1.1 KPI tracker into Master tracker

I generally find updating the KPI tracker for a practice and then entering is straight into the master excel document for report to be done in one go the easiest.

All Customer trackers are stored in OneDrive: Default Directory\Customer Success - Documents\Customer Success\CSC Customers
The reports for management are stored in OneDrive: Default Directory\Customer Success - Documents\Customer Success\CSC Reporting

Each CSC will have their own KPI tracking excel document. This will need to be populated with the data that you are collecting from your clients to put into a master document. This allows us to track the success of the program overall, whilst unfortunately being manual.
The KPI tracker for individual practices goes down the page for each month, whilst the master KPI tracker goes to the right.

When you're adding extra lines for a new month for the practice you can usually copy the first few columns and just update the month column.