My Work 12 v1.3

My Work

OASiS version 12 AU

My Work Menu
Restorative Charting
Change to Deciduous
Change to Mixed Dentition
Create New Chart
Changing Chart Description
Charting Existing Conditions
Charting Existing Treatment Conditions
Root Canals
Partial Dentures
Charting Proposed Treatment
Marking Caries
Root Canals
Partial Dentures
Non Tooth Specific Procedures
Changing Treatment
Adding Visit Lines
Completing Treatment
Informing Reception of Completed Treatment
Reception Patient Exit Work Flow
Charting Icon Graphics
Switching Quadrants
Recording Measurements
Specialist Charting
Clinical Notes
Adding a New Clinical Note
Manually Adding a Clinical Note
Linking Images to Notes
Editing Linked Images within Clinical Notes
Specialist Notes
Adding a New Specialist Note
Treatment Plans
Creating a New Treatment Plan
Editing Treatment Plan Lines
Deleting Treatment Plan Lines
Adding Visits
Adding a Single Visit
Adding Multiple Visits
Resequence Items into Visits
Configuring Visits
Changing the Visit description
Changing Visit Colours
Changing Visit Time
Booking in an Appointment Visit
From within the Treatment Plan
From within the Appointment Scheduler
From the Departure Workflow
X-ray and Intraoral Link
Treatment Imaging
Third Party Integration
Additional Notes:


About My Work
The "My Work" module in OASiS 12 is a series of programs aimed at streamlining the processes of clinical treatment. This module contains the following;

  • Restorative Charts
  • Periodontal Charts
  • Specialist Charts
  • General Notes
  • Specialist Notes
  • Diagnosis Sheets
  • Treatment Plans
  • Xray Links
  • IntraOral Links
  • Imaging

Opening OASiS
You can open OASiS 12 in one of two ways:
Double click on the OASiS 12 Daily Work icon on the Windows desktop
Click on the Windows START menu, select "All Programs", "OASiS System 12", "Daily Work"
Session Login
Upon opening OASiS 12, a splash screen may pop up. Depending on what has been setup, users may be required to validate their login with a username and password. If usernames and passwords have not been setup, then just click on OK to login (or optionally the main OASiS screen will display).

Menu Panel
You can select different menu options by clicking on the individual module icons: My Money, My Time, My Work, Component Tools and System Manager

The only time the Menu Bar is not visible is when the Patient Card screen is in "edit" mode or when the Scheduler (Appointment Book) screen is in full screen display mode.
There are some 5 Program buttons that are common to all of the main menu options:
Clear – Clears all open OASiS windows
Find – Opens the Find Patient Record window
Records – Places the main OASiS screen along with the Patients Card at the front of the screen
Reports – Opens the Reports window, where different reports can be generated and printed
Preferences – Opens the Preferences window, where configurations are made

My Work Menu

Clear – Clears all open OASiS windows.
Find – Opens the Find Patient Record window, where you can search for existing patients.
Records – Places the main OASiS screen along with the Patients Card at the front of the screen.
Restorative – Opens the Restorative charts screen, where you can digitally store details of the patients existing dental conditions and proposed treatment.
Periodontal – Opens the Periodontal charts screen, where you can record the properties of the patient's periodontal condition.
Specialist – Opens the Specialist charts screen, this screen is specific for specialist practitioners such as orthodontists, paediatric dentists etc.
Gen. Notes – Opens the General notes screen, where you can record patient's clinical notes.
Spec. Notes – Opens the Specialist notes screen, where you can record patient's specialist notes such as orthodontic, endodontic and autoclave properties etc.
Treat. Plans – Opens the Treatment Plan screen, where you can add, edit and re-arrange proposed treatment for the patient.
Xray – Opens a third party X-ray program (where link defined).
IntraOral – Opens a third party Intra Oral program (where link defined).
Imaging – Opens the Treatment Images screen, where you can store patient images against the patients file.
Reports – Opens the Reports window, where different reports can be generated and printed
Preferences – Opens the Preferences window, where configurations are made
My Work Favourites bar Options
General Dental

Specialist Dental


Restorative Charting

The Restorative Chart window allows you to view, add, edit and delete patients existing dental conditions and proposed treatment. Depending on screen resolution, the charting screen may also show diagnosis sheets.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
Screen Mode 0, 1, 2 and 4 displays the following

The currently selected patient's name displays on the top left hand corner, along with the patient's date of birth and any health warnings specified on the patients file.
Screen Mode 11, 12 and 13 displays the following

Patient Details
The Patients details including their name, date of birth, health warnings and treating provider display in the top left hand corner of the screen.

Menu Bar
Screen Mode 0, 1, 2 and 4 displays the following

Screen Mode 11, 12 and 13 displays the following

Exit – Closes out of the Restorative charts window
Toolbar – Toggles the screen to show the charting speed buttons at the bottom of the screen
Diagnosis – Toggles the screen to show any diagnosis sheets that have been created via the restorative charts screen
Arch – Opens up a separate window showing an arch chart with certain existing conditions that have been marked on the restorative charts, such as missing, absent teeth etc.
Print – This function gives you three options

  1. Chart – Prints a form showing the patients existing conditions and proposed treatment along with any individual tooth comments
  2. Check Options – Prints a form showing check options that have been flagged on individual teeth
  3. Arch Form – Prints the arch form

Tools – From within this menu, a few functions are available: (These options apply to all teeth marked on the chart. These same options are available for each individual tooth when you click on the individual tooth numbers.)
Under Last Command – Undo the last command applied on either the existing conditions or proposed treatment chart
Link Diagnosis Sheet – Allows you to create a new diagnosis sheet, that is linked directly in the Restorative Charts screen and recorded as a clinical note in the patients General Notes.
Mark as Absent – All selected teeth will be marked as absent.
Mark as Missing - All selected teeth will be marked as Missing. NOTE: When a tooth has been marked as missing, you can apply no further markings.
Mark as Unerupted - All selected teeth will be marked as Un-erupted.
Mark as Deciduous - All selected teeth will be marked as Deciduous.
Mark as Xray Taken – All selected teeth will be marked with [X].
Clear Markers – If you select multiple surfaces on multiple teeth, this option will clear those selections, not any actual conditions/treatment previously applied.
Delete Marked Surfaces – When you select surfaces on multiple teeth, this option deletes all marked surfaces applied to those teeth.
Deciduous Chart – Changes the existing permanent chart to a deciduous chart.

Mixed Dentition Chart – Changes the existing general chart to a mixed dentition chart.

