When not, any appointment reminders,etc,
go to the family head. If a recall reminder is sent to a family head regarding a family member, the
appointment confirmation after a successful online booking was being sent to the patient's own email
address, and not the family head. This has been rectified.

Ref: 53219
When editing a comment in the Task Manager, the cursor would jump to the end of the text each time
a key was pressed, making it virtually impossible to edit existing text. This has been rectified.

Ref: 53225
The DBUpdate log was occasionally appearing on the user's desktop, in error. This has been fixed.
The DBUpdate log should always be in the C:\OASIS folder, and documents the version upgrade

Ref: 52455
The 'Import Cancelled' message appearing after the successful importing of a table has been
corrected to 'Import Complete'.

Ref: 52580
In the Online Booking Wizard, it is no longer mandatory to complete the practice email details to
advance the wizard. Some Practices use OLB without email.

Ref: 53120
CXServer (and MonitorCX) has been modified to ensure that they can run only on one machine. The
machine on which they run is automatically set when CXServer runs the first time, but can be changed
through Preferences/Company reg/F43.

Ref: 52638
Errors in the XML file definition for EXDent-i imaging software have been corrected.

Ref: 53304
The default timing unit for the Online Booking checks has been changed from minutes (usually 1) to
Seconds (minimum of 5). We have made a change to make sure that the '1' gets changed to a '5'
when the OLB wizard runs so that the timer is not actually set to 1 second. Leaving this timer at 1
second can cause many problems as the timer starts again before it has finished its previous

Ref: 53356
A residual error which failed to restore tables indexes after a table was zapped has been fixed. Now,
when a table is zapped (data exported, table dropped and recreated, data re-imported) the indexes
should also be restored. Note - when a table is zapped, it ends up as a brand new table, all of its
indexes need to be rebuilt by the database. This happens in the background, and users may notice
that data retrieval from a zapped table is slow while this happens. Re-indexing a table may take
several minutes, depending upon how many indexes there are and how many records there are in the

Ref: 53172
The ZAP function in Utils has been repaired so that it will create tables that have previously been

Ref: 52759
Issues with the Patient Card information being over-written with the family head's details have been
fixed. These issues typically occurred when adding multiple family members to a single invoice, or
when sending recall messages to other family members from the patient's Recalls screen.

  • At the completion of invoicing, the originally selected patient will remain on the patient card.

  • After closing the Recalls screen, the originally selected patient will remain on the patient card.

  • In order to prevent any as-yet un-identified causes of this issue from over-writing the patient card, a
    check is now made prior to editing to ensure the selected patient, the details on the patient card,
    and the database record associated with the patient card actually match. If they don't match, the
    following message will be displayed:
    "The patient shown on the patient card and the currently selected patient are not the
    same. This can happen after performing tasks for other members of the same family.
    Please ensure the required patient is selected, and try again."
    If this happens, the user should re-select the correct patient by clicking the patient number/name
    on the left of the main Oasis screen, and then re-attempt to edit the patient card.

Ref: 52241
On the Invoices screen, after using the Ready processing function, a patient different to the selected
one may have appeared on the patient card. This issue has been fixed.

Ref: 53157
The background colour of new clinical notes has been made consistent with other parts of the
program. They now appear in mauve when in editing mode to distinguish them apart from audited
notes that cannot be edited.

Ref: 53252
An issue where individual reports were not printing for specific doctors (or doctors in a narrow range)
has been resolved.

Ref: 52832
The Credit Allocation form and the Marked Payments form are now consistent in the way that batch
information is displayed; i.e. selecting a batch will only display that doctors transactions for that batch,
not all doctors transactions with that batch number.

*Ref: 53044
Multi-Branch Online Booking
Up until this version, online booking was available only to one branch in a practice. V11.10 allows
practices to run OLB in each of their branches.
To set up each branch, the OLB wizard has been modified to deal with each branch independently. In
effect, from the OLB provider perspective, each branch is treated as an entirely separate practice. The
user begins the wizard by selecting a branch from a drop-down-list. The wizard continues from there.
Practitioners may appear in each of the branches, and may use different initials and different profile
pictures for each branch if required. Independent booking reasons and appointment durations are also
possible for each branch. Please see the OLB manual for extra information.
Delays in the wizard caused by the downloading of practice logo and doctor profile images have been

Ref: 53467
The auto-upgrade process should now give the user a little more information when a schema update is
being processed. This is to show that the upgrade is actually progressing, and has not stalled.

Ref: 53631 (and 0053519)
The option to export files from the correspondence window had a bug which has now been repaired.

Ref: 53644
When sending a recall from the patient recall list for someone who had a recall date, the message was
sent and the date moved ahead but the sent flag was left on. This has been rectified so that the sent
flag is not left on.

Ref: 54028
A small bug where the messages printed on a statement through the Batch run process were different
to those printed when the statement was printed through a normal print has been resolved.
*50. Ref: 54110
Some previous Oasis updates included schema updates that required database tables to be dropped
and re-created, but the process did not recreate the indexes on those tables. While a manually
triggered process was available to re-create indexes, it recreated all the indexes and took a long time.
As Support would like the process to run automatically with every upgrade, the server upgrade
process now automatically re-creates only the missing indexes. Utils also includes functionality to
check for and replace missing indexes on individual tables.

Ref: 54081
The Create Database Tables function in the Utility program did not create some of the required tables
This function has now been modified to utilise a new method to create database tables based on a
SCHEMA file.

Ref: 53692, 0053903, 0053759 and 0053697
An issue with the Production Report in 11.9 prevented it from showing correct/complete data. This
affected various columns across the six types of Production Report and all have now been fixed.

Ref: 54910
An issue that caused corruption of charting data when exporting and importing the PTCHARTS table
has been resolved.

Ref: 52746
The Item Code Quick Entry screen was limited to 5000 records. This limitation has been removed.

*Ref: 54315
A new PDF generation tool, PDFXChange, has been implemented in Oasis. This tool will be utilised by
Oasis instead of PDFCreator when generating PDF documents for emailing, and for EasyPost. The
reasons for this change are to avoid various issues with the installation of PDFCreator, and to avoid
PDFCreator licence restrictions in Windows Terminal Services environments.
PDFXChange does not make its printer device name visible in Control Panel / Printers, but Oasis uses
one called "OasisPdfPrinter" internally. This is what should be used as the Windows GDI Printer
Name in the Printer Index settings.
PDFCreator will not be removed from your system, so if you use PDFCreator for other purpose, you
may still do so, and within Oasis the PDFPrinter device will still be available - the existing Printer Index
98 setting in Oasis for the PDFPrinter device will be moved to Printer Index 97. You may now also
configure PDFCreator’s settings as you wish. If you would prefer to remove PDFCreator from your
system, you may do so via Windows Control Panel, and then delete the Printer Index 97 record (if it
refers to PDFPrinter).
Printer Index 98 will now be used for the PDFXChange printer. These changes to the Printer Index
records will be done automatically by the Upgrade process.

Ref: 55103
An issue with PNG files that cause Oasis to close unexpectedly has been fixed. In the Online Booking
Wizard, if the provider image URL specified a PNG file, an error message would appear and Oasis
would close. This has been fixed so that Oasis does not close. It will not display a preview of the PNG
file, but the PNG file should still appear correctly on the website if the URL specified is valid. Also
fixed an issue that occurred only in 11.10.3185 whereby old URLs would re-appear after deleting the
URL and running the Online Booking Wizard again.

Ref: 55105
An issue with the age calculation on the patient card that caused the patient's age to be rounded up (in
release 11.10.3185) has been fixed.

Ref: 55102
The issue that prompted for a reboot after upgrading an Oasis workstation to 11.10.3185 has been


*Ref: 50917
Easypost documents are now linkable to the OLB system using an embedded URL link. This means
that Easypost templates may now effectively use the @005 parameter to create a link to the online
booking system.

Ref: 52171
When processing recalls manually, the patient's current recall date determines the way the next recall
date is calculated. If the recall was due today or earlier, the new recall date will be set to a number of
days from today. If the recall is not yet due, the new recall date will be set to a number of days from
the current recall date. Note that when processing recalls via the automated process, the next recall
date is still based today's date, and the number of days associated with the recall code in the recall

Ref: 50613
In 11.6 and earlier versions of Oasis, the Operation Notes report did not show the "Operation Notes"
heading. In 11.7 and 11.8, this was shown, but the patient name was included as part of the heading.
It now shows just "Operation Notes" as the heading.

Ref: 51578
Changes to EasyPost templates and wizard.
The address areas on the EasyPost Letter template have been adjusted slightly to allow a thin banner
to be placed at the top of the page. A logo is now allowed on the address side of a postcard.
The EasyPost Wizard must be re-run in order to enable these changes, but it should not be necessary
to edit existing templates unless adding a banner or logo.

Ref: 50120
Some minor issues with the Online Booking process have been fixed.
If a recall reminder (email or SMS) was sent to a patient who did not have both a mobile number and
an email address on file, and the patient followed the link to make a booking online, CXServer would
attempt to send both an SMS confirmation and an email confirmation. One of these would fail,
showing an error in the SMSLog or EmailLog. CXServer now checks the availability of email address
and mobile number, and does not attempt to send the message if there is no recipient information.
The online booking process was not updating some fields (eg. Message type) in the SMS/Email logs,
but should now do so.

Ref: 51945
*MessageMedia do check that a mobile number is present before sending SMSs; however, CXServer
has now been modified to check the mobile number before sending the SMS request to
CXServer has also been modified to check whether there is enough credit remaining before sending
an SMS request to MessageMedia.

Ref: 51997
An issue where the SMSLog.Log file showed an error message "Error 91: Object variable or With
block variable not set in OASIS\Pb_UpdateSMSRecords" has been resolved. The processes that
update the SMS log and Email log were sharing the same database recordset, and this became a
problem when both updates occurred simultaneously. The processes now use separate recordsets.

*Ref: 51454
A new feature has been added which allows a message to be sent to a user when a specific item code
is invoiced. When the user clicks on the message, the task list shows, and the message is deleted
from the grid.
To set this up, add an entry to My Time/Task List Group Names, noting the Group Number. In the
Group lines for this entry, specify the appropriate user, and change F11 to 'Y', which means the
message will be sent to that user.
Next, in Item Codes and Fees, allocate the Group Number to the item code in question (eg: 311) in
field 31 (screen 3)

Ref: 51320
When VerifyFiles was run with the 'Rebuild Balances' option, it would hang while it waited for a
password to be supplied. This bug has been rectified.

Ref: 51401
A small issue where when replying to ad-hoc messaging, the original sender name was not being
highlighted in the response recipient list has been rectified.

Ref: 51409
When a file is imported into Clinical Notes, there is now the option to remove the original file after the
import completes. This behaviour mirrors the process followed when importing correspondence.

Ref: 50696
A small bug in the SMS system where the Doctor name column name merge field (@309) was not
working properly has been resolved.

Ref: 50907
Version 8 used to allow a wide (multiple) column display where the user could set up over 20 different
columns in the appointment book. The functionality of V11 was limited in this area as changes to
column widths failed when a large number of columns were specified. This has been rectified.

Ref: 51840
When an appointment was cut and pasted to a different date, the Create Date field for the pasted
appointment was being set at the paste date, rather than as the create date of the original
appointment. This behaviour has been changed so that the new create date is now the same as that in
the original appointment.

Ref: 51253
The option to rebuild and print third party batches from the tools menu has been restored as it was in
V8. The Rebuild Batches option is now available in both the Marked Payments and the Allocations

Ref: 52386
The email.exe program has been updated to allow Oasis to pass multiple attachments to it, and
generally to be more reliable. This email.exe program is used by Oasis when CXServer is not
configured. Note that when exiting Oasis, if any email windows are still open, the user will now be
asked whether they wish to terminate these. Ideally the user should check each email window and
decide whether to send or cancel the email on a case-by-case basis rather than terminating all at

Ref: 50928
There is now some security to prevent unauthorized users logging in to another branch via the Switch
User/Branch option.

*Ref: 50363
The Financial Notes section now has a Global Search function (across all patients) which works in the
same way as the global search function in the General Notes screen.

*Ref: 51547
The left click menu on the Scheduler is now contextual.
Clicking on a blank slot shows only
 New Appointment
 New Patient Appointment
 New from Standby.
Clicking on a comment slot shows:
 Edit Comment
 New from Standby
 Copy, Cut and Delete.
Clicking on a patient related appointment shows the full menu.

*Ref: 50573
It is now possible to set successfully a picture against a non-patient related appointment. We
recommend that care is taken with this feature, as pictures are normally only used as a filter
mechanism when merges for reminders are run.

*Ref: 52581
Occasionally, an issue arises where two or more records in the SYUSRDEF/WORKSTATE refer to
computers as Servers. When this happens, the MultipleServers form is displayed and the user is
asked to select which of the servers is actually the data server.
Problems can arise if the data is corrupted and two computers of the same name are both reported as
being servers (Not possible in reality, but corruption can lead to this) The simplest solution for this is to
remove the offending WORKSTATE records.
Normally this would be done through Utils/Workstation/View Workstation Records, where individual
workstation records can be deleted. The problem CAN become so bad that Utils will not even start. To
this end a new checkbox on the Multiple Servers form can be ticked to remove the offending
WORKSTATE server records.
Note: If this option is used, Oasis will need to be opened on the actual server for the correct ‘Server’
record to be registered.

*Ref: 49621
Multiple attachments may now be sent in a single email from the Patient Correspondence screen - use
the Tools button and the “Email marked to patient”, or “Email marked to referring doctor(s)” menus.
Changes have been made to email.exe and CXServer to accommodate multiple attachments. The
original filename of the attachment will now be used, rather than the generic PBLSTWPR name.
When sending documents from the Patient Correspondence window, the default email body will
include a list showing the attachment name and its description.
If using CXServer, the email form has a slightly different appearance to allow for multiple attachments,
and additional attachments may now also be added manually;
Some minor improvements have also been made to the CXServer email process to reduce the
likelihood of timeouts when sending emails with large attachments.
Note: If you are storing correspondence in VPD format (using Presentation Manager), these will still
have to be emailed individually. The process that converts these to PDF format for emailing does not
currently go back to Oasis to add additional files. This will be resolved shortly.

Ref: 50465
An issue has been fixed where the Arch chart was not being included in the PDF document produced
when the chart was sent in an email.

Ref: 52476
As a diagnostic aid, a utility has been added to Utils which produces SQL to mirror the creation of the
OASIS tables. This utility can be accessed via the Export/Import menu option under Server.

