Patient Master List
OASiS version 12 AU |
About the Patient Master List
How it Works
Accessing the Patient Master List
The Patient Master List screen.
Adding columns
Filtering data
Viewing all data
Sorting data
Saving Report Definitions
Loading Report Definitions
Printing Reports
Output to WP
Email from the PML
Labels from the PML
SMS Messages from the PML
PML Field Listing
Additional Notes:
About the Patient Master List
Oasis Version 12 uses a number of database tables to store data about patients. The Patient Master List feature allows the user to interrogate the database table PBPATMAS which is used to store patient demographic data. The Patient Master List (PML) can be used to create reports on patient demographics and can make use of any of the data fields as specified in the appendices. Report definitions can be saved and re-used as required.
NOTE: The PML only gives access to the one database table and cannot be used for broader queries on financial, clinical or appointment details.
How it Works
The Patient Master List (PML) report works as follows
- The Master List provides a blank canvas on which to create your report. You can add fields from a drop down list of fields (from the PBPATMAS database table) and then add filters as required.
- Report definitions (once created) can be saved for later use.
- Report data can be merged with a template document, or exported for use in a spreadsheet.
- Emails or SMS messages can be sent directly from the PML.
Accessing the Patient Master List
From the Oasis Menu select the Reports option. Select the Alpha/Other tab, then Patient Master List.
The Patient Master List screen.
On opening the PML screen, you are presented with a listing of "Patient" numbers at the left of the screen. These numbers belong to Family Members in the system. You will note that only 24 records are initially displayed. This is the sample data view of the PML and we will see later how to view all the relevant data.
Adding columns
To the right of the "PatN umber" heading is a header with a dash symbol. Click into this header and the following menu will be displayed.
The options available are:
Change Heading Allows you to define your own heading for the column
Select Field Allows you to select any of the available database fields
Insert Column Allows you to insert a column (shift columns right)
Delete Column Allows you to delete an unwanted column (shift columns left)
Edit Selection Criteria Allows you to apply filters to your column's data
The first thing you will probably want to do is add a column with some data. To do this, select the Select Field option.
This will display a listing of database fields that are available from the database table PBPATMAS. A full list of the fields and their meaning can be found in the appendices. The scroll option at the right allows you to scroll through the available fields and clicking one will select it.
In this example, we have added Surname and GivenName to the report.
You can continue to add field data as required by using the Select Field option. You can only add 99 columns to the report so not all database fields can be added to a single report.
When you have added all of the data fields that you require, you will end up with a sample of 24 records displaying the data as selected.
This is the default view of the PML.
Filtering data
Once you have added all the columns you need, you can then apply filters to columns to narrow down your search of data. Click the header of the column you want to filter and select the Edit Selection Criteria option.
In this example, we are going to filter on the LastVisitDate column.
The selection criteria window allows two criteria and two values to be set. The criteria are as follows:
In our example, we are going to set a criterion as follows:
As the LastVisitDate is a date field, we enter the value as it is shown in the column – typically dd-mm-yyyy format.
When you click the Apply button, the filter will be applied to the sample data in the PML.
The filtered column is shown in blue. This indicates there is a filter on the column. Note: If you apply a filter that excludes all data, the screen will appear blank. If this occurs, click the header and clear the filter that you just applied as no data matches your filter.
You can apply filters to multiple columns. Click the header of the column to be filtered and then the Edit Selection Criteria option.
In this example, we are applying a filter to the DateBirth field. When you have entered the criterion, select the Apply button.
We now have two blue columns indicating filters on both columns.
As can be seen in the illustration above, the filters are:
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Equal to
Not equal to
Of note when using these filters, the LIKE option allows you to specify parts of a string. For example, if you wanted to search for all patients with a surname starting with "BL" you could use the LIKE option. It would return all patients starting with BL.
The Equal to option is exactly that. For example, if you wanted to search for all patients that live in the suburb Carlton, you would need to enter the suburb as it is stored in the database – "CARLTON VIC" to get a match.
If you wanted to identify all family heads in the system, you could use the EQUAL TO option on PatNumber and set it so PatNumber equals AccNumber. When you apply this filter, all non-family heads will be removed from the report.
