My Money 12 v1.3

My Money 12 v1.3

My Money

OASiS version 12 AU

The OASiS Main Screen
My Money Menu
Closing Windows
Patient Records
Adding Patient Records
New Head
New Family Members
Editing Records
Making a Patient Inactive
Family Changes
Deleting Records
Photo Functions
Patient Correspondence
Document Template Selection
Incoming Document Selection
Pending Document Selection
Document Scanning
Invoicing a Patient Privately
Invoicing a Patient Eclaim
Linking Patients
Walk Out Statement
Processing a Non-Electronic Payment
Processing an Electronic Payment
Processing a Split Payment by Type
Processing a Split Payment by Doctor
Credit Allocation
Patient Defaults
Patient Recalls
List Recalls
Merging Letter Recalls
Merging Email Recalls
Merging SMS Recalls
Merging Label Recalls
Financial History
Transaction Entries Panel
Printing Transactions
Reprint Original Statement
Selective Reprint
Printing Reports
Third Party Transactions
Link Patient to Third Party
Invoicing Third Party Patient
Third Party Payments
Batch Processing
Closing Batches
Entering a Third Party Payment
Third Party has Over-paid
Third Party has Under-paid
Overdue Reminders
Print Overdue Reminder Run
Reprint Overdue Reminder Run
End of Day
End of Month
Additional Notes:


About My Money
The "My Money" module in OASiS 12 is a series of programs aimed at streamlining the processing of patient information on front desk. This module contains the following;

  • Patient Records
  • Patient Billing
  • Patient Recalls
  • Patient Correspondence
  • Practice Correspondence
  • Practice Statistics
  • Microsoft Word Integration

Opening OASiS
You can open OASiS 12 in one of two ways:
Double click on the OASiS 12 Daily Work icon on the Windows desktop
Click on the Windows START menu, select "All Programs", "OASiS System 12", "Daily Work"
(If you cannot see Oasis in the Program menu, use Windows Explorer to find the c:\oasis folder and click on Oasis.exe)
Session Login
Upon opening OASiS 12, a splash screen may pop up. Depending on what has been setup, users may be required to validate their login with a username and password. If usernames and passwords have not been setup, then just click on OK to login.

(In some instances, there may be no splash screen. Oasis will just open.)

The OASiS Main Screen

Patient Record Card
When open, OASiS displays the Patient's Record Card

Favourites Bar

The Favourites Bar provides quick access to certain windows within OASiS rather than going through the module Menu Panel on the left.

If you do not see the favourites bar at all, click on the button along the bottom of the window, and select "My Favourites On/Off", then you can set the Favourites Bar to appear on start up by clicking the last icon on the Favourites Bar and select "Show Favourites on Startup"

These icons are customizable to suit the practice. When you right click on an icon, a menu will appear; Delete – Deletes the selected icon
Compress – Deletes the selected icon and moves all the subsequent icons along in place of the empty spot
Expand – Pushes the icons along, leaving an empty slot so you can insert your own favourite link option
Standard Toolbars – Options to set the default My Money, My Time, My Work (Dental), My Work (Specialist), My Work (Medical) favourite icons. (This will automatically overwrite any changes you may have made to your favourite bar).
Link Menu Item – Allows you to link a few different menu options along with assigning a new icon.
Delete All – Will delete all the icons set in the Favourites Bar.
Menu Panel
You select different menu options by clicking on the corresponding module icons: My Money, My Time, My Work, Component Tools and System Manager

The only time the Menu Bar is not visible is when the Patient Card screen is in "edit" mode or when the Scheduler (Appointment Book) screen is in full screen display mode.
There are five common Program buttons shown on all of the main menu options:
Clear – Clears all open OASiS windows
Find – Opens the Find Patient Record window
Records – Places the main OASiS screen along with the Patients Card at the front of the screen
Reports – Opens the Reports window, where different reports can be generated and printed
Preferences – Opens the Preferences window, where configurations are made

My Money Menu

Clear – Clears all open OASiS windows.
Find – Opens the Find Patient Record window, where you can search for existing patients.
Records – Places the main OASiS screen along with the Patients Card at the front of the screen.
Correspondence – Opens the Correspondence window, where you can generate outgoing documents, attach incoming documents and scan in patient documents.
Adjustments – Opens the Adjustments window, where you can enter in account adjustments to alter the patient's balances.
Invoices – Opens the Invoice window, where you can enter invoice lines and then bill the patient as a private patient or process an EClaim.
Payments – Opens the Payment window, where you can enter a payment, write-off or discount.
Mark Payments – Opens the Marked Payments window, used to manage and enter payments for third party entities such as government organisations E.g. Veteran Affairs or Medicare.
Allocations – Opens the Allocations window, used to allocate any unallocated credit to invoice lines.
Statements – Prints out a walk out statement for the patient showing them any outstanding balances if the patient has not paid on the day.
History – Opens the Financial History window, where you can reprint selected invoice and payment lines, reprint statements, edit, delete, reverse, cancel, refund payment lines and invoice lines.
Recalls – Opens the Recall window, where you can set the patients next recall dates.
Quotation – Opens the Treatment Plan window, where you can print the patient's treatment plan.
Banking – This function allows you to open Deposits, Direct Debits, EClaims or All Banking and to reconcile any direct debits or direct credits
Other – This function allows you to List Recalls, GST Reporting, Lab Fees/Commissions, Overdue Reminders, Post Progressive Invoices, View Unbilled Invoices, View Statement Numbers, List Third Parties, Practice Correspondence, Medicare Batch Processing and Auditing.
Reports – Opens the Reports window, where different reports can be generated and printed
Preferences – Opens the Preferences window, where configurations are made
My Money Favourites bar Options

Patient Summary Panel
A small summary panel displays the currently selected patient's personal details. If the patient has any attached Health Warnings, Treatment Reminders, Financial Warnings or Audio files they will appear in red underneath the patient's details. When you click on these notifications, the appropriate screens load, showing the relevant information.

When you click on the name in this panel, the Find Patient in Family window will appear and list any family members for this patient. You can change the currently read-in patient by simply clicking on the family member in the list. The patient with the pink "type" is the family head, whereas the patient with the blue "type" is the family member.

Recent Patient List
Click the drop down arrow to view the recent patient list. The last 20 patients read in will display. You can click on the patient you want from this list, and this will read them in as the current patient.

Waiting Room List Panel
The waiting room provides communication between reception and the surgeries, as part of the OASiS "My Time" module. Entering the patient in the waiting room at reception, will send a notification to the surgery, and the practicing Doctor, nurses or hygienist can click on the patient in this list to read them in as the current patient.

By clicking on the Title bar "Time, Waiting Details" the waiting room list will expand to show a more comprehensive list of patients who have been read into the waiting room for this specific user/surgery.

Message List Panel
The message list displays any messages sent from one workstation to another. The messages displayed are specific for each user/workstation.

By clicking on the Title bar "Message Details" the message list will expand to show a more comprehensive list of messages received by this user/workstation.
When you click on the message, a menu will appear with the following options; Delete, Read Patient, Complete Invoicing, Enter Payment, Print Statement, View Financial History, Make Appointment and Reply to Message.