Ref: 52183
In Preferences, when a subitem is edited, the main item is now refreshed when the edition is

Ref: 52639
The support email address, accessible through the Help menu on the OASIS main form has been
updated to oasis@softwareofexcellence.com

*Ref: 52579
It is now no longer possible to delete the Company Details or the Audits table through preferences.
The Delete button for these two system critical tables has been disabled.

Ref: 52564
A small bug in the .tbl import routine where certain non-printable characters were not being replaced
properly after exporting has been resolved. This is most noticeable, but not exclusively related to, the
export/import routines for Abbreviations.

Ref: 51369
The default background colour for Online booking appointment is now linked to the SortCode for the
appointment. Thus, individual background colours can now be set for OLEP, OLNP and OLRC
appointments. The colours are set in Preferences/MyTime/Scheduler Predefined Codes under the
appropriate heading.

Ref: 52488
A bug has been repaired which affected the screen display after opening and closing one of the
activity logs, and expanding the waiting room panel. The previously opened screen would open with
no details, and OASIS would not function correctly.

Ref: 51171
When processing an eQuote, the quotation currently prints out on the Hicaps terminal. A new printing
option has been added to print the quote on the system printer.

Ref: 51416
A small bug in the charting system where a comment added against one tooth ended up against
another tooth has been rectified.

Ref: 51569
A small error in the Patient Birthday Letters report was resulting in the incorrect doctor being included
in the letter. This has been corrected.

Ref: 50103
Sticky Notes handling has been improved in multi-branch environments, so that replying to and from
sticky notes allows a thread to be persisted. Also, messages are stored in the log file in the sticky
notes folder for each user.

Ref: 52669
In the Payments screen, a recent modification prevented the Drawer details from being saved for noncheque payments. This has been corrected.

Ref: 51962
An issue preventing ad-hoc appointment reminder responses being shown in the appointment notes
has been fixed. If the Scheduler Options 3 record did not exist, the responses were not being
recorded in the appointment notes.

Ref: 50865
An issue where temporary files were not removed when Oasis closed has been resolved. These files,
in the temporary folder, were the result of email attachments created when the user was not using
CXServer. Files in the temporary folder are now deleted when Oasis is closed.

*Ref: 48960
OASIS has been upgraded to allow multiple files to be added to the Patient Correspondence, Practice
Correspondence and Imaging screens.
Clicking on the 'Add file(s) to patient library' left click option will produce a multi-select explorer type
window, which allows the user to select multiple (or just single) files by holding down the shift or
control keys, as in explorer. Selected files are then added en-masse, using default descriptions for the
files, such as ‘Multi-file import (abc.doc). These descriptions can be modified at a later time.
The option to add the selected (single) file in the Incoming Document Selection grid remains – here
the user can supply a custom description at the time of import.

Ref: 52750
CXServer has been modified to allow a delayed heartbeat when processing steps that cause it to
become temporarily unresponsive.
For example, while attempting to connect with MessageMedia or other external server, if the server is
offline, or there is any network issue, the heartbeat file will not be updated. This would cause
CXMonitor to assume CXServer is not responding, and would then attempt to kill the process.
This should resolve the issue where CXServer was frequently being closed by CXMonitor and

Ref: 50615
A bug has repaired where the clinical note created when an appointment is cut and pasted into a
different doctor in Week mode does not accurately report the details of any doctor change.

Ref: 52782
The ‘Mark’ column on the Patient Correspondence screen is now used to select which documents to
attach to an email when using the email options under the Tools button. This allows multiple
documents to be sent within the one email. See Ref 49621. Note that the state of each mark is no
longer maintained after closing the patient correspondence screen, and that refreshing the list or
changing the sort order will also clear the current selections.

Ref: 51805
Issues preventing reports from being emailed from the print-preview screen have been resolved. In
11.6, a message would appear indicating that PDFCreator was in use when it wasn't. In 11.7 and
11.8, a message box containing no text, just a yellow triangle exclamation mark would appear. The
reports should now be emailed successfully.

Ref: 52758
An issue where the patient picture and sticky notes panel appeared on the third tab after editing a
patient has been resolved. After changing patients the first tab should always be shown. Some
related issues have also been resolved:

  • The new patient's picture should now always be shown after moving to the next patient.

  • The previously selected patient's picture should now not be shown when creating a new patient.

  • The previously selected patient's picture is now shown after cancelling entry of a new patient.

Ref: 52692
When a patient's title is changed on the patient card, it now triggers a prompted update to the Recall
and Billing address fields, as well as the appointment book. Prior to this change, only the appointment
book was update for the patient when these details were changed.

Ref: 52813
An issue where, if you happen to be in tab 2 or 3 of the patient card and select a patient from the
recent patient drop down list, a runtime error occurred (‘Invalid Procedure call or argument' error (run
time 5)) has been rectified.

Ref: 52176
An issue which was preventing reports from being emailed using ‘Email Report’ after they had been
displayed using ‘Print to Screen’ has been resolved.

Ref: 52983
Some issues affecting online booking only in version 11.8 have been resolved. These were primarily
affecting the setup of new sites and switching between test mode and live mode for problem

Ref: 53042
An issue with Online Booking where the 3PD onboarding file was still being processed when 3PD was
flagged as inactive has been resolved.

Ref: 53069
The link to the online booking website in email and SMS messages was not appearing as a hyperlink.
This has been rectified.


Ref: 50473 and 0051132
Some practices, especially those using MSSQL, were experiencing a problem where they could not
tick the box to enable SMS, EasyPost, and other functions in CXServer. The code behind these tickboxes has been re-written to avoid the problem.

Ref: 50485
Email (.eml) files created by CXServer after an email has been sent were not being deleted unless the
user manually updated the Email activity log. A change has been made so that the .eml files are
deleted when Oasis starts, and after CXServer completes an email cycle. In order for the deletion to
occur, however, the "12. Poll email messages from communications server" setting in the Email
settings must be set to Y.

Ref: 50755
The functions to export a diagnosis sheet to email for the patient or referring doctors now work.

Ref: 51495
Fixed an issue where the EasyPost Wizard and the Recall Automation Wizard could not create an
entry in the RCALLPAR table if the table was empty.

Ref: 50486
Fixed an issue where the recall process was placing entries in the Clinical Notes, irrespective of
whether the recall was successfully sent. For example, if trying to send an SMS, if the patient had no
mobile number, it would still say "SMS sent". An entry in Clinical notes is now only recorded if the
recall was generated successfully (this does not guarantee that it was actually sent; i.e. CXServer may
have failed or it was a printed letter that was never posted).

*Ref: 50352
There are 2 new structures fields in MyMoney/Patient Card Options (F12 & F13). When set to ‘Y’,
these allow the practice to trigger a warning if new patients are added without specifying a default

*Ref: 50754
The 'Select' option previously shown when an entry in the appointment standby is clicked has been
removed as it was redundant. You will also receive a warning if you try and open a second standby
item for editing when one is still open.

*Ref: 50868
A default value of 'N' has been set for the Referral Override field on the Easy Claim form.

Ref: 50462
Modification of Deposit Slip printing: The Hicaps amount is now included in the non-deposit banking

*Ref: 50375
There is now a default bank account no. displayed on the marked payment screen so that the user
doesn't have to change it from 0000 every time. This default may be set for the user through
Preferences/MyMoneyPayments (Workstation)/Marked Payment Bank Number. This restores the
behaviour in V11 that was available in v8.

Ref: 50408
On the Payments screen, when the payment is made by any means other than by Cheque, the
Drawer name is meaningless. This field is now only populated when the payment method is by

Ref: 50302
The descending sort order on the Barcode view screen was not quite working correctly, as it did not
reference the scan time. This has been rectified.

*Ref: 51798
A new switch (F42) has been added to Practice Registration which allows Practices using remote
connections to specify how workstations will be identified when a user connects. When set to 'N', this
flag will set the remote user's local computer name as the Workstation name. When this flag is set to
'Y', and a remote user log in, say via RDC, the host computer to which the user has connected is used
as the workstation name. Practices are recommended to leave the field blank, or set it to N when
Terminal services are used.

*Ref: 50840
The Dates option on the List Recall screen to select All recalls until today has been restored.

Ref: 50715
The program password (457) for referring Doctors now password protects the referring doctors when
accessed from both Preferences, and (new) from the 'Ref Drs' button on the main form. The edit
option when listing the referring Doctors from the patient edit screen has also been removed.

Ref: 50927
A small bug which crashed OASIS when a patient was selected from the MRU drop down list when
the screen picture was displayed has been resolved.

Ref: 48553
An issue was reported where, on the task screen where there were many tasks and the screen was
refreshed (perhaps by a different user logging on), the display would corrupt. This has been rectified.

*Ref: 50920
A new password protection program has been included in 11.8. This allows users to password protect
the exporting and printing of clinical notes. To implement this, add a new program password for
program 126.

Ref: 50614
The functionality to highlight incomplete treatment patients on the recall screen list printout has been

Ref: 51380
A bug where third party payments could not be posted as a result of currupt values in
PBARCMAS/MarkedSPayments has been resolved.

*Ref: 50677
Patient details, billing address and referring doctor's details may now be copied to the clipboard for
external use by clicking Other/Copy to Clipboard.

*Ref: 50909
Inactive family members will no longer be displayed on the list of invoicable patients on the invoice

Ref: 50626
The SMS activity log printout has now been corrected such that it prints again in landscape, rather
than portrait.

Ref: 51275
On the Tasks screen, if there are more users in the branch than will fit on the user list (typically 22 or
more), ticking one of the users near the top of the list would result in the list scrolling to the end so the
selected user was not visible. This has now been fixed so the ticked user remains visible.

*Ref: 50323
It been requested that we be able to pre-set an icon, colour and duration for the visit in the visit
description table. This has been provided.

*Ref: 51370
Online booking setup was allowing multiple practitioners to have identical initials. This was leading to
online bookings failing to load into Oasis correctly. A check has been implemented to prevent online
booking practitioners being selected if they have initials the same as another user.

Ref: 51476
Oasis setup was not creating a Log folder for the Oasis backup to use. While this is created by the
backup when it runs (if not already present), this was preventing you from changing the backup
settings in preferences if a backup had not previously run. The Log folder is now created when Oasis
setup is run.

Ref: 51679
There was an issue where certain characters entered into the practice information panels for Online
Booking not being handled correctly, such as double quotes ("), which was causing availability slots to
not be uploaded correctly. This has been resolved.

*Ref: 49859
The 'Email' button on the Teledex and RefDrs form has been removed, as its functionality is

*Ref: 50239
A new switch has been added to the Doctors in Branches preferences to enable practices to block
specific practitioner’s access to the My Time module. This means that doctors who are flagged as
inactive, can no longer make appointments in the scheduler. Note that both flags must be set for this
to work: field 20 in Scheduler Options 1 makes the program check a doctor's is active before allowing
access to the scheduler, and field 37 in Doctors in branches actually turns the status on or off for the

*Ref: 51828
OASIS can now handle barcodes of different lengths (up to 20 characters). Barcode options now allow
allow profiles to be set up for different purposes. There is an 'Autoclave flag' which allows the practice
to identify a specific barcode profile to be linked to autoclave procedures.

Ref: 51423
Split eftpos payments of less than $1.00 can now be made in the payments screen. A small bug was
previously keeping the 'Apply' button disabled until the amount was over $1.00.

Ref: 50518
A number of practices have requested changes to the Clinical Notes screen whereby the note text can
be longer and there are visual and audible cues when the text approaches or reaches maximum
length. In v11.8, the length of text has been increased from 2048 to 4096 characters, there is a
noticeable visual cue when the type text reaches 90% of this and there is an audible cue when the text
maximum length has been reached.

Ref: 50794
When a new appointment is made based on an incomplete treatment plan, by clicking 'Plan' from then
appointment screen, the plan should be evident by the flashing notification, and should appear in black
when the 'Plan' button is clicked.

Ref: 50839
The 'billed to date' was not updating correctly when using progressive invoicing by direct debit (not an
issue with normal invoicing). This issue has now been rectified.

Ref: 51725
An issue arose with online booking sites where, when a workstation was not configured to work with
CXServer made changes to the appointment book, the changes were not being updated to the online
booking site. This has now been addressed, and should work properly.

Ref: 50888
When an invoice was put through for a patient and Hicaps paid the whole amount, a receipt is not
usually generated by Oasis. A new switch has been set up to enable a print a statement from Oasis
regardless of how much was paid by the health fund.
Preferences -> My Money -> Billing/EClaim -> Field 19 “Print patient statement always Y/N”.

*Ref: 49131
Oasis now provides a basic Recall Report to list recalls sent, and a detailed Recall Analysis Report to
show recall effectiveness.
Access via Reports > Recall Analysis. Tick Detailed Report for the Recall Analysis report or un-tick it
for a basic list of recalls sent. Tick the recall methods (SMS/Email/Letter) that the practice actually
uses. For a report split by doctor, select a range of doctors, or select “All Doctors” for a consolidated
This change requires additional database columns, so a schema update will occur when upgrading

Ref: 51699
A small bug existed where the incorrect icon set was being displayed for selection in Preferences/My
Work/Clinical Note Names/Field 5: Picture No. The appointment icons were being displayed rather
than the correct notes icons. This has been rectified.

*Ref: 51794
The 'Remove NULLS from tables’ utility has been expanded from replacing entire null fields with
empty strings, to searching within the cell text for nulls, and replacing them. This is an optional
extension, triggered when the user clicks the 'Full' checkbox. The time taken for this process to
complete is significantly longer than for the original process.

Ref: 52269
Mimer 9 to Mimer 10 upgrade was causing issues with user defined views in the database. This has
been rectified. Now, the views are dropped and re-created each time the Verify Schema utility is

Ref: 52079
A limitation of the Cut/Paste system in the appointment book was that the doctor and stats/list doctor
settings were not being honoured when pasting appointments to different columns.
Scheduler Options 2, Fields 34 and 35 now work as expected to automatically either retain or replace
the appointment doctor when moving appointments between columns, without providing warnings.
This has been fixed so that these switches are honoured when pasting appointments into columns
which link to different doctors. This functionality will also now work in Columns/Day/Week display

Ref: 52291
Zapping (deleting and recreating) a table from the Utils program now recreates the table from the
recently introduced SCHEMA file, rather than from hard-coded internal routines. This ensures integrity
of the database.
Also, now when a non-empty table is zapped, the user will be prompted to make a backup of the data
(EXPORT) before zapping the table. When the ZAP has completed, and the table has been recreated, the user is automatically prompted to re-import the data from the backup files.

