The Patient Record Card

The Patient Record Card

The Patient Record Card in OASiS is made up of a Menu Bar and Three Tab windows.

The Menu Bar detail is explained in the "My Money" manual available on this Help page.

Patient Details - The first tab window has the patient demographics - Name, Address, Date of Birth, Contact details, together with any association to Private (or Government) Health Funds, Usual Branch (where applicable), Usual Practitioners seen etc. It also displays the patient's current balance owing, standby and next appointment dates and any "sticky notes" that may be recorded for this patient. A patient photo is also displayed (if applicable).

Workcare/Treatment/Recals/Apps - The second tab window shows a range of user definable fields, Appointment preferences, Health Warnings, Treatment Reminder Notes and recall information.

Billing/Referral Details - The third tab window shows billing address, Financial Warnings and referral details for the patient.