Ancillary Buttons
Underneath the patient card is a series of ancillary command buttons

Login: - shows the workstation number – user logged in – associated Dr
If you click on the Login text, a menu will appear with the following options; Change Login User, Change Login Doctor, Change My Password, My Favourites On/Off and Reset My Favourites

Tasks – Opens the Task Manager, where you can create tasks (Please refer to the My Time manual)
Session – Change session details, same options as the above when you click on the Login: text
Messages – Opens the Messages window, to send messages, stickynotes and emails to other users/workstations
Emails – Opens the Email window, to send an email to patient
SMS – Opens the SMS window, to send an SMS to patient
Teledex – Opens the practice teledex
RefDrs – Opens the Referring Doctors window, displaying a list of referring Doctors/Practitioners
Screen – Toggles the main screen and changes it from the Patients Card to a palm tree image. This image can be changed by going to;
Preferences – System Manager – Miscellaneous – Main Settings - #14 Picture file, enter in the path of your picture. Click on OK to save, close out of OASiS and come back in.
Help – a menu will appear with the following options; View Upgrade Notes, Visit Oasis Web Site, Contact Oasis Support, Enable Remote Access, Visit Customer Portal, View Online Help and About

Patient Exit – (Optional) The Patient Exit Workflow panel will appear on the left hand side of the OASiS screen in place of the menu panel. The Patient Exit Workflow prompts users to update customer information, ensure payment of outstanding accounts and ensure future recalls or appointments are booked.
This panel shows a checklist for staff to complete to ensure they miss nothing. The checklist includes patient's Mobile Number and Email Address. It will also show any outstanding balances, future recalls, treatment plans and appointments.
When you click Mobile Number or Email, the relevant fields will highlight within the patients record screen allowing you to add/update the patients details. Clicking on Completed Invoice will open up the Invoice screen, allowing you to complete the invoice.
Recalls: Opens the Patient Recall.
Treatment Plans: Opens the Patient's Treatment Plan.
Appointments: Opens the Scheduler along with the Patients Appointment list.
Cancel: A prompt will appear asking you to enter in a reason for cancellation out of the Patient Exit Workflow.
Postpone: Will close out of the Patient Exit Workflow, and put a task into the Task Manager so front desk can follow up on it later.
OK: Will save and accept the changes you have made on the Patient Exit Workflow. However if a Patient does not have a recall or an appointment, you will need to enter in a reason as to why the patient does not have a recall or appointment set.
- Link to the Henry Schein Halas website (http://hsh.customer-self-service.com/)

Closing Windows

Closing OASiS windows
To clear all active OASiS windows click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar
To close individual OASiS windows click on or the red Windows X
Logging out of OASiS
To log out of OASiS click on within the Menu Panel or the red Windows X

Patient Records

Current Patient
The Patient Record on the main OASiS screen determines the currently selected patient. The current patient also displays in the Patient Summary Panel on the left underneath the Menu Panel.
The current patient is the basis of all modules and menu options within OASiS until the selection of a different patient.
Patient Find
To search for a patient within OASiS and read them in as the current patient;

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar

The Find Patient by Surname window opens;

  1. OASiS uses Dynamic Listing so when you start to type in a patient's surname any patients with the same letters will filter and show you all the available patients based on the letters you entered. Type in part or the patient's entire surname followed by a comma "," and part or the patient's entire given name.

EXAMPLE: to find "Mr Joe Smith" enter in "Sm,Jo" this will show all patient records that start with Sm for the surname and Jo for the first name. The more letters you enter in the search criteria, the less patients will appear in the list.
NOTE: If the patient does not appear in the list, they may have been deleted, or flagged as inactive. Un-tick the "Skip inactive Patients" box in the top right hand corner and this will show you any inactive patients in the database (in italics) with the same search criteria specified.

  1. Click on the required patient, and this will read them in as the current patient.

Alternate Patient Find Methods
Alternate search criteria's are available, this includes find by; Oasis Number, File Number, Date of Birth, Postcode, Phone Number etc.
Click on the Find By within the Find Patient by Surname screen, and a menu will pop up.

Patient Types
Within OASiS the "Family Head" is considered to be the Account Holder. Usually you enter the family head into OASiS first and then attach the family members to this family head.

The Patient Summary Panel shows two OASiS numbers. The patient's unique OASiS number in this example would be (000020) and the family head would be (000006). If the two numbers are the same, this would indicate that the currently selected patient is the family head.
When you click the name in this panel, the Find Patient in Family window will appear and list any family members for this patient. You can change the currently selected patient by simply clicking on a different family member in the list. The patient with the pink "type" in the family head, whereas the patient with the blue "type" is the family member.

Adding Patient Records

Within the Patients Record Card click on "New Head" or "New Member" to add a new patient

New Head

When you select "New Head", the system will display a new family head entry screen.

  1. Click on

The Patient Record Card will clear, allowing you to enter the new patient details.
NOTE: You will also notice that the panels on the left including the Menu Panel and Message Panel will disappear until you save the new head's record.

  1. You record Patient details in three screens with different tab headings. Enter in the patients details required.

NOTE: Pressing "Enter" on your keyboard will move to the next field
NOTE: Clicking on the grey box next to a field will open up a "table" window that will allow you to choose from pre-set options
Patient Details tab – You record the patient's personal contact details on this screen.
Workcare/Treatment/Recalls/Appointments tab – Details on this screen include Workcare details, patients preferred appointment dates/times, health warnings, treatment reminders and their preferred recall contact method, together with a range of practice-definable fields.
Billing/Referral Details tab – You can change the Patient's preferred billing address here, and you can record the patient as a bad debt patient along with any financial warnings. You can also register any Doctor referrals for the patient via this screen.
NOTE: You leave the "OASiS Number" field blank; as OASiS will allocate a unique number when you click on OK to save the patient record.

  1. Click on the OK button to save the patient's details

New Family Members

When you select "New Member", the system will display a new family-member entry screen.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar
  2. Search for any existing family member (of the new member's family) and select them.
  3. Click on

The Patients Record Screen will clear, however it will retain the family surname, address and home phone number

  1. You record patient details on three different screens with three tab headings. Enter the patient's details as required. Note: some details may default to the Family Head's details.
  2. Click on the OK button to save the patient's details

Editing Records

If you need to make changes to a patient record, choose the "Edit" button. This will place the Patient card into Edit mode, highlighting the changeable fields.

  1. Click on
  2. Click onto the relevant field to be changed
  3. Key in the new details
  4. Click on the OK button to save the patient's details

Making a Patient Inactive

If the patient no longer attends the practice, the patient can be marked as "inactive" so that when you do a patient find, these patient's will not appear in the list unless you un-tick "Skip Inactive Patients"

  1. Click on
  2. Tick the box "Inactive File" located on the right

  1. Click on the OK button to save the patient's details

Family Changes

The "Family Changes" button allows alteration of family structures.