Create New Chart – Creates a new chart, allowing you to copy the existing conditions or creating a brand new one from scratch.
Display in Debug Mode – This changes the icons and colours that have been marked on the surfaces of the teeth to a code that Software of Excellence can use for debugging.
Superimpose Chart Surfaces – This allows you to mark a tooth with a whole image (such as a crown) and then mark selected surfaces for the addition of other treatment (such as a filling).
Change Colours – Allows you to change the background colour of the Existing Condition panel and the Proposed Treatment panel.
View Oasis Images – Allows you to view any images that have been stored within the Imaging window in OASiS.
Export Chart – This option allows you to export the chart, check options, arch to a variety of formats such as BMP, JPG and PDF, or copy the chart to clipboard.
Create New Plan Visit – When adding treatment to the proposed treatment panel, all entries are stored in the treatment plan panel. When you select Create New Plan Visit, the system will add a new visit header to the treatment plan panel.
Delete all Plan Lines – This deletes all treatment plan lines that are present within the treatment plan panel.
Display notes oldest first/Display notes oldest last – This sorts the patient's clinical notes from oldest to latest or latest to oldest.
Autoclave – Opens up a new clinical notes entry screen, where you can record autoclave details
Education – Opens up the third party patient education program (where linked), such as Explain, ExplainPro or Orasphere.
Plan – Changes the restorative charts from plan mode to invoice mode. When switched to invoice mode, the system automatically sends all items charted in the proposed treatment to the invoice screen (to be billed), and a clinical note entry will be made for each item code.
NOTE: It is easier to amend treatment whilst in Plan mode. If treatment is changed or a mistake has been made, the item is simply deleted from the treatment plan, rather than going to the invoice window and general notes window to remove the completed treatment.

Existing Conditions Panel

The existing conditions chart appears at the top of the screen. You use it to record existing conditions and treatment. All proposed treatments subsequently completed will also appear in the existing conditions.
Proposed Treatment Panel

The proposed treatment chart appears in the lower section of the screen. You use it to record proposed dental treatment. The treatment entered onto this chart automatically creates a treatment plan (also known as a quote). As these procedures are completed, all associated graphics will move to the existing conditions chart.
Speed Button Panel
Depending on the screen mode of your workstation, you can toggle the screen to show the toolbar by clicking on the button from the menu bar. This toolbar enables quick selection of charting treatment you want to apply to either the existing condition or the proposed treatment chart. The toolbar displays 99 speed buttons, which can be accessed from two separate panel selections labelled 1 & 2. When a panel 1 or 2 is selected, that selected panel will display in red and show you the available speed button selections within that panel.
If a specific treatment is not available within the speed button selection, you can access all other treatment item codes via the menu selection located below the speed buttons. There are nine menu items; Diagnostic, Preventative, Periodontics, Oral Surgery, Endodontics, Restorative, Prosthodontics, Orthodontics and General.
Selecting Graphic Points
On each tooth, there are nine selectable surfaces. When you select the surface of a tooth with the left mouse click, it is marked with a light green box.
The five main surfaces are:

(M) Mesial(L) Lingual(D) Distal(B) Buccal(O) Occlusal
Along with four cusp surfaces:

(ML) Mesiolingual(DL) Distolingual(DB) Disobuccal (MB) Mesiobuccal
Once a tooth or surface/s have been marked with a light green box, this indicates that the surface is ready for further processing. To unmark the surface, click on the surface and the green colour block will disappear.
Within the marked tooth or surface/s selected, you can apply a colour block or graphics to the tooth which will appear either on the selected surface, within the tooth or outside the tooth. The way the marked treatment displays depends on the type of treatment it is and how it was initially setup.

Colour blocks on tooth surfaces represent restorations, with a range of colours used.
A picture icon depicted solely on a tooth surface.
A picture icon painted over the whole tooth, covering all surfaces.
A picture icon painted outside the tooth frame.
NOTE: When selecting a picture icon for painting inside or outside of the tooth, you only need to select one surface.
Chart Selection Panel

Where the patient has more than one chart, the Chart selection panels allows you to select a different chart. The current selected chart is indicated with a .
A scenario where you may have multiple charts include:
A primary chart with pre-existing conditions upon the patient's first visit, and then a new chart for the proposed treatment and any completed treatment thereafter.
NOTE: OASiS automatically creates a chart with today's date when you first open the restorative window.
Image Selection Panel

The Image selection panel shows a thumbnail of each treatment image stored within the OASiS Treatment Imaging screen, or within the Software of Excellence Imaging software, Examine Pro. When selected, the imaging window opens with the enlarged x-ray or intraoral.
Health Warnings and Reminder Notes Panel

The health warnings and reminder notes panels show any relevant details recorded on the patient's card. These details can be added/edited via this panel, and saved within the patient's card.
The patient can also be flagged as incomplete treatment by ticking and
The button allows you to enter additional pre-set health warning and reminder notes. The button opens up the message window, so you can send messages to other users. The button saves any changes you have made within the health warning and reminder note panels to the patients card.
NOTE: Any health warnings will also pop up as an alert upon opening the restorative charts window. To acknowledge the health warning and balance, click on .

Treatment Plan Panel

The system will populate the treatment plan panel as treatment is marked on the Proposed Treatment chart. From within this treatment plan panel you can delete or complete the treatment by clicking a treatment line and selecting the desired option. As a quick option, you can click on and this will complete the treatment line and send it straight to the invoice screen as well as adding an entry into the clinical notes.
NOTE: If you complete a "Visit" header this will complete all treatment lines within that Visit.
NOTE: You can add in visit headers by clicking on and selecting Create New Plan Visit, however it would be easier to edit and re-arrange your proposed treatment, after you have marked all your proposed treatment on the Proposed Treatment panel directly from the Treatment Plan window, rather than the Treatment Plan panel.
Clinical Notes Panel

The Clinical Notes Panel displays any notes recorded against the patients file.
Opens up the general notes window, allowing you to add in a new clinical note
Allows you to search for a keyword, and OASiS will filter through all the clinical notes and display any notes with that keyword.
Lists either only treatment related notes or list all notes such as recalls.
Lists any notes associated with the tooth.
Lists any notes that have been marked as highlighted or a diagnosis sheet.
Allows you to select which notes to display, from different categories.
Toggles the panel from general notes to specialist notes format.
NOTE: If you right click on a tooth, only the clinical notes that are referencing the tooth display within the clinical notes panel.
Diagnosis Sheet Panel

The Diagnosis Sheet panel is only available when your workstation screen mode has been set to 11 or higher.
You can view any diagnosis sheets created for the patient by selecting the particular sheet from the list.
Clicking on will open up a new diagnosis sheet window, allowing you the select the type of sheet required and enter in the appropriate fields.
NOTE: When adding a new diagnosis sheet from within the Restorative charts window, the diagnosis sheet will not appear in the general diagnosis sheet window when accessing from the side menu panel.


Upon initially opening up the restorative charts window, the system will display the permanent chart automatically.

Change to Deciduous

  1. Click on
  2. Select Deciduous Chart

Change to Mixed Dentition

  1. Click on
  2. Select Mixed Dentition Chart

Create New Chart

You normally create a new chart after you chart the patients existing conditions. The idea for this is so that you have a chart #0001 that represents existing conditions before you started treatment on the patient, and then any subsequent charts thereafter show the treatment provided at the practice.

  1. Click on
  2. Select Create New Chart

  1. A pop up will appear with "Create a New Chart" click on

  1. A pop up will appear with "Copy using Existing Chart" click on to create a new chart with a copy of the current one or click on to create a new blank chart or click on to close the screen without creating a new chart.

A new chart will now display in the chart list box with the current date

Changing Chart Description

If multiple charts are in use, you can change the description to differentiate the charts from one another.

