Diagnostic Worksheets

Diagnostic Worksheets

My Work – Diagnostic

OASiS version 12 AU

About My Work – Diagnostic Worksheets
How it Works
Setting up Diagnosis Sheet Names
Setting up Diagnosis Sheet Lines
Creating a Patient Diagnosis Entry
Editing Diagnosis Sheets
Diagnosis Sheets and Charting
Diagnosis Sheet Graphics
Linking Graphics Files
Edit Image using Paint
Diagnosis Sheet WP
Diagnosis Sheet WP files
Inserting a Document File
Saving the Document
Printing the Document
Printing Diagnosis Sheets
Linking to Tables
Table Names.
Table Lines
Linking a Diagnosis Sheet to an Item Code
Additional Notes:


About My Work – Diagnostic Worksheets

Oasis allows users to define and use "Diagnostic Worksheets" for a variety of purposes. Diagnostic Worksheets are user-definable "forms" used to store information about a patient's condition or treatment. Oasis stores the data collected in the diagnostic worksheets in the database table PTDIAGMS.DBF.

How it Works

The Diagnostic Worksheet system works as follows

  • You can define up to 99 Diagnosis Sheets

  • Within each Diagnosis Sheet, you can format a screen window that comprises up to 45 prompts and optional lookup tables.

  • Each Diagnostic Sheet can have a predefined graphics file.

  • Each Diagnostic Sheet can have a predefined word processing document file.

  • Each patient can have up to 99999 Sheet entries with each entry linking to any Sheet. A patient can have multiple entries of the same Sheet.

  • A Diagnosis Sheet created outside of the Clinical Treatment screens is available for editing at any time.

  • A Diagnosis Sheet created via the Oasis Restorative, Periodontal Charting or General Note systems, forms part of the Oasis Auditing process. (You cannot edit or delete after the day of initial entry).

  • Any Diagnosis Sheet can be printed or inserted into a Presentation form or template document.

Setting up Diagnosis Sheet Names

In the standard Oasis system, we created a Diagnosis Sheet #1 – "Comprehensive Dental Exam". We will use this as the basis for understanding how the system works.
Click on Preferences, My Work, Diagnosis Sheet Names and Oasis will give you a list of all Topic names in the system.

Each Diagnosis Sheet Name Entry consists of the following

Sheet Number

A number from 01-99

Sheet Name

Identifying wording appearing on screen

Check Options 1-12

There are 12 optional prompts for completing check boxes when entering details on this topic. In the example of a Comprehensive Dental Exam form, we have not declared any check options here.

Tab Heading 1-3

Identifies the headings that appear within the Diagnosis Sheet data entry form for each of the 3 possible tab folders.

Link Graphic Template Code

Allows you to link a graphics form to this Diagnosis Sheet

Graphic Width and Height

Allows you to specify the width and height of the graphic

Link WP Template Code

Allows you to link a pre-defined Word Processing template document file to this Diagnosis Sheet

Notes Colour – Foreground / Background

Allows you to define a foreground and background colour used with the diagnostic worksheet.

Graphics / WP Tab Headings

Allows you to set tab headings for the Graphics and WP Tabs

Reporting Options

Allows you to set some reporting options for the diagnostic worksheet – Headings, paragraphs, wording, margins etc.
Note: Diagnosis graphic and word processing files cannot use the same template code. Therefore, you cannot have DIAG01, which is a .DOC file and DIAG01, which is a .JPG file. The files can be the same name (with different extensions) but the code used to identify them must be unique.

Setting up Diagnosis Sheet Lines

Once a Diagnostic Sheet name has been defined, you click on Preferences, My Work, Diagnostic Sheet Lines, select that Sheet Name and then create the form as required.

You can now add, edit or delete these lines. Oasis will ask you to key in the following

Sequence Number

This is a number from 001-999 that identifies the position on the screen for this prompt. You should set up each sequence number with a gap of 10, eg "010", "020". This enables you to return at a later date, and shift any entry from one position to another by changing its sequence number.

Database Field 1-45

This is a number that identifies the place in the database where this data will be stored. This must be unique for each field entry and is a number from 01-45.


This is the prompt appearing on screen.


This identifies the type of data entry where

X=Check Prompt


This identifies the maximum length of this data entry field.