Convert to Head of new Family
Used to convert a family member to a family head.
EXAMPLE: A child has turned 18, and now wants to manage their own finances
NOTE: When a family member becomes their own family head, any financial transactions associated with them will remain with the original family head. We recommend that on the new family heads file you put in a "Financial Note" via the Patients History window to say "For previous financial transactions please refer to original account holder OASiS Number: ######"
Convert to Head of this Family
Used when an existing family member needs to be changed to the head of the family.
EXAMPLE: A child attended the practice for treatment, and their details entered into the system as a family head. Later, other family members become patients of the original child's family, and now want to assume responsibility for the account.
Transfer to a different Family
Family dynamics change all the time, so patients may need transferring from one family to another. Also useful if two family members have been entered into OASiS as their own family heads. When selected the "Find" window will appear so you can search for the patient. Locate the patient to whom you want to transfer this patient, then click them and select "Transfer to this family".
NOTE: The system will merge all financial records to the new family head. This is irreversible.
Convert all Members to Heads
This option will convert all family members within this family to be their own family head.
NOTE: Refer to NOTE above for "Convert to Head of new Family"
Change Family Address Details
OASiS has a quick and easy method to change the address details for all members of a family. Other common fields can also be applied to each family member such as: Healthfund ID, Medicare No., Usual Doctor/Hygienist, Classify Code.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar and find the family head
  2. Click on
  3. Type in the new address details and telephone number
  4. Click on the OK button to save the patient's details
  5. Follow the prompts to update the new recall and billing address details
  6. Highlight the fields you want to change for all family members
    1. Click on
      1. Select Change Family Address Details
      2. Click on Select Fields

This will highlight some default fields that will apply for all patients. If you need to unselected a few, click on the field names and this will change them back to blue

    1. Go through and click on the field names to be changed, this will change the field names to red

  1. Click on
  2. Select Change Family Address Details and Run Change now

  1. A prompt will appear to confirm changes, click on YES to apply changes
  2. Click on OK to finish

Deactivate Family
Will set all patients within the family as an inactive patient
Reactivate Family
Will set all patients within the family back as an active patient

Deleting Records

You can delete a patient record, subject to the following conditions:
Family Head – If the patient is a family head, and has attached family members, you cannot delete the record. Some "Family Changes" will need to be made in order to make a family head of a new (no attached members) family or to make this family head a family member of the existing family.

    1. "Convert to Head of new Family" or
    2. Bring up one of the other family members, and "Convert to Head of this family"

Un-billed Invoice Transactions – If the patient has any un-billed entries in the invoice screen, you must delete them first.
Financial Balances – If the patient has a financial balance, this balance will need to be adjusted or written-off so that all balances are zero.
Unallocated Credit – If the patient has a financial balance that includes unallocated credit, then you must allocate this credit.
Future Appointments – If the patient has any future appointments, you must delete them.
Only when you meet the above conditions, you can click on

Photo Functions

You can attach a photograph of the patient to a patient's record for easy identification.

  1. Click on
  2. Choose one of the following options

  1. Load from File – Imports a photograph from any folder
  2. Acquire Twain Source – Captures a photo from a twain source device such as a web-cam
  3. Paste from Clipboard – Pastes an image that you have copied from another image program

The photo function list has a few other options

  1. Change Properties – allows you to change the photograph's contrast, brightness, flip etc.

  1. Show Normal
  2. Show Stretched Determines the display of the photograph
  3. Show Fit Sides in the patients file.
  4. Show Fit Windows
  5. Delete – Deletes the attached photograph

Other Buttons in the Patients Record Screen
Direct Referrals – You can keep track of patients referred by other patients. Search for the patient, select the patient and follow the prompts.
Opening Balances – This is a once off operation where you are transferring a balance from a manual card system or from another computer system into a newly installed OASiS system. Calculation of future balances for the patient takes place as invoices and receipts are processed.
Print Labels – If you have a label printer, you can print patient's personal details, billing details, future appointments etc.
Audio Functions – OASiS provides the ability to record audio files against a patient's record. You just need to ensure you have a microphone to record the audio. It will be stored as a .WAV file.
Credit Card – You can store patients Credit Card and Direct Debit details against their card. NOTE: We do recommend that if you do store patient's Credit Card or Direct Debit details, that you password protect this screen. Please refer to Practice Principles Handbook for further information.
Scroll Back/Scroll Forward – To flick through patients record in OASiS number order.

Patient Correspondence

The Patient Correspondence window enables both incoming and outgoing documents and files to be stored against the current patient's record. Some of the more popular file formats that can be linked in OASiS are (but not limited to) MS Word, MS Excel, HTML, JPG or BMP images, Adobe PDF, PIT Pathology Results, RPT Crystal Reports and VPD Presentation Manager files.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Patient Document Library
Depending on setup, documents or files may appear in the Patient Library, or the "Pending Document Selection". Once the document or file has been "Add to Patient Library", a record is stored in the "Family Communication History" panel.
All records stored within the "Patient Document Library" can be;
Review/Edit Document – Opens the document or file in the respective third party program
Change Document Date – Allows you to change the date
Change Document Description – Allows you to change the description
Lock Document – You can lock the document from any future editing/deletion
Mark Document On/Off – Determines whether the entry will be printed as part of the document list
Email to Patient – Allows you to email the document to the patient
Email to Referring Doctor(s) – Allows you to email the document to a Referring Doctor
Export Document – Allows you to export and save the document to the local computer
Delete Document – Allows you to delete the document

Document Template Selection

  1. Select a template letter from the "Outgoing Document Template Selection" panel on the top right.
  2. Edit the document description if required
  3. Click on
  4. The document will then open up in the appropriate third party program (i.e. MS Word) for editing.
  5. Make the necessary changes in the respective third party program
  6. Save and Exit
  7. The document will now appear in the "Pending Document Selection" panel

Incoming Document Selection

  1. Browse to the location of where your document or file is saved
  2. Click on the required document or file
  3. A menu will appear with a few options
    1. View Document
    2. Add to Patient Pending
    3. Delete Document
  4. Click on "Add to Patient Pending"
  5. A window will appear asking to select a Document Description
  6. Edit the description if needed and click OK
  7. A prompt will then appear asking "Do you want to delete this document?", Click on Yes or No depending on whether you want to keep the original document you saved.
  8. The document will now appear in the "Pending Document Selection" panel

Pending Document Selection

If document pending has been enabled (Preferences, Practice Registration, Field #29 "Enable Document Pending"), once a document or file has been attached to the Pending Document List, you have a number of options
Edit/Review Document - Opens the document or file in the respective third party program
Change Description – Change the description of the document
Add to Patient Library – Removes the entry and adds it to the "Patient Document Library"
Delete Document – Deletes the selected document

Document Scanning

OASiS also has a feature allowing the user to scan documents and attach them to the patient's document library.

  1. Click on , the Scan window will open with the follow options

  1. Click on or ,

NOTE: Depending on the scanner capabilities, you may be able to scan multiple pages at the one time. OASiS saves multi page scans in PDF format.

  1. A window will pop up asking whether you want to;
    1. Save in Low Resolution/Black and White Mode – Recommended if it is just a letter
    2. Save in High Resolution/Colour Mode – Recommended for images/graphics

Select one of the options and click on

  1. Select your scanner device from the "Select Source" window

  1. The respective third party scanner program will then load, follow the prompts to scan. Once you have scanned the document in the third party program, a copy of the scan will appear in the OASiS Scan Window
  2. Click on to save
  3. Select a description and edit if required.