*Ref: 52289
The ONLINE booking cycle time base has changed to seconds (from minutes). Online booking sites
should re-run the OLB wizard to change their cycle time to be something like 5 or 10 seconds to
ensure that patients trying to book times receive a response in a more timely fashion than was the
case when a whole minute or two had to expire before a response came back.
Simply re-run the Online Booking Wizard changing the interval cycle to 5 or 10 seconds for online

*Ref: 50216
The Online booking wizard has been modified to accommodate the input of a Google Analytics ID. To
work with Google Analytics, please contact support.
In conjunction with this change, the mechanisms by which we upload information to 3PD have
changed slightly. In particular, we now completely control the ‘Booking Reasons’ – a list of reasons
from which online booking patients may choose when making an appointment online. We have
provided defaults for practices to use if they wish.
Booking reasons for Health Engine are still managed by them and any change needs to be
communicated directly to Health Engine.

*Ref: 52300
An issue existed in 11.7 that meant the PBPATRCL (Patient Recall) table did not exist after
zapping/clearing patient records in Utils. It should now be re-created successfully as part of those

Ref: 52553
If a practice cleared the Easypost activity log while documents were pending transmission to the print
house, the documents were not being deleted when transmitted and kept getting resent.
A point fix has been made to CXServer in 11.8 to prevent EasyPost documents from being re-sent to
DejarMail if the EasyPost Job Details records have been deleted.

*Ref: 52444
The upgrade process no longer updated HiCaps to the latest version. This can be done manually, if
required, outside the upgrade process. This has been changed in upgrade11.exe which runs as part of
the server and workstation upgrade processes.

Ref: 52444
A menu item accidentally added to 11.8, which is entitled 'Copy Table' has been cleaned up. This item
was a link to a developmental tool only, never meant for release.

Ref: 52617
An issue where the cursor did not position correctly when clinical notes are edited had been fixed.

Ref: 51948
Several issues caused by the patient card refreshing have been resolved:
 Patient card flickering unnecessarily during the save process
 Unexpected changes of the tab folder.
 The unexpected loss of focus from the current form when the patient card refreshes as the
result of a change on a different workstation.
 Appointment book redisplaying as the topmost form it it was open when a patient edit


*Ref: 50237
The patient correspondence program has been modified to enable each workstation to define the view
order of documents in the list viz:
a) The previous menu option “Sort” has been modified to “View” to maintain consistency with
other programs.
b) The Preferences, My Money, Documents (Workstation) table has a new option F13 “View
oldest documents first Y/N”.

Ref: 50335
The patient correspondence screen option to change the document file description was not correctly
displaying the new changes. This has been corrected.

Ref: 49942
The word wrapping on treatment plans was not working correctly and splitting of words occurred
across lines when printing. This has been corrected.

Ref: 50259
Diagnosis sheet standard printout used to display patients name on the top of report now only
displaying patient number. This has been corrected to show the appropriate patient details.

Ref: 49884
If you create a standby record using a 30 minute appointment code and then edit the standby and
apply a different minute appointment code, the duration does not update. This has been corrected.

Ref: 48099
The treatment plan header lines when displayed using the "Plan" option in the appointment edit
window were not reflecting the colours in the main treatment plan window. This has been corrected.

Ref: 50391
The appointment creation process has been enhanced by enabling the practice to use the stats/list
doctor number (scheduler, view lines) as the default when making new appointments. To active the
function, use Preferences, My time, Scheduler Options1 and set #27 "Use Column Dr No" to "N"o.
Use Scheduler, Options3, option #7 "Use Stats/List Dr No" to "Y"es.

Ref: 50466
In the New Patient Report,. the columns for ongoing appts and immediate treatment do not line up
properly with the headers. This has been corrected.

Ref: 50533
When selecting to make all family members their own family head gives two warnings, if you say yes
to the first one, it will give you a second warning as a last chance if you say no to this second warning,
it will still separate the family. This has been corrected.

Ref: 47896
Training Issue. If we go to the future appointment and edit it, then it will print the future appointment.
Restarted Oasis and print the label again, it will print without appointment date and time. (This is
because Oasis does not know which appointment you are referring to. To aid this, Oasis will display
an error message if no appointment has been selected). Additionally, clicking on any appointment in
the patient appointment list window, loads up that appointment for label printing should the operator
then click on the label option)

Ref: 50322
In the Utils program, when clearing Patient data, several tables are dropped and recreated. The tables
must be dropped in the right order as there are dependencies in indexes. The Clear Patient Data
routine was failing as the order of table removal was incorrect. This small bug has been rectified.

Ref: 50484
After an SMS or email recall was sent with an embedded URL, all future ad-hoc SMS/emails
messages retained the URL. This bug has been fixed.

Ref: 48993
The short URL http://oolb.co is now used to point to our recall online provider, rather
than http://onlinebookingapac.3pointdata.com. This uses only 14 characters, rather than 39, and
makes the online presence uniform across media.

Ref: 50453
A new utility has been introduced which will remove NULL values from character based fields in
OASIS. The utility is accessed via Utils/Data Conversion/General/Remove NULLS. Always make a
backup of you data before running any utility which modifies data.

Ref: 50267
Some added security has been add to prevent users from deleting branch information which could
render OASIS unusable because there are no branches to log in to.

Ref: 49165
The self check in system for patient appointments was not correctly picking up the appointment colour
when multiple appointments for the patient on the day occurred. This has been corrected by making
changes to the program.
When a patient is selected by barcode or keyboard entry, the operator is presented with a list of
appointments for the selected patient. Clicking on an appointment then uses that appointment's colour
and checks the patient in correctly. Where the option is selected for show photos, the patient simply
clicks on the appointment photo with the time appearing underneath.

Ref: 50639
Minor cosmetic changes have been made to the perio charting program to correctly align graphical

Ref: 50576
Viewing an individual patient from the Overdue Reminders program would produce an error on patient
selection. This has been corrected.

Ref: 50475
The screen in Utils which is used to create the 'VerifyFiles' batch files has been updated to help the
user nominate specific a ZIP path and an additional Remote path. If the remote path is specified, by
default a copy of the data files will be placed here.
When the ZIP checkbox is ticked, the VerifyFiles will zip the backup file collection to the nominated
path, and the Remote checkbox will be available. When this checkbox is ticked, the files in the ZIP
path are also copied to the remote path when VerifyFiles runs.

Ref: 50771
The screen list option in Clinical Notes was not working and has been fixed.

Ref: 50733
A utility has been added which will provide a report of missing patient and practice files. This to make
it easier to identify missing documents, images, phots, etc., when errors have been encountered
during file scanning, documents imports, etc.
The utility is accessible via Utils/Other/Identify Missing Documents and a vsc file is produced listing the
document type, patient file number, the location of the file and its name.

Ref: 50160
The timeout values for Reputation.Com (F16 of RDCCONFG entry in SYTBLENT) were not being
interpreted correctly, resulting in a higher likelihood of a timeout occurring when communicating with
the reputation.com server. This issue has been resolved.

Ref: 50054
An issue where the EasyPost wizard did not correctly validate postcodes starting with 0 has been
fixed. This primarily affected postcodes in the NT if the postcodes were stored in the postcodes table
as three digits, usually at sites which have been upgraded from earlier versions of Oasis to Oasis v11.
A utility has also been added to make sure all postcodes have 4 digits (Utils/ Data Conversion/
General). This utility will query all patient cards and also update any addresses which have a 3 digit
postcode (Patient, billing and recall addresses).

Ref: 50057
The EasyPost wizard was not populating the practice details panel with values that had been entered
the previous time the wizard was run. This has now been fixed.

Ref: 47716
Changes have been made to Oasis to provide better integration with PDFCreator and increase the
reliability of the PDF generation process. Oasis now requires PDFCreator 2.3.0 or later, and this will
be distributed with the Oasis upgrade package.
This change is intended to prevent PDF files from being lost or overwritten, and to prevent issues
when scanning high-resolution multi-page documents to PDF (See Ref 50282).
This also fixes Ref: 50445 (EasyPost documents overwritten with financial reports), which was fixed
as a point-fix in Oasis 11.6.1945.
Note: Only one PDF file can be generated at a time. Some Oasis functions will now display a message
indicating that the PDF process is in use, and that the user should try again later. Other Oasis
functions (such as the EasyPost process for recalls) will wait a limited time if another process is
generating a PDF file, and will continue automatically when that process has finished.
There are now several time-out parameters related to PDF generation that can be set in Preferences /
System Manager / Printer PDF Drivers:
03. PDF Process Availability wait time (sec)
04. PDF Spooler wait time (sec)
05. PDF Queue wait time (sec)
06. PDF File wait time (sec)
These should not be adjusted without consultation with the Oasis Development Team.
Note: If downgrading Oasis to a version earlier than 11.7, it will be necessary to uninstall PDFCreator
2.3 and manually re-install PDFCreator 1.7.3.

Ref: 50282
After scanning a multi-page document and attempting to save it to a PDF file, the PDF file would not
be created. This was the result of the application not waiting long enough for the PDF generation
process (some large documents can take up to 10 minutes - or more to save). This issue should now
be resolved by the integration of PDFCreator 2.3.0 with Oasis (See Ref 47716).
If a multi-page scanned document is still taking longer to be produced than the allowed time, Oasis will
notify the user and allow them to wait until the file is ready. In case this happens frequently, there are
now several "per-page" time-out parameters that can be set in Preferences / System Manager / Printer
PDF Drivers:
07. PDF Spooler per-page wait time (ms)
08. PDF Queue per-page wait time (sec)
09. PDF File per-page wait time (sec)
These should not be adjusted without consultation with the Oasis Development Team.

Ref: 50178
The recall automation wizard has been modified to replace any recall codes selected as meaning "no
further recalls" with NR. This includes the asterisk (*) which is actually used as a wildcard, and should
not be a specific recall status code. The recall wizard previously used it to mean "no further recalls".
The wizard now uses NR for this purpose. Any patients with a recall code that is selected as meaning
"no more recalls" will have that code changed to NR. The codes selected (excluding NR) will also be
deleted from the list of recall codes.
To view all recalls, add a recall 00 - All Recalls into the status codes and you will be able to use this to
display all recalls in the List Recalls panel.

Ref: 45270
PDFCreator 2.3.0 is now installed by default during install and during the auto-upgrade process.
Registry settings are modified to ensure the printer name is PDFPrinter, that the AutoSave feature is
on and the AutoSavePath is C:\Oasis\WP. Checking for updates is also turned off.
Note: On some systems running 64-bit versions of Windows, these registry settings are not
automatically updated by the upgrade process. After an upgrade, if PDFCreator prompts to
update to a newer version (select Skip Version), or if it opens the document after generating it,
please open a command prompt window (by pressing Win-R) and enter the following command:
C:\Oasis\Upgrade\isserver pdfcreator
This should correctly update the registry settings required by Oasis.
Note: If downgrading Oasis to a version earlier than 11.7, it will be necessary to uninstall PDFCreator
2.3 and manually re-install PDFCreator 1.7.3.

Ref: 50131
Database updates in OASIS are now handled differently. In the past, we used a hard-coded patching
system, where database upgrades had to be done sequentially. The new system uses a Schema file
to check against the OASIS database for variations, repairing these one column at a time. Differences
such as new tables or columns, the expansion of column widths or integral precision can now be
achieved 'on-the-fly'. This utility is available from 11.7 onwards via Utils/Server/Mimer SQL/Verify
Structure. The user will be warned of Schema upgrades in OASIS each log on.

Ref: 49717
A switch has been added to allow practices to suppress SMS responses to appointments appearing in
the Appointment notes. Currently only responses which cannot be interpreted appear in the notes.
Setting F8 in Scheduler Options 3 to Y will prevent even the unrecognised responses appearing.

Ref: 50678
The check of doctors in branches switch ‘Disable invoicing - y/n’, has been extended to charting
program complete treatment plan and treatment program invoice and add item line.

Ref: 50989
To address issues with duplicate recalls being sent, changes have been made to the recall process as
Each recall record now has a new SENT field which is turned on after each successful process. The
listing screen shows SENT records in magenta colour.
Any SENT record can be switched to UNSENT (ie send again) by clicking on the record and choosing
“Sent/UnSent” menu option (or reversing UNSENT to SENT). This can be globally done for all records
in the listing screen using the TOOLS button.
The recall update process now reads all SENT records and updates them to UNSENT status and
moves the date and changes the status code accordingly. The ability to set a generic update status
code has been removed as it is no longer required, the recalls will be updated in accordance with the
defined recall settings.

Ref: 50926
If a version 8 client has been upgraded to v11 via the AutoUpgrade process using an early version,
the HiCaps amounts were not copied across correctly, leading to Banking Imbalances. To fix this,
original version 8 records must be examined to correctly allocate the HiCaps amounts in PBARCMAS.
The Utility Utils/Data Conversions/Oasis8.x/Fix HiCaps will do this. To run the utility, the version 8 data
must be available. We recommend that this utility be used only with Support Guidance.

Ref: 46731 and 0050910
Version 11.7 contains preliminary infrastructure built to support the introduction of the MPC module
(Multi Practice Cloud). MPC requires new tables and fields, triggers on tables and CXServer
processing to send database changes to a cloud based server.
The new database file SYCHANGE.DBF is created in this version and a new tab in CXServer now
exists for MPC.

Ref. 0051131
Changes for 11.6 point-fix (Ref: 51128 - delete .EPZ file if sending an EasyPost document times-out)
have been included in 11.7:
CXServer has been modified to delete the .EPZ file if sending an EasyPost document to the print
house times-out. This prevents it from being sent again during the next cycle (if a time-out occurs, the
file might or might not have been sent).
The timeout value is now read from the registry, and the default value has been increased from 30 sec
to 60 sec. Value is stored in the following registry key: HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program
CXServer now generates a log file while processing EasyPost files – EasyPostProcess-xxx.log where
xxx is the day of the week – in the CXServer folder.

Ref. 0047014
The document export routine for charting objects was not working after the previous version build. This
has been corrected.

Ref. 0051164
The CXServer folder is now monitored for potential problems. On a daily basis, the number of files in
the folder is counted. If too many files remain in the folder, an alert email is sent to OASIS
Development. This is to assist in identifying any issues with the Oasis communications module that
may not be immediately apparent to the practice. No practice information is sent.

Ref. 0050517
A new utility has been added in readiness for the release of MPC. This is to control the addition and
removal of triggers on the OASIS tables. Access this via Utils/Server/Mimer SQL/Trigger maintenance.
Note - MPC registration is required for this option to activate.