  1. Click on the chart that requires a description

  1. Select "Change Chart Description"

  1. Type in the new description
  2. Click on to save

  1. Repeat steps as required for other charts

Charting Existing Conditions

The existing conditions chart appears at the top of the screen. You use it to record pre-existing conditions and treatment. All proposed treatments that is then subsequently completed, will also appear in the existing conditions.

Tooth Selection Menu
You can select a tooth by clicking on the respective tooth's FDI number, the number will change from black to red and a drop down menu will display.
The following options display when you select the tooth from the existing condition panel:

The above menu options operate in a similar way to the options available within the menu bar when you click on . However, the only difference is that the options selected from each FDI tooth will only apply to that specific tooth, whereas the options selected from the menu will apply to all selected (marked) teeth (selected by marking tooth surfaces).
Display Check Options

  1. Click on the required tooth number
  2. Select "Display Check Options"

A Check Options Panel displays on the far right of the screen

  1. Check any applicable boxes relating to the selected tooth. (Click again to untick)
  2. Click on to record the check options against the patient's chart

Once you save the check options against each tooth, the FDI tooth number background will display in red

Printing Check Options

  1. Click on
  2. Select "Check Options"

  1. Click on "01 Oasis Printer"

Display Surface Enhancements
This menu selection allows you to apply picture icons to more detailed areas of the tooth, e.g. fractures or caries.

  1. Click on the required tooth number
  2. Select "Display Surface Enhancements"

A Surface Enhancement Panel appears on the far right of the screen, showing the five main surfaces of the tooth with the additional four cusp surfaces. Each of the nine surfaces are broken down into an additional four surfaces, providing 36 available surfaces.

  1. Click on any surface as required
  2. Select the appropriate picture icon from the box selection below
  3. Click on
  4. An "S" will appear next to the tooth to indicate that an enhanced surface selection has been specified

NOTE: To clear any picture icon already applied, mark that particular surface and click on
Link Diagnosis Sheet – Opens up a window giving you the option of what type of diagnosis sheet you would like to link to the selected tooth.
Mark as Absent – Marks the tooth as absent, removing the graphics
NOTE: There must be a tooth frame present to record any treatment against that tooth.
Mark as Missing – Marks the tooth as missing, removing the graphics and frame
Mark as Unerupted – Marks the tooth as un-erupted
Mark as Deciduous – Marks the tooth as deciduous and changes tooth number accordingly
Mark as Mixed – Marks the tooth as mixed (e.g. when a deciduous tooth also has a permanent tooth growing behind it.)
Mark as Highlighted – Changes the background colour of the tooth number
Mark as Xray – Marks the selected tooth as
Mark All Surfaces – Marks all surfaces on the selected tooth
Unmark All Surfaces – Unmarks all surfaces on the selected tooth
Change Comment – An Enter Charting Comment window appears allowing you to record a short comment that will appear underneath the tooth.

View General Notes – View all clinical notes for the selected tooth within the Clinical Notes panel
View Specialist Notes – View all specialist notes for the selected tooth within the Clinical Notes panel
View Oasis Images – View all images for the selected tooth within the Treatment Images panel
Delete – Allows you to delete any colour markings or graphics on a tooth.

  1. All Details on this Tooth – removes all graphics and markings on this tooth
  2. All Marked Surfaces removes any graphics or colours from the selected surfaces
  3. Notes Marker – removes the [N] marker that displays when a clinical note is recorded
  4. Graphics Inside Tooth – removes graphics from within the tooth frame
  5. Graphics Outside Tooth – removes graphics from outside the tooth frame

Charting Existing Treatment Conditions

The existing conditions chart appears at the top of the screen. You use it to record pre-existing conditions and treatment. All proposed treatments that is then subsequently completed, will also appear in the existing conditions.

You can select more than one surface at a time, across multiple teeth if certain pre-existing treatment conditions are the same.


  1. Click on the surfaces required on the tooth or teeth within the Existing Conditions panel

e.g. MOD on tooth and O on tooth

From the Speed Button panel

  1. Within the first selection panel click on one of the fillings

OASiS will now paint the selected surface with the pre-defined colour for the filling


Root Canals

  1. Click on the surface required on the tooth or teeth within the Existing Conditions panel


From the Speed Button panel

  1. Within the first selection panel click on one of the existing root canals

OASiS will now place a picture icon outside of the tooth frame



  1. Click on the surface required on the tooth or teeth within the Existing Conditions panel


  1. Click on from the Speed Button panel

  1. Within the second selection panel click on one of the crowns

OASiS will now place a picture icon inside the tooth frame



Partial Dentures

  1. Click on the surface of the teeth that requires a partial denture within the Existing Conditions panel


  1. Click on from the Speed Button panel
  2. Within the second selection panel click on one of the Partial Dentures

OASiS will now place a picture icon inside the tooth frame



  1. Click on one surface in either the upper or lower quadrant within the Existing Conditions panel


  1. Click on from the Speed Button panel
  2. Within the second selection panel click on one of the Dentures

OASiS will now place a picture icon inside the tooth frame



Charting Proposed Treatment

The proposed treatment chart appears in the lower section of the screen. You can use it to record proposed dental treatment. The treatment entered onto this chart automatically creates a treatment plan (also known as a quote). As this work is completed, all graphics entered on the proposed treatment plan chart will move to the existing conditions chart.

NOTE: Ensure that the Restorative Charts window is set as "Plan" mode by checking the button in the menu bar along the top. It should look like this
Tooth Selection Menu
You can select a tooth by clicking on the respective tooth's FDI number, the number will change from black to red and a drop down menu will display.
When you select a tooth from the proposed treatment panel, the following options display:

Link Diagnosis Sheet – Opens up a window giving you the option of what type of diagnosis sheet you would like to link to the selected tooth.
Mark as Mixed – Marks the tooth as mixed (e.g. when a deciduous tooth also has a permanent tooth growing behind it.)
Mark All Surfaces – Marks all surfaces on the selected tooth
Unmark All Surfaces – Unmarks all surfaces on the selected tooth

Change Comment – An Enter Charting Comment window appears allowing you to record a short comment that will appear underneath the tooth.

View General Notes – View all clinical notes for the selected tooth within the Clinical Notes panel
View Specialist Notes – View all specialist notes for the selected tooth within the Clinical Notes panel
Delete – Allows you to delete any colour markings or graphics on a tooth.

  1. All Details on this Tooth – removes all graphics and markings on this tooth
  2. All Marked Surfaces removes any graphics or colours from the selected surfaces
  3. Notes Marker – removes the [N] marker that displays when a clinical note is recorded
  4. Graphics Inside Tooth – removes graphics from within the tooth frame
  5. Graphics Outside Tooth – removes graphics from outside the tooth frame


  1. Click on the surfaces required on the tooth or teeth within the Proposed Treatment panel

e.g. MOD on tooth and O on tooth

From the Speed Button panel

  1. You have two options
  2. Within the first selection panel click on one of the fillings


  1. Click on from the menu bar below the speed button selection panel

A Restorative window will appear

  1. Choose the material and item code as required.

OASiS will now paint the selected surface with the pre-defined colour for the filling

And add the details of the treatment into the treatment plan panel on the right.

Marking Caries

Some practitioners prefer to mark caries on the patient's teeth and then decide on the restorative material later.

