Arriving and Returning a Patient on the Clinipad.

Arriving and Returning a Patient on the Clinipad.


Arriving a Patient to the Clinipad.

Once Clinipad has been installed at your practice you will now see the arrival screen in the GIF below when arriving a patient.

As you can see from the GIF, It will automatically select which forms a patient is due to sign. To configure when a form is due please check out https://soeidental.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UCS/pages/1109590314

However if you wanted a patient to sign these forms outside of the set timeframe you can do so by just ticking the tick box on the left hand side upon arrival.

If you have more then one clinipad you can then choose which clinipad device you wish to send the patient to before arriving and sending them to the clinipad.

You will also notice that you have an option of just Arrive as well. So for example if you don't have a clinipad free at the time of arrival you can just arrive a patient without sending them to the clinipad.


Returning a Patient from the Clinipad.

One thing to note about returning a patient is that its always good practice to click change patient on the clinipad device as well, This is so the patient information disappears from the clinipad device screen also to minimise any GDPR breaches.

The above GIF shows the process of returning a patient from the clinipad that has completed there forms.

Once a patient has finished on the device and hands this back to reception you can click Return, if the patient has incomplete forms it will alert you at this point and ask if you are sure you wish to return it without all forms being completed.

If you chose to return it you can go to the + button on the left hand side to see which forms have been updated and which ones haven’t.

If you wish to re-issue certain forms back to the patient you can do this by clicking the issue button on the right hand side.

If you are happy that all forms are completed successfully you must then chose to check & dismiss the patient. It is very important that this part is done as this is how the forms are saved successfully into exact especially if any changes have been made.

As you can see in the GIF we have a few changes that need attending to on the forms the patient filled out. Firstly they have updated there postcode on there patient details. When anything is changed on the patient details form Exact will notify you when returning the device so you can confirm these changes with the patient. You can also choose if you want to keep the original information or the new information entered on the clinipad.

In this example we also added a doctor on our medical history so it has also flagged up asking us to associate this to an existing doctor within exact. As you can see in the GIF we have no doctors listed so I have click on +1 to add a new doctor. If the doctor already existed I would have just selected the relevant doctor before continuing.

And this is the last screen so once the doctor has been saved you can see that the patient now disappears from the clinipad tab at the bottom of the appointment book. This means the forms completed are now successfully returned into exact.

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