Ref: 51415
A new code has been added to the definable date menus.
"YF"=Current financial year
Usage: From YF
To Leave Blank

Ref: 51697
This version addresses the issue where the very short URL for online recalls was not being created
correctly. SMS and Email URLS should now include a link to oolb.co, which redirect to 3PD online
booking provider.

Ref: 51723
The structures file has been repaired in this build to include corrections for the diagnosis sheet lines
form. Column headers now should match up with the data.


Ref: 49962
In certain situations an error occurs when an operator is editing a patient record. The operator selects
a linked table and then edits the table selecting one of the sub tables. This has been corrected.

Ref: 49543
When running automated reminders in branches with different views for different branches, the
automation only runs with the currently selected view - even though the settings are saved in each
respective view. This has been corrected

Ref: 49728 and 0049313
When a photo was attached to the waiting room list, the height of the grid row was too large. This has
been corrected.

*Ref: 49838
The output process for a patient WP photo now writes separate .jpg and .bmp files to maintain
consistency with the the Oasis Document Assistant (ODA).

*Ref: 50005
When running the intra-version upgrade (OASISServerUpgrade), the ACCPAC prompt was not
allowing input of more than 7 characters. The upgrade process has been changed to allow input
longer than 7 characters.

Ref: 48427
A problem where the patient was changing after the user selected a patient from the Recent Patient
List and used the Scroll wheel has been rectified.

Ref: 49706
The invoice GST calculation sub routine was not correctly calculating GST for doctors >99. This has
been corrected.

*Ref: 37660
SMS messaging with MessageMedia now uses the SOAP protocol instead of the m4usms.dll, which is
now redundant. This change eliminates issues with the three different DLL versions.
Related to this change, it is now possible to send messages longer than 160 characters (however this
feature must be enabled in the practice settings [COMPANYD.F35 - allow long SMS messages] as
long messages incur additional charges).

Ref: 47444
The daily invoiced appointment checklist was not working properly and displaying all patients
regardless of invoiced/not invoiced. This has been corrected. The report name has also been changed
to “Daily UnInvoiced Appointment Checklist” to avoid ambiguity.

Ref: 49315
Two new codes have been added to the definable date menus.
"DF"=fixed day of the current month.
"DL"=Last day of the current month.
Usage: From 1st to 15th of month = DF 1 and DF 15
From 16th to end of month=DF 16 to DL 0

Ref: 49894
A new XRAY definition (RAYSCAN) has been created to cater for the RayScan Imaging System.
When processing, this will create a ‘Ray’ folder on the Local drive, which will contain the link file. To
set up the definition, install the RayScan program first. On the X-Ray (Workstation) preferences
screen, select XRAY Type Code = RAYSCAN. The program name to provide for OASIS (F2) is
Rayscan.exe. The Path parameters is C:\Ray\AInfo.xml. The OutputFile parameters are in
C:\Ray\ImageOutput.xml. No other setup is required.

Ref: 49821
A bug where the Family Correspondence was not shown all records for a family when the family head
was selected has been rectified. Now the Family head should show all Records, Family members
should only show the items specifically for the family member.

Ref: 49707
When processing recalls and calculating the date the next recall will be attempted, the number of days
is now added to today's date rather than the date of the previous recall attempt.
As the issue that this resolves was originally thought to relate to overlapping of processing steps, there
is no longer a need for a delay between processing steps. Therefore, the Ping commands have been
removed from the OasisRecallAutomation-[?].bat files produced by the Recall Automation Wizard.
The Recall Automation Wizard should be run again in order to produce new .bat files, which should
speed-up automated recall processing.
Note: It is recommended that the automation be set up on a PC that is usually quiet or scheduled to
run at a time when access to the PC (it is to run on) is less critical. The automation process will open
Oasis to perform its actions and may interfere with normal usage while it runs.

Ref: 49623
A small bug where the Calendar control was not allowing the 31st of the month to be set on
initialisation has been repaired.

Ref: 49843
When a patient makes an online booking, an entry is now created in the SMSLOG immediately, which
has more useful information than the old entry, which just showed the date and time of the SMS.

Ref: 48576
Referral dates which have expired are now shown in red. This was always a feature for specialist
practices, but has been extended to all practices.

Ref: 49857
The issue where emails line spacing was being lost when emails were sent through CXServer has
been resolved.

Ref: 49044
The create standard merge file from Tools in the list Recalls always include patients with future
appointments even though the option to suppress was checked. This has been corrected.

Ref: 48859
A practice has reported some appointments are being made for a doctor 00 and outside the daily
range. Additional checks have been placed when saving an appointment to check for this.

Ref: 49076
When clients use self check-in with photos in V11, the photos do not disappear when a patient checks
in. This has been corrected.

Ref: 49223
The Presentation Manager / EasyPost Designer screen no longer appears during processing of recalls
that use EasyPost letters. The List Recalls screen is still visible, however. Note that if automated
recalls start while Oasis is being used, a second instance of Oasis may appear. If this happens, you
can either minimise the List Recalls screen and the second instance of Oasis in order to keep working.
Alternatively, just bring use Alt-Tab or the task bar to switch to the first instance of Oasis – or other
application - and continue working.

Ref: 49285
When creating a new EasyPost postcard via the Document Template window, both pages of the
postcard are now created. Previously only the first page was created, and the user would need to add
the extra page in order to be able to save the design.

Ref: 49196
Fixed an issue with the PostCard design step in the EasyPost Setup Wizard. If the background
image's Scale was set to less than 100, an "Error 32015 - Clip region boundary" occurred when
finishing the wizard. It is now not possible to reduce the scale below 100. This restriction is intended to
ensure the image covers the full width of the postcard. If you wish to use an image that does not
cover the whole page, please design the postcard document template using EasyPost Designer
{Preferences > My Money > Document Templates, right-click the relevant template and select Edit

Ref: 48319
The Recall Automation Wizard now allows you to select the Status Codes that are used to indicate
that a patient should not receive any recalls, and now does not delete recalls with these codes when
deleting old recalls. This is necessary as some practices use codes such as NR or * to flag that a
patient does not want to receive recalls, or should not receive recalls. This functionality is also now in
the Reactivate Recalls tool in Utils – See Ref 48320 below.

*Ref: 48320
Changes to the Reactivate Recalls tool in Utils to allow easier selection and to prevent recalls from
being reactivated for patients that should not receive them:
 Contiguous records can now be selected using Shift-click or Shift-DownArrow.
 Non contiguous records can be selected using Ctrl-click.
 It is now possible (and necessary) to select the type of recall that will be created (Doctor,
Hygienist, etc).
 It is now possible - using the "No-recall codes" list - to select the recall codes that are used to
identify patients who should not receive recalls – This functionality is also now in the Recall
Automation Wizard – See Ref 48319 above.
 Even though a patient with default code indicating No Recalls appears in the recall list, if the
relevant code is selected in the "No-recalls codes" box, a recall will not be created for that patient.
 Even though a patient with a future appointment appears in the recall list, if the "Exclude patients
with a future appointment" box is ticked, a recall will not be created for that patient.

Ref: 49499
It is now possible to send SMS messages as short as 1 or 2 characters. Previously CXServer did not
allow this. Note that it is still not possible to send a completely blank SMS.

Ref: 49776
CXServer now only checks the status of EasyPost jobs that have not already reached a "final" status.
ie. It will not repeatedly check jobs that are finished. Currently "Processing" is the final status for a
successful job. “Error”, “Removed”, and “Debugging mode...no response” are also final statuses.
“Hold” and “Approved” are intermediate statuses, and may change as the job progresses.

Ref: 49222
The financial history email option was not being suppressed when the patient's record was not marked
for emailed statements. This has been corrected.

Ref: 50172
The lag time when OASIS loaded (and the subsequent frequent warning messages received when
response time was slow) due to the online booking URL retrieval routine has been eliminated by
requesting the URLs be read asynchronously from the redirection server. Also, the URLs are now only
retrieved when the practice is registered for Online Booking (OL).

Ref: 50095
In a multi branch appointment scheduler, switching views would cause an incorrect display of
columns. This has been corrected.

Ref: 48990
Fixed several issues with the List Recalls screen related to sending recalls to individual patients (ie.
When clicking on patient name and selecting "Send SMS to Patient" or "Send Email to Patient" or
"Send Letter to Patient").
Previously the merge panel did not show the correct boxes for the selected recall method. The boxes
on the merge panel are now consistent with the recall method chosen.
Previously for "Send Letter to Patient", the form selection box did not appear. The form selection box
now appears, and the merge panel is bypassed if a valid form/template is selected.
For letter processing, the template selected will be used to send the letter, rather than the template
associated with the patient's current recall status code. Furthermore, if the selected letter template is
a .DOC/Word type rather than .VPD/EasyPost, the letter will be printed locally, even if the "Use Mailing
House" flag is set for the recall type. The "Use Mailing House" flag (set in the recall automation wizard)
is no longer used to determine whether to send the letter to the mailing house, and this decision is
now based on whether the document template has an EasyPost template associated with it
(Preferences > My Money > Document Templates > {template} > Edit Record > F10 EasyPost

*Ref: 49714
A new report has been created: Patient/Health Fund Analysis, which shows the impact of Health
Funds and New Patients Vs returning Patients on a practice. Input parameters are Doctor Numbers
and a Patient Last Visit range.

Ref: 49836
When an existing patient with a mobile number made an online appointment with a different mobile
number, the SMS notification was going to the existing mobile number, rather than the one supplied in
the new appointment. This has been rectified.

*Ref: 49780
As Oasis treats table entries in upper and lower case as separate entries, this can lead to issues for
businesses consolidating data externally. A new password protected utility allows case different SKEY
values in SYTBLENT and SYUSRDEF to be adjusted to their correct case. Potential duplicates
created by this process are left as is with a notification of them for users to resolve them.

Ref: 48114
The 'Save Settings' option in merge SMS or merge Email now saves all fields, including the Contact
code. This has been an issue since the introduction of the revised Online Booking process, but is now

*Ref: 50219
The functionality of the Up/Down arrows and Enter Key when in the Patient Find screen has been
made more intuitive.

Ref: 50272
Statement print process modified to correct problem with addition and subtraction when calculating
and printing variable assignments.

Ref: 50343
A function has been introduced into Utils to rectify a problem caused by AutoUpgrade versions earlier
than 3.0.14 where Clinical notes which had graphics attached were not being copied across to the
OASIS\Files{Dexis} structure.

Ref: 50500
A small bug which resulted in incorrect panels being displayed on the patient card under some
conditions (like when a new patient was added through the scheduler) has been rectified.

Ref: 49804
The EASYDENT X-Ray definition stopped working between version 11.4 and 11.5. This bug has now
been rectified and the software from 11.6.1952 onwards contains the fix.

Ref. 0050445
Urgent fix for PDF documents being mixed up with EasyPost documents.
All functions that produce a PDF file (EasyPost and all that send reports by email) have been modified
to check the availability of PDFCreator. If another process is using PDFCreator, a message will be
shown indicating that it is not available. The user should wait for the other PDF generating process to
complete, and try again. The software from 11.6.1952 onwards contains this fix. Further
improvements to the PDF generation process are anticipated for Rel 11.7.

Ref: 51128
CXServer has been modified to delete the .EPZ file if sending an EasyPost document times-out. This
prevents it from being sent again during the next cycle (if a time-out occurs, the file might or might not
have been sent). The default timeout has been increased from 30 sec to 60 sec, and the timeout
value is now read from registry - HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program
Settings\OASIS\CXSERVER\EPResponseTimeout (Default is 60). The software from 11.6.2111
onwards contains this fix.


Items with Asterisks (*) refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.
*01. Ref: 48623
In version 8.x, the facility was provided to save a new clinical note using the Ctrl-O(kay) key sequence.
This has been added back into version 11.

  1. Ref: 46582
    The treatment imaging program was not correctly displaying the default printer number. This has been
    *03. Ref: 46711
    A modification has been made to the appointment edit screen. The system now checks whether the
    patient has incomplete treatment records, and if any, shows the words “Incomplete Treatment” below
    any health warnings. Both warnings are shown as yellow on black, with font size changing every
    second. Note that the Incomplete Treatment flag on the patient card is not used for this purpose - the
    status of individual treatment records is used instead!
    *04. Ref: 47602
    The financial notes list procedure now shows entries in reverse date order. (ie last notes at top of list).
    *05. Ref: 48063
    The payment system now supports the ability to automatically create a credit card/eftpos surcharge at
    time of entry. Use My Money, Preferences and configure as follows:
    Use the Discount table to create a new entry to hold the surcharge. Eg
    Discount No. 10
    Description Credit Surcharge
    % or $ %
    Ratio -2.50 (Note use of negative symbol)
    Round to Cents 5
    Payment Options
    Use the Payment options, prompt #4 “Surcharge Number” to point to this discount table entry.
    Now whenever an amount is detected for credit card/eftpos, the system will prompt “Add surcharge to
    this payment Y/N”. If confirmed the program will calculate the surcharge, add it to the payment line
    and create a subsequent negative discount line for the surcharge itself.
    Eg, using the above example of a 2.5% surcharge, with a patient owing $100, the system would
    Payment Eftpos 102.50
    Discount Credit Surcharge -2.50

  2. Ref: 49231
    If you minimize the scheduler to read in a patient from the patient history list, scheduler reopens in
    front of Oasis and you have to minimize or close it to read the patient card. This has been corrected.

  3. Ref: 49117
    A warning has been set up in OASISServerUpgrade to help users when they run this program instead
    of Setup11.exe. Furthermore, OASISServerUpgrade has been enhanced so that the OASIS share is
    verified (recreated if necessary) and the server WORKSTATE is record is checked and made intact, if
    necessary. This should ensure that Workstations are never in a position where they cannot locate
    upgrade resources.
    *08. Ref: 47457
    A utility is now available to repair the appointments cancellation table (PAAPPCAN) if it was created
    by an early 8-10 or 8-11 AutoUpgrade version, where two fields were left off. Further, the new fields
    are populated from existing data where possible. Access this new utility via Utils then Data
    Conversions/General/Repair PAAPPCAN.

  4. Ref: 49126
    The error causing Utils to crash after Logins were cleared has been rectified.

  5. Ref: 49187
    The Exit Workflow screen was displaying incorrect information upon ok. It is believed the problem is
    being caused by a call somewhere to read a different patient. The modified version forces a reread of
    the patient prior to processing the ok message.