  1. Click on the surfaces required on the tooth or teeth within the Proposed Treatment panel

e.g. MOD on tooth and O on tooth

From the Speed Button panel

  1. Within the first selection panel click on

The marked tooth surfaces will then display with the caries picture icon. There will be no entries made to the treatment plan panel.

NOTE: When the restorative material has been determined, mark the caries surface/s and click on the relevant speed button.

Root Canals

  1. Click on the surface required on the tooth or teeth within the Existing Conditions panel


From the Speed Button panel

  1. Within the first selection panel click on one of the root canals

OASiS will now place a picture icon outside of the tooth frame

And add the details of the treatment into the treatment plan panel on the right.


  1. Click on the surface required on the tooth or teeth within the Proposed Treatment panel


From the Speed Button panel

  1. You have two options
  2. Within the first selection panel click on an extraction option


  1. Click on from the menu bar below the speed button selection panel

An Oral Surgery window will appear

  1. Choose the type of extraction and item code as required.

OASiS will now paint the selected surface with the pre-defined colour for the filling

And add the details of the treatment into the treatment plan panel on the right.

Partial Dentures

You can add partial dentures easily to the treatment plan as long as the tooth frame is present.

  1. Click on the surface of the teeth that requires a partial denture within the Proposed Treatment panel


  1. You have two options
  2. Click on from the Speed Button panel
  3. Within the second selection panel click on one of the Partial Dentures


  1. Click on from the menu bar

A Prosthodontics window will appear

  1. Choose the type of denture and item code as required.

OASiS will now place a picture icon inside the tooth frame

The relevant item code will then appear in the treatment plan panel, and no teeth will be references.

Non Tooth Specific Procedures

A range of item codes that are not specific to any teeth are available, e.g. 012 or 114.

  1. Within the first selection panel click on one of the non-specific tooth procedures
  2. Click on one of the buttons from the menu bar below the speed button selection panel

Another window will appear

  1. Choose the type of treatment and item code as required.

The relevant item code will then appear in the treatment plan panel, and no teeth will be references.

Changing Treatment

If treatment has been marked incorrectly or there is a change of proposed treatment, you can delete the necessary treatment lines directly from the Restorative window rather than going into the Treatment Plan window.

  1. Within the Treatment Plan panel on the right, click on the relevant item from the list.

NOTE: Do not click on within the Treatment Plan panel as this will complete the treatment and will raise an invoice.

  1. Select "Delete Plan Line"
  2. Click on to confirm deletion of selected item

This removes the selected item from the Treatment Plan and removes the corresponding graphic or colour on the tooth from the Proposed Treatment chart.

Adding Visit Lines

You can add visit lines to the treatment plan panel, before you add proposed treatment.
NOTE: It is more convenient to add and re-arrange proposed treatment directly from the Treatment Plan window rather than the Restorative charts window.

  1. Click on

  1. Select "Create New Plan Visit"

A new Visit header will appear within the Treatment Plan panel.

  1. Proceed with adding in proposed treatment items
  2. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add in additional visits

Completing Treatment

The Treatment Plan panel records proposed treatment item codes for the patient. From within this panel you can complete the treatment lines in a number of ways.

  1. Click on the item code

  1. Select "Complete Plan Line"

  1. Click on to confirm completion of selected item.

This removes the completed item from the Treatment Plan panel and the corresponding graphic or colour on the tooth will move from the Proposed Treatment chart to the Existing Conditions chart.
Fast completion

  1. Click on the invoice icon for the selected treatment item.

NOTE: You can complete a visit by select the Visit heading E.g. VISIT 01. This will complete all treatment item codes within that visit.
On completing, the following actions complete automatically:

  • The corresponding graphic or colour moves from the Proposed Treatment Chart to the Existing Condition Chart.
  • A clinical note adds automatically to the patient's General Notes.
  • Adds the item code automatically to the patient's Invoice window.
  • The system removes the item code from the Treatment Plan summary panel. A completed date and marker displays in the Treatment Plan window.

Informing Reception of Completed Treatment

Once you complete all treatment item codes, you then need to notify reception.

  1. Click on from the Favourites Bar.

  1. To edit an invoice line, click on the item line
  2. Select "Edit Line".

The selected line displays with a black background

  1. Change the details as required

e.g. Price

  1. Then click on
  2. Once all item codes are correct, click on

The Message window will then open. The system will automatically select the recipient based on user settings (in this case FDESK).

  1. Add additional message if required

E.g. Book next appointment in 2 weeks for a RCT Prep 30mins

  1. Click on

Reception Patient Exit Work Flow

Front desk user will now receive a message within the Message panel

Once front desk clicks on the message, the Patient Exit Workflow panel will appear.
You use the Patient Exit Workflow to update customer information and ensuring future recalls or appointments are booked.
To ensure the collection of all relevant information at reception, this panel shows a checklist for staff to complete at checkout. The checklist indicates the status of the patients Mobile Number and Email Address. It also indicates whether you have completed the patients invoice. It will also show any outstanding balances, future recalls, treatment plans and appointments.

  1. Front desk should now follow through the Patient Exit Workflow and ensure the correct entry of Mobile Number and Email Address. To do so front desk needs to click on .

When you click the Mobile Number or Email, the relevant fields will highlight within the patients record screen allowing add or update of the patients details.

  1. Click on Completed Invoice will open up the Invoice screen, allowing front desk to complete the invoice.

After the Invoice has been processed and payments been received, front desk should then be checking the patients next Recalls, Treatment Plan and Appointments.

  1. If no recall has been set, then front desk can click on , and enter in the recall details within the Recalls window.
  2. If the patient has any future Treatment Plan visits, front desk can then click on the "VISIT" and the Scheduler window will then open. Book in the patients "VISIT" appointment accordingly.
  3. If the patient doesn't have any Treatment Plan visits and would like to book a next appointment at their own accord, click on and the Scheduler window will open.

: A prompt will appear asking you to enter in a reason for cancellation out of the Patient Exit Workflow.
: Will close out of the Patient Exit Workflow, and generate a task in the Task Manager for front desk to follow up on later.
: Will save and accept the changes you have made on the Patient Exit Workflow. However if a Patient does not have a recall or an appointment, you will need to enter in a reason as to why the patient doesn't have a recall or appointment set.