Viewing all data
So far, we have been using a sample data set of 24 entries as we construct the PML report. To view all the data in the database that matches the criterion, you need to select the View All data option from the View menu.
Once selected, the system will display a full list of all patients that match the criterion. As it lists to the end of the list, the number of records will be shown at the bottom left of the window.
In this example, there are 54 records matching the criterion entered. You can scroll up through the list if required using the scroll buttons at the right.
Sorting data
The PML has several sort options available. To see the options, select the Sort menu option and select the one appropriate to your needs.
These sort methods are hard-coded and are not user-definable. If the sort method you require is not available, you could output the data to Excel and use the Excel sort options to sort the data outside of Oasis.
Saving Report Definitions
Once you have created a report that you may want to run at a later date, you can save the report definition (not the actual data). To do this click the Save option from the menu bar.
You will be presented with a window where you can enter a name for the saved report. Enter the name (in place of the "Undefined Report" name) and then click OK.
You will be presented with a further window allowing you to select a directory or folder where you want the reports to be saved. It is recommended you use the Oasis\data\lists folder to save the report definitions.
Loading Report Definitions
Once a report definition is saved, it can be recalled at any time using the Load option. Remember, this is not a report generated with data, but a report definition that can be used to re-create a set of data based on the fields and filters saved in the report definition. Once loaded, you will need to do a View All to refresh the report with current data.
By default, Oasis uses the oasis\data\lists folder for storing PML report definitions.
Printing Reports
Oasis allows you to print the data generated by a PML report as hard copy. You will need to have a printer defined in Oasis for report printing (usually to A4 paper). Click the Print option from the Toolbar and then select an appropriate printer from the list.
If you want to save a report with data, you will need to define a PDF printer and then print the report to the PDF printer and save the resultant file. Otherwise, you can print a hard-copy of the report data to a normal printer. "Print to Screen" is not an option of the PML.
Output to WP
In addition to being able to print reports, you can use the report data as a data source for a word processing template.
This can be done in two ways:
The Output Data Only will create a file in the c:\oasis\wp folder called "output.txt" and this file will have only the data that is in the list (as shown on the PML screen).
Output.txt can be used with either a word processing document specifically linked to the data contained in the file, or an Excel spreadsheet if required.
The Output/Merge with Letter option is different. When selected, it will create a file "Merge.txt" in the c:\oasis\wp folder which will have all of the database fields for the patients listed in the PML list.
Click the Output WP option and then select the "Output/Merge with Letter" option and you will be prompted to select a word processing template from the list of template documents.
In the example above, we have chosen to merge with NEWSLET letter, which is one of our pre-defined document templates. Oasis will create the file "merge.txt" and then open Word for Windows with a link to the data source. As the data source has all of the data for the patients in the PML list, the letter can include database fields that are not included in the PML data fields displayed in the PML screen.
This is a sample "merge.txt" file showing all data for each PML patient.
Email from the PML
You can choose to email each of the listed PML patients directly from the PML screen. It would be wise to add the email address field to any report and filter out those records that have no email before choosing the Email option. When selected, an Email window will be shown.
This window allows you to enter a Subject for the email, a text message to accompany the email and any attachment you may want to include. It also allows you to select an option to view recipients and acknowledge sending the email. Tick the box "Confirm each email record" and you will be prompted for each record to be sent.
Labels from the PML
The PML also supports the printing of labels for PML listed patients. The Label menu provides the following options:
Oasis uses J8160/L8160 sheet labels when selecting the label option. They will appear as follows and can be sent to the printer once the appropriate labels have been placed in the printer's paper tray.
Identify the printer with the sheet labels by clicking the down-arrow beside the printer field and then click the Print Report option to send the labels to the printer.
SMS Messages from the PML
In the same way as emails can be sent to all patients listed in the PML, SMS messages can also be sent. It would be wise to ensure that all listed patients have a mobile phone number recorded and this can be done by filtering on the MobileTel (23) field.
Once you have your PML populated with patients that you wish to SMS, select the SMS option from the Menu Bar.
This will display the Define SMS Information window into which you can enter a subject and message contents.
You will note that the entry window shows the number of characters remaining for an SMS message. Remember, you can have 160 characters in a single credit SMS. If your practice is registered for multiple SMS credits then the remaining characters will reflect how many "joined" messages you can send.