  6. Ref: 48613
    The Back, Forward, Start and End buttons are missing from the clinical notes window in the restorative
    charting screen. They disappeared when the screen options were introduced to turn off side-by-side
    charting. This has been corrected.

  7. Ref: 49142
    Ready message processing would not close the invoice screen. This has been corrected.
    *13. Ref: 49059
    When listing treatment plan items from the appointment edit screen, the relevant tooth number now
    appears (in brackets), at the end of the item description.

  8. Ref: 48333
    The charting system allows you to create treatment groups and then call them from the charting
    system using "Expand as group when selected". This expands the treatment group using the time
    assigned to the individual item codes. However, when using the drop-down menu to expand a group,
    the time allocated is read from the visit header. Logic says that if you are applying a time to a visit
    header then it should take precedence over the individual item times. The behaviour should be the
    same whether sourced from the chart or the treatment plan screen. Corrected.

  9. Ref: 47090
    When running the Appointment Usage Summary report for a specific date range, the Total New
    Patients with Future Appointments is zero if you choose the "Print Patients in Detail" option. The report
    gives different results if the check box is ticked / un-ticked. Problem corrected.

  10. Ref: 48918
    Screen print of financial history now contains the heading: 'Financial History: Surname, Title
    Firstname' (i.e Financial History: Smith, Mr John) instead of just the word ‘History’.

*17. Ref: 49092
Abbreviation codes were not working as expected when entering comments into tasks in Task
Manager. This has been resolved.
*18. Ref: 48624
In treatment plan main window, all line entry functions including resequencing force the system to
display the cursor back to the original place on the grid.

*19. Ref: 49019
New switch in my time scheduler options table 3.6 “Add cancellations and noshows to notes
regardless y/n”. When enabled forces the cancellation/no show system to write the details to the
clinical notes even when the main scheduler notes setting is turned off. (Scheduler options 2.1).

  1. Ref: 48591
    Even though users have not been given access to branches and cannot log into them from the Oasis
    login screen, once they log into a branch they do have access to there is no restrictions on them
    switching sessions to the other branch/es. This has been corrected by removing the "Switch Branch"
    and modifying the function "Switch User/Branch" to achieve the same thing.

  2. Ref: 49047
    When running a multi-branch appointment book with Branch Buttons enabled, they disappear in
    screen mode 11 and require a re-load of the appointment book to get them back. This has been
    *22. Ref: 48830
    Made a change to allow the creation date of treatment plans to be changed so they can be re-used
    rather than users having to create a new one.

  3. Ref: 47308
    Some practices have reported a problem with the automated HiCaps payment line not showing patient
    name. Believe this may be caused by long names not fitting into the database field length. Software
    has been modified to trim the name to the maximum length of 35 bytes.

  4. Ref: 46333
    The new Vistadent version 11.5 requires the patient's date of birth and gender to be passed through
    on the command line to the Vistadent program. This has been implemented.
    *25. Ref: 49492
    As each workstation can now warn the user if there has been no recent backup, the backup path set in
    the database must be a UNC path. The help text on the Backup and Log locations has been changed
    to reflect this, and there is now some entry validation to make sure the network path exists - a
    message will appear, and the field will be shown with red text.

  5. Ref: 49221
    In certain situations, automated reporting would produce a “user number exceeded” error when run.
    This has now been corrected.
    *27. Ref: 47947
    Major new feature – Reputation.Com
    Patient Exit Workflow can now be configured to send an email to the patient asking them to complete
    an online review of their visit via popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Places, etc.
    This feature requires the purchase of the Oasis "RC" module for Reputation.Com and requires an
    account with Reputation.Com. Includes changes to CXServer.
    *28. Ref: 46819
    Many of the previously unprotected functions/Processes in Utils have now been password protected.
    Specifically: File Conversion routines (Blobs <--> non- Blobs, etc; Dexis <--> Non dexis, etc) Convert
    Pending Documents Rebuild Patient Balances OASIS8x conversion routines General Conversion
    routines Merge routines (Databases and Patients)
    *29. Ref: 48781
    The 'Convert from Blobs' utility in the Utils program was not working, producing an error when run.
    This has been fixed in this version. Also, a new screen has been introduced to allow appropriate
    selection of options before the function runs, rather than sequentially/interactively as the function
    progresses. Also the process can now be cancelled and there is feedback as to how the conversion

  6. Ref: 48142
    When changing text in the search field on the Find Patient screen, the cursor no longer jumps to the
    end of the field.
    *31. Ref: 49045
    When EasyPost was implemented, there was no way for the user to view records in the EP Job
    Details table. An "EasyPost Job Details" item has now been added to the Activity Logs menu to allow

  7. Ref: 49354
    The ability to create Appointment Status Codes starting with the letters OL has been restored.

  8. Ref: 49451
    When CXServer shuts down a record is written into the database to educate the system that it has
    shut down. If it shuts down unexpectedly, this record is not written and the system warns, when
    restarted, that CXServer may still be running on that machine. We have introduced a user option to fix
    this at a button click, rather than having to go into Utils to do it. This should save time for the end user.

  9. Ref: 49243
    Patient Exit Workflow has been modified to include a prompt for the user to ask the patient to
    complete an online review if the practice is set up for Reputation.com. Refer Change reference 47947.

  10. Ref: 49522
    An error in the layout for diagnosis sheet lines, affecting the first two columns, has been repaired.

  11. Ref: 49334
    Online Booking Wizard had a small bug where the Doctor's headshot URL was not being saved. This
    has been repaired.

  12. Ref: 46539
    A bug has been repaired where patients whose online booking failed would not receive notification via
    SMS. Now, failures will be contacted by both email and SMS.

  13. Ref: 48593
    It has been reported that it was possible to open more than one instance of the Clinical Notes window
    simultaneously. Extra code has been added to doubly prevent this happening.
    *39. Ref: 49192
    Despite being limited to 160 characters for outbound SMS messages, we can now receive, display
    and edit much longer responses (Up to around 1000 characters) in the SMS Activity Log. Up to 99
    characters of SMS messages are shown in the Patient Correspondence form. Double clicking on the
    message will allow the message to be viewed more fully. In a future version, we will expand the
    Patient Correspondence to show the full message if it is longer than 99 characters.

  14. Ref: 48334
    When sending an individual SMS recall via the patient recalls panel, the recall date was being updated
    before the SMS was sent. This is not normally an issue, but if an ONLINE recall was used, the new
    recall date was erroneously being embedded into the URL sent in the SMS/EMAIL. This has been
    corrected so that the recall date is now updated after the SMS or Email is sent.

  15. Ref: 48825
    Problems with CXServer crashing and receiving ‘type mismatch’ errors. Changes made to CXServer
    to improve the error handling and increase stability.

  16. Ref: 48972
    A problem where the ZIP folder specified in the Backup preferences was not being honoured when
    VerifyFiles was run, has been repaired. NOTE: the zip folder must be a folder for this to work correctly,
    i.e.e G:\Backup rather than G:.

  17. Ref: 49140
    The EasyPost wizard now adds a RCALLPAR record for the basic postcard and letter designs that it
    creates. This eliminates the need to click the template editing button in the Recall Automation Wizard
    for the purpose of registering the template.

  18. Ref: 49048
    OASIS Workstation machine MUST know the identity of their server. Occasionally, the database
    records which contain this information become corrupted and no Server can be identified. If this
    happens, the server record can be restored by running OASIS on the machine which is to be the
    server (OASIS knows this through the entry in the .ini file). Until this time, OASIS will not open on the
    *45. Ref: 49802
    Practices are reminded that if Healthengine is nominated as a supplier for Online bookings, then they
    need to be notified of all changes to a Practitioner's details. This includes the default appointment
    *46. Ref: 49810
    The utility to convert blobs to files has been improved. After it is run, and the new files are created, the
    database space is reclaimed.

  19. Ref: 50037
    A small bug in the Online booking Wizard was modifying some suburbs when the Practice Address
    was populated. This has been rectified.
    Items with Asterisks (*) refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
    refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

  20. Ref: 48568
    In online booking, if there are no BookingReasons, we now push up an empty array to 3pd (and
    others). Prior to this, we simply did not include the BookingReasons node. This has been
    recommended by 3pd. Health Engine use their own Reasons List.

  21. Ref: 47884
    The URL embedded in online recalls has been shortened to allow for more characters to be included
    in SMS messages. This applies to 3pd online booking recalls only.

  22. Ref: 48110
    *Client would like the ability to add date ranges to the "Save Settings" option in Appointment Merge
    and Recall Merge as they run the process manually and would like the "This day" option as the system
    saves the dates as the range specified when the save occurs. Has been added.

  23. Ref: 47942
    Drag drop imaging selection was not working. This is due to a screen order process and has been
    resolved by asking the operator to confirm the drag drop request forcing a correct sequence of
    windows to display.

  24. Ref: 47325
    If a patient has preferred appointment date and times, these are meant to be brought into the
    appointment book search panel. Sometimes they do and sometimes only the days are coming across.
    This has been corrected. Note that only the hour part of the preferred time is utilised and no minutes
    can be calculated.

  25. Ref: 47780
    When you have a template setup to prompt for referring dr on the fly, it works perfectly fine and
    prompts from the patient correspondence window. When trying to do the same thing from the clinical
    notes, it doesn’t work. This has been corrected.

  26. Ref: 48153
    In version 8, an entry in the clinical notes with [xx] at the beginning would be listed in clinical notes
    when the List (xx) Tooth was selected. In version 11, this does not occur. This has been corrected.

  27. Ref: 48611
    If you minimize the scheduler to do a patient find, after you select a patient from the search list the
    scheduler always opens over Oasis (gaining primary focus). This has been corrected.

  28. Ref: 48000
    The description relating to the default diagnosis sheet number was not being displayed on first
    opening the diagnosis sheet system. This has been corrected.

  29. Ref: 47499
    *New table option. Preferences, My Time, Scheduler Options 3 Field #5 Enable ask for standby on
    cancellations y/n. When enabled and a patient cancels or no shows, the system will check the
    patient's current standby status and request a standby where no record exists.

  30. Ref: 48630
    When a recall email was sent to a patient who did not have the 'Receives Own Recall' flag set, the
    email arrived without a subject. This has been rectified.

  31. Ref: 48405
    When slots were uploaded to online sites, sometimes the number of slots was less than expected
    (Some slots missing). This has been rectified.

  32. Ref: 48563
    The utility (see note for 0048470) to remove inactive Doctor's time slots from Online Booking has been
    extended to remove also their allocated timeslots from the OASIS appointment book.

  33. Ref: 48378
    When Comment Only appointments were made, certain fields are hidden. Some were not being
    completely hidden. This issue has been resolved.

  34. Ref: 47402
    *Processing of Incomplete Treatment correspondence now writes an entry into the patient's clinical
    notes file for easier identification.

  35. Ref: 47037
    *Workstations using the higher res screen mode 11 now see a larger version of reports when printed
    to screen.

  36. Ref: 45541

  • The Appointment cancellation screen now provides the ability to send an SMS or Email to the patient
    regarding the cancellation. This can be activated as follows
    a) Use Preferences, My Time, Merge Forms and create the form(s) to be used for email/sms.
    Note the new fields available on the list for showing appointment date, time, patient salutation
    b) Use Preferences, My Time, Scheduler Options 3 and define the forms you wish to use for both
    email and sms. Note if these fields are left “00” then Oasis will prompt for selection of the form
    within the application.
    c) Run Appointment Cancellations program, click on the record concerned and choose sms or

  1. Ref: 48357
    *The merging of practice details in a variety of applications has been modified to cater for “@” symbol
    being part of the practice details. In previous versions Oasis would treat this as a possible variable.
    This change keeps the “@” symbol after variable merging occurs. Two additional fields have also been
    added to the branch details table including email address and web address.
    Please note in order for this to work correctly, the merging workstation settings must be altered in
    Preferences, My Money, Document (Workstation) and configure field #8. Merge Symbol = “@” and
    field #9 Demerge Symbol=”~” (where ~=tilde symbol). This symbol can be any keyboard character that
    will not be used in any branch details merge field content.

  2. Ref: 46088
    *Link to Panda perio modified to include gender and address details.
    *20. Ref: 48046
    When making Online Booking appointments, the number of minutes allocated by default was always

  3. Now the default time allocation depends on a) the doctor and b) the appointment type.

  4. Ref: 48605
    When an online booking appointment failed with Healthengine, a situation arose where failures
    SMS/Emails were being sent every CXServer cycle to the patient. This has been resolved by flagging
    that a failure email has been sent, and checking this flag before sending again.

  5. Ref: 47841
    The clinical notes system allowed you to Review/Edit a clinical note. This placed the edit window on
    the screen but allowed the user to click into the category list and choose "All Categories". This caused
    problems with screen flicking. Problem has been corrected.

  6. Ref: 48455
    A cancellation or no show on an existing appointment now removes the contact code from the record if
    that appointment is not deleted. This is to cater for situations where a further merge may occur on
    records and a deleted appointment is picked up and processed.

  7. Ref: 48595
    A common scenario in a dental practice will be a surgery completing clinical notes and a reception PC
    updating patient information at the same time. At the moment, the surgery user loses focus on the
    clinical notes they are working on when the patient card is saved at reception. This has been corrected
    by redisplaying the modified patient details and then checking for and displaying the clinical note entry
    screen if open.

  8. Ref: 48735
    User defined date settings for scheduled reports were not being written and reread correctly. This has
    been fixed.

  9. Ref: 48570
    The SMS Activity log for CXServer should now show the SMS responses for multi-branch practices.

  10. Ref: 48707
    Doctors with the same name can now be set up correctly using the Online Booking Wizard. Previously,
    only the first instance could be set up and saved correctly.

  11. Ref: 48547
    Appointments booked online through the Healthengine interface were not reflecting the New/Existing
    status of the patient, irrespective of what option was chosen when the booking was made. This has
    been resolved.

  12. Ref: 48861
    Clinical Notes view in charting modified so that individual date entries are shown against each record
    when a valid tooth number is specified. This is to overcome a listing problem when switching been all
    notes and an individual tooth number.

  13. Ref: 48741
    From OASIS version 11.4 onwards, CXServer handles 4 processes:

  • SMS

  • Email

  • Online Booking

  • Easypost
    This means that 4 panels are required to display the processes.
    The screen has been redesigned so that, depending upon how many of these processes have been
    set up, the panel layout will follow the schema below:
    Panels visible Layout
    1 Single panel
    2 2 panels, side by side
    3 3 panels, side by side
    4 4 panels in 2 rows of 2
    Hopefully this should improve screen readability.