The Periodontal Charts window allows you to record the patient's periodontal measurements and conditions in both text and graphical format.
NOTE: A periodontal chart is automatically created within the patients file, when you click on the Periodontal menu option.
NOTE: If teeth have been marked as absent or missing via the Restorative Charts window prior to creating a periodontal chart, the new periodontal chart will not show the missing teeth. However if you already have an existing periodontal chart, and at a later stage mark teeth as missing or absent, you will need to refresh the screen by clicking on "Tools" and "Check Missing/Absent Teeth".
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Patient Details
The Patients details including their name, date of birth, health warnings and treating provider is display in the top left hand corner of the screen.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Periodontal Charts window
Upper – Changes the periodontal chart display to show upper jaw
Lower – Changes the periodontal chart display to show lower jaw
Diagnosis – Toggles the screen to show any diagnosis sheets that have been created via the restorative charts screen
Reminder Notes – Displays a small panel with the patient's treatment reminder notes, allowing you to edit, add or delete a note
Print – This function gives you two options

  1. Chart – Prints out the periodontal chart
  2. Check Options – Prints a form showing check options that have been flagged on individual teeth from the restorative charts window

Tools – From within this menu, a few functions are available:
Check Missing/Absent Teeth – refreshes the periodontal chart and checks for marked missing or absent teeth from the restorative charts window
Export Chart – Export the periodontal chart to a BMP, JPG or PDF
Create New Chart – Create a new periodontal chart, this option allows you to copy the existing open chart or create a brand new chart
Compare Chart – Allows you to compare single teeth from different periodontal charts
Display oldest notes last/Display oldest notes first
Autoclave – Opens up a new clinical notes entry screen, where you can record your autoclave details
Chart Selection Panel

The Chart selection panels allows you to select a different chart. The current selected chart is indicated with a .
NOTE: OASiS automatically creates a chart with today's date when you first open the restorative chart window.
NOTE: You can change the chart description by clicking on the chart and selecting "Change Chart Description"
Legend Bar Panel
Whilst you can use the keyboard to enter measurements or symbols, the legends bar on the right side of the screen can alternatively be used to input pocket depth and recession measurements (greater than single character), along with other pre-set symbols or text by using your mouse click. These options are customizable to suit your practice needs.
Clinical Notes Panel

The Clinical Notes Panel displays any notes recorded against the patients file.
New – opens up the general notes window, allowing you to add in a new clinical note
Search – allows you to search for a keyword, and OASiS will filter through all the clinical notes and display any notes with that keyword.
List Treatment/List All – lists either only treatment related notes or list all notes such as recalls.
Category – allows you to select which notes to display, from different categories.
Tooth Selection Menu
When you click on a tooth number, the following options will appear

Display BPE – A panel appears allowing you to enter in the patients Base Perio Examination score (this is usually stored at a chart level rather than tooth level).
NOTE: When you enter in a BPE score, a "b" will appear beside the tooth number.
Display Check Options – The check options panel will appear on the right hand side, similar to the check options feature within the Restorative Charts window.
NOTE: Any check options you change within the periodontal window will not reflect in the restorative charts window and vice versa.
Display Notes – This will show any clinical notes associated with the selected tooth within the Clinical Notes panel at the bottom of the screen
Missing On/Off – This toggles the selected tooth as missing and removes all reference points and presents the tooth in black
NOTE: Marking a tooth as missing via the Restorative Charts window will not reflect in the Restorative Charts window.
Notes On/Off – This toggles a small n marker against the tooth, used for as an indicate for "notes"
Compare Charts – This compares the individual selected tooth against different periodontal charts created within the patients file

Charting Icon Graphics

Each tooth within the periodontal chart is divided into four sections. When one of these sections is clicked on, a menu prompts allowing you to "Select Icon" or "Delete Icon". Up to 4 different icons can be used to indicate a particular condition on that tooth.

Switching Quadrants

When the periodontal chart first loads, it will automatically display the patient's upper quadrant. To change the quadrant:

  1. Click on or from the menu bar

Recording Measurements

It is possible to chart recession and pocket depth measurements on up to six surface points for each tooth. The measurements can be entered into the chart in two different ways.

  1. Click on one of the pre-set symbols or text from the legend bar panel on the left hand side


  1. Type in a number or text on your keyboard

NOTE: As you enter in a number or symbol, OASiS will automatically move forward to the next tooth surface. OASiS will move to the next surface from Upper Buccal 18 to 28 then from Upper Lingual 28 to 18.
NOTE: To fix an incorrect entry, move the cursor to the incorrect entry and press on the spacebar on your keyboard or click on an empty box from the legend bar panel.

Specialist Charting

The Specialist Charts window allows you to view, add, edit and delete patients existing dental conditions and proposed treatment. Depending on your screen resolution, the charting screen may also show diagnosis sheets. This chart operates in a similar way to the Restorative charts window, besides the fact that the main chart window now displays both Deciduous and Permanent teeth, rather than an Existing Condition and Proposed Treatment as per Restorative Charts window.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
Screen Mode 0, 1, 2 and 4 displays the following

The currently selected patient displays on the top left hand corner, along with the patient's date of birth and any health warnings that have been specified on the patients file.
Screen Mode 11, 12 and 13 displays the following

Clinical Notes

The Clinical Notes system within OASiS facilitates the recording of clinical treatment notes upon completion of treatment. There are two different notes system; General Notes and Specialist Notes, the latter utilized for specialist type procedures or practices.
You can use the clinical notes system for two other ancillary purposes:

  • To record information obtained from other treatment and non-treatment related sources such as appointment changes, treatment image changes, patient recalls and patient exit work flows.
  • To attach treatment forms such as OASiS Treatment Diagnosis Sheets, scanned in documents, word documents etc.

By attaching the Diagnosis Sheets, scanned documents and word documents into a clinical note this puts this information under the clinical notes audit control system.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Clinical Notes window
New Note – Opens up a New Clinical Notes window allowing you to enter in a new note
New Form – Toggles the screen to show any diagnosis sheets that have been created via the restorative charts screen
View – Allows you to change the view to show 'All' notes or just active notes. (If a note has been struck out the note will be removed from the screen, and can be viewed by going to 'All' notes.)
Search – A Search box opens, allowing you to enter in some key words. OASiS will then only show the clinical notes that have the specified key words.
Delete – You can delete all clinical notes on the patients file. (NOTE: This is only active when "disable clinical auditing" has been registered with Software of Excellence head office.)
Display notes oldest last/Display notes oldest first
Mark all Lines to Print – changes all next to each clinical note to so that when "Print" is initiated, all lines will print
Mark all Lines Not to Print – changes all next to each clinical note to
Change Colours to Doctor Defaults – If you make changes to individual clinical note background and foreground colours; they can be reset to the Doctor's default colours that are set within each doctor's file.
Change Colours for Today's Notes – You can change all of 'today's' notes to a specific colour all in the one go
Export as Patient Document – Export the list of clinical notes to the Patient Correspondence window under "My Money"
Rebuild Notes Log – If notes have been 'moved from' and 'moved to' within the clinical notes window, you can re-order them by entry date via this option
Search Notes – A Clinical Note Search window appears, allowing you to search specific key words or phrases within a specified date range for all patients.
Search Autoclave Notes – An Autoclave Record Search window appears, allowing you to search specific autoclave numbers within a specified date range for all patients.
Print – Allows you to print the list of clinical notes in 3 different formats; Standard report (portrait), Standard report (landscape) and Screen List (what you physically see on the screen)
Autoclave – Opens up a new clinical notes entry screen, where you can record your autoclave details
Education – Opens up the third party patient education program (if linked) such as Explain, ExplainPro or Orasphere.
Patient Details
The Patients details including their name, date of birth, health warnings and treating provider is display in the top left hand corner of the screen.