If you tick the Confirm each SMS record option, you will be prompted each time a message is sent.
PML Field Listing
Field | Description | |
1 | Patnumber | Oasis patient number |
2 | Accnumber | Family Head (or Account holder) number |
3 | Fileno | User file number found on patient card |
5 | Title | Patient's title (Mr, Mrs, Ms etc.) |
7 | Surname | Patient's surname |
8 | GivenName | Patient's given name |
9 | Prefersname | Patient's preferred name |
10 | Wpname | Patient's word processing salutation |
11 | Datebirth | Patient's date of birth |
12 | Sex | Gender of patient |
13 | Street1 | Street address 1 |
14 | Street2 | Street address 2 |
15 | Suburb | Suburb |
16 | Postcode | Postcode |
17 | Doctornumber | Patient's usual doctor as shown on patient card |
18 | Hygienistnumber | Patient's usual hygienist (as shown on patient card) |
19 | Branchnumber | Patient's branch number |
20 | Hometel | Patient's home telephone number |
21 | Worktel | Patient's work telephone number |
22 | Fax | Patient's fax number |
23 | Mobiletel | Patient's mobile phone number |
24 | Searchtel | The Main Phone as defined on patient card. |
25 | Patient's email address | |
26 | Employer | Patient's employer (user defined field) |
27 | Hfund1 | Patient's health fund name |
28 | Hfund2 | Patient's health fund card line number |
29 | Medicare1 | Patient's medicare number |
30 | Medicare2 | Patient's medicare card line number |
31 | Referpatnumber | Patient's direct referral patient number |
32 | Referpatname | Patient's direct referral patient name |
33 | Iconnumber | Not used |
34 | Usercodes1 | Used to store Classification code |
35 | Usercodes2 | Used to store Contact code (market research) |
36 | Usercodes3 | Used to store Newsletter code |
37 | Usercodes4 | Used to store Ethnicity code |
38 | Usercodes5 | Not used |
39 | Usercodes6 | Not used |
40 | Usercodes7 | Not used |
41 | Usercodes8 | Not used |
42 | Usercodes9 | Not used |
43 | Workcare1 | Workcare 1 |
44 | Workcare2 | Workcare 2 |
45 | Workcare3 | Workcare 3 |
46 | Usermemo1 | User 1 |
47 | Usermemo2 | User 2 |
48 | Usermemo3 | User 3 |
49 | Usermemo4 | User 4 |
50 | Usermemo5 | User 5 |
51 | Usermemo6 | User 6 |
52 | Usermemo7 | Not used |
53 | Usermemo8 | Not used |
54 | Usermemo9 | Not used |
55 | Healthwarnings | Health warning |
56 | Treatmentreminder | Treatment reminder notes |
57 | Notes | |
58 | Thirdpartynumber | Patient's third-party link (usually health fund) |
59 | Bill1 | Billing address 1 |
60 | Bill2 | Billing address 2 |
61 | Bill3 | Billing address 3 |
62 | Bill4 | Billing address 4 |
63 | Cycledays | Statement cycle days for patient |
64 | Reminderno | The current overdue reminder number |
65 | Hfundcode | Usually labeled Inpatient H/fund |
66 | Hospitalcode | Hospital code as defined on patient card |
67 | Subbillcode | Usually referred to as Handling Authority |
68 | Financialwarnings | Patient's financial warning |
69 | Referdrcode | Patient's primary refarrl doctor code |
70 | Referdate | Patient's primary referral date |
71 | Referinterval | Referral interval associated to primary referral |
72 | Refer1 | Misc referral details 1 |
73 | Refer2 | Misc referral details 2 |
74 | Subdr1 | Sub referral dr code 1 |
75 | Subdr2 | Sub referral dr code 2 |
76 | Subdr3 | Sub referral dr code 3 |
77 | Subdr4 | Sub referral dr code 4 |
78 | Subdate1 | Sub referral date 1 |
79 | Subdate2 | Sub referral date 2 |
80 | Subdate3 | Sub referral date 3 |
81 | Subdate4 | Sub referral date 4 |
82 | Miscdate1 | Miscellaneous date 1 (can be associated to item codes) |
83 | Miscdate2 | Miscellaneous date 2 (can be associated to item codes) |
84 | Miscdate3 | Miscellaneous date 3 (can be associated to item codes) |