  1. Ref: 42631
    Opt-out functionality for recalls - There is a new checkbox on the patient card to allow the patient to
    opt-out of receiving recalls. If ticked, this indicates that the patient does not wish to receive recall
    notifications from the practice. If a patient replies STOP to a recall SMS, this should automatically optthe-patient-out of recalls. If the patient rings or emails the practice requesting not to receive recall
    messages, the practice will need to tick this box on the patient's card.
    At the moment this affects all recall methods (SMS/email/letter) but additional boxes may be added in
    future to specify restrictions based on individual communication methods (SMS, email, phone and
    letter). Opt-out functionality for reminders, marketing and other contact purposes will be added in a
    future release.
    Stop messages are appropriately displayed in the Message log and the Patients Comms log.

  2. Ref: 48875
    A problem arising where the SMS messages sent out to patients after a successful online booking had
    been made did not have their merge fields populated correctly has been fixed.

  3. Ref: 48141
    A modified search routine for item codes was introduced in 11.2. This has caused problems in other
    search related routines and has been removed. The table search functions now revert to standard
    Oasis as per earlier editions.

  4. Ref: 48883
    Changes have been made to the Task Manager system to speed up the recognition of changes made
    on one workstation to another. This works for both winsocket and non winsocket configurations. A
    change on any workstation semaphores all other workstations advising of a change of task manager
    records. If the task manager main window is open, the system forces a relisting to occur.
    A change has also been made to the selection of the task manager user id from the listing screen.
    Previously this was linked to the waiting room id but this has been altered so that separate listings can
    occur for both task manager and waiting room

  5. Ref: 48899
    The EasyPost template name variable is now cleared from Presentation manager when unloading the
    form so that subsequent use of the form as a basic presentation does not result in EasyPost artefacts

  6. Ref: 48915
    VPD files that are configured as EasyPost documents can no longer be opened as ordinary templates
    in Presentation Manager. This is necessary because EasyPost recall merge fields are different to
    those used by a normal presentation document. To edit EasyPost template files, use Preferences >
    My Money > Document Templates > Edit Document.
    Please note that EasyPost template files are typically located in: {OasisRoot}\Templates
    while Presentation templates are typically located in: {OasisRoot}\Present\Templates

  7. Ref: 48877
    The Recall Automation Wizard no longer requires a form to be defined for a particular recall attempt if
    none of the contact preferences for that contact attempt use that method. Also fixed an issue where
    the incorrect form numbers were being read by the recall wizard and it was swapping SMS forms with
    email forms, and vice versa. The file type of the letter template is now validated, so a VPD file must
    exist if using EasyPost, and a DOC file must exist if EasyPost is not selected. Note that if copying and
    pasting template names between fields on the Recall Forms panel of the wizard, it is advisable to click
    the Edit Template button (beside each field), select the required style template, and then click OK.
    This will ensure the template is configured correctly.

  8. Ref: 48941
    Updated structures for CXSERVER to allow 4 digits in the EasyPost Check Interval (F44). This should
    allow processing every 2 or more hours to be configured.


  1. Ref: 48669
    The Item Codes and Fees table has been updated to align with the ADA 10th Schedule. Further
    modifications have been made to update the ITEMNUMB table to comply with the ADA 11th Schedule
    (to be released April 2106). In addition, the current DVA fees have been updated into Fee No.3 and
    the Medicare Rebate amounts have been entered into Fee No. 9 for CDBS item codes only.

  2. Ref: 48968
    When an appointment made through Health Engine failed, one of the outcomes was the creation of
    multiple patient records for the same person. This has been resolved by referring to the
    ApptProcessed flag in the database.
    Note: As the patient card has to be created before the appointment can try to be made, if the
    appointment was unsuccessful and the patient card deleted, the next patient number in the audit table
    will have moved ahead one.

  3. Ref: 49018
    The clinical notes marker (blue at the left of the appointment) used to update dynamically in the
    appointment book. It now no longer does so. Believed that the problem has occurred because of the
    way we are refreshing the appointment book in a recent version. Corrected by forcing a refresh of the
    appointment book for the workstation that enters the note.

  4. Ref: 48879
    The process used by Oasis to generate PDF files (for EasyPost and other functions) has been
    modified to disable PDFCreator's check for updates, and to disable opening of the PDF document
    after processing.
    Note that this may not work correctly in Win8/10 64-bit. In this instance, PDFCreator should be
    manually configured to never check for updates and to not open the document after automatic

  5. Ref: 48017
    A new XRAY definition (EZDENT-I) has been created to cater for the new EzDent-i product. When
    processing, this will create an Easydent4 folder on the Local drive, which will contain the link file. To
    set up the definition, install the EzDent-I program first. On the X-Ray (Workstation) preferences
    screen, select XRAY Type Code = EZDENT-I. The program name to provide for OASIS (F2) is
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VATECH\EzDent-\Bin\VTEzBridge32.exe. No other setup is required.

  6. Ref: 48047
    Issue encountered where more than one user was accessing a PC or Server (i.e. Terminal Services
    environment) where CXServer was starting up multiple times. The routines employed to check a
    network for multiple instances of CXServer have been expanded to prevent multiple instances running
    on the same machine.

  7. Ref: 48198
    When generating recalls, if the "Exclude Future Appointments" box was ticked, the process would still
    send a recall to patients that had an appointment today. This has now been fixed. Patients with an
    appointment today are treated the same as patients with future appointments and recalls will only be
    sent of you untick the “Exclude Future Appointments” options in List Recalls.

  8. Ref: 48711
    A specific test for active CXServer sessions has been introduced. The Upgrade process has been
    modified to use this test, and warn users if CXServer is running anywhere on the network.

  9. Ref: 48105
    The correct refreshing on waiting rooms did not occur in a multiple branch practice when an operator
    switched branch in the appointment book only. This has been corrected.

  10. Ref: 48982
    An OASIS installation from scratch requires that an OASIS share be created on the server machine.
    When Setup11.exe is run, we have no way of telling in advance whether the machine on which it runs
    will be a server, or a workstation. Consequently, the share creation mentioned must be handled
    manually, after installation. To deal with this, we have removed the OASIS auto-run functionality which
    kicked in after the installation, and refreshed the final information screen of the install process to
    prompt the user to create the share.
    *49. Ref: 49138
    The Backup and Log paths specified in Preferences/Verify/Backup Details are now correctly used in
    the utility to create a verify files batch (Utils/Server/Mimer SQL/Create Mimer File Verification). A
    change was introduced in 11.3.025 to force these paths to being on the server, but we have now
    reverted to allowing the user to specify these locations.
    *50. Ref: 49266
    CXServer and CXMonitor are responsible for each other running constantly. CXServer now has a
    small heart symbol in the bottom left corner when CXMonitor is running.
    51. Ref: 48822
    Some clients have experienced a situation where patients who have booked appointment online have
    received multiple SMS notifications of their appointment (sometimes many hundreds). This has now
    been rectified.
    Items with Asterisks () refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
    refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

  11. Ref: 47748
    When using a stats/list doctor in the appointment book, a switch was added to the software to allow
    the user to nominate the stats/list doctor as the invoice doctor when invoicing directly from the
    appointment book. This switch no longer seemed to work. The problem has been diagnosed and

*02. Ref: 47446
With changes to restorative charting in screen mode 11, it has been suggested that having the
existing/proposed teeth layouts above/below each other makes it easier to mark the correct tooth
rather than side by side layouts. This has been implemented by a new switch – Treatment Options 2,
#19 General Restorative Chart Format No. This is only used for screen mode 11. When left blank or
set to 00, the earlier above/below chart system is enabled. When set to “01”, then the new side by side
format is used.

  1. Ref: 47181
    When an appointment is edited and the code changed, the contact code picture is lost. This has been

  2. Ref: 47124
    The print screen report from the Cancellation list was printing unneeded columns. This has been

  3. Ref: 47185
    A request to have the next barcode number displayed on the window for creating barcodes has been
    implemented. This will assist the user by not having to go to Tools all the time to see what the next
    barcode value is.

  4. Ref: 47960
    The auto recall and scheduled appointment reminder processes would hang if a backup had not been
    performed for 3 days or more. This issue has been fixed.
    *07. Ref: 47807
    Online Bookings slots appear only as 'Online Booking', but more details about the appointment block
    are available when the user hovers over the block. When the slot/block is edited, a full description
    appears next to the Search Code field.

  5. Ref: 47881
    A small issue where the incorrect form was being displayed in Preferences after another action had
    been cancelled has been repaired.
    *09. Ref: 43649
    A new switch in Doctors in the Network (F11) may be set to indicate that a Doctor is not available for
    appointments. This might be because the doctor has left the practice, or is currently on leave or
    sabbatical. We recommend that this switch be set whenever the doctor cannot book appointments,
    especially if the doctor is 'online-enabled'. Patients with this doctor as their regular doctor will then
    have an option if an online recall is sent to them.

  6. Ref: 48101
    If the scheduler has been moved or minimized to go into the patient find screen and you simply exit out
    of patient find without selecting a patient, the scheduler is not opened back to its normal state. It is
    opened in a panel the size of the patient find screen with the bottom and right hand sides cut off. This
    is a training issue and operators are now advised to ESC on the scheduler and the minimise button
    has been removed.

  7. Ref: 47855
    The C:\ drive folder list in the Incoming Document Selection area is slightly too large for the Patient
    Correspondence window meaning that the bottom border is not being displayed in the window. This
    has been corrected.

  8. Ref: 47705
    Modifications to the Item Rule table to remove references to WP documents; this feature is targeted
    for a later version of the software.

  9. Ref: 46807
    When exporting documents from the patient correspondence menu, if renaming the file after saving,
    the document extension is not automatically defined. Therefore when trying to re open the document
    after saving, the program that you want to open it with needs to be manually selected. This has been
    corrected by testing for and adding the file extension where required.
    *14. Ref: 47162
    To make the setup of merge forms easier, it has been requested that the practice name and phone
    number be added to the Recall Merge Field listing so they can be embedded into merge forms. This
    would alleviate the necessity for users to have to hard-code these values into merge forms and that a
    generic set of forms could be distributed without the need for change for specific practices. The branch
    names table has been modified to allow entry of up to 5 address lines and these are referenced in
    variables 051-055, the branch name is 050 and the telephone number is variable 056..
    *15. Ref: 45803
    A new View Correspondence option has been added to the pull down list when the mouse is clicked
    over a patient related record in the message grid.
    *16. Ref: 47072
    Currently when importing a document into the correspondence window in Oasis, a selection box is
    presented to the user to allow them to select an appropriate pre-defined document description. If they
    have not defined any pre-defined descriptions, a blank table selection box is shown with little (or no)
    indication of what the box is for. It would be better to allow the user to select from the table from the
    description entry window. This has been enhanced by providing the user with a screen listing of
    predefined descriptions and the ability to select/edit or add a new description at the bottom of the

  10. Ref: 46300
    When viewing some document types in patient correspondence, after closing the highlighted
    document will be the bottom document in the list rather than the one you have just opened. This has
    been corrected.

  11. Ref: 47958
    When some reports are run for doctors 0001 to 9999, it does not produce output for any doctor
    numbered 100+ (only works for doctors between 1 and 99). This is due to the use of the Doctor/Report
    index as a default. A new switch has been added in My Money ->Miscellaneous Options -> Enable
    Doctor/Report Index y/n (Field #11).
    By default this feature is turned off, disabling the Doctor/Report index functionality and allowing all
    reports to be run on all doctors. Setting this switch to Y turns the functionality on but will restrict the
    reports controlled by the Doctor/Report index to only be run on doctor numbers under 100. Reports
    outside of these will still function on doctor numbers over 99.

  12. Ref: 46227
    OASiSWP program does not honour the number of copies when selected for printing.
    The OASiS 8 clinical notes option of “Rebuild Notes Log” by procedure date is no longer available.
    Both functions corrected and added as required.

  13. Ref: 48083
    A minor problem discovered in refreshing screens after a find patient. Corrected

  14. Ref: 42697
    When the practice selects 'Base appointment time on View Name', the view name records need to
    have default values for Start Hour, Hours in the Day and Appointment Duration. The software has
    been modified to ensure that if no defaults have been set in the views, then the practice defaults are
    used instead. Existing values are left alone - values are only updated if they evaluate to zero.
    *22. Ref: 48177
    When an SMS sent to CXServer fails, it is now removed from the process queue, and an email is sent
    to the practice informing them of this action, and prompting them to fix the error (which is usually a bad
    phone number). The email address to which the email is sent is the one described in CXServer
    *23. Ref: 46372
    To make the setup of merge forms easier, it has been requested that the practice name and phone
    number be added to the Appointment Merge Field listing so they can be embedded into merge forms.
    This would alleviate the necessity for users to have to hard-code these values into merge forms and
    that a generic set of forms could be distributed without the need for change for specific practices. The
    branch names table has been modified to allow entry of up to 5 address lines and these are
    referenced in variables 351-355 and the branch name as 350.
    24: Ref: 48054
    When there was a problem confirming an appointment that someone was trying to book online, the
    online website would alert the patient, but no email was being sent as a backup notification. This has
    been rectified.
    25: Ref: 45888
    Request to have Usual Hygienist name to be available in the recall merge file. The hygienist name has
    been added as merge field #039.
    26: Ref: 48163
    The structures file has been updated to correctly pair the column headings with the data in
    TDIAGGRE02 (Diagnosis Sheet Lines).
    *27: Ref: 48228
    In the Workstation\View Workstation Records screen in Utils, there is a new 'Delete' column, which
    allows specific workstation records to be selected for deletion. When one or more records are
    checked, the 'Remove Selected Workstation Records' button appears which does as it says when
    28: Ref: 48165
    The issue where the registration string was not being updated when an OASIS upgrade occurred from
    v10 to v11 has been resolved. The registration string is updated in the checkRegistrationString

  15. Ref: 46519
    CX Server could stop responding if an error occurs during the transmission of the email. Specifically, if
    an image required for an HTML email is not present when CXServer attempts to send the email, it will
    stop responding. Checks have been added to ensure that attached images exist, and if they don't
    exist, the email is not sent and an error is recorded.
    *30. Ref: 47663
    The content of ad-hoc messages and responses are now recorded in Family Communications History.