Treatment Reminder Notes Panel

You can view, edit or enter Treatment reminder notes via this panel. Upon clicking on , the note will be recorded in the patient's file. NOTE: These notes are not permanently stored within the clinical notes list.
Category Panel

Clinical notes are categories in a range of topics.
Patient Referrals – Records any direct patient referral information along with Patient Exit Workflow details if the Patient Exit Workflow is in use at the practice.
Appointment Changes – Records all appointment related details; appointment creation, cut, paste, delete, late arrivals, cancelled or failed to attend, together with task manager and standby manager changes.
Treatment – Records all clinical notes, treatment completion via the Restorative Charts window, any linked diagnosis sheets and treatment images.
Recall Communications – Records any recall interactions with patients. This will only record the recall details if reception has "Updated" the recalls after the recalls have been sent out via letter/email/SMS or phone, or the practice is using automated recalls.
NOTE: These Categories are user definable. The practice can change them to accommodate additional categories and wording.
Clinical Note Panel

This panel displays all clinical notes recorded against the patient file, depending on which category you have selected to view.
Clinical Note Option Menu
When clicking on an entry within the clinical note panel, a menu will appear giving you the following options:
Edit/Review Notes – Opens up the selected clinical note in a separate window allowing editing if on the day the note was created.
Change Picture Icon – Allows you to select any pre-set clinical icons against the selected clinical note. E.g. Autoclave clinical notes can have a barcode icon that will appear within the Image column
Change Color – Allows you to change the foreground and background colour of the clinical note to your liking
Highlight On/Off – Puts an icon of a dentist under the status column, just as an additional marker
StrikeOut On/Off – Removes the note from the Clinical Notes panel NOTE: This does not delete the clinical note permanently and can be viewed by going to and selecting all notes
Move From/Move to – Moves the selected clinical note from one row to another
Send as Message – Opens up a new Message window allowing you to send the clinical note as a message to other users within the practice
Task Manager – Opens up a new Task window allowing you to create a task with the details of the selected clinical note
Delete – Allows you to delete the selected clinical note if it was created on the same day


The OASiS Clinical Notes system utilizes a sophisticated auditing system that controls the ability to amend or delete information. This ensures you cannot alter or delete important legal clinical notes post treatment.
Clinical Notes you are able to amend will show the date in bold. You can only edit or delete the clinical notes created on the same day.

At midnight, the system locks all clinical notes entered on the day for auditing purposes. The only way you can remove a clinical note from the screen is if you strikeout the note, which will then be hidden from the screen, but can never be permanently deleted.
NOTE: A global override function is available which allows permanent deletion of clinical notes by the practice. However, this requires a re-registration of the practice with Software of Excellence head office and the signing of documentation indicating that the practice takes full legal responsibilities for this feature request.

Adding a New Clinical Note

You can add clinical notes to the system in a number of ways:

  • Upon completing treatment items within the Restorative Charts window from the Treatment Plan summary panel.
  • Automatically when the Restorative Charts window has been set to "Invoice Mode" rather than "Plan Mode"
  • Upon completing treatment items within the Treatment Plan window, when clicking on individual items and selecting "Invoice this Line"
  • Manually, by clicking on individual tooth numbers from within the Restorative Charting window with the right mouse and selecting the menu option "Add Clinical Notes".

  • Manually, by clicking on within the Restorative Charts window from the Clinical Notes panel.
  • Manually, by clicking on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar and then clicking on .

Manually Adding a Clinical Note

When entering a clinical note manually, the Clinical Notes window will appear.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Clinical Notes window
Abbrv. – Allows you to view your abbreviation codes by topics
Graphics – Attach a graphic from a variety of sources such as; TWAIN source, from file, from clipboard or from the patients Image Library.
Audio – Attach an audio file against the clinical note NOTE: This does not convert the audio into text format
Spell – Run a spell check on your typed up clinical note NOTE: This may not be as effective, due to the nature of clinical notes with abbreviations, medical and scientific terms.
Apply – Saves the last entered note, and leaves the new Clinical Notes window open so you can continue to write additional notes
OK – Saves the last entered note, and closes out of the new Clinical Notes window.
Entry Details Panel

Date – automatically populated with today's date. You can backdate if required
Dr No./Doctor Name/Doctor Initials – Doctor details are automatically set based on the logged in doctor.
Tooth No. – The system assigns the tooth number automatically for specific treatment when charting using the restorative chart. However, this you can manually edit or change when writing/editing a clinical note.
Category Selection – This determines which category the note will be saved under. Treatment is the default selection.
Abbreviation Selection Panel
The Abbreviation Selection panel allows you to view and filter pre-set abbreviation codes by topics. These abbreviations are clicked to expand the text in the clinical note box, or the abbreviation code can be typed and automatically expanded once you press the "Spacebar".

  1. Type in the details of the clinical note or select from the list of abbreviations on the right.

  1. Click on to save

Linking Images to Notes

Graphic images can be stored against a clinical note entry. To attach an image:

  1. Click on
  2. Select the source of your image or graphic
    1. Load from File
    2. Acquire Twain Source
    3. Paste from Clipboard
    4. Imaging Library
    5. Digital Xray
    6. Intraoral
  3. Enter in any additional notes in relation to the attached image within the clinical notes tab
  4. Click on to save

The attached image is embedded within the clinical note, and will appear in the bottom right of the clinical note.

Within the Clinical Notes list, the thumbnail image will display within the Image column.

Editing Linked Images within Clinical Notes

  1. Click on the clinical note
  2. Select "Edit/Review Note"
  3. Double Click on the image within the clinical note

OASiS Paint window will open

  1. Select your paint tool from the left hand side
  2. Select the colour required
  3. Make necessary changes to the image
  4. Click on File
  5. Select "Save and Exit"

Specialist Notes

The Specialist Notes window allows you to view, add, edit and delete patient's categorised clinical notes and have pre-set values attached to the specific clinical notes. You can record Endodontic, Orthodontic, Hygiene or other specialist type information.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

  1. Select the type of specialist note you would like to enter from the list

The Specialist Notes window shows the same options and features as the general Clinical Notes window.

Adding a New Specialist Note

  1. Click on
  2. Enter in your clinical notes as per normal by either
    1. Typing in the text required
    2. Using the abbreviation selection from the right hand panel
  3. Select from the lower Specialist panel the measurements/details as required

  1. Click on to save

Treatment Plans

The treatment plan can be populated by one of two methods.

  1. Automatically as you chart items from within the Restorative window
  2. Manually by entering in the item codes via the Treatment Plan window