The Invoice window allows you to enter item procedure codes to bill against the currently selected patient record. On click OK, OASiS posts the invoice lines to the patient's ledger (or to a nominated third party account E.g. Veteran Affairs)
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Invoice window
New – Enter in a new Item Procedure Code
Delete – Deletes all items in the Item List Panel
Delink – Delinks the patient from their Third Party for this one invoice
Discount – Select from a list of pre-set discount item codes, this will add a new discount item line to the Invoice List Panel
Total – This function gives you two options

  1. Change Total Amount – Once items have been entered, the total can be changed and OASiS will recalculate the fees associated with each individual item code and adjust them accordingly to tally to the new specified total
  2. Create Total Line – This creates a new item procedure line using a /Total item code. All item code line values are changed to zero and a new single total is applied

Group – Item groups can be billed E.g. Root Canals, and all item codes associated will be invoiced.
Fees – The system can apply pre-defined fee reductions on item procedure codes that billed multiple times.
Doctor – Changes the doctor number for all invoice lines in the Invoice List Panel
Ready – Users within the surgeries would click on this rather than the Eclaim or OK button to send a notification to reception that the Patient is Ready for invoice completion.
EQuote – To process an electronic quote for the invoice item codes through the claim terminal
EClaim – Process Eclaim through terminal
OK – To post the unbilled invoice lines to the patient's history
Third Party Panel

The Third Party Panel displays the patient's Health fund/Third Party (where linked in their Patient Record Screen). You can change the Third Party for this single invoice if needed by going through the list and selecting the required Third Party. Once you process this invoice and go back into the patient's Invoice window the Third Party will revert to the default link specified in the Patients Record Screen.
Family Panel

The Family Panel displays a list of all family members linked to the currently selected patient. From within this panel you can change the patient you wish to invoice by simply clicking on the patient name. The Patient to be invoice will be highlighted with a .
Financial Balance Panel

The Balance Panel lists any Doctors/Practitioners that have treated the Patient, with any Balance Bought Forward, Invoices Billed, Unallocated Credit and the Outstanding Balance.
Item List Panel

The Item List Panel displays a list of all item procedure codes not yet posted from the Invoice Entry Screen. Within this panel, you can click on the individual item lines and the following options display:
Edit Line – The selected invoice line redisplays in the data entry panel to enable change of details. Click on when changes are completed.
Edit Comment – Attaches a comment to the selected item line before posting (for internal office use only). After posting, it is viewable in the patient's History window.
Replicate Line – Duplicates the existing invoice lines, allowing multiple instances.
Delete Line – Allows you to delete individual invoice lines rather than all within this list.
Hold/Release Line – You can "hold" Invoice item lines from posting. You can then release them later for posting. The selection toggles between Hold/Release. This option is useful for EClaim processing where the number of invoice lines exceed the maximum the health fund will allow on a single claim.
Move From/To – You can change the order the invoice lines appear in the invoice screen, using these two functions. Click on the item line and select "Move from", position the cursor and then click on the item line to "Move to". The line will shift to the new position.
Data Entry Panel

You use the Data Entry Panel to add or edit item procedure codes.
Consultation Date – The date defaults to the current date or the last entered date (switch controlled). You can backdate items by clicking on or manually altering the date
Doctor – The Doctor or Practitioner performing the procedure. Typically, the usual doctor specified in the Patients Record Window or the doctor that has logged into OASiS or the last invoiced doctor
Item Procedure Code – The ADA item code relating to the procedure or a stock item. The item can be selected from the list by clicking on
Frequency – The quantity or number of units for this procedure or item
Minutes – An optional field to identify the time duration for this proecure (used for statistical information)
Tooth Number – An optional field to reference a specific item procedure code to a tooth
Third Party Amount – This field is only required where the patient is being billed either partially or completely to a third party account. It identifies the amount that will be posted to the third party account. It is suppressed for a private invoice where no third party is involved.
Patient Amount – This is the amount that will be billed ot the patient's account. In a third party situation where the patient is not billed (e.g. DVA) then this field is zero.

Invoicing a Patient Privately

  1. Enter in the date, doctor number, item procedure code and other details as required, either by typing it in or clicking on the respective or buttons.
  2. Click on to add the item to the Invoice List Panel

NOTE: The Consulting Date will default to the date setup in Microsoft Windows, and the Doctor number will default to the Doctor that has logged on in OASiS.
NOTE: The Fees are automatically picked up from what has been setup in OASiS, the fees can be changed as a once off amount if required.

  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for more items
  2. When all items have been entered, click on . Proceed to process the payment.

Invoicing a Patient Eclaim

Linking Patients

Link the patient to the Health Fund via the patient's record screen.

  1. Find the family head

NOTE: You can only link the health fund using the family head's record.

  1. Under Patient Details, click on for the H/Fund Id and select a health fund from the list

  1. Type in the patient's line number that they appear on their health fund card
  2. Click on
  3. Click on for the Third Party A/c field
  4. Select Link Third Party
  5. Select the health fund from the list
  6. Click on to save

  1. Follow the same steps as Invoicing a Patient Privately, but instead of clicking on , click on
  2. A prompt will ask whether you want to process this electronically, click on

  1. Follow the prompts on the Terminal
  2. Oasis will then record the claim and calculate the gap. Proceed to process the payment.

Walk Out Statement

The walk out statement is an itemized statement showing the patient what the patient owes the practice. If you raise an invoice, but receive no payment, you should print a walk out statement for the patient.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.


The Payments window allows you to enter in one or more payment lines against the currently selected patient's record. Clicking OK will post these lines to the patient's financial history.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Payment window
New – Enter in a new payment
Discount – Select from a list of pre-set discount codes. This will add a discount payment line to the Payment List Panel
Delete – Deletes all items in the Payment List Panel
Write Bank – If a patient is paying by cheque, the practice may want to record the Bank Name and Branch. When you click on "Write Bank" this will remember your selection entries for future payments.
Print – This function gives you two options

  1. Entry List – Print a list of all payments entered into the Payment List Panel
  2. Balance List – Print a balance list

OK/EClaim – Depending on the payment type you select, this button will show OK or EClaim.
Financial Balance Panel

The Balance Panel displays balances for any Doctors/Practitioners who have treated the patient, with any Balance Bought Forward, Invoices Billed, Unallocated Credit and the Outstanding Balance.
Within the Payment window, you can click on the doctor line and select the payment type. In selecting the payment type from the menu, it will add the balance to the Data Entry Panel.
A Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Eftpos, Direct Debit, Eclaim, Discount, Discount (Balance), Write Off can be applied in this manner.
Payment List Panel

The Payment List Panel displays a list of all payment entries you have applied prior to posting it to the patient's history. Within this panel, you can click on the individual payment lines and the following options display:
Edit Line – The selected payment line redisplays in the data entry panel to enable change of details. Click on when changes are completed.
Delete Line – Allows you to delete individual payment lines rather than all within this list.
Move From/To – You can change the order in which the payment lines display using these two functions. Click on the payment line and select "Move from", position the cursor and then click on the payment line to "Move to". The line will shift to the new position.
Data Entry Panel

Use the Data Entry Panel to add or edit payment lines.
Date – The date defaults to the Microsoft Windows date or the last entered date. You can backdate a transaction by clicking on .
Doctor – The Doctor (or Practitioner) performing the procedure, defaults to the usual doctor specified in the Patients Record Window or the doctor that has logged into OASiS, or the last invoiced doctor.
Type – The radio buttons allow you to choose the type of payment

  1. Payment – For all payment types made by the patient.
  2. Write-Off – For when you receive no payment from the patient and the practice will not be able to retrieve the outstanding balance.
  3. Discount – For when the Doctor/Practitioner has approved a discount for the patient.

