1. Populating KPI trackers

MPC KPI Tracking

*Practice Hours – Hours available

Performance > Appointment Analysis By Period report
*Missed revenue will be automatically calculated by other field' being filled in (Patient Revenue and Chairtime utilisation)

Patient Revenue Private

Use "Income Report (Financial Reports)" .
Use the sum of all figures (all except NHS) for private revenue: Totals

Chair-time Utilisation

Use "Appointment Analysis by Period (New) (Performance Reports)"

  • Select: Hours available, Hours worked, Whitespace %, Worked %, New patients, Hours cancelled, Hours failed (FTA)
  • Summary Level: Practice
  • Cancel Reasons: "None"

For Chair-time Utilisation use the "Worked %" figure:

Unbooked time

As above: Use "Appointment Analysis by Period (New) (Performance Reports)"
Calculation: Unbooked %

Short notice cancellations

As above: Use "Appointment Analysis by Period (New) (Performance Reports)"
Use: "Hours cancelled %


As above: Use "Appointment Analysis by Period (New) (Performance Reports)"
Use: "Hours Failed %"

Billable hours

As above: Use "Appointment Analysis by Period (New) (Performance Reports)"
Calculation; "Hours worked + Extra Hours"
Get new pt numbers in this report before next item…

Recall Effectiveness

From the dashboard homepage – Click "Practice Management Tab" on left side of screen. Use the figure against the relevant month under "Recall Effectiveness":

This is Booked plus Completed recalls

Outstanding recalls

From the Practice Management Tab under Recall effectiveness – click on the arrow (top right of that section)
Use: Failed for the relevant month (many need to date range the report)

Average hourly earnings

Use "Gross Revenue & Waiting Time (Performance Reports)":

  • Remove "Stock" from drop-down list

Calculation: "Earnings/Hour available" column, make sure to date range report

Dentist AHE Worked

Use "Gross Revenue & Waiting Time (Performance Reports)":

  • View the income report, under Financial Report, this breaks down the dentist vs Hygienists
  • Change to Monthly Report
  • Include all providers except Hygienist from the dentist drop down list – never include Stock

Use "Earnings/Hour" column

Hygienist AHE Worked (as above but select Hygeinists)

Use "Gross Revenue & Waiting Time (Performance Reports)":

  • View the income report, under Financial Report, this breaks doen the dentist vs Hygeinists
  • Change to Monthly Report
  • Include all providers except Hygienist from the dentist drop down list – never include Stock

Use "Earnings/Hour" column

Practice AHE Worked

Use "Gross Revenue & Waiting Time (Performance Report)

  • Remove Stock

Use "Earnings/Hour" in Summary

New patients

As above: Use "Appointment Analysis by Period (New) (Performance Reports)"
Calculation: "New patients"

Net Patients (0-24m)

Use "Active Patients in Period (Patient & Clinical Reports)
Calculation: "Active Patients" – Select year / Month


Use "Debtors List (Financial Reports)" – up to the end of the relevant calendar month:

  • Select; "Debt", "Active", "All" (total of all totals – bottom of list)

Workflow compliance Planned and Failed Recalls

Use "Workflow Compliance Period (Performance Report)"

  • Select "Monthly Report", "Practice"
  • Show Success/Failure as "Failed"
  • At the bottom use show/hide report data


  • Select "Monthly Report", "Practice"
  • Show Success/Failure as "Success"
  • At the bottom use show/hide report data

Use just the percentage on the success of key items. This is a breakdown of patients who left with everything completed.