This identifies the text case conversion of this data entry field where
U=Upper Case
L=Lower Case
M=Mixed Case

Relates Table Number

This is normally set to "00". However, you can link the data entry to a lookup table by entering the table number from 01-99

Default Text

This enables you to define a default text response on this data entry field when entering a new Sheet for a patient.

Multi Line

Switch to indicate whether the entry of data goes over multiple lines or can be accommodated on a single line.

Technical Paragraph Number

This is normally set to "00". However you can link the data entry to a predefined technical paragraph by entering the paragraph number from 01-99. This paragraph is inserted into the Diagnosis Sheet print process or word processing document where applicable.

Patient Paragraph Number

This is normally set to "00". However you can link the data entry to a predefined layman's terms paragraph by entering the paragraph number from 01-99. This paragraph is then inserted into the Diagnosis Sheet print process or word processing document where applicable

Patient Merge Field Number

At the right of the entry screen is a listing of fields that you can select to be displayed in the diagnostic worksheet field when the sheet is opened. Note that the fields are grouped as Family Head (1 to 100) and Family Member (101 to 199).

Creating a Patient Diagnosis Entry

To add a Diagnostic Sheet to the patient's records you call up the patient onto the screen and then click on the Diagnosis Sheet icon on the treatment icon bar (or use My Work, Diagnosis).

Oasis will display a list of all of this patient's Diagnostic Sheets on the left (if any). At the right of the screen, all of the pre-defined diagnostic sheets will be available for selection. At the lower right, a default diagnostic form (set with Treatment Options #1 Field #8) is displayed. Click OK to create a new diagnosis sheet of that type, or click on an alternative sheet from the above list, then click OK
Oasis will load up a new Diagnostic Sheet screen for you to complete.

Enter in the details as required and then OK it to save the information. Note: You switch between sections by clicking on tab folder 1-3. Fields that have selectable supporting tables are shown as a square button beside a field. Click the button to see a list of allowable values. You can enter text into these fields rather than choosing one of the options if need be.

You can hide the table selection box by clicking the square button a second time.

Editing Diagnosis Sheets

Any existing Diagnosis Sheet created in this screen can be reviewed or edited at any time. Call up the patient onto the screen and then click on the Diagnosis Sheet icon on the treatment icon bar (or use My Work, Diagnosis).

Click on the sheet that you want to edit and choose the "Edit" option.
If you wish to delete the Diagnosis Sheet, click on the sheet and choose "Delete" option. Confirm the process when prompted.
Oasis also allows you to replicate diagnostic sheets. This allows you to have an original sheet and a modified sheet. Click on the sheet you want to replicate and choose the "Replicate" option.

Diagnosis Sheets and Charting

The Diagnosis Sheet system can work independently of the Oasis Charting system. In that unlinked mode, you can add, edit or delete Diagnosis Sheets for any patient at any time and there is no auditing on any of these processes.
However, if you want the Diagnosis Sheet system to come under the normal Oasis Clinical Notes auditing system you can access Diagnosis Sheets from the Restorative Charting, Periodontal Charting or General Notes screens.
Within the charting programs, select Tools, Link Diagnosis Sheet and select one of the pre-defined sheets from the selection window. In the General Notes screen, select New Form, Diagnosis Form and select the appropriate diagnostic worksheet.

Note: Diagnosis Sheets created from the charting programs are linked to the Clinical Notes system. You will see the linked Diagnosis Sheet appear in your Clinical Notes with the blue Diagnosis Sheet symbol attached

You can review these sheets but you cannot delete or edit them after the day of treatment.
Note: Word Processing documents and graphic images (non-blob) attached to a diagnostic worksheet will be editable, as they do not come under the normal Oasis clinical note audit process.

Diagnosis Sheet Graphics

As explained in a previous section, when defining a Diagnosis Sheet name you can set a field "Link Graphics Template Code".
For each of the 99 possible Diagnosis Sheet Names, you can associate a graphic template file. This file can be stored as a JPG, BMP or WMF (our preference is JPG). The file must be stored in the \\server\oasis\template folder, and must be defined in the Preferences, My Money, Document Templates. In this example, we want to have a picture of an apple appear in a diagnostic worksheet. We have located a file "apple.jpg" and have decided to use this in a worksheet.