Bank A/c No – defaults based on what was originally setup
Drawer Name/Bank Name/Bank Branch /Reference No. – is usually filled in for cheque payments
Description – you have the option of typing in a description for the payment
Method – Depending on the method of payment the patient is paying, enter in the value in the appropriate field.
NOTE: If you click on any balance outstanding will automatically appear in the "Cheques" field, you must delete this and enter in the value in the appropriate payment method.

Processing a Non-Electronic Payment

  1. Click on the doctor line from the balance panel.

  1. Choose the payment type from the list i.e. Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Direct Deposit, Eclaim.

The balance amount will appear in the date entry panel.

  1. Click on .
  2. Click on and this will post the payment entry to the patient's history.
  3. OASiS will now print a receipt.

Processing an Electronic Payment

  1. Click on the doctor line from the balance panel.
  2. Choose the payment type Eftpos.
  3. Change the payment amount if required in the eftpos fields in the data entry panel
  4. Click on .
  5. Repeat steps if more payment entries are required.
  6. Click on
  7. A prompt will ask whether you want to process this electronically, click on

  1. An Eftpos window will appear, if you do not have the patient's Eftpos card but you have their card details, you can type it onto this screen. If you have the patients card, leave everything as default and continue on by clicking OK

  1. Follow the prompts on the Terminal
  2. OASiS will now print a receipt.

Processing a Split Payment by Type

Depending on the scenario, patients may request to pay using multiple methods.

  1. Click on the doctor line from the balance panel.

  1. Choose the payment type from the list i.e. Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Direct Deposit, Eclaim.
  2. Change the payment amount
  3. Click on .
  4. Click back on the doctor line from the balance panel.
  5. Choose the payment type from the list i.e. Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Direct Deposit, Eclaim.

The balance amount will appear in the date entry panel.

  1. Click on
  2. Click on and this will post the payment entry to the patient's history.
  3. OASiS will now print a receipt.

Processing a Split Payment by Doctor

If the patient has an outstanding balance against two doctors, a split payment is required to record a single payment entry.

  1. Click on the first doctor line from the balance panel.

  1. Choose the payment type from the list i.e. Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Direct Deposit, Eclaim.
  2. Change the payment amount to the total amount being paid
  3. Change the TOTAL amount to the amount that needs to be paid to the first doctor (i.e. balance outstanding for the first doctor)

  1. Click on
  2. A warning pops up, click on

  1. Click on the second doctor line from the balance panel.

  1. Choose the payment type from the list i.e. Cheque, Cash, Credit Card, Direct Deposit, Eclaim.
  2. Change the payment amount to 0.00
  3. Change the TOTAL amount to the amount that needs to be paid to the second doctor (i.e. balance outstanding for the second doctor)

  1. Click on
  2. The same warning as before pops, click on

Your payment list should look like this

  1. Click on and this will post the payment entry to the patient's history.
  2. OASiS will now print a receipt.

Credit Allocation

The Credit Allocation screen will automatically display if the system detects a part payment on a patient's ledger. It will also display if the payment places the account in credit. It enables you to allocate credit against one or more unpaid or partially paid invoice lines.
However if there is unallocated credit in the Patient Balance Panel, and the Credit Allocation screen does not automatically display;

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel

Automatic Allocation – The system applies credit automatically to the oldest entries in the list

  1. Click on

Manual Allocation – You can manually apply credit to any unpaid or partially paid line

  1. Click on the invoice line and select

Click into the "Paid" blue background colour of any invoice line

  1. Enter the amount to be paid to this invoice line and click on Apply

  1. Repeat the steps until the remaining unallocated credit amount is zero.


The Adjustment window allows you to do account adjustments against the patient's balances.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel

  1. Within the Data Entry Panel at the bottom, enter in the date, doctor number, description, amount
  2. Click on
  3. Repeat the steps in necessary.

NOTE: After making some account adjustments, you may need to go to the Allocation window to allocate the adjustments you have just made.
NOTE: Where practitioners are remunerated based on payments received, you should not use adjustments to correct payments made in error. You should always use the reversal function for corrections.


The OASiS Recall System provides a method of recording up to nine separate recall contact dates for individual patients and families. Once you create a recall record for a patient, there are functions for listing recall records and multiple ways of sending the recall such as letter, e-mail or SMS.

Patient Defaults

You can define default information for each of the nine possible recalls within the patient's record.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
  2. Click on the second tab
  3. Click on
  4. Click on the recall line

  1. Change the necessary fields
    1. Recall Days – The default number of days to send a recall to the patient after their last visit
    2. Status Code – The default status code determines the contact method for this patient
    3. Comment – A descriptive default text can be allocated to each recall
    4. Incomplete Treatment – This tick box marks the patient's card as having "Incomplete Treatment"

NOTE: Usually if a patient has been marked as Incomplete, they will not receive a recall

  1. Once you have made your changes click on
  2. Other things you may want to change include
    1. Receives Own Recall – This indicates that the patient will receive their own individual recall notification.
    2. Specialist/Guardian Type Recall – This is usually reserved for paediatric/orthodontic practices. When checked, the system generates recall letters addressed to the patient's parent or guardian rather than the patient.
  3. To save the patients record file click on

Patient Recalls

The Patient Recall window automatically opens on invoice/payment completion (according to configuration settings).
We use the recall screen to place patients into the recall system in chronological order in order to contact them for a recall reminder. The system calculates the recall date according to the default setting on the patient's record screen. You can modify the dates for the current patient and family if required.
NOTE: You can also configure OASiS to set the patients recall automatically on billing a particular item code. E.g. 011, 012, 114, 115
You can also access the Patient Recall screen by clicking on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Recalls window
Appointments – Opens the List Appointment window, displaying any future appointments the patient has.
Patient Recall – This sets the patients next recall date based on the default details specified within their patient record card.
Family – This sets the next recall date for all family members based on the default details specified within each individual family member's patient record card.
Treatment – Set the patient as incomplete or completed treatment or
Newsletter – Sets a newsletter code for the patient, saved in their patient record card within the Patient Details tab.
OK – Saves any changes you have made on this screen.

Quick Recalls
Depending on what you have configured within OASiS, you can have more than one recall such as Dentist Recall, Hygienist Recall, and Orthodontic Recall.

  1. Right click on the patient's recall you would like to set, for example, "Dentist Recall", and the Edit Recall Panel will appear.