85 | Miscdate4 | Miscellaneous date 4 (can be associated to item codes) |
86 | Filecreatedate | Date record created in system |
87 | Lastvisitdate | Last visit date based on app, invoice or clinical notes |
88 | Bank1 | Patient's cheque bank name |
89 | Bank2 | Patient's cheque branch name |
90 | Bank3 | Patient's cheque reference number |
91 | Laststaterun | The number of this patient's last iverdue account run |
92 | Totalbilled | The totla billed for the patient |
93 | Totalpaid | The total paid for the patient |
94 | Contractdate | Contratc date of progressive invoice contract |
95 | Contractprice | Contract value for progressive treatment contract |
96 | Contracttermamount | Amount for each payment under progressive contract |
97 | Contractdeposit | The deposit amount for progressive contract |
98 | Contractduration | The duration of the contract (usually in months) |
99 | Contractbilled | The amount already billed under the contract |
100 | Lastupdatedate | Date the record was last edited / updated |
101 | Lastinvoicedate | Date of the last invoice |
102 | Lastpaymentdate | Date of the last payment |
103 | Currentdiagnosis | The patient's current diagnosis sheet number |
104 | Inactiveflag | Patient inactive flag |
105 | Ownrecallflag | Own recall flag |
106 | Onholdflag | Account on hold (from statement cycle) flag |
107 | Inctreatmentflag | Incomplete treatment flag |
108 | Recallusebillflag | Specialist/Guardian recall flag |
109 | Standbyflag | Patient in standby list flag |
110 | Indefiniterefflag | Indefinite referral flag |
111 | Usecouponflag | Progressive contract coupon book flag |
112 | Userinteger1 | |
113 | Userinteger2 | |
114 | Userinteger3 | |
115 | Userinteger4 | |
116 | Userinteger5 | Used to flag bad debt accounts |
117 | Userinteger6 | |
118 | Userinteger7 | |
119 | Userinteger8 | |
120 | Userinteger9 | Currently "no Recall" flag (if value <> 0) |
121 | Usertruefalse1 | Not used |
122 | Usertruefalse2 | Not used |
123 | Usertruefalse3 | Not used |
124 | Usertruefalse4 | Not used |
125 | Usertruefalse5 | Not used |
126 | Usertruefalse6 | Not used |
127 | Usertruefalse7 | Not used |
128 | Usertruefalse8 | Not used |
129 | Usertruefalse9 | Not used |
130 | Misc | Appointment notes from patient card (2nd tab) |
131 | Telcode1 | Repeat of home phone |
132 | Telcode2 | Repeat of work phone |
133 | Telcode3 | Repeat of mobile phone |
134 | Telcode4 | Repeat of Main (Search) phone |
135 | Recall1 | Recall address 1 |
136 | Recall2 | Recall address 2 |
137 | Recall3 | Recall address 3 |
138 | Recall4 | Recall address 4 |
139 | Recallname | Recall salutation |
140 | Creditcard1 | Credit card number |
141 | Creditcard2 | Credit card expiry date |
142 | Creditcard3 | Credit card security code |
143 | Emailoverduesflag | Used to signify emails for receipts and overdues |
144 | Appcode | Appointment contact code (Patient's preferred method) |
145 | Newpatientdate | Date patient initially attended practice |
146 | Uprefersname | Upper case preferred name of patient |
147 | Debitcard1 | Bank account details stored for direct debit purposes |
148 | Debitcard2 | Bank account details stored for direct debit purposes |
149 | Debitcard3 | Bank account details stored for direct debit purposes |
150 | Appstarttime | Preferred appointment start time |
151 | Appendtime | Preferred appointment end time |
152 | Appflags | preferred days 0 = No and 1 = yes e.g. 0111000 |
153 | Initial | Patient's initial or second name from patient card |
154 | Dvafileno | DVA number |
155 | Dvacard | DVA card level |
156 | Medicaredate | Medicare expiry date |
157 | Photoflag | The display mode for this patient's photo |