8. Trial shows

8. Trial shows

Trial shows
The purpose of the trial show is to check with the practice stake holders that they are completely satisfied with the quality of the data conversion. The nature of moving from one existing database to one of ours is there is a lot of different ways to use each practice management system as well as fields that may exist in their current system and not in ours.
Ideally the trial shows are completed way before the time of install / training / setup. This is in case there are any objections during the conversion process we have time to walk the customer through how to manage the missing data or find whether we can find a solution in the conversion.
The trial show normally involves their data being picked up from their current system, which then gets handed to the conversions team, all information should be recorded within the installs Leankit and have a link to the Jira case involved:

Once the copy of their trial database has been put through the conversion team, the implementations team will then arrange a meeting with the client to take and walk them through the converted data. This call is normally around 1.5 hours and will be covering both clinical and administrative data, I would highly recommend a principle dentist and practice manager attend, it is worth their time. Also if they have a computer with two monitors that is ideal as it is easier to put the systems side by side.
The normal format will involve going through a handful of patients and comparing their patient records side by side, covering their appointment book and just generally ensuring the data that is required is there.
Whilst Customer Success is not always involved in the trial show meeting, if you have time it is worth being there at the beginning and then checking in with them stake holder or champion after. This is to check how they're feeling about the conversion etc.
The implementations team will ask them to sign off that they're happy with the conversion after the trial show if it is successful.

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