NOTE: Treatment Plan and Quote is the same within OASiS. The reason for the different name is from front desk, reception is only printing a quote for the patient, whereas within the surgery the provider is proposing a treatment plan.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Clinical Notes window
New Item – Moves the cursor to the Item Code box so you can enter in a new item code
New Visit – Adds a new "Visit" header to the bottom of the treatment plan
New Plan – When selected, adds a new blank treatment plan, or allows you to replicate an existing treatment plan.
Group – A window opens with the list of item groups that you can add to the treatment plan
Discount – A window opens with a list of discount options that you can apply to the treatment plan
Delete – Deletes the current treatment plan
Print – Gives you options to print the treatment plan in a variety of formats
Standard List – This prints out in a standard report format
Screen List – This prints out exactly what you see on the screen
Custom List – This prints out in a presentable format that you can give to your patient
Plan List – This prints out the list of treatment plans that the patient has
Doctor – Allows you to change all the treatment plans treatment lines to another doctor
Fees – This allows you to recalculate fees based on some pre-set configurations within OASiS. E.g. If the same treatment has been proposed multiple times, OASiS can recalculate the fees so that the subsequent item codes are reduced in value based on a percentage. NOTE: used by medical practices
Select – Selects the current treatment plan as the current treatment plan. (Puts a tick next to the treatment plan number)
Mark all lines to print/Mark all lines not to print – Puts a or against all lines within the treatment plan
Create Visit Headers – Allows you to add a total number of visit headers, which will appear at the end of the treatment plan
Resequence Visit Lines – Once you allocate treatment lines to a new visit number, the resequence visit lines will re-arrange all lines so they correspond with the correct visit
Modify Custom Report Format – A window appears with a list of editable forms. NOTE: If your treatment plan form is a standard form, and changes are required, there may be a charge for the changes, as graphics may need updating. If you are using a customized treatment plan form, and changes are required, please call support to assist with the changes.
Change Plan Description – Allows you to change the description of the selected plan
Change Plan Dates – Allows you to change the received and accepted date NOTE: Receive date is when the plan was created/given to the patient and the accepted date is when the patient has agreed to proceed with the treatment.
Export Plan – This exports the treatment plan into a BITMAP (BMP) image found in C:\oasis\wp with the file name tplan.bmp
Treatment Plan Selection Panel

This panel allows you to manage your list of treatment plans. When a treatment plan has been clicked on, a is marked against the selected treatment plan and the treatment plan details will display in the treatment list panel.
NOTE: You can change the chart description by clicking on the chart and selecting "Change Chart Description"
Third Party Selection Panel

This panel shows you the third party (Healthfund) linked to the patient.
Treatment List Panel

The system populates the Treatment List panel either by proposed treatment added via the Restorative Charts window, or by entering item codes manually in the data entry panel below.
When you click on a listed item code within this panel, a menu appears with the following options:
Edit Line – Allows you to edit the details of this line by re-entering details via the data entry panel
Change Line Amount – A window opens allowing you to edit the fee
Attach a Comment – A window opens allowing you to enter in a comment. NOTE: The line will then appear with a yellow background, this yellow background will remain with this particular transaction as it moves along the workflow through invoices and to the patient's financial history.
Delete this Line – Deletes the selected line
Invoice this Line – Sends the selected item to the invoice screen so it is ready to be invoiced, and marks the item within this panel as "Completed" in pink and with a completed date.
Insert New Group – A window opens with the list of item groups that you can add to the treatment plan
Expand Item as Group – If you add an item group to the treatment plan and it has not expanded to show the individual item codes within that group, this option will expand it
Print On/Off – Puts a or against the selected treatment line
Completed On/Off – Marks the treatment line as complete, adding a today's date to the completed column. NOTE: This will not sent the treatment line to the Invoice window
Move From/Move To – Moves the selected treatment line from one row to another
Insert New Visit – Inserts a new Visit header in the location you have selected
When you click on a listed visit nn line within this panel, a menu appears with the following options:
Change Description (Preset) – A window opens allowing you to change the visit description to a pre-set description configured within the database. E.g. Visit 01 changes to RCT Prep NOTE: Pre-set descriptions can also be configured with pre-set durations and colours
Change Description (Manual) – A window opens allowing you to manually enter in a new visit description
Append Description (Preset) – A window opens allowing you to select a pre-set description, added to the existing visit description. E.g. Visit 01 Root Canal
Change Visit Color – A window opens allowing you to change the visit lines colour. NOTE: The colour selected here, pre-determines the colour in the scheduler when the visit has been booked in as an appointment
Change Visit Time
Enter Manual Time – A window opens allowing you to enter in a new time
Delete Manual Time – Deletes any previous set time and restores the default times that may have been pre-set with each item code within that visit
Attach a Comment – A window opens allowing you to enter in a comment. NOTE: The line will then appear with a yellow background, this yellow background will remain with this particular transaction as it moves along the workflow through invoices and to the patient's financial history.
Delete this Line – Deletes the selected line
Delete all Visit Lines – Deletes the selected visit line along with any item codes line listed within the selected visit
Schedule Appointment – This opens the Scheduler window, allowing you to book an appointment associated with this particular treatment plan visit. If you configure the visit description with a default duration and colour, these settings will apply for the new booked in appointment
Invoice this Visit – Invoices all item code lines listed within the selected visit
Insert New Group – Enter in a new item group within the selected visit
Print On/Off – Puts a or against the selected treatment line
Completed On/Off – Marks the treatment line as complete, adding a today's date to the completed column. NOTE: This will not sent the treatment line to the Invoice window
Move From/Move To – Moves the selected treatment line from one row to another
Insert New Visit – Inserts a new Visit header in the location you have selected
Data Entry Panel

The Data Entry panel allows you to manually enter in a treatment item code or edit an existing item within the treatment list panel. When you make any changes to the Doctor, item code, prices, description, make sure you click on to save the changes.
NOTE: Any lines you edit, add or delete via the Treatment Plan window will not populate any images or colours on the relevant tooth/teeth. If graphics are required to appear on the charts, proposed treatment needs to be added/deleted/re-added via the Restorative Charts window.

Creating a New Treatment Plan

Each new patient may have up to 99 treatment plans.

  1. Click on

A menu will appear with two options

  1. Select either option
    1. Create New Blank Plan: When selected, creates a new blank treatment plan
    2. Replicate Current Plan: When selected, creates a new treatment plan based on the current plan with the same lines. By selecting this option, it will also prompt whether you would like to copy only the incomplete lines or all lines.

Editing Treatment Plan Lines

To change an existing treatment plan line:

  1. Right click on the required item code line

The selected line will be highlighted and will display in the Edit Panel below.

  1. Key in the necessary changes
  2. Click on


  1. Left click on the required item code line
  2. Select "Edit Line" from the menu

The system highlights the selected line and will display in the Edit Panel below.

  1. Key in the necessary changes
  2. Click on

Deleting Treatment Plan Lines

You can delete treatment plan lines via the treatment plan window

  1. Right click on the required line
  2. Select "Delete this line" from the menu

Adding Visits

You can divide a Treatment Plan into visits (or appointments) to provide a break-up of the planned treatment, allowing the patient to better understand the treatment and budget accordingly.

Adding a Single Visit

You can add a single visit line to the treatment plan simply by clicking on the button from the menu bar. The visit added will follow the next sequence visit number (from 01 to 99) and any individual item code lines added will automatically be allocated to this visit until a new visit is created.
NOTE: If you already have pre-existing treatment lines within the treatment plan, by clicking on , the visit will appear at the bottom of the list.
You can also add a single visit line to an existing treatment plan.

  1. Left click on the line you want the new visit to appear
  2. Select "Insert New Visit" from the menu

Adding Multiple Visits

To create multiple visit header lines

  1. Click on
  2. Select "Create Visit Headers"

A window will appear

  1. Enter in the total number of visits required
  2. Click on

NOTE: The system will list visit headers at the end of the treatment plan

Resequence Items into Visits

You can resequence Items codes into visits, once visit headers exist.

  1. For each item code line, click on the blue visit column

  1. Select the visit number the treatment is to be assigned to
  2. Repeat 1. & 2. For each item code
  3. Click on
  4. Select "Resequence Visit Lines"

The system then associates each treatment line to the appropriate visit headers.