Once we have saved the file to the oasis\template folder, we then need to define it as a template and then link it to the diagnostic worksheet. From the Preferences, My Money, Document Template screen, select New and enter the following:

Linking Graphics Files

Whenever a new Diagnosis Sheet is added to a patient's records, Oasis will check the graphics template code, and if it exists, will display a fourth Diagnosis Sheet tab entitled "Diagnosis Graphics".
To link a graphics file to a diagnosis sheet, select Preferences, My Work, Diagnosis Sheet Names and then select the sheet to which you want to link the graphic.

If a graphic file has been linked to this worksheet, Oasis will automatically load and display it. Options for inserting and editing graphics files are then offered as follows:

Edit Image using Paint

If you click on the fourth tab folder and select the Graphics option from the menu, a drop down will display with an option to "Edit Image using Paint". Selecting this option will open the Oasis Paint program and allow you to make changes or annotations to the image.

Clicking the File Save option will make changes to the image file for this worksheet.

Diagnosis Sheet WP

As explained in a previous section, when defining a Diagnosis Sheet name you can set a field "Link WP Template Code", and define a pre-defined template document to use with the diagnostic worksheet.

Diagnosis Sheet WP files

For each of the 99 possible Diagnosis Sheet Names, you can create a document file using any MS Word compatible word processor. The file must be stored in the server\oasis\template folder and be defined in the Preferences, My Money, Document Template table.

Inserting a Document File

Whenever a new Diagnosis Sheet is created for a patient, Oasis will check for a template code, and if set, will display a fifth Diagnosis Sheet tab entitled "Diagnosis WP". If a pre-defined template exists for this code, Oasis will automatically load and display it. You can then enter or edit text into this document as required.

Saving the Document

Clicking on the normal Diagnosis Sheet Edit Screen OK button automatically saves the document against the patient's records in the server\oasis\files folder, in the same patient sub folders as other images such as Oasis Treatment Image Libraries. The server\oasis\files folder should be backed up on a regular basis.

Printing the Document

Click on the Print option and choose "Print WP Document"

Printing Diagnosis Sheets

When the Print icon is clicked, Oasis display a sub menu of four options

  • Print Standard Report
  • Print Standard A4 Letter
  • Print Standard A5 Letter
  • Print WP Document

Linking to Tables

As outlined earlier, you can link the Diagnosis Sheet entry to a lookup table. For example, in our standard setup, Diagnosis Sheet #2 "Orthodontic Worksheet", prompt #5 "Class of Malocclusion" links to Table Number 2.
Creating a table involves two steps via the Treatment Setup screen.

  • Table Names
  • Table Lines

Table Names.

Each table name is defined by a number from 01-99 and a screen description.

Table Lines

Entries within each table are built by selecting the table name and adding lines as required. Each entry includes the following


A code used for identifying the table entry.

Screen Description

The wording that appears on screen identifying the entry

Insert Description

Normally left blank. When an operator selects the option from the lookup list, the code is inserted into the text box and Oasis displays the matching description next to the field.
Eg a table line coded "C1" is defined with a description of "Class 1" Malocclusion
If the operator selects "C1", this code is placed into the text box, and Oasis displays "Class 1 Malocclusion" next to the text box. Leaving the Insert Description blank is the recommended option as it enables Oasis to retrieve different descriptions relating to this table entry when merging with WP documents or using the Presentation Manager. However, you can fill out the Insert Description field if you want the system to display more meaningful text. E.g. using the above example, if the table entry was set up for an Insert Description of "This is a Class 1 Malocclusion" that text is inserted into the text box.

Technical Description

This is the wording that will be picked up by the Oasis merge programs and usually contains non laymen's terms for the treatment code. When left blank then the Screen Description is used.

Patient Description

This is the wording that will be picked up by the Oasis Mail Merge program and usually contains laymen's terms for the treatment code. When left blank then the Screen Description is used.

Relates Paragraph Number

Normally left a zero, but does allow you to link a WP paragraph file at the table level rather than Sheet line level. (See below)

Linking a Diagnosis Sheet to an Item Code

You may want to have a diagnostic worksheet presented whenever you chart a specific procedure in the Oasis Restorative Charting system. This may be to aid in collecting consistent information about the procedure.
To link a diagnosis sheet to an item, select Preferences, My Work, Charting Toolbox Item Codes. When the list of Item codes displays, click the item you wish to link and select the Charting option. This will load a screen that sets the behaviour of the item in the charting system.

Enter a diagnosis sheet number into the field indicated above and click OK to save the change.
Now, whenever you chart an item 311, the diagnosis sheet will be presented to the user for completion.

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