About OASiS

About OASiS

OASiS is a Microsoft Windows™ based practice management system designed for a variety of dental and allied health practices. OASiS is designed and developed in Melbourne Australia by Henry Schein One, a 100% owned subsidiary of Henry Schein USA.

SQL Database

OASiS is designed for use on a SQL client/server database system. In this environment the data and database engine are stored on a single "server". "Client" workstations communicate with the server for database processing.

OASiS works successfully on both dedicated servers and non-dedicated servers subject to the choice and suitability of the chosen SQL engine.

OASiS can be installed using two different brands of SQL software:

  1. Mimer 9.2x (default) and 10.0x editions .
  2. Microsoft SQL Server 7 and higher editions.

The installation program (currently SETUP12.EXE) includes Mimer 9 database engine and this is assumed to be the default installation unless the practice chooses to install OASiS on the alternate platform.

Regardless of choice of SQL platform, each OASiS installation includes a set of ISAM "Structure" database files denoted by the prefix "SYTBL10". This structure database is copied to the target data location by the OASiS installation program and is also replaced by any newer version of oasisserverupgrade.exe

This external database is opened upon loading OASiS Daily Work and kept open during the life of the OASiS session. The database comprises information on preference tables prompts and is usually amended as part of any OASiS upgrade. For this reason, when upgrading the server to the latest OASiS version, the server and all other workstations sharing it must exit OASiS for the upgrade to be processed correctly.

OASiS Modules and Components

OASiS consists of a core module called “System Manager” (manual included in the manuals page) along with three other main modules:

  1. My Money (Patient Records, Patient Billing, Patient Recalls, Practice Correspondence)
  2. My Time (Scheduler, Waiting Room, Task Manager)
  3. My Work (Clinical Records).

In addition, a fifth module “Component Tools” is also available consisting of a series of sub modules including:

  • Stock Control
  • Patient Education
  • Presentation Manager
  • Bar Coding / Instrument Tracking
  • Prescription Writing
  • Communication Server
  • Treatment Imaging (My Work without Dental Charting)
  • SOE Link (web transport service)

Practice Registration

Each OASiS installation requires two registration processes.

  1. Securakey
    A special unlock number must also be obtained from Henry Schein One (OASiS) Melbourne. This unlock number allows access to the Database Utilities program for creating/clearing database files and creating backup programs prior to running OASiS in a live installation. Should the practice shift the database to another hard disk then another unlock number must be obtained from OASiS in order for these utility programs to work correctly.
  2. Practice Details
    The practice name, modules purchased and number of workstation licenses purchased are recorded in the System Manager Practice Registration table in consultation with Henry Schein One (OASiS) Office Melbourne. Should the practice name, modules or workstation quantity change a new registration code must be obtained from OASiS in order to use the new facilities.

This same table also contains a registration expiration date which is set one year forward on a new installation. This date is monitored as the operator runs OASiS Daily Work and a warning message appears when the system date approaches seven days or less of the expiration date. Should the date expire OASiS Daily Work automatically runs the Registration screen process, where a new registration number (which must be obtained from Henry Schein One Melbourne office) is required to be entered for the following year.

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