  16. Ref: 48358
    The HTML Editor has been fixed so it no longer removes commas.

  17. Ref: 48270
    When the template system was used to create an online booking, a 'UOL' file was being created.
    These files are used as flags to indicate that the online booking schedule for a particular day needs
    updating. As the templates are stored with '9999' as their first 4 characters (normally the characters
    reserved for 'Year'), an out-of-range error was being generated. Now, no UOL file is created when a
    template for an online booking is created, but appropriate UOL files ARE created when the template is
    applied across a range of dates.
    *33. Ref: 47573
    If the recall automation wizard is used to schedule automated recalls, running the wizard again and
    ticking the "Don't Schedule" box, the wizard did not un-schedule the existing task from Windows Task
    Scheduler. The wizard has been modified to now delete the previously scheduled task in this
    situation. Issues with scheduling in 64-bit environments have also been fixed.
    *34. Ref: 47880
    A generally accessible feature has been added to the Export function for SYTBLENT records. The
    user is now prompted to select between OASIS native export (which results in a .tbl file), and a CSV
    option, which can usually be opened directly in Excel.

  18. Ref: 48174
    The patient find screen was not closing correctly and would reappear in a number of circumstances
    such as changing message and waiting room grid heights. This has been corrected.

  19. Ref: 48175
    When opening patient find from the appointment editor while using screen mode 11 (Scheduler not
    maximized), the patient find screen - and all other - become unresponsive. This has been corrected
    37: Ref: 47761
    The error produced by CXServer when sending an SMS from a branch with a higher branch number
    than 9 has been resolved by changing thee SMS id construction to BBBBBBnnnnnn (instead of
    BBBBnnnnnnnn). This will not help branches which have an ID > 2146, and limits the number of
    unique SMS ids per branch to 1,000,000 instead of 100,000,000.
    38: Ref: 48407
    If any doctor in the network had an apostrophe in their name, the Online Booking wizard would not
    save, and produce an error. This has been resolved.

  20. Ref: 47687
    The Recall Automation Wizard previously ignored changes made to the recall codes manually via
    Preferences. The wizard has been changed to correctly read the previously saved recall settings from
    the database, and should now read most changes made manually, although it is still advisable to rerun the wizard rather than changing recall settings in Preferences. Also, error messages that occur
    while modifying the recall matrix are no longer displayed as message boxes, and instead are shown in
    red to the right of each contact attempt.

  21. Ref: 46089
    If CXServer was started while the database was unavailable, it would display a warning message but
    do nothing after the message was dismissed. It has now been modified to display the warning
    message for one minute only, and then try again to connect to the database. Once the database
    becomes available, CXServer should start normally. In order to ensure CXServer does not become
    stalled due to other message boxes being displayed, some messages are now displayed using timedmessage-boxes, which will automatically close after several seconds.
    *41. Ref: 48463
    HealthEngine is now integrated with OASIS. HealthEngine will handle online bookings, as well as
    3PointData, to allow practices to have greater online exposure to potential clients.
    *42. Ref: 48470
    A utility has been included to allow practices to remove online slots from the 3pd online booking
    interface for one or more named practitioners. We will expand this utility to service other online
    providers in future versions. Slots may be removed from today onwards, or all slots may be removed.
    The utility is accessible through Utils/Other/Clear Online Slots (3pd only).

  22. Ref: 48196
    When a surgery user is completing their notes in the surgery and the reception PC updates an
    address or phone number, the system closes the chart/Tx/Notes window. This has been corrected.

  23. Ref: 48403
    If you have the scheduler open in front of Oasis and you minimize the scheduler before minimizing
    Oasis, both Oasis and the scheduler reopen on the screen instead of staying minimized. This has
    been corrected.

  24. Ref: 48401
    The issue where the SMS response log was not working correctly has been resolved. Previously,
    responses were not being read from the .sms response files in the CXServer folder, resulting in
    appointment data not being updated properly.

  25. Ref: 48599
    For online booking clients using Healthengine, their online widget is now stored in the registry oif the
    CXServer machine under HKCU\Software\VB and VBA program settings\OASIS\ProviderWidgets

  26. Ref: 47571
    When sending a patient document using Presentation Manager, the VPD file was not being attached
    to the email if PDFCreator had been installed as a Server installation. This has been resolved so that it
    works with both the Server install and Standard install of PDFCreator.
    Some versions of PDFCreator on 64bit versions of Windows will still not produce the correct file. In
    these cases, Oasis can be told to use an alternate method to specify the filename by setting:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\OASIS\OASIS\RenamePDF="Y"

  27. Ref: 48684
    A small bug which prevented to SMS log being read for multi-branch sites has been rectified.

  28. Ref: 48649
    Fixed an issue where patient details would disappear if two people were editing an existing patient or
    entering a new patient at the same time.
    *50. Ref: 48724
    The system now modifies the CXServer path in three places to ensure all Oasis users have their
    cxserver folder on the OASIS share on the server. End users are now no longer able to modify these
    paths in the relevant workstation settings. The server path is now dictated by the MAINUSER section
    of the oasis.ini file.
    51. Ref: 48863
    A bug in the global function used in the previous entry, which resulted in all network workstations
    polling CXServer (sometimes simultaneously) has been repaired. This bug resulted in unpredictable
    reporting of SMS responses. This may have manifested itself with multiple responses being recorded,
    or multiple question marks in the confirmation slot for appointments.
    Items with Asterisks () refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally
    refer to bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.


    1. Ref: 47377
      The Detailed Commission Invoice Listing report available in V8.x was not appearing in in later
      versions. This has been re-added in 11.1.

  1. Ref: 47241
    The Utilities menu option “Create Mimer Procedures” has been removed. It was a legacy from V8.X
    code and no longer needed in newer versions.

  2. Ref: 47164
    The recall merge process was ignoring the manual selection of an alternate SMS or email form. This
    has now been corrected.

  3. Ref: 47001
    The tabbing order in the Treatment Plan window was not correctly moving to the next logical field. This
    has been corrected.

  4. Ref: 47161
    When you use the "save Settings" option in Tools, Merge SMS (or Email) from the appointment book,
    it did not save the doctor selection that you have made. This has been corrected.

  5. Ref: 47183
    If Family List is left open and patient is read-in from the appointment book, the family list remains with
    the wrong family. The program has been modified to force operators to close down the patient listing
    screen before anything else can be processed.

  6. Ref: 46723
    When invoicing from the treatment plan window, the system was not reading the correct doctor initials.
    This has been corrected.

  7. Ref: 47269
    Patient birthday SMS functionality was not displaying correct day of week on messages, this has been

  8. Ref: 47184
    After editing patient details on one machine, if the same patient was open on another machine, it was
    not being updated on the second machine. This now works properly for both Winsock messaging and
    database messaging notification methods.

  9. Ref: 47166
    With the introduction of "intelligent" recalls, the status assigned to the patient has been updated to a
    valid status rather than being left as an invalid status. For example, if a patient is given a status of "S"
    for SMS but has no mobile phone number, the intelligent recall process will change his/her status for
    the next recall but change the default recall status on the patient card accordingly.

  10. Ref: 47427
    In screen mode 11 if in clinical notes and you select view/All Notes, the actual notes display window
    reduces in size. Problem diagnosed and corrected.


    1. Ref: 47163
      The Recall Automation Wizard now includes a Subject field for email templates, and this is used by
      the automated recall process when sending emails.

  1. Ref: 47447
    If the logged-in user is changed while task manager is open, clicking on a different user in the Task
    List or refreshing the task manager caused Task Manager to continuously increment the record count,
    which eventually leads to an SQL Error, crashing Oasis. This issue has been fixed.

  2. Ref: 47440
    New fields in 'Doctors in the Network' allow Title and Qualification information to be stored against a
    doctor/hygienist. The Professional Title field (30 characters) and the Qualifications field (100
    characters) have been added. These fields are used in Online Booking..

  3. Ref: 47121
    Right clicking on an invoice line is now functional for more than the first click. Right clicking allows
    different lines on the invoice grid to be selected. A bug was allowing this to happen only on the first
    click. This has been fixed

  4. Ref: 47240
    The bug where Utilities “Maintain Recall Names” was generating a runtime error has been fixed,
    correct menu now appears.

  5. Ref: 46225
    Fixed an issue whereby the workstation polling for SMS updates did not update the confirmation in its
    own appointment book.

  6. Ref: 46545
    The Save Reports option was ambiguous and has been changed to "Save Process" to make it clearer
    for both reports and predefined processes such as printing statements and posting progressive


    1. Ref: 47506
      Added an extra step to the recall automation wizard to display the Exclusion filters, so as to allow
      recalls to be sent to patients with existing appointments and with incomplete treatment. While a
      checkbox is shown for inactive patients, these currently cannot be included.

  1. Ref: 47481
    The recall reactivation tool in the Utilities program was timing out if the practice had a large number of
    patients or a large number of patients without recalls. The wizard has been modified to cater for this.
    Records now load in the background, and if the user attempts to create recalls before records have
    finished loading, they will see a warning message. The Refresh button changes to an Abort button
    while records are being loaded, allowing the user to cancel long-running queries.
    The table can now be sorted on any of the columns, although the recommended option is to create
    recalls in order of LastVisitDate. The format of the LastVisitDate has been changed from dd/mm/yyyy
    to yyyy/mm/dd.

  2. Ref: 47473
    The Reactivate Recalls tool in the Utilities program was allowing recalls to be created using only the
    codes S, E and L, which are incompatible with Automated Recalls. The tool has been updated to
    allow the option of creating recalls with either standard codes or the same codes used by the recall
    automation wizard, ie. S1A, E1A, and L1A.

  3. Ref: 47480
    The Recall Automation Wizard now updates the preferred recall status code in PBPATRCL for each
    patient that has a preferred recall method. This is based on the codes selected in the Map Codes
    step, but the code used is the one corresponding to the first contact attempt of the selected code.

  4. Ref: 47472
    The structures file for F07 in DOCNAMES has been altered to show this value as alphanumeric rather
    than Time based.

  5. Ref: 47570
    The IANATimeZone file has been updated to resolve some issues in Online-Booking.

  6. Ref: 46230
    The issue where OASIS would shut down if an empty CD drive was selected in
    Patient Correspondence - and other windows - has been resolved. An error message will now appear
    and the system will recover.

  7. Ref: 46417
    The registration screen now saves new details to allow the 'Maximum Users exceeded' problem to be

  8. Ref: 47552
    Fixed an issue where notifications of online bookings were only sent to the first user when the "Send
    Message UserId" setting is "ALL".

  9. Ref: 47554
    When configuring CX Server using the Recall Automation Wizard, the "From line display on emails"
    setting is now mandatory.
    *29. Ref: 46268
    Online bookings can now process the 'Call Me' flag, set in the online booking wizard. When set to 'true'
    in the wizard, a checkbox appears on the online booking widget, allowing the patient to request a
    confirmation call for the appointment they are making. When a patient ticks this box, the new message
    appearing alerting users of the new appointment will have a coloured background.
    *30. Ref: 47613
    The OASISServerUpgrade will no longer run if there are any active connection to Mimer. The reason
    for this is that the structures files may not upgrade properly if there are open connections. A warning
    will appear telling the user that there are (n) open connections. Details can be found in
    *31. Ref: 47809
    An error in the structures file was preventing users from creating calendar buttons. This has been
    *32. Ref: 46509
    Oasis will now display a warning if the VerifyFiles backup process has not been run for 3 days or
    more. The check occurs immediately after starting Oasis, or when the patient patient is changed, but
    the message will only be shown once per day on each workstation.

  10. Ref: 47591
    An issue where the patient correspondence screen was hanging has been resolved.

  11. Ref: 47514
    The Recall Automation wizard now ensures that after the 7th contact attempt the patient's status code
    is set to an asterisk.

  12. Ref: 47485
    Fixed an issue where items on the View button menu on the Process Lab Fees screen caused an
    error that closed Oasis.

  13. Ref: 47387
    When running the Online booking Wizard, the 'From Name' field on the email screen is now
    mandatory. The Next button will not be enabled until a value has been entered.

  14. Ref: 47321
    Fixed an issue with task scheduling of the recall automation wizard in some versions of Windows
    where it said the task could not be created even though it had been.

  15. Ref: 47234
    An upgrade notification email is now sent to the support server after either a server upgrade or a
    workstation upgrade.

  16. Ref: 47692
    Fixed an issue in the automated recall wizard where it was not updating the CXServer configuration
    *40. Ref: 43650
    A new, simpler system now exists for online booking. Each appointment book slot can be used to
    store multiple online booking appointment slots. The user is presented with a series of tick-boxes to
    specify the usage type (New Patients, Recalls and Existing Patients) Note that Existing Patients is
    now an option, which will allow appointments to be booked online for that group of a practice's

  17. Ref: 47702
    An issue with Presentation Manger has been fixed to correctly show the scroll bars.
    *42. Ref: 47352
    Some modifications have been made to the lookup list screen so that the search function will now
    work on both the Item Code and the Description fields. A limitation of this functionality is that repeat
    searches are not supported. Once a match is found, the search will stop.

  18. Ref: 47728
    The Recall/OLB/EP wizards now consistently update only the default user email & SMS settings.

  19. Ref: 47695
    The Schedule step of the Recall Automation Wizard now contains boxes to enter a user id and
    password to allow the recall processing task to be run under a particular user id.

  20. Ref: 47674
    The “Check Version Upgrade” switch on the SQLCONFIG preference screen has been removed, as it
    is redundant.

  21. Ref: 47808
    A bug where the ACCPAC was disappearing from the title screen after saving a preference option has
    been repaired.

  22. Ref: 43650 (pt 2)
    Small bug in processing routine for ‘*.uol’ files which resulted in online appointment times being
    overwritten with zeroes has been rectified.

  23. Ref: 47255
    The default recall templates and table entries for RCALLPAR are now installed through the Update
    process into C:\OASIS\AutorecallDefaults, and processed when the AutoRecall wizard is run.

  24. Ref: 47882
    Online presence has been established for each of the new automated recall statuses. The default
    status is 'D' for online precedence (rather than 'H'), and 0 for Onlinegap - the minutes between Doctor
    and hygienist appointments, when booked online.
    The Online recall times for Doctors and Hygienist now come from the doctors in the Network table -
    based on the patient's usual doctor (and hygienist).

  25. Ref: 47874
    Some adjustments have been made to the Online Booking Wizard so that the Online Confirmation
    checkbox position changes when the form is sized, and the default size of the form shows all standard

  26. Ref: 47889
    An error in the CXServer SMS processing which caused an endless loop has been rectified.

  27. Ref: 47912
    The Glb_CreateTimeKey function has been modified by using the GetSystemTime API, which can
    return the current time in milliseconds. The millisecond part of the time (mmm) is used to create as
    time related key as follows: YYMMDDHHNNSSmmmUUUU. This still results in an 18 character value
    being returned. As blobnumber fields are 18 characters wide, width parity is important.