  1. Change the recall date by typing or clicking on one of the pre-set Time Details.
  2. Change the recall status by typing or clicking on one of the pre-set Recall Status Codes.
  3. Click on
  4. Click on to save

List Recalls

You should manage recalls on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to ensure you are sending out recalls to all the patients who are due for a recall.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Recalls window
Print – Allows you to print a list of all patients who are due for a recall, either as a standard report or as a screen list. The standard report prints a report showing all specified records while the screen list will print the list as you see it on the screen in grid format. These reports facilitate contacting the patients by telephone.
Letters – Merge the patient recall list to a Microsoft Word Recall Template or Easypost document
Email – Merge the patient recall list to E-mail
SMS – Merge the patient recall list to SMS
Labels – Merge the patient recall list to print labels on Avery J8160 paper. Usually used by practices that send out recall cards to patients instead of a letter.
NOTE: If you tick "Print Additional Info Label", OASiS will print out a second label describing the purpose of the recall
Dates – Allows you to change the start and end date based on a range of pre-set options
Refresh – Refreshes the patient recall list based on the criteria and options you have set
Tools – Has a few options such as change all patients in the current recall list to a specific status code, change sent flag and save update settings.
Delete – Allows you to delete all recalls in the list
Update – After you have successfully merged the patient recall list, this will update the patients recall to the next recall phase. (Depending on the configuration of your recall system)
Preference Panel

Start and End Date – The start and end dates default to today's date and 30 days from today's date respectively. You can change dates by clicking on the drop down to select a new date or clicking on "Dates" from the menu bar to select a pre-set date range.
Recall Name – Nine different recall columns are available in OASiS. The main recall column #1 displays by default. Clicking on one of the entries in this table will display alternate recall columns.
Recall Status Code – The system displays the "All recalls" (00) status code by default. Depending on the method of contacting the patient, select the appropriate status codes. E.g. E for E-mail, L for Letter, S for SMS
Usual Doctor – By default, the system displays recall records for all doctors (0000). You can select recalls for a specific doctor selecting the doctor number required.
Sort Method – The system displays recall records automatically in date order. Click on Surname order to display the patients in alphabetical order.
Exclusions – As a default these three options are automatically ticked

  • Exclude Incomplete Treatment – Patients who have incomplete treatment
  • Exclude Inactive – Patients who have been marked as inactive
  • Exclude Future Appointments – Patients with future appointments

Merging Letter Recalls

  1. Once you have filled in the criteria in the Preference Panel

NOTE: Make sure the status code/s selected is L, L2, or L3

  1. Click on

The Merge List with Letter Panel will display

  1. The status code will automatically be set based on the status code you originally selected in the Recall List. You can change this as required by typing in the new status code or clicking on
  2. The WP Template automatically links to the RECALL template letter, and once again can be change by clicking on
  3. Click on
  4. Microsoft Word will open with the Recall template. Depending on what version of Microsoft Word you have; click on
  5. Click on and follow the prompts to merge to the printer

NOTE: If you try to print the document via the File menu, this will only print 1 record

  1. Once you have successfully printed the letters, close out of Microsoft Word
  2. Click on
  3. The Update Recalls window will open

The update status code is stored against the status code of the recalls sent so you only need click OK to update the recalls.

  1. Click on

Merging Email Recalls

  1. Once you have filled in the criteria in the Preference Panel

NOTE: Make sure the status code/s selected is E, E2, or E3

  1. Click on

The Merge List to Email Panel will display

  1. The status code will automatically be set based on the status code you originally selected in the Recall List. You can change this as required by typing in the new status code or clicking on
  2. Click on and OASiS will process the E-mails to Microsoft Outlook or the OASiS Communication server, depending on how your E-mails have been setup initially.
  3. Click on
  4. The Update Recalls window will open

The update status code is stored against the status code of the recalls sent so you only need click OK to update the recalls.

  1. Click on

Merging SMS Recalls

  1. Once you have filled in the criteria in the Preference Panel

NOTE: Make sure the status code/s selected is S, S2, or S3

  1. Click on

The Merge List to SMS Panel will display

  1. The status code will automatically be set based on the status code you originally selected in the Recall List. You can change this as required by typing in the new status code or clicking on
  2. Click on and OASiS will send the request to the OASiS Cxserver Module.
  3. Click on
  4. The Update Recalls window will open

The update status code is stored against the status code of the recalls sent so you only need click OK to update the recalls.

  1. Click on

Merging Label Recalls

  1. Once you have filled in the criteria in the Preference Panel

NOTE: Make sure the status code/s selected is L, L2, or L3

  1. Click on

The Merge List to OASiS J8160 Labels Panel will display

  1. The status code will automatically be set based on the status code you originally selected in the Recall List. You can change this as required by typing in the new status code or clicking on
  2. Click on
  3. The Select Printer Panel will appear, select the printer you want to print to

NOTE: Make sure you have loaded the correct Avery J8160 Label paper into the printer.

  1. Click on
  2. The Update Recalls window will open

The update status code is stored against the status code of the recalls sent so you only need click OK to update the recalls.

  1. Click on

Financial History

The History window displays all "posted" financial transactions stored against the patient's ledger. You may use this screen to reprint statements, reverse and cancel transactions and record financial notes.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the History window
View – Allows you to filter the Transaction Entries Panel with specific criteria's such as active records, deleted records, all records, this patient's invoices and third party invoices.
Print – Allows you to print a number of different transaction reports.
Tools – Has a few functions such as modify statement format (if you are using custom forms), rebuild balances and purge recover records
Financial Notes Panel

The Financial Notes panel allows you to enter in financial notes against the patients file. You can edit or delete these notes. This is unlike the notes recorded in the patient's general notes (under My Work), which are subject to auditing on a daily basis.

  1. Type in the note in the empty box in the middle
  2. Click on to save

Financial Balance Panel

The Balance Panel displays any Doctors/Practitioners balances resulting from Patient billings, with any Balance Bought Forward, Invoices Billed, Unallocated Credit and the Outstanding Balance.
Statement List Panel

The Statement List Panel displays a list of all Itemised Statements printed. You can view and reprint past statements by selecting the statement required from the table.

Transaction Entries Panel

The Transaction Entries Panel displays a list of all posted transaction entries in this patient's ledger. It shows all debits and credits and automatically calculates a running balance under the Balance column (if enabled).
When you click on a transaction, a menu appears with the following options:
Print On/Off – to flag an entry to reprint with a or .
Edit Transaction Details – to edit the details of the transaction. The Edit Transaction window will open, make the necessary changes such as date, Doctor, description and click on to save.
Edit Comment – to add a comment about the transaction. The Enter Comment window will open, enter in your comment and click on to save. A yellow highlight displays as a background to any transaction line bearing a comment.
Delete/Recover Transactions – to delete or recover a non-electronic invoice or payment line. To View deleted transactions you will need to click on View, and select Deleted Transactions.
NOTE: The patient's history window will be marked "Deleted Entries on File"
Reverse Transactions – to reverse a transaction line. When you reverse a transaction, both the original transaction and the reversal transaction line will show in the patient's history.
Re-invoice as Hicaps Claim – to re-invoice individual invoice lines as part of a Hicaps EClaim.
Cancel EClaim – to cancel the EClaim. The system will cancel the original invoice line/s and payment line/s. You can optionally do a manual or electronic EClaim cancellation.
NOTE: To cancel a Hicaps EClaim, you need to select the Red Hicaps Payment line.
Refund Eftpos – to refund an Eftpos payment. You can optionally do a manual or electronic refund.
Cancel Marked Payment – to cancel a marked payment entry, usually used for third party payments such as Veteran Affairs. NOTE: You need to click on the Banking Summary line to cancel the payment.
View Transaction Details – to view the complete details on an existing transaction.
Note: You may not be able to edit some transactions if paid or banking finalised.

Printing Transactions

Reprint Original Statement

  1. Click on the itemised statement you want

  1. Select "Reprint (Original)" or "Reprint (Unpaid Lines Only)"

Selective Reprint

Individual transaction lines can be selected from the Transaction Entries Panel.

