How to Configure my Clinipad Forms?

How to Configure my Clinipad Forms?

Below I am going to talk through the steps on how to configure which forms are available to sign on your clinipad.

Remember to click on any image or GIF to enlarge it.

  • Firstly to see the form configuration you must go to Configure Appointment Book and then click on ‘Arrival Options’ in the bottom right of the Appointment book screen.

  • You will then be presented with the below configuration box.

Scroll Down to see what each area allows you to configure and control.

One thing to bear in mind, is these settings are reflected on Clinipad and Patient Portal. For more information on the patient portal click here

Patient Details

Patient Details

This setting allows you to control how often the patients details on the patients record should be updated.





This setting allows you to set when a patient will be asked to fill out an FP17 form.

If you do turn this on to collect signed FP17/GP17 forms, it will still only prompt a patient to sign one if they aren't already in the middle of an NHS course of treatment.

'Only if the patient has an NHS Payor' is the setting we recommend here.

But there are other options to choose form;

  • Never, PR form isn't collected upon arrival.

  • Only if another form is required.

  • Only if the patient has an NHS payor

  • Always.


Medical History

Medical History

Medical History is configured by this button.

You will then be presented with the below Configuration Box for the medical history.

For use on clinipad you will need to ensure ‘Fixed’ medical history is selected.

Custom Medical forms are not currently a feature on clinipad.

By selecting the button ‘Request new Med Hist for all patients’ This will prompt every patient to have to sign a new medical history form. This means the next time they arrive at the practice they will have to sign a new form even if they already filled one out in your chosen interval timeframe.

Medical History Configuration

The interval on when a form will next be requested is set under ‘Alert if medical history is “?” months overdue’ which is in the middle of the screen shot above.

A Printable Medical History can also be set. To set this it must be added onto exact as a Presentation manager Document. For assistance with adding/creating a letter template please click here.

At the Bottom of the screenshot you can see that there are a few settings which can be changed per provider. This is encase your dentists like to do things slightly differently.

Med Alert Flashing Means they will have a Flashing icon at the top of the patients record if the medical history they filled out flags up something wrong. Otherwise it will just be a solid colour of either red or yellow depending on if the patient is infectious or not.

Open Medical History of ‘Move to Chair’ Means that as soon as the dentist clicks move to chair on the workflow the patents med history will open before anything else.

Have Patients sign medical History in surgery allows you to tick the option for the dentist to to sign the medical history also. ‘Require dentist signature’ This is handy to have enabled if you are using the clinipads directly in your surgeries, as it allows you to easily see on a signed medical form if the dentist has acknowledged and gone over the patients medical history.


Oral Health Survey

Oral Health Survey

The Oral Health Survey or as some call it The Smile Survey, allows you to collect confidential information about how your patient feels about their smile.

The configuration screen (above) allows you to

  • Set how often a patient should be requested to fill out an Oral Health Survey. Here it is set to 24 months

  • Choose what age you start collect these surveys at in this example it is set to 18.

  • Select to only collect before an appointment with a dentist or before an appointment with Any provider.

  • If you have a paper copy or your own copy you'd like patients to fill in you can select it as a printable version here to. (this wouldn't be what is filled out on the clinipad only what is printed.)

  • You can also tick to ask patient if they wish to receive any relevant information about there answers on the survey.

  • Finally you can select which questions you ask the patients by ticking or unticking the box on the left. (see below list of 27 questions to choose from.)

    • These are all pre-set and wording cannot be changed or added to.


Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Allows you to set and/or update your Terms and Conditions for the patients to sign and agree to


Contact Consent

Contact Consent

Contact Consent. This allows you to choose whether to collect marketing consent for your patients or not.

Patient Data Use

Patient Data Use

Patient Data Use, This allows you to choose whether to have this turned on or off and also allows you to customise the text you send for the patients to agree to. An example of this is below.



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