  28. Ref: 47915
    A new form is available in Utils which allows WORKSTAT records to be viewed. This will help to
    resolve problems where it is suspected that more than one instance of CXServer is running, but not
    being reported.

  29. Ref: 47921
    When CXServer detected other running instances and asked the user whether or not to continue
    running the new instance of CXServer, clicking No still ran CXServer. This issue has been fixed.

  30. Ref: 47864
    When Running Workstation upgrades, the message box appearing at the top left of the screen saying
    "Please Wait" has been removed. This message was originally included to deal with a loading wait at
    the start of the process. As the wait has been minimised, the form is no longer appropriate.

  31. Ref: 47862
    A problem where the automated workstation upgrade was not triggering OASIS to start after
    completion has been resolved.

  32. Ref: 47866
    The messages in OASIS referring to a possible conflict when an appointment is booked online have
    been improved for readability.

  33. Ref: 47937
    The CXServer path is being correctly set to \{Server}\OASIS\CXSERVER in each of the wizards.

  34. Ref: 48010
    The changed functionality of the CODE search in the Referring Doctors screen has been restored and
    improved. Now the search only looks at the left hand characters, rather than using the equivalent of a
    'Contains' clause.

  35. Ref: 48009
    A new patient was not being created when there was exactly one match in the database. This has
    been repaired.

  36. Ref: 48008
    A small bug on the 'Link Direct Referral Patient' popup occurred where the pop-up menu could not call
    another pop-up. This has been repaired.

  37. Ref: 48059
    Minimizing the scheduler before accessing the patient find screen will lead to the patient find screen
    becoming responsive. This problem has been fixed; ‘patient find’ must be closed before proceeding.
    An additional change has been made also in the Find function for a new appointment. This is to force
    the find screen into modal so that the form must be exited properly or a find patient selection made
    before further edits occur in the appointment book.

  38. Ref: 48060
    A small bug relating to the way in which some forms are displayed was preventing the Transfer Family
    function from working correctly. This has been corrected.

  39. Ref: 48078
    Treatment Options #1, Switch #26 (Show patients treatment reminder in main clinical notes window)
    was no longer working when set to Y. Problem found in initialise section of clinical notes and
    Items with Asterisks (*) refer to functionality changes/enhancements. Other notes generally refer to
    bug fixes, performance improvements, etc.

  • 01 Ref: 46452
    The version numbering scheme used by Oasis has changed slightly. Whereas we referred to the
    previous release as 10.1-012.042 using four numbers, the new version numbering scheme uses three
    numbers (and thus the previous release would have been labelled 10.12.043 (or simply 10.12 where
    the build number is not shown). This change is effective from version 11.

*02 Ref: 46597
New artwork on login form, password change form, and printer selection form. New colours on startup

*03 Ref: 46160
New icons for date-picker buttons, HiCaps button, and selection list buttons throughout the application.
On the main screen, these buttons will appear greyed-out until edit mode is selected.
*04 Ref: 43173
When the eClaims Settlement Report is printed using consultation dates, both the consultation date
and entry date are now shown on the report. If the entry date is different to the consultation date, the
dates are shown in bold text. Even if the "Print using consultation dates" box is not ticked, if the dates
are different, the entry date will be shown in bold text. Note that the margins will be narrower if the
"Print using consultation dates" box is ticked.
*05 Ref: 46248
Responses to Ad-Hoc SMSs are now displayed on the Oasis Message panel, so it is no longer
necessary to constantly monitor the SMS log to find the responses.
The presence of a mobile phone number in the message notification instead of a user id indicates that
the message is from an SMS rather than another workstation. The response will only be shown in the
messages panel of the user that sent the ad-hoc SMS. There is a new column in the SMS log to show
the user that sent the outgoing SMS.
*06 Ref: 46571
Responses to appointment reminder SMSs where the appointment is no longer valid (original deleted)
will now be shown in the SMS log. Responses to appointment reminder SMSs where the appointment
is no longer valid (original deleted or moved and possibly now another patient in the slot) will now also
be shown on the notification panel.
The presence of a mobile phone number in the message notification instead of a user id indicates that
the message is from an SMS rather than another workstation. The response will only be shown in the
messages panel of the user that sent the appointment reminders. There is a new column in the SMS
log to show the user that sent the outgoing SMS.
07 Ref: 46751
The recall system has been enhanced to enable “wild card” status code selections. For example: The
practice may want to issue 3 SMS runs on the same day. (eg SM1, SM2, SM3 codes). By setting up a
wild card status code of “SM”, the practice can select this code and all codes beginning with “SM” will
be processed in a single run.
*08 Ref: 46486
The restorative charting program when running in Screen Mode 11 has been extensively modified to
show a larger listing of clinical notes and treatment plans. Note that the Diagnosis sheets are now
accessible via the menu row at the top of Restorative Charting, clicking the ‘Diagnosis’ button will bring
them up, clicking it again will hide them.

*09 Ref: 39355
A number of changes in the Periodontal charting system have been undertaken in conjunction with
Elite Periodontal. This modified specialist version can be enabled by Preferences, My Work, Treatment
Options 2, field 24 and selecting “01 – Specialist Version 1” from the drop down list.
Changes include:
Furcation involvement
Limited to the following teeth:
• 18 17 16 14 24 26 27 28 36 37 38 46 47 48.
Limited to 1 entry per tooth

Additional functionality will be available in a future revision.

10 Ref: 46739
The delete all financial notes function was not checking for program password security. This has been
11 Ref: 46543
When printing standard A5/A4 statements, the practitioner printed as Dr even though it's set to Cs in
Rego. This has been corrected.
12 Ref: 46527
When setting up recalls using the new recall status code length, the merge window did not recognise
or store the extended values. This has been corrected.
13 Ref: 46692
When the Patient Exit Workflow is enabled, the Ready / Invoiced recipient names are not ticked. They
are when PEW is not enabled. This has been corrected.
*14 Ref: 46314
Request: The list recall screen already has the ability, in SORT METHOD, to sort via DATE ORDER or
SURNAME ORDER. A third option FAMILY ORDER has been added as requested.

*15 Ref: 46249
The Treatment Plan main screen has been modified to enable all visits in a selected visit number to be
shifted to a new unused visit. Click on the visit header, choose option “Change Visit Number” and enter
in an unused visit number. The program will shift all lines accordingly.
Note that if the visit headings are left as default (visit 1, visit 2, etc.) these will be re sequenced the next
time you add a new visit, removing any missing visit numbers.
16 Ref: 46470
If HiCaps 'Check Settings on Startup' (Eclaim Settings 17) is set to Y, when you open Oasis, the main
Oasis screen did not open until you have responded to the check HiCaps prompt. This has been
*17 Ref: 45745
If 10 or so files are loaded into the patient imaging records at one time, each time this is done, a new
clinical note was added, clogging up the list. A switch has been added to disable the recording of
entries being added into clinical notes. Switch added to Preferences, My Work, Treatment Options 2,
field 22 “Disable writing of image details to clinical notes Y/N”.
18 Ref: 45885
Consolidation of web site references [internal - no functional change]
19 Ref: 46603
The Fax number for Oasis National Support Centre has been updated on the "Contact Oasis Support"

20 Ref: 45516
Oasis was not correctly passing the gender value into EasyDent. This has been corrected
*21 Ref: 46795
A modification has been made to “lock” a patient’s record card on editing an existing record. This is to
avoid the problem where two or more operators may be editing the patient’s record and only the last
save is recorded overwriting early changes,
When an edit is performed the current patient’s Oasis number is written back into the workstation
number table. Should an operator then edit the same patient, a warning message appears. The
operator may continue or exit the edit as required. Cancelling or saving a record clears that patient for
that workstation.

22 Ref: 46799
The system would not allow deletion of a patient with clinical notes. This would work adversely in the
system where the My Work module was not being used but notes still recorded appointment changes.
The modification checks the registration screen and where treatment modules are not being used,
bypasses the clinical note check.
*23 Ref: 46710
Oasis now provides the ability to define a default appointment search code when linking appointments.
Use Appointment Options 2. Field 41 "Treatment Visit Search Code" to link an existing code.
24 Ref: 46779
Intermittently Oasis would not delete the temporary pdf file on import into clinical notes. The software
has been modified to delete the file after each successful import.
25 Ref: 45467
Treatment Plan window would freeze after re access from a selected plan in the appointment book.
This has been corrected by listing the active treatment plans directly in the appointment edit screen
rather than opening the full treatment plan window.
26 Ref: 46863
Document related programs would not correctly handle documents where a space was detected in the
main Oasis data folder. This has been corrected.
*27 Ref: 46502
The OASIS upgrade process has been significantly simplified. From 11.2 onwards, Practices should
only run the OASISServerUpgrade.exe package from the portal. The upgrade from 10.1-012 to 11.1
will occur normally, by running the Upgrade11.exe package from the portal – on the server first, then
each workstation.
28 Ref: 46682
OASIS can now read previously inaccessible sections of the registry where there is a conflict of 64/32
bit architectures, through a modification to the cRegsettings class (GetSetting routine)
29 Ref: 46918
Addition fields have been added to the recall status code table. These fields instruct Oasis on how to
behave in a recall run when a certain condition is not met. For example, on an SMS run, you can ask
the system to check the mobile number and if blank force the system to change the recall to say a
status code of "E"mail and days of "0".
30 Ref: 46834 & 0046396
Both cases refer to items missing from the OASIS setup program. Setup11.exe (and Setup101.exe)
has been modified to correct an error where some LEAD tools support files were not being loaded
(46834). Also, in Setup11.exe (and Setup101.exe), the TX dll files were not installing correctly. TX files
relate to the Text Editor in OASIS. This has been remedied (46396).
31 Ref: 46748
The intermittent problem occurring when a new patient record is read and the currently selected
patient box is not updated correctly, has been repaired.
*32 Ref: 45573
Significant changes have been made to the Online Booking Wizard, which now handles both the
redirection server and the extra data required for 3PD to allow practices to maintain their Online
presence. Also, Online booking registration now requires a specific number of users to be registered.
The number is stored as a suffix to the OL element in the Practice Registration string.
33 Ref: 46879
The nhsAppDur field is now set permanently to 0 (no quotes) to allow appointment times to filter
through correctly in Online Bookings.
34 Ref: 47196
The redirection server prompts were appearing for all users, including those users not using Online
Booking. This has been resolved.
35 Ref: 46973
When a patient document is exported, if cancel was selected from the save file dialog box, a runtime
error occurred. This has been fixed.
36 Ref: 47099
CXServer log screens have had their list text items changed to reflect more closely what is actually
happening in the background. With the advent of Redirection server, where more than one provider is
possible, the log entries needed to show the result linked to a specific provider. Failures are now
shown in red, and the normal text colour is now blue.
*37 Ref: 46996
This is additional functionality to mod #23 in this release. Oasis now provides the ability to define a
default appointment search code when linking appointments. Use Preferences. My Work, Visit
Descriptions and create an entry for each Visit number. Use field 4 to point to any predefined search
code. If field 4 is defined against a visit and that visit is chosen in the appointment edit screen, then
that field will override the default and appear in the “Search Code” field.
*38. Ref: 46196
A Recall Automation Wizard has been included within Oasis to assist clients in configuring and
automating the automated recall process. Access is via System Manager > Wizards > Recall
Automation. Please note, however, that as there is potential to overwrite existing recall data, clients
should call the Oasis national support team on 1300 889 668 to schedule an appointment for
assistance in running this wizard the first time.
39 Ref: 46998
F40 of RCLSTATS is now used by the Automated Recall Wizard. There is no need for the user to
change this.
40 Ref: 47179
Fixed an issue with Oasis not being able to open the database (structures files) when two or more
parameters are specified on the command line.
41 Ref: 47126
The instructional message on the "Define Forms" panel of the new Automation Wizard now fits within
the default form size. Note that resizing the wizard to smaller than the default size may still obscure
part of the message.
42 Ref: 47092
The new Recall Automation Wizard now also includes commands to run an update process after
processing each recall code.
43 Ref: 47149
Text for SMS and Email recall forms is now stored and read as RTF, but is treated as plain text.
Existing template can be edited even if they don't have an entry in RCALLPARE. Letter forms are
currently not displayed, as Letters are currently not processed automatically
44 Ref: 47253
Fixed an issue where the UpDown control on the scheduling panel of the recall automation wizard was
not being enabled after un-ticking the "Don't Schedule" box.
45 Ref: 47125
Fixed run-time error "Control Array element '1' does not exist" that occurred when restarting the
Automated Recall wizard after previously aborting it.46 Ref: 47204
The recall automation wizard should now remember the recall matrix settings from the previous time it
was run. Settings are stored in the registry. If the user runs it on another machine, some but not all
settings will be read from the database.
47 Ref: 47015
Registration for online booking now requires that the number of licensed users be included in the
registration string. So instead of OL in the string, we now have OL1 or OL5, etc. Automatic prompts
have been included to allow this to be fixed simply for exiting registrations.
48 Ref: 47340
Authentication for Online Booking has been enhanced with the introduction of an API Key. This means
that a practice ID is linked to a specific communications server, and so helps prevent accidental
overwriting of online records if another CXServer is started.
49 Ref: 46660
Sites upgrading from version 8.3 to either 10.1-012 or 11.1 will have a new user created called
oBackup (password 12345Pass). This user is required for the scheduled backup task to complete
properly. If the user is removed, then a new scheduled backup task will need to be created manually.
50 Ref: 47385
Small bug fix to the Online booking system where CXServer was evaluating whether the system was in
TestMode differently to OASIS. Fixed by repairing the bug in the algorithm, and sharing the code
(Moved the function into Online.bas, a shared module)
51 Ref: 47391
The recall extraction process has been modified to cater for the different location of Recall Web
address and Redirect Web address. This is necessary because of an internal data restore which
allows for multiple online providers.
52 Ref: 47424
The online recall ShortURL processing has been upgraded to work with the redirection server.
53. Ref: 47445
If a template is not set to "add to patient library" (green tick), when selecting it and clicking apply in
patient correspondence, you receive a "Stop Statement Encountered" message. Oasis will then crash
when you click OK. Corrected.
54. Ref: 47538
A small bug has been corrected where the correct time zone was not being calculated for computers
located in states where no daylight saving occurs. Now, in such states, the Standard Time Zone is
55. Ref: 47590
An error in the Timezone calculation relating to Daylight saving (summer) time has been repaired