  1. Go through the list and tick the transaction lines required for reprint

The mark and close box will populate with the total balance of the items selected for reprint

  1. Click on to print a statement with the selected transactions

Open – This box enables the manual entry of an "Opening Balance" amount to appear at the top of the reprint statement. (Usually used in situations where only some transactions have a re-print flag)
All – This button will tick all entries within the Transaction Entries Panel
None – This button will un-tick all entries within the Transaction Entries Panel
Print – This button will print a statement of the selected marked lines

Printing Reports

You can print a report of transactions (for the account) for a specific date range by clicking Print. .

Private Transaction Log 1 – Prints all debit and credit transactions within a requested date range.
Private Transaction Log 2 – Similar to Log 1 but with a running balance.
Other reports include Third Party Transaction Log, Unpaid Invoices and Screen List.


All payments entered into the OASiS system, entered through the Payments or Marked Payments windows, display in the Banking window. You use the Banking window to reconcile and print off deposit slips and reports at the end of each day (or as required).
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
The following options display:
Deposit Slips – Includes your physical payments such as cheques, cash, credit card (old manual paper swipe system) and Eftpos payments.
Direct Debits – A separate banking mode allows for direct debits that made by the patient or third party such as Veteran Affairs.
EClaims – Separate banking mode allows for third party EClaim payments received via the Hicaps terminal.
All Banking – This mode will show all banking for all three modes Deposit Slips, Direct Debits and EClaim.
Reconcile Direct Debits and Credits – Used primarily by Orthodontic practices.

Menu Panel

Exit – Closes out of the Banking window.
Refresh – Refreshes the list of banking entries.
Sort – You can sort the banking entries in chronological, patient name, date, patient number, drawer name and doctor number order.
View – Allows you to view current entries (to be deposited) and reprint entries (previous deposits). The same function as the reprint entries panel.
Account – A prompt appears, allowing you to select different bank accounts, if you have multiple bank deposit accounts setup within OASiS.
Print – You can print a range of reports such as deposit slip, cross reference, summary, branch summary and a screen list.
Tools – Has a few functions such as discard, keep or release all entries and move to new account, which will move all entries within the current location to a different bank account.
Mode – Flick through different banking modes such as deposits, direct debits, hicaps or all banking.
Close Off – Close off the current banking, which clears the banking screen ready for a new day of banking
Banking Summary Panel

The Banking Summary panel shows the collated totals for all current payment entries.
When all deposit amounts reconcile with the payment amounts.
When there is a discrepancy. Within the Bank Entries panel, the entry in question will be in red.
Reprint Entries Panel

The Reprint Entries panel allows you to view previously closed off banking. If you cannot find the bank slip date you require, enter in the date range and click on .
Bank Transaction Entries Panel

The Bank Transaction Entries panel lists all payments made since the last close off. When you click on an entry a pop up menu appears with the following options.
Discard – You can nominate a payment line as "Discard". This indicates the line will not be included in the totals of your deposit slips. "Close Off" will delete any discarded lines.
Release – Released payments lines are included in your deposit slip totals and cleared when "Close Off" occurs.
NOTE: As a default all payments are automatically set on "Release"
Keep – The selected payment line is marked as "Keep". The entry will be not be included in your deposit slip totals. The system retains it as a valid entry even after "Close Off".
EXAMPLE: You forget to close off banking the night before, and someone enters two payments the next morning. You would put today's two entries on "Keep", print off yesterday's deposit slip and reports as required, then "Close Off". Yesterday's entries disappear, and the two payment lines from today will remain on the screen. Now you can click on these two payment lines and select "Release" so that they get included in today's end of day banking.
Comment – A comment box appears, allowing you to enter in a comment against the payment entry. A yellow highlight will indicate it has a comment attached.
NOTE: A comment entered in the Banking screen will also highlight (in yellow) the corresponding payment in the patient's History screen.
Edit – Displays an edit screen that allows you to allocate the payment amounts to different payment methods.
Read Patient – Reads in the selected patient as the current patient.
Other Panels
There are three other panels within this window, and these include Doctor Panel, Third Party Panel and Bank Panel. These panels filter out payment lines that are associated with the particular Doctor, Third Party or Bank. Initially, the screen displays All Doctors, No Third Party A/C and All Bank Names.

Third Party Transactions

For third parties such as government organisations e.g. Veteran Affairs or Medicare, patients do not need to pay for their treatment. To process invoices (being paid in full by the third party entity), certain details within the patient's record screen are required.

Link Patient to Third Party

  1. Read in the correct patient
  2. Click on
  3. Within the Patient Details tab, for Classify Code, click on
  4. Select the correct Classification Code from the list
  5. Click on
  6. Under Billing Details, for Third Party A/c, click on
  7. Select the Third Party from the list
  8. Click on to save

Invoicing Third Party Patient

Once a link between the patient and the third party is established, invoice transactions processed for the patient are posted to the third party's ledger.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Within the Third Party panel, it will have a next to the linked third party account

  1. Enter in the date, doctor number, item procedure code and other details as required, either by typing it in or clicking on the respective or buttons.
  2. Click on to add the item to the Invoice List Panel

NOTE: The Consulting Date will default to the date setup in Microsoft Windows, and the Doctor number will default to the Doctor that has logged on in OASiS.
NOTE: Third Party fees are automatically picked up from what has been setup in OASiS, and if the patient has been linked correctly.

  1. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for more items
  2. When all items have been entered, click on .

NOTE: All invoices will be billed to the linked Third Party. To view the balance you will need to read in the Third Party as the current patient.

Third Party Payments

The OASiS Marked Payments window allows the facility to receive a single payment for multiple patients. This will apply for when a Third Party entity has sent a payment for multiple patients.

  1. Click on Other from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
  2. Select List Third Parties
  3. Select the Third Party you require.
  4. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Batches Panel

For Third Party invoices and payments, batch processing can be setup so that each time you send off claims to the third party, OASiS can record the particular entries within that claim for ease of access and payments when you receive the payment from the third party entity. When you click on an entry in the Batches panel, it will only show transactions within that batch in the Transaction List panel.
Payment Details Panel

The Payment Details panel allows you to enter in a payment or a write-off, which is then marked off in the Transaction List panel. You can only process and finalize the payment if the Balance is 0.00.
Transaction List Panel

The Transaction List panel displays all invoices lines not paid or partially paid for by the Third Party.

Batch Processing


Firstly, you need to make sure batch processing is enabled for the specific third party entity.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
  2. Click on
  3. Under Billing – Miscellaneous, click on
  4. Locate the third party entity, and right click on it
  5. For field #09 Use Batching Y/N, type in Y
  6. Click on to save

Closing Batches

Each time you invoice a patient linked to this third party entity, the transactions will appear in batches. We recommend you close off the batches each time you process a new claim with the third party entity.

  1. Read in the third party entity as the current patient
  2. Click on
  3. Select

  1. To close a batch, Click on the doctor batch you are processing to the third party entity

  1. Click on
  2. OASiS will automatically increment the batch number, however you do have the option of changing this batch number if needed, then click on

Entering a Third Party Payment

If you are using batch processing, select the batch number from the Batch panel, then proceed with the payment.