  1. Right click on the required item code line

The selected line highlights and displays in the Edit Panel below.

  1. Enter in the visit number into the visit field
  2. Click on

The treatment list panel will refresh with the item code line under the selected visit header.

  1. Click on the item code line
  2. Select "Move From"
  3. Click on the line where the item is to be moved
  4. Select "Move To"

The system will shift the selected item code line above the "Move To" selected item.

Configuring Visits

Changing the Visit description

  1. Click on the Visit line
    1. Change Description (Preset)

This will replace the "VISIT nn" text with whichever pre-set you select

    1. Change Description (Manual)

This will replace the "VISIT nn" text with the text you enter in manually

    1. Append Description (Preset)

This will add one of the pre-set description to the end of the existing visit description
e.g. VISIT 02 Crowns

Changing Visit Colours

You can change visit colours so that when the visit is booked into the appointment scheduler the colours are already pre-set.

  1. Click on the visit line
  2. Select "Change Visit Color"
  3. Select a pre-set colour from the table selection window

NOTE: This will change the Visit description text to the colour chosen. When the appointment is booked via the treatment plan, the system uses the colour selected as the background colour within the appointment scheduler.

Changing Visit Time

You can change visit time so that when the visit is booked into the appointment scheduler the time is already pre-set.

  1. Click on visit line
  2. Select "Change Visit Time"
  3. Select "Enter Manual Time"

  1. Enter in visit minutes
  2. Click on

Booking in an Appointment Visit

Visit headers accumulates the expected value of the treatment along with the expected duration.
By pre-setting the expected duration, cost and visit colours as part of the patients treatment plan it can make it easier for front desk staff to book an appointment linked with the patient's treatment plan.
NOTE: When you add a visit to the treatment plan, it will default with the text "Visit nn"
NOTE: You can pre-configure the duration and price for each item code.

From within the Treatment Plan

  1. Click on the visit line
  2. Select "Schedule Appointment"

The Appointment Scheduler window will now open

  1. Browse to day required to book the appointment
  2. Click on the vacant time slot
  3. Select "New/Edit"

The Appointment Edit window will open. This screen automatically picks up the pre-set visit description, time and colours from the treatment plan.

  1. Click on to save

From within the Appointment Scheduler

  1. Click on the vacant time slot
  2. Select "New/Edit"
  3. Click on

The Treatment Plan window will open

  1. Select the Visit header required

The Appointment Edit window will automatically pick up the pre-set visit description, time and colours from the treatment plan.

From the Departure Workflow

Once the Dentist has sent completed treatment to reception, reception will receive message on their screen within the message panel.

  1. Within the departure workflow screen on the reception workstation, click on the visit

The Appointment Scheduler window will open

  1. Click on the vacant time slot
  2. Select "New/Edit"

The Appointment Edit window will open. This screen automatically picks up the pre-set visit description, time and colours from the treatment plan.

  1. Click on to save

X-ray and Intraoral Link

You can configure OASiS to link to third party X-ray, Intraoral and other third party software. The link that OASiS establishes can then transmit patient information through to the specific X-ray or Intraoral software.
X-ray Link
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
Intraoral Link
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.
Third Party Link
Click on from the Menu Panel.
NOTE: Most third party software links will require that the patient details such as full name and date of birth exist in OASiS.

Treatment Imaging

Patient images can be stored internally within the OASiS software.
NOTE: OASiS only provides a basic imaging interface, and therefore storing your patient treatment images in a third party imaging software is probably more effective.
Click on from the Menu Panel or from the Favourites Bar.

Menu Bar

Exit – Closes out of the Clinical Notes window
Intraoral – Intraoral window opens, automatically linking to the connected Intraoral camera or any other TWAIN devices you may have installed.
Load from File – Allows you to browse your hard drive and load a photo from file
Acquire from Twain Source – Opens up a Select Source window, allowing you to select your source such as a webcam
Paste from Clipboard – Pastes any images you have previously copied or cut to clipboard
Load Photo – Reloads the previous loaded file
Scan – Opens up a Select Source window, allowing you to select your source such as a scanner
PrintSelected Images – Prints out the selected treatment images as indicated with a
Screen List – Prints a list of treatment images stored in the patients file
Change Image Properties – Opens up an Image Properties window, allowing you to change contrast, brightness, flip, reverse, rotate and resize
Show Normal/Stretched/Fit Sides/Fit Window/Enlarged – Displays the image accordingly
Mark/Unmark all Images – Tick or Untick all images within patient image library
Export Images – Export the selected image to a specific location
Email Images – Email the selected image to a patient or to a specialist doctor
Reorder Images – Allows you to reorder the sequence of treatment images
Image Search – Search for images based on date or a keyword from the images description
Sort – Sort treatment images by date or number in ascending or descending order
Image Panel

The image panel displays the selected image from the image library panel on the right. The size of the image displayed within this panel can be adjusted by clicking on Tools from the menu bar and show in normal, stretched, fit sides, fit windows or enlarged.
Image Library Panel

The image library panel displays all the patient's treatment images. When one of the images from this panel is select, a larger image will display in the image panel on the left.
NOTE: To toggle the Print/Email simply click on to change it to a
When you click an image from the image library panel, these menu options appear:
Select Image – Opens the selected image in the image panel
Print Image – Prints the selected image
Change Image Details – Opens up an Image Details window allowing you to change the date, tooth number and description accordingly
Change Image Properties – Opens up an Image Properties window, allowing you to change contrast, brightness, flip, reverse, rotate and resize
Change Image using Paint – Opens the selected image in a paint editor, allowing you to draw and make changes to the image
Show Normal/Stretched/Fit Sides/Windows/Default – Changes some of the display qualities of the image in the image panel on the left
Renumber Image – Changes the number sequence of the image
Export to Bitmap File – Exports the selected image to a Bitmap file
Copy Image to Clipboard – Copies the selected image to the clipboard, allowing you to paste it elsewhere
Toggle Print/Email Marker – Toggles the to a , which will then either print or email those images
Delete Image – Deletes the selected image from the image library

Third Party Integration

OASiS can link with many different third party software applications. This includes most of the popular digital X-ray, Intraoral and imaging software.

  • OASiS Intraoral
  • Image FX (Sciscan Inc)
  • Dexis/Devis
  • Vistadent (Erskin Dental)
  • Tigerview (Visix Systems)


  • Digident
  • Digirex
  • Digora (Soredex)
  • Trophy (Kodak)
  • Planmecca/Dimaxis/Romexis/Scannex
  • Schick
  • Gendex/Vixwin
  • Dexis
  • Cygnus
  • Sidexis/Sirona
  • Cliniview
  • DentalEye
  • Fimet IOX
  • Mediadent
  • Capture Link
  • Gunz's Sopro
  • X-View

Specialist Software

  • Dolphin Imaging
  • Dentofacial Showcase
  • Guru
  • Orthovision Records
  • Vipersoft Imaging
  • Florida Probe
  • Oravisor
  • My Orthodontics Software
  • ExaminePro
  • Mona Lisa – Cranio Facial Planner
  • Microsoft Publisher

Please call the OASiS Support line for more information or assistance with configuring any third party software link with OASiS.