  1. Enter the details of the payment – including bank location, drawer, bank name etc. if required in Payment Details panel.

  1. Cross-reference with the receipt you have received from the third party with the list of invoices in the Transaction List panel.
  2. Click on the lines indicated as being paid.
  3. Within the prompt enter in the amount that has been paid and click on

NOTE: You can only enter in an amount up to the value that was originally invoiced, if the Third Party has paid extra please refer to "Third Party has Overpaid" procedures below.

  1. Repeat steps 2-4 until all lines have been marked off according to the receipt you have received.

The balance in the Payment Details Panel will reduce for each marked amount. The idea is to mark all lines until the balance reaches 0.00

  1. Once the balance has reached 0.00 click on
  2. A Print Report prompt will appear, click on if a report is required.

  1. If there are still any unpaid lines within the Transaction List Panel, another prompt will appear, click on if another payment is required.

Third Party has Over-paid

There will be times when the Third Party entity overpays on specific item codes. In these cases, you do not need to amend the invoice amounts on the original invoice. We would add in an Adjustment.

  1. Once you are sure you have gone through the receipt and marked off all the invoices in the Transaction List panel, note down the remaining balance within the Payment Details panel and note down the Doctor number that the original payment

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel
  2. Enter in the Doctor Number in question
  3. Enter in a description of "Overpayment"
  4. Enter in the Amount of the Balance remaining
  5. Click on
  6. Click back on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
  7. Click on the Overpayment line

NOTE: The Adjustment will appear at the very top of the list

  1. Mark off the balance and click on
  2. Now that the balance is 0.00, click on

  1. A Print Report prompt will appear, click on if a report is required.

  1. If there are still any unpaid lines within the Transaction List Panel, another prompt will appear, click on if another payment is required.

Third Party has Under-paid

There will be times when the Third Party entity underpays on specific item codes. In these cases, you do not need to amend the original invoice amounts. We would enter in a write-off, as you cannot bill the patient for the gap amount.

  1. Once you are sure you have gone through the receipt and marked off all the invoices in the Transaction List panel, you will need to calculate the total amount that the third party has underpaid.

  1. Click on under Payment Type
  2. According to the total Balance and the amount that has been marked off, there is an outstanding balance of $79, type in $79 into the

NOTE if you have too many transaction lines not paid in full, rather than calculating the outstanding amounts one by one, enter in 1000.00 into the write off box, go through and mark all outstanding underpaid entries. Once you have completely gone through the list and marked all that is required note down the amount and change the write off amount to that same value as the marked amount

  1. Mark off the balance and click on
  2. Now that the balance is 0.00, click on

  1. A Print Report prompt will appear, click on if a report is required.

  1. If there are still any unpaid lines within the Transaction List Panel, another prompt will appear, click on if another payment is required.

Overdue Reminders

Patients will appear on this list and are due for an overdue reminder if they failed to pay within a defined period, and if the patient does not pay on the same day and were not issued a walkout statement. Within this window, you can print an overdue reminder statement to post out to the patient.

  1. Click on Other from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
  2. Select "Overdue Reminders"

Entries in Bold indicate they are due to receive an overdue statement. Entries in Italics indicate they are an inactive patient. Entries highlighted with a Red background indicate they are a Bad Debt.
Cycle Number – Indicates the number of overdue reminders already sent to the patient.
Last Run Number – Indicates the last overdue reminder run number. Each time you print off an overdue reminder run, a Run Number is associated with that specific print
Print Status – Allows you to mark and unmark patients from the print run.
When you click on an entry in the Overdue Reminders list, you can Reset to Today's Date, Edit Statement Details, Print individual statement, mark the Statement on Hold/Release (to print), mark patient as Bad Debt On/Off and access the selected patient's Financial History.
Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Banking window.
Print –Print Overdue Reminders List – Prints a list of patients who are due for an overdue reminder. Print Overdue Reminder Run – Print next overdue reminder run. Reprint Overdue Reminder Run – Reprints a previous overdue reminder run. Print Screen List – Prints a list of all patients that you see on the screen. Save Overdue List Report – Saves the report, accessible from the Report Viewer.
View – Gives you the option of viewing selected patient's or all patients in the Overdue Reminders window.
Totals – Allows you to view total balance outstanding and total balances for today.

Print Overdue Reminder Run

You print Overdue Reminder statements periodically through the "Print Overdue Reminder Run" option.

  1. Click on
  2. Select

  1. Leave all fields and tick boxes as default
  2. Click on
  3. All patients that were in Bold in the Overdue Reminder list will now print out, and their Statement Due Date will now reset to a new date. The Cycle Number and Last Run Number will also update depending what stage they are up to in the overdue reminder cycle and what run number you are up to respectively.

Reprint Overdue Reminder Run

If, for any reason, you need to reprint a previous Overdue Reminder Run.
EXAMPLE: Last set of print outs were damaged or there was a printer problem.

  1. Click on
  2. Select

  1. Change the Run Number to the run number you want to reprint. You may need to view the run number column on the main Overdue Reminder list.


Oasis has a suite of reports available. Most can be printed or alternatively viewed on screen. Reports are available for processing at any time.
NOTE: Reports are automatically printing based on the 'entry' date. If you have backdated any transactions, you will need to tick "Print using Consultation Dates" within the properties of the report.

  1. Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

All available reports are displayed within three categories; Period End Reports, Statistical Analysis and Other Reports.

  1. Click on a particular report that you require
  2. Fill in the report parameters as required, including the doctors and date range.
  3. Click on
  4. Select the Printer you would like to print to
  5. If you would like to view a digital copy of the report, select Print to Screen.

End of Day

At the end of each day, we recommend the following procedures:

  1. Do settlement on the Hicaps Terminal
  2. Reconcile Banking
  3. Print off Daily Reports
    1. Either Daily Transactions – List (1), (2) or (3)
    2. Daily EClaims Settlement
  4. Close OASiS on every single computer
  5. Ensure your backup procedures are followed (depends on how it has been setup with OASiS and your IT Technician)

End of Month

At the end of each month, we recommend the following procedures:

  1. Complete all of End of Day procedures
  2. Print off Monthly Reports
    1. Weekly Unposted Invoices
    2. Weekly Unposted Payments
    3. Monthly Financial Summary
    4. Monthly Item Analysis
    5. Yearly Financial Summary
    6. Aged Debtors – Standard
    7. Patients Incomplete Treatment List
    8. Banking Summary – From the Banking Deposit screen

NOTE: These reports suggested are by no means compulsory, you can decide which reports would be most beneficial for the practice and/or accountant and print them accordingly. You are more than welcome to incorporate any of the other reports in the list to the month end procedures.

  1. Check and Clear the following screens

NOTE: If these screens are not subject to clearance regularly, over time these lists may cause the OASiS program to run slow.

    1. Waiting Room under My Time
    2. Cancellations under My Time
    3. Activity logs for Messages, Emails and SMS under System Manager
    4. GST Reporting under My Money-Other
    5. Lab Fees/Commissions under My Money-Other
  1. Auditing

Within "My Money" – Under "Other" – "Auditing" – Print/view the reports "Print Audit Report (Active)" and "Print Audit Report Deletions" and once you have checked these "Close Audit Period"

  1. Ensure your backup procedures are followed (depends on how it has been setup with OASiS and your